Legislation published from 7 – 31 May 2024
By Shanay Sewbalas and Keagan Smith
Divorce Amendment Act 1 of 2024
The date of commencement: 14 May 2024. GN 4821 GG50651/14-5-2024.
Electoral Matters Amendment Act 14 of 2024
The date of commencement: 8 May 2024. Proc R165 GG50628/8-5-2024.
General explanatory note: 7 May 2024. GN4790 GG50624/7-5-2024
Land Tenure Rights Amendment Act 6 of 2021
The commencement of the upgrade of the Act. GN4884 GG50703/24-5-2024.
National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Act 9 of 2024
Date of commencement: 27 May 2024. GN4888 GG50712/27-5-2024.
National Health Insurance Act 20 of 2023
The date of commencement: 16 May 2024. GN4826 GG50664/16-5-2024.
National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act 10 of 2024
Date of commencement: 27 May 2024. GN4889 GG50713/27-5-2024.
Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Act 16 of 2023
The date of commencement: 14 May 2024. GN4822 GG50652/14-5-2024.
Second Adjustments Appropriation (2023/24 Financial Year) Act 18 of 2024
The date of commencement: 7 May 2024. GN4791 GG50625/7-5-2024.
South African Reserve Bank Act 90 of 1989
The substitution of sch 2 to the Act. GenN2523 GG50710/24-5-2024.
Local Government: General Laws Amendment Bill, 2024
National Assembly. GenN2494 GG50650/14-5-2024
Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998
The Local Government: Municipal Structures Amendment Bill, 2024. GenN2506 GG50682/21-5-2024.
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004
The publication of the Draft National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Bill for comment. GN4887 GG50706/24-5-2024.
Banks Act 94 of 1990
The registration as a controlling Company – Main Street 1843 Limited, to be renamed on Bank Holding Company Limited and Registration as a Bank – Main Street 1844 Limited, to be renamed OM Bank Limited. GenN2537 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Competition Act 89 of 1998
The notice of designation in terms of s 10(3)(b)(iv) of the Act. GenN2505 GG50680/21-5-2024.
In terms of s 10(3)(b)(ii) of the Act: Extension of the conditional exemption granted to the National Hospital Network. GN4879 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Co-operative Banks Act 40 of 2007
The exemption of co-operative banks in terms of s 89 of the Act. GN4899 GG50740/3-5-2024.
Cultural Institutions Act 119 of 1998
In terms of s 3(3) of the Act: Notice to amalgamate certain public entities with established flagship institutions. GenN2518 GG50708/24-5-2024.
Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937
The amendment of definition of Area of Deeds Registry Umtata, situated in Mthatha. GN4848 GG50679/21-5-2024.
Department of Higher Education and Training Report
Report of the Ministerial Task Team Appointed to Advise the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on Matters of Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence and Harm in South African Universities. GN4834 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002
The classification of a local disaster in terms of s 23 of the Act: Impact of severe weather in the KwaZulu-Natal. GN4890 GG50714/27-5-2024.
The classification of a provincial disaster in terms of s 23 of the Act: Impact of severe weather in the Free State. GN4891 GG50715/27-5-2024.
Electoral Act 73 of 1998
The Electoral Commission: Election timetable for the election of the National Assembly and the elections of Provincial Legislatures. GenN2495 GG50659/16-5-2024.
Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
The notice of the public hearing to be held in respect of the licensing process with regard to the invitation to pre-register for Community Television Broadcasting Service and Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences. GenN2496 GG50660/16-5-2024.
The revised timelines for written representations in response to the notice of Inquiry on the Review of the Digital Migration Regulations, 2012. GenN2525 GG50718/27-5-2024.
Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002
Appointment of the Independent Selection Panel. GenN2507 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
The list of designated who reported for the 2023 reporting cycle. GN4855 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012
The approved amendments to the integrated exchange listing requirements: Inclusion of real estate investment trusts. BN612 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973
The declaration of lead in paint as a Group II Hazardous Substance. GN4831 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Housing Act 107 of 1997
The Exemption of First Home Finance Programme from the provisions of s 10B of the Act. GenN2526 GG50719/27-5-2024.
Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
The bargaining councils and statutory council accredited to conduct conciliation and arbitration, subject to conditions where applicable (renewal of accreditation). GenN2535 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act 27 of 2000
The Electoral Commission: Municipal By-elections – 11 June 2024: Official list of voting stations. GenN2503 GG50670/17-5-2024.
The Municipal By-Elections – 19 June 2024: Official list of voting stations. GenN2517 GG50707/24-5-2024.
Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act 6 of 2004
The appointment of members of Valuation Appeal Board for City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality and Merafong City Local Municipality. GenN2502 GG50669/17-5-2024.
National Payment System Act 78 of 1998
The Directive in respect of cybersecurity and cyber-resilience within the national payment system. GN4835 GG50665/17-5-2024.
National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
The relocation of Mobeni Post Office Registering Authority to Yellowood Park Post Office 251 Pelican Place, Yellowood Park, Durban, 4011. GN4799 GG50645/10-5-2024.
National Water Act 36 of 1998
Amend and extend the area of operation of Vaalharts Water User Association to include the Vaalharts Weir in terms of s 92(1)(b) of the Act. GN4882 GG50687/24-5-2024.
The Mzimvubu-Tsitsikamma Water Management Area (WMA 7) in the Eastern Cape Province: Limiting the use of water in terms of s 6 of sch 3 of the Act; for urban, agricultural, and industrial (including mining) purposes. GN4800 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act 78 of 1973
The declaration of controlled mines and risk work: Tawana; Kalahari and Booysendal. GN4893 GG50722/28-5-2024.
Postal Services Act 124 of 1998
The notice of extension of exclusivity period of the South African Post Office Soc Ltd. GN4892 GG50717/27-5-2024.
Section 6 of the Wine Origin Scheme
The defining of production area: Moordkuil. BN614 GG50741/31-5-2024.
The defining of production area: Walker Bay (Amendment). BN615 GG50741/31-5-2024.
The defining of production area: Wellington (Amendment). BN616 GG50741/31-5-2024.
The defining of production area: Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge (Amendment). BN617 GG50741/31-5-2024.
South African Reserve Bank Act 90 of 1989
The dimension of, design for, and compilation of the Big 5 Series III to be issued from the year 2024 to 2026 in South Africa. GenN2520 GG50710/24-5-2024.
The dimension of, design for, and compilation of the fine-gold 1/10 oz and fine-silver 1 oz crown versions of the fourth decimal coin series of South Africa to be issued from 2024 to 2029. GenN2521 GG50710/24-5-2024.
The dimension of, design for, and compilation of the 2 oz Piedfort Krugerrand to be issued in 2024. GenN2522 GG50710/24-5-024.
Special Economic Zones Act 16 of 2014
The designation of the Namakwa Special Economic Zone. GN4850 GG50681/21-5-2024.
The amendment of Definition of Area of Deeds Registry King William’s Town, situated at Qonce. GN4849 GG50679/21-5-2024.
Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019
The formula for determination of number of members of a Khoi-San Council. GN4880 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act 19 of 1982
The notice in terms of s 33(3)(bA) of the Act. GenN2464 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Accounting Standards Board
Accounting Standards Board: Invitation to comment on Exposure Draft 208 and Exposure Draft 209 issued by the Board. BN592 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990
The draft regulations relating to the management control system in respect of the sale and export of a certain agricultural product for comment. GN R4851 GG50686/24-5-2024.
The development of the new regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of sorghum products intended for sale in South Africa for comment. GN R4896 GG50728/31-5-2024.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003
Amendment Act 46 of 2013: The invitation to submit applications for a Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) quota import permit in terms of the rebate item 460.03/0207.14.9/01, for rebate of the full anti-dumping duty on bone-in-cuts of the species Gallus Domesticus, frozen, classifiable in tariff subheading 0207.14.9 imported from or originating in the United States of America. GN4827 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
The regulations for comment. GN R4813 GG50646/10-5-2024.
The various regulations for comment. GN R4836 GG50668/17-5-2024.
Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008
The National Consumer Commission: South African National Council for the Blind. GN4797 GG50645/10-5-2024.
The National Consumer Commission: Kitchen Specialist Association. GN4798 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012
The proposed amendments to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Equities Rules: Trading Member Access. BN618 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973
The regulations relating to registration or de-registration of informally trained dental laboratory assistants. GN4833 GG50665/17-5-2024.
International Air Services Act 60 of 1993
The invitation to submit public comments on application for foreign operators permit: Various appli cations. GN4919 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
The application for variation of registered scope of a bargaining council: National Textile Bargaining Council. GN R4812 GG50646/10-5-2024.
The cancellation of registration of a bargaining council. GN4853 GG50686/24-5-2024.
Liquor Products Act 60 of 1989
Regulations: Proposed amendments. GN R4802 GG50646/10-5-2024.
Marketing of Agricultural Products Act 47 of 1996
The application for the continuation of statutory measures (levies, records and returns and registration) on citrus fruit packed and passed for export. GenN2532 GG50741/31-5-2024.
The South African olive industry: Application for the continuation of statutory measures (on table olives and olive oil): National Agricultural Marketing Council requesting comments/inputs from industry role players. GenN2488 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965
The annual single exit price adjustment of medicines and scheduled substances for the year 2025. GN4902 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Merchandise Marks Act 17 of 1941
Prohibition on the use of certain words and emblems associated with Astral Operations Limited for comment. GenN2510 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Permission to use the National Flag by Business Unity South Africa for comment. GenN2511 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Prohibition on the use of the Public Service Commission Logo for comment. GenN2512 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Prohibition on the Use of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority Logo for comment. GenN2513 GG50687/24-5-2024.
The prohibition on the use of certain images of coins of the South African Reserve Bank. GenN2514 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Prohibition on the use of the Logo Associated with the Robben Island Museum for comment. GenN2515 GG50687/24-5-2024.
Permission to use the National Flag by Stellenbosch University for comment. GenN2516 GG50687/24-5-2024.
The applications for the transfer of ownership of an individual electronic communications service and individual electronic communications network service licences from the Immedia Ecosystem (Pty) Ltd t/a East Coast Access to Hollywood Connect (Pty) Ltd. GenN2504 GG50674/20-5-2024.
National Education Policy Act 27 of 1996 and the Children’s Act 38 of 2005
The call for written submissions on amendment of the Children’s Act on early childhood development (ECD) in order to streamline regulations for the ECD sector. GenN2493 GG50648/14-5-2024.
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004
The consultation on proposed regulations for implementing and enforcing priority area air quality management plans. GN R4817 GG50646/10-5-2024.
The consultation on proposed regulations for implementing and enforcing priority area air quality management plans. GN R4843 GG50668/17-5-2024.
National Qualification Framework Act 67 of 2008
Proposed Occupational Qualifications/Part Qualifications for registration on the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework for Trades and Occupations for comment. GN4820 GG50649/14-5-2024.
The recognition of prior learning implementation framework in the Post-School Education and Training System. GN4883 GG50700/23-5-2024.
Umalusi as the Quality Council for General and Further Education and Training: Draft articulation policy within the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework and across the Sub-frameworks of the National Qualifications Framework for comment. GenN2485 GG50645/10-5-2024.
National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act 5 of 2008
As amended through the Legal Metrology Act 9 of 2014: Proposed amendment to the compulsory specification for energy efficiency and labeling of electrical or electronic appliances (VC 9008). GenN2463 GG50643/10-5-2024.
National Water Act 36 of 1998
The proposed reserve determination of water resources for the F60 and G30 catchments in the Berg-Olifants Water Management Area. GN4801 GG50645/10-5-2024.
South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995
The proposed revised National Standards of Policing for Municipal Police Services on Crowd Management during gatherings and demonstrations and arrest and the treatment of an arrested person until such person is handed over to a Community Service Centre Commander. GN4794 GG50644/10-5-2024.
Transport Appeal Tribunal Act 39 of 1998
The publication of the Transport Appeal Tribunal Amendment Regulations. GenN2501 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Allied Health Professions Act 63 of 1982
The regulations relating to the profession of homeopathy. GN4825 GG50663/16-5-2024.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003
Amendment Act 46 of 2013: The fees for the DALRRD quota allocation of import and export permits. GN4828 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
The amendment Gazette for Doctors, Orthotics and Prosthetics and Social Worker. GenN2487 GG50645/10-5-2024.
The amendment Gazette for Orthotics and Prosthetics, Doctors and Social Worker 2024-2025. GenN2499 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996
The rules for the first sitting of the National Assembly, National Council of Provinces and Provincial Legislatures. GenN2527 GG50729/30-5-2024.
Council for Medical Schemes Levies Act 58 of 2000
The imposition of levies on medical schemes issued in terms of s 2 of the Act. GenN2454 GG50629/8-5-2024.
Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964
The imposition of Provisional Payment (PP/169). GN R4818 GG50646/10-5-2024.
Electoral Act 73 of 1998
The amendment to the Election Regulations, 2004. GN R4792 GG50637/9-5-2024.
Electricity Act 41 of 1987
The license fees payable by licensed generators of electricity. GenN2536 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
Hereby publishes the Radio Frequency Assignment Plan for the IMT2300 Frequency Band. GN4824 GG50657/15-5-2024.
The Next-Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum for Economic Development. Proc 166 GG50725/28-5-2024.
The publication of the Final National Data and Cloud Policy. GenN2533 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Hazardous Substances Act 15 of 1973
The Regulations relating to lead in paint or coating materials. GN4832 GG50665/17-5-2024.
Immigration Act 13 of 2002
The second Amendment of the Immigration Regulations, 2014. GN R4847 GG50675/20-5-2024.
Income Tax Act 58 of 1962
Regulations. GN4793 GG50642/10-5-2024.
The amendments to the regulations in terms of para (d) of the definition of ‘Scientific or Technological Research and Development’ in s 11D(1) of the Act on additional criteria for multisource pharmaceutical products. GN4844 GG50671/17-5-2024.
The amendments to the regulations in terms of para (e) of the definition of ‘Scientific or Technological Research and Development’ in s 11D(1) of the Act on criteria for clinical trials in respect of deduction for scientific or technological research and development. GN4846 GG50673/17-5-2024.
Independent Commission for the Remuneration of Public Office-Bearers Act 92 of 1997
The explanatory memorandum for annual remuneration recommendations for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025. GenN2497 GG50661/16-5-2024.
Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act 13 of 2005
The Regulations framing Institutionalisation of District Development Model in terms of s 47(1)(b) of Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act. GenN2486 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014
The notice in terms of s 95(1) and (4) of the Act. GenN2489 and GenN2491 GG50645/10-5-2024.
The notice in terms of s 36(3) and 36(4) of the Act. GenN2490 GG50645/10-5-2024.
Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000
The upper limits of total remuneration packages payable to municipal managers and managers directly accountable to municipal managers. GN4897 GG50737/30-5-2024.
Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002
The publication of the amendments to the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Regulations 75 and 76 for implementation. GN R4789 GG50623/7-5-2024.
Nursing Act 33 of 2005
The notice regarding fees payable to the council in terms of the regulations regarding fees and fines payable to the South African Nursing Council. BN613 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act 78 of 1973
The adjustment of levies paid by controlled mines and works. GN4823 GG50656/15-5-2024.
The amendment of amounts to increase benefits. GN4894 GG50723/28-5-2024.
Political Party Funding Act 6 of 2018
The Regulations on Political Party Funding, 2018: Represented Political Party Fund. GenN2492 GG50647/13-5-2024.
South African Schools Act 84 of 1996
The Regulations relating to Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for Public School Infrastructure. GN4895 GG50724/28-5-2024.
Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011
The returns to be submitted by a person in terms of s 25 of the Act. GN4918 GG50741/31-5-2024.
Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act 112 of 1991
The Regulations relating to the Conversion of Land Tenure Rights. GN4886 GG50705/24-5-2024.
Value-Added Tax Act 89 of 1991
Regulations. GN4793 GG50642/10-5-2024.
The amendments to the regulations on domestic reverse charge relating to valuable metal, issued in terms of s 74(2) of the Act. GN4845 GG50672/17-5-2024.
Water Services Act 108 of 1997
The revised norms and standards in respect of tariffs for water services in terms of s 10(1) of the Act. GenN2524 GG50716/27-5-2024.
Shanay Sewbalas and Keagan Smith are Editors: National Legislation at LexisNexis South Africa.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2024 (July) DR 37.
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