Must-have apps for iPads and other devices

March 1st, 2013

By Roy Bregman
I have found the following applications (apps) indispensable in my practice. They can be downloaded via the iTunes store or the internet and can be used on desktops, laptops, tablets, netbooks or mobile devices. The words in quotations below are the descriptions from the relevant apps’ websites or the iTunes store.

Name Description URL
Air Display ‘Air Display turns your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch into a wireless display, to extend or mirror your computer screen.’
Box ‘Box Business and Box Enterprise make it simple to share files internally as well as with external partners, clients and vendors. Just drag and drop them from your desktop to Box – even large media files.’
Chronograph Stopwatch to record billable time.
Copy2Contact Instantly pulls information from e-mails and webpages and automatically populates the data into Microsoft Outlook, BlackBerry, iPhone, etcetera (without typing a thing).


Dropbox A cloud-based storage system that allows users to create a special folder on their computers that synchronises in a manner that it appears to be the same folder (with the same contents), regardless of the computer or device on which it is viewed.


Evernote ‘Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web.’
iAnnotate ‘iAnnotate turns your tablet into a world-class productivity tool for reading, marking up and sharing PDF documents, Word, PowerPoint files and images.’
iTeleport Allows users to access their office PC from a mobile phone or iPad.
Pages Word processor for mobile phones or iPads (send via e-mail or print to AirPrint printer).
Penultimate Allows users to take notes on their iPads and send them to Evernote, Dropbox or their PC via e-mail.
Quickoffice Pro HD Allows for the creation and editing of Microsoft Office documents, etcetera on an iPad.
RoboForm One-click password manager: ‘All your logins in one place’.
SpeedFiler ‘SpeedFiler is a Microsoft Outlook add-in that helps you keep your inbox free of clutter and boosts your e-mail productivity.’
Splashtop 2 – Remote Desktop Allows for viewing and editing of files remotely via a mobile device.

Roy Bregman BA LLB (Wits) is an attorney at Bregmans Attorneys in Johannesburg.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2013 (March) DR 19.

De Rebus