LSSA news update – May 2019

May 10th, 2019

By Nomfundo Manyathi-Jele

Examination language

The Legal Practice Council (LPC) has issued a notice on the language to be used in the professional examinations. In the past, the examinations were presented in English and Afrikaans. However, many complaints were received about the dual language system, which excluded the other official languages.
The LPC accordingly resolved that the dual language system be discontinued in 2019. The conveyancing and notarial examinations that took place in April, were presented in Afrikaans and English, however, all future examinations will be presented and conducted in English only, and examination candidates will also be required to answer in English only.

Read the LPC notice here.

Final LPC Code of Conduct published

The Legal Practice Council has published the final Code of Conduct, which applies to all legal practitioners (attorneys and advocates), as well as all candidate legal practitioners and juristic entities as defined. The Code was effective from 29 March.

Download the Code here.

Nomfundo Manyathi-Jele,Communications Officer, Law Society of South Africa,

De Rebus