Apps that help legal practitioners

October 1st, 2018

By Kgomotso Ramotsho

The Internet is one of the instruments that has taken over the world as technology continues to evolve. Like many other professions, the legal profession and legal practitioners, must change with the times. New innovations, new features and new functions in a small gadget, such as a smartphone, can make it more than just a device to speak on. It can change the smartphone into a powerful and useful device.

With only a click on a smartphone, one can do many things on it, such as sharing or accessing information quickly. One of the exciting features found on smartphones are apps (applications). With the right app one can get information quickly and easily, as well as and many other things one may require.

Mobile apps provide faster access to information – instead of having to use mobile web browsing. Legal practitioners can download apps that will enable them to access information faster and more easily. There are apps that can make the work of a legal practitioner much easier. Below is a list of apps to assist legal practitioners.

  • De Rebus is updated monthly with all the latest articles and content from all legal sectors. The archive goes back to 2012 and the app is free to download.
  • Saflii is an app with all the latest judgments from the African Continent. The app is free to download.
  • Legal Talk SA is an app by a group who focuses on South African law. The platform is an archive of most of the articles and files written and posted for easy access per category.
  • SA Labour Guide is a guide to all the labour law in South Africa. This app is only available on Android.
  • Case Law Journal offers latest judgments consisting of all reportable judgments of the Supreme Court and the High Courts of the state along with headnotes.This app is only available on Android.
  • Sabinet provides current NetLaw users with access to South African Acts.
  • Lexis Mobile is a practical and convenient way to gain access to loose-leaf content on the go. The app allows for users to carry and reference loose-leaf content both on and offline.

Kgomotso Ramotsho Cert Journ (Boston) Cert Photography (Vega) is the news reporter at De Rebus.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2018 (Oct) DR 21.

De Rebus