Legislation published from 30 June – 28 July 2017
Promulgation of Acts
Appropriation Act 6 of 2017. Commencement: 10 July 2017. GN661 GG40971/10-7-2017 (also available in Sepedi).
Selected list of delegated legislation
Copyright Act 98 of 1978
Application of the Act to other countries. GN740 GG40996/21-7-2017.
Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977
Determination of persons or category or class of persons who are competent to be appointed as intermediaries. GN R663 GG40976/14-7-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).
Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
Register of designated employers that have submitted employment equity reports in terms of s 21. GN715 GG40996/21-7-2017.
Extradition Act 67 of 1962
Extradition treaty between South Africa and Argentina. GenN519 GG40978/14-7-2017.
Financial Services Board Act 97 of 1990
Levies on financial institutions. GenN501 GG40965/7-7-2017 (Tshivenda and isiZulu versions).
Gas Regulator Levies Act 75 of 2002
Levy and interest payable on piped-gas industry. GN621 GG40950/30-6-2017.
Health Professions Act 56 of 1974
Regulations relating to the scope of practice of profession of oral hygiene. GN713 GG40996/21-7-2017.
Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
Agreement between South Africa and Turkey for avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. GN755 GG41009/28-7-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).
Agreement between South Africa and Samoa for exchange of information relating to tax matters. GN756 GG41009/28-7-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).
International Co-operation in Criminal Matters Act 75 of 1996
Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters treaty between South Africa and Argentina. GenN518 GG40978/14-7-2017.
Judges’ Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act 47 of 2001
Determination of salaries and allowances of constitutional court judges and judges. GN662 GG40972/11-7-2017.
Legal Aid South Africa Act 39 of 2014
Regulations in terms of the Act. GN R745 GG41005/26-7-2017.
Magistrates’ Courts Act 32 of 1994
Appointment of a place of sitting of court: Mogale City. GN628 GG40956/2-7-2017.
Meat Safety Act 40 of 2000
Establishment of a meat inspection scheme. GN634 GG40965/7-7-2017.
Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965
Amendment of schedules. GN748 GG41009/28-7-2017.
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
Regulations relating to the procedure to be followed and criteria to be considered when determining an appropriate fine in terms of s 24G. GN R698 GG40994/20-7-2017.
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004
Declaration of greenhouse gases as priority air pollutants and persons required to submit pollution prevention plans for approval. GN710 GG40996/21-7-2017.
National Pollution Prevention Plans Regulations. GN712 GG40996/21-7-2017.
National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of 2008
Dumping at Sea Regulations. GN711 GG40996/21-7-2017.
National Health Act 61 of 2003
National Health Insurance Policy. GN627 GG40955/30-6-2017.
National Health Insurance: Institutions, bodies and commissions that must be established. GN660 GG40969/7-7-2017.
Petroleum Pipelines Levies Act 28 of 2004
Levy and interest payable on petroleum pipelines industry. GN622 GG40950/30-6-2017.
Project and Construction Management Professions Act 48 of 2000
Revised Code of Conduct. BN139 GG41009/28-7-2017.
Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995
Amendment of regulations relating to assistance to victims in respect of higher education and training. GN R691 GG40988/18-7-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).
Property Valuers Profession Act 47 of 2000
Fees and charges. BN553 GG41009/28-7-2017.
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
Adjustment of statutory limit in respect of claims for loss of income and loss of support to R 262 366,00 with effect from 31 July 2017. BN140 GG41013/28-7-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).
Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013
Practice directive for North West Division of the High Court, Mahikeng. GenN552 GG41009/28-7-2017.
Draft Bills
Draft Customary Initiation Bill. GenN528 GG40978/14-7-2017.
Draft Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Bill. GenN517 GG40970/10-7-2017.
Draft Communal Land Tenure Bill. GenN510 GG40965/7-7-2017.
Draft Sectional Titles Amendment Bill. GN623 GG40951/30-6-2017.
Draft delegated legislation
Draft third national communication report for South Africa to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes. GenN497 GG40949/30-6-2017.
Proposed regulations to phase-out the use of persistent organic pollutants in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998. GN R626 GG40954/30-6-2017.
Proposed list of particular trees and particular groups of trees as ‘champion trees’ in terms of the National Forests Act 84 of 1998. GenN482 GG40945/30-6-2017.
Draft regulations regarding infrastructure or activity affecting safe railway operations in terms of the National Railway Safety Regulator Act 16 of 2002. GN618 GG40945/30-6-2017.
Draft security matters regulations, 2017 in terms of the National Railway Safety Regulator Act 16 of 2002. GN617 GG40945/30-6-2017.
Regulations relating to the surveillance and the control of notifiable medical conditions in terms of the National Health Act 61 of 2003 for comment. GN604 GG40945/30-6-2017.
Draft Mine Water Management Policy Position in terms of the National Water Act 36 of 1998 for comment. GN658 GG40966/7-7-2017, GN657 GG40965/7-7-2017 and GN690 GG40987/14-7-2017.
Proposed regulations regarding the classification, packing and marking of processed meat products intended for sale in South Africa in terms of the Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990 for comment. GN633 GG40965/7-7-2017.
Draft guidelines on the exchange of information between competitors in terms of the Competition Act 89 of 1998. GN684 GG40980/14-7-2017.
Regulations in terms of s 25(7) of the Special Economic Zones Act 16 of 2014 for comment. GN R664 GG40976/14-7-2017.
Amendments to the regulations to the Unemployment Insurance Act 63 of 2001 for comment. GN670 GG40978/14-7-2017.
Restriction of granting of new applications for prospecting and mining rights in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Act 28 of 2002 for comment. GN692 GG40989/19-7-2017.
Verification statement 005 of 2017 in terms of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 for comment. GenN545 GG40997/21-7-2017.
Amendments to the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 in terms of the Civil Aviation Act 13 of 2009 for comment. GN R697 GG40993/21-7-2017.
Regulations relating specifically to the chiropractic and osteopathy profession in terms of the Allied Health Professions Act 63 of 1982 for comment. GN714 GG40996/21-7-2017.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2017 (Sept) DR 46.
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