LSSA legal team: Advocate Zaytoen Cornelissen and Sonja Labuschagne.
By Nomfundo Jele
The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) was the fourth amicus in the matter of the Cape Bar Council v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others (WCC) (unreported case no 9435/19, 10-6-2020) (Mabindla-Boqwana and Papier JJ), where the Cape Bar Council challenged the election process for members of the Western Cape Provincial Legal Practice Council, as prescribed in the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 Rules and Regulations. The LSSA supported the position of the Legal Practice Council (LPC) and the Minister of Justice. Judgment was delivered on 10 June. The opposition was successful and the application by the Cape Bar Council was dismissed.
We would like to thank our legal team, advocate Zaytoen Cornelissen and Sonja Labuschagne who is an attorney and director at Barnard Labuschagne Inc t/a Ettienne Barnard Attorneys.
Click here to view judgment.
Nomfundo Jele, Acting Communications Manager, Law Society of South Africa,