Legislation published from 1 – 30 October 2019
Promulgation of Acts
Electronic Deeds Registration Systems Act 19 of 2019. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN1293 GG42744/3-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Films and Publications Amendment Act 11 of 2019. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN1292 GG42743/3-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Overvaal Resorts Limited Act Repeal Act 23 of 2019. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN1296 GG42745/3-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Property Practitioners Act 22 of 2019. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN1295 GG42746/3-10-2019 (also available in Tshivenda).
Public Service Commission Amendment Act 10 of 2019. Commencement: 3 October 2019. GN1291 GG42742/3-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Commencement of Acts
Labour Laws Amendment Act 10 of 2018, ss 8(a), (cA), 11, 15 and 16. Commencement: 1 November 2019. Proc R56 GG42805/29-10-2019.
Selected list of delegated legislation
Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990
Prohibition on the removal of imported regulated agricultural products intended for sale in South Africa from specified ports of entry. GN1269 GG42739/4-10-2019 and GN1326 GG42775/18-10-2019.
Regulations relating to the classification, packing and marking of processed meat products intended for sale in South Africa. GN R1283 GG42740/4-10-2019.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003
Market access permits for import of certain agricultural products in terms of the World Trade Organisation agreement. GN1301 GG42754/9-10-2019.
Procedures for the application, administration and allocation of export quotas under the economic partnership agreement between the European Union and Southern African Development Community (SADC) for 2020. GN1314 GG42758/10-10-2019.
Council for the Built Environment Act 43 of 2000
Scope of work for categories of registration for the profession regulated by South African Council for the Architectural Profession. GN1274 GG42739/4-10-2019.
Child Justice Act 75 of 2008
Accreditation of diversion programmes and diversion service providers. GenN541 GG42756/11-10-2019.
Companies Act 71 of 2008
New electronic filing channel by way of the World Wide Web for company and close corporation forms. GN1339 GG42775/18-10-2019.
Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 2006
Integrated Resource Plan (IRP2019). GN1359 GG42778/18-10-2019.
Financial and Fiscal Commission Act 99 of 1997
Determination of remuneration of members of the Financial and Fiscal Commission. Proc R52 GG42734/1-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa
Guidelines and conditions pertaining to the imposition of an agricultural safeguard measure in terms of article 35 of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and its member states and the SADC-EPA States. GenN560 GG42775/18-10-2019.
Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act 16 of 1963
Additional designation of Commissioners of Oaths: Master Tax Practitioner (SA), General Tax Practitioner (SA); and Tax Technician (SA). GN1321 GG42769/16-10-2019.
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
Establishing of an advisory committee to review policies, legislation and practices on matters related to the management, breeding, hunting, trade and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros. GN1317 GG42761/10-10-2019.
National Forests Act 84 of 1998
Declaration of particular groups of trees as ‘Champion Trees’. GenN553 GG42775/18-10-2019.
National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
Approved dangerous goods training bodies in terms of the National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000. GN1387 GG42799/25-10-2019.
Nursing Act 33 of 2005
Regulations relating to the approval and the minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner or student leading to the registration of a nurse specialist or midwife specialist. GN1322 GG42770/16-10-2019.
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act 78 of 1973
Amendment of amounts to increase benefits. GN1385 GG42793/24-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995
Amendment of the regulations relating to the assistance to victims in respect of basic education. GN R1286 GG42740/4-10-2019.
Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000
Rules Board for Courts of Law: Rules of procedure for an application to court in terms of the Act. GN R1284 GG42740/4-10-2019 (also available in isiXhosa).
Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999
Statement of national revenue, expenditure and borrowings as at 30 September 2019. GenN584 GG42806/30-10-2019.
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
Adjustment of the statutory limit in respect of claims for loss of income and loss of support with effect from 31 October 2019 to R 288 935. BN179 GG42788/25-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Rules Board for Courts of Law Act 107 of 1985
Amendment of rules: Conduct of proceedings of provincial and local divisions of the High Court and the magistrate’s courts of South Africa with effect from 22 November 2019. GN R1343 GG42773/18-10-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996
Rules for the conduct of proceedings in the Special Tribunals. GenN569 GG42783/18-10-2019.
Water Research Act 34 of 1971
Water Research Levy: Rates and charges: Increase of 10% with effect from 1 July 2019. GN1297 GG42747/4-10-2019.
Draft delegated legislation
Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2019 (Dec) DR 32.
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