Legislation published from 29 February – 31 March 2016
Marine Living Resources Amendment Act 5 of 2014. Commencement: 8 March 2016. Proc12 GG39790/8-3-2016.
Auditing Profession Act 26 of 2005
Fees payable to IRBA. BN25 GG39802/11-3-2016.
Amendments of the code of professional conduct for registered auditors relating to the provision of non-assurance services and public interest entities. BN32 GG39860/24-3-2016.
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
Classification of industries. GN224 GG39784/4-3-2016.
Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers. GenN139 to GenN144 GG39848 to GG39853/23-3-2016, GenN146 to GenN147 GG39858 to GG39859/24-3-2016, GenN185 GG39890/31-3-2016 and GenN161 GG39882/31-3-2016.
Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937
Amendment of regulations (schedule of fees). GN200 GG39757/29-2-2016.
Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
Numbering Plan Regulations. GN370 GG39861/24-3-2016.
Increase of administrative fees in relation to the type of approval. GN358 GG39856/24-3-2016.
Increase of the radio frequency spectrum licence fees. GenN145 GG39855/24-3-2016.
Increase of administrative fees in relation to service licences. GenN151 GG39864/29-3-2016.
Standard Terms and Conditions Amendment Regulations for Individual Licences. GenN158 GG39875/30-3-2016.
Amendment Processes and Procedures for Class Licences Regulations. GenN157 GG39874/30-3-2016.
Standard Terms and Conditions Amendment Regulations for Class Licences. GenN155 GG39872/30-3-2016
Amendment Processes and Procedures for Individual Licences Regulations. GenN154 GG39871/30-3-2016
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947
Amendment of regulations relating to the registration of fertilizers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies, stock remedies, sterilising plants and pest control operators, appeals and imports. GN372 GG39862/29-3-2016.
Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001
Directive: Accountable and reporting institutions to update registration
related information. GN220 GG39779/4-3-2016.
Higher Education Act 101 of 1997
Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2016. GN R383 GG39880/31-3-2016.
Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
Regulations in terms of s 12T(8) on the requirements for tax free investments. GN R209 GG39765/1-3-2016.
Determination of the date on which the new employees’ tax deduction tables in terms of para 9(1) of sch 4 to the Act will come into force. GN338 GG39839/22-3-2016.
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000
ICASA Local Television Content Regulations. GN346 GG39844/23-3-2016.
ICASA South African Music Content Regulations. GN344 GG39844/23-3-2016.
Judges’ Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act 47 of 2001
Determination of the remuneration of Constitutional Court judges and judges. GN325 GG39829/17-3-2016.
Landscape Architectural Profession Act 45 of 2000
Fees and charges payable to the South African Council for the Landscape Architectural Profession. BN30 GG39823/18-3-2016.
Magistrates Act 90 of 1993
Determination of the remuneration of magistrates. GN327 GG39829/17-3-2016.
Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998
Regulations relating to small-scale fishing. GN229 GG39790/8-3-2016.
National Education Policy Act 27 of 1996
Policy on the South African standard for principalship. GN323 GG39827/18-3-2016.
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004
Regulations prescribing the atmospheric emission licences processing fee. GN250 GG39805/11-3-2016.
Regulations for the procedure and criteria to be followed in the determination of an administrative fine. GN332 GG39833/18-3-2016.
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 of 2003
Norms and standards for the management of protected areas in South Africa. GN382 GG39878/31-3-2016.
Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993
Amendment of the schedule in the Lift, Escalator and Passenger Conveyor Regulations, 2010. GN R256 GG39817/16-3-2016.
Prescribed Rate of Interest Act 55 of 1975
Interest rate increase from 1 March 2016 to 10,25% per annum. GN226 GG39785/4-3-2016.
Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999
Rate of interest on government from 1 March 2016: 10,25% per annum. GenN104 GG39802/11-3-2016.
Remuneration of Public Office Bearers Act 20 of 1998
Determination of salaries and allowances of traditional leaders, members of national and provincial houses of traditional leaders. GN326 GG39829/17-3-2016.
Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011
Regulations for purposes of para (a) of the definition of ‘international tax standard’ specifying the changes to the OECD standard for automatic exchange of financial account information in tax matters. GN R210 GG39767/2-3-2016.
Draft legislation
Regulations relating to the fortification of certain foodstuffs in terms of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 54 of 1972 for comment. GN217 GG39776/3-3-2016.
Draft regulations regarding fees for the provision of aviation meteorological services. GN216 GG39772/3-3-2016.
Proposed fees and charges in terms of the Architectural Profession Act 44 of 2000 for comment. BN20 GG39786/7-3-2016.
Draft Deeds Registries Amendment Bill. GenN101 GG39793/9-3-2016.
Proposed directive on implementing interoperable and cooperative arrangements between market infrastructures in terms of the Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012. BN27 GG39809/11-3-2016.
Amendments to the regulations relating to assistance to victims in respect of higher education in terms of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995 for comment. GenN114 GG39806/11-3-2016.
Proposed Amendments to the code of professional conduct for registered auditors in terms of the Auditing Profession Act 26 of 2005. BN26 GG39802/11-3-2016.
Draft Amended Financial Services Sector Code in terms of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Act 53 of 2003. GN257 GG39818/17-3-2016.
Draft regulations to amend the remuneration and allowances of appraisers prescribed in terms of the s 103 of the Administration of Estates Act 66 of 1965. GenN118 GG39823/18-3-2016.
Draft Training of Security Service Provider Regulations, 2016 in terms of the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001. GN R324 GG39828/18-3-2016.
Draft Marine Spatial Planning Bill. GN347 GG39847/24-3-2016.
Draft National Standard on Land Cover Classes and definitions made in terms of s 11 of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Act 54 of 2003. GenN148 GG39860/24-3-2016.
Draft regulations on the Constitution of the Consumer Advisery Panel in terms of the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005. GenN160 GG39879/31-3-2016.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2016 (May) DR 45.
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