New legislation

August 29th, 2016
Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.

Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.

Legislation published from 1 – 29 July 2016

Bills introduced

Liquor Products Amendment Bill B10 of 2016.

National Forests Amendment Bill B11 of 2016.

Selected list of delegated legislation

Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997

Amendment of Sectoral Determination 11: Taxi sector. GN857 GG40157/25-7-2016.

Collective Investment Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002

Exemption of a manager of a collective investment scheme in securities from certain provisions. BN136 GG40166/29-7-2016.

Commission for Gender Equality Act 39 of 1996

Complaints handling procedures. GG40111/1-7-2016.

Engineering Profession Act 46 of 2000

Rules: Continuing professional development and renewal of registration. BN97 GG40125/8-7-2016.

Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947

Prohibition on the import, export, possession, acquisition, sale, use and disposal of agricultural remedies containing certain substances. GN862 GG40166/29-7-2016.

Health Profession Act 56 of 1974

Registration of specialists in family medicine. GN777 GG40110/1-7-2016.

Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995

Amendment of regulations. GN R816 GG40128/8-7-2016.

Repeal of the Essential Services Committee Regulations. GN R817 GG40128/8-7-2016.

Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000

Upper limits of total remuneration packages payable to municipal managers and managers directly accountable to municipal managers. GenN380 GG40117/1-7-2016 and GenN381 GG40118/4-7-2016.

Measurement Units and Measurement Standards Act 18 of 2006

National Measurement Standards. GN814 GG40125/8-7-2016.

National Measurement Units. GN813 GG40125/8-7-2016.

Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996

Guideline for a mandatory code of practice for risk based emergency care on a mine. GN R840 GG40142/15-7-2016.

Guidance note for the implementation of standard threshold shift in the medical surveillance of noise induced hearing loss. GN R839 GG40142/15-7-2016.

National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998

Identification of the Minister of Environmental Affairs as competent authority for the consideration and processing of environmental authorisations and amendments thereto for activities related to the integrated resource plan 2010-2030. GN779 GG40110/1-7-2016.

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004

Alien and invasive species list, 2016. GN864 GG40166/29-7-2016.

National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of 2008

Appeal Regulations. GN R815 GG40128/8-7-2016.

National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009

Establishment of the National Public Transport Regulator. GenN378 GG40110/1-7-2016.

Private Security Industry Regulations Act 56 of 2001

Amendment of the Improper Conduct Regulations. GN R790 GG40116/1-7-2016.

Amendment of the Code of Conduct for Security Service Providers, 2003. GN R791 GG40116/1-7-2016.

Public Service Act 103 of 1994

Public Service Regulations, 2016. GN R877 and GN R878 GG40167/29-7-2016.

Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011

Organs of State or institutions to which a senior Sars official may lawfully disclose specified information. GN R819 GG40128/8-7-2016.

Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act 19 of 1982

Amendment of the regulations (fees). BN408 GG40140/15-7-2016.

Draft legislation

Draft Policy on sustainable hydropower generation in terms of the National Water Act 36 of 1998. GenN400 GG40125/8-7-2016 and GenN436 GG40140/15-7-2016.

Best practices in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 applicable to the motor industry for comment. GenN402 GG40134/11-7-2016.

Proposed Emergency Medical Services Regulations in terms of the National Health Act 61 of 2003. GN830 GG40140/15-7-2016.

Draft Public Administration Management Regulations on Conducting Business with the State and the Disclosure of Financial Interests in the Public Services, 2016 in terms of the Public Administration Management Act 11 of 2014 for comments. GN R838 GG40141/15-7-2016.

Revised rules of conduct for registered persons in terms of the Project and Construction Management Professions Act 48 of 2000 for comments. BN104 GG40149/20-7-2016 and BN135 GG40163/27-7-2016.

Draft Amendment Regulations on the establishment of the Consumer Advisery Panel in terms of the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005. GenN439 GG40151/21-7-2016.

Amendment of the regulations relating to the qualifications for registration of dental assistants in terms of the Health Professions Act 56 of 1974 for comments. GN850 GG40154/22-7-2016.

Amendment of general regulations made in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965 for comments. GN858 GG40158/25-7-2016.

Proposed industry code and ombudsman scheme for the advertising and marketing industry in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 for comments. GenN449 GG40159/26-7-2016.


This article was first published in De Rebus in 2016 (Sept) DR 44.


De Rebus