Legislation published from 29 March – 30 April 2019
Commencement of Acts
Financial Intelligence Centre Amendment Act 1 of 2017, ss 2(a) and (c), 3(c), 17, 20, 21(b), 24, 39 and 42. Commencement: 1 April 2019. GN519 GG42360/29-3-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Public Administration Management Act 11 of 2014, ss 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 and 19. Commencement: 1 April 2019. Proc15 GG42337/29-3-2019.
Selected list of delegated legislation
Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990
Imposition of levies on perishable products. GenN205 GG42380/5-4-2019.
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003
Codes of good practice on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment: Defence sector code. GN567 GG42391/12-4-2019.
Civil Aviation Act 13 of 2009
Twentieth amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2019. GN R520 GG42362/29-3-2019.
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical services providers. GenN188, GenN189, GenN190, GenN191, GenN192 and GenN193 GG42354/29-3-2019.
Amendment of rules, forms and particulars: Return of earnings. GN514 GG42351/29-3-2019.
Standard rates. GN532 GG42372/2-4-2019.
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996
Rules for the election of the president, speaker and deputy speaker of the National Assembly, chairperson and deputy chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, premiers of provinces and the speaker and deputy speaker of provincial legislatures. GenN207 GG42386/5-4-2019.
Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977
Declaration of Peace Officers in terms of s 334 of the Act: Immigration Officers appointed in terms of s 33(2)(b) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002. GN R499 GG42338/29-3-2019.
Dental Technicians Act 19 of 1979
Amendment of the regulations relating to the registration of dental laboratories and related matters. GN R524 GG42367/1-4-2019.
Annual fees payable. GN R523 GG42367/1-4-2019.
Electricity Act 41 of 1987
License fees payable by licensed generators of electricity. GN602 GG42417/26-4-2019.
Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
Ordering System Specification for geographic, non-geographic and number portability in terms of reg 7 of the Number Portability Regulations. GN518 GG42358/29-3-2019.
Increase of administrative fees in relation to service licenses. GenN201 GG42370/1-4-2019.
Increase of the radio frequency spectrum license fees in terms of the Radio Frequency License Fee Amendment Regulations, 2015. GenN200 GG42370/1-4-2019.
Increase of administrative fees in relation to the type of approval. GenN202 GG42377/3-4-2019.
Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947
Amendment of regulations relating to the tariffs for registration of fertilizers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies, stock remedies, sterilising plants and pest control operators, appeals and imports. GN471 GG42337/29-3-2019.
Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996
Classification guidelines for classification of films, interactive computer games and certain publications. GN539 GG42380/5-4-2019.
Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001
Directive: Usage of an automated transaction monitoring system for the detection and submission of regulatory reports to the Financial Intelligence Centre in terms of s 29. GN517 GG42357/29-3-2019.
Adoption of resolutions by the security council of the United Nations. GN528 GG42369/1-4-2019.
Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017
Amendment of the Financial Sector Regulations. GenN196 GG42359/29-3-2019 (also available in Sesotho).
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000
Amendment of the national and provincial party elections broadcasts and political advertisements regulations, 2014. GN534 GG42374/2-4-2019.
International Trade Administration Act 71 of 2002
Guidelines and conditions to a bilateral safeguard application in terms of art 34 of the Economic Partnership Agreement between European Union and Southern African Development Community states. GenN177 GG42337/29-3-2019.
Land Survey Act 8 of 1997
Fees to be charged by the offices of the Chief Surveyor-General and the Surveyor-General for products and services provided. GN610 GG42417/26-4-2019.
Legal Aid South Africa Act 39 of 2014
Amendment of regulations. GN R498 GG42338/29-3-2019 (also available in Sesotho).
Amendments to the Legal Aid Manual. GN R522 GG42366/1-4-2019.
National Credit Act 34 of 2005
Amendment of the regulations for matters relating to the functions of the National Consumer Tribunal and rules for conduct of matters before the Tribunal. GN496 GG42337/29-3-2019.
National Education Policy Act 27 of 1996
Amendments to the national policy pertaining to the conduct, administration and management of the National Senior Certificate examination. GN633 and GN634 GG42430/30-4-2019.
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
Regulations laying down the procedure to be followed for the adoption of spatial tools or environmental management instruments contemplated in s 24(2)(c) and (e). GN542 GG42380/5-4-2019.
National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999
Identified types of objects that are protected and may not be exported without a permit. GN587 GG42407/18-4-2019.
National Prosecuting Authority Act 32 of 1998
Establishment of an investigating directorate in the office of National Director of Public Prosecutions. Proc 20 GG42383/4-4-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Natural Scientific Professions Act 27 of 2003
South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions: Code of Conduct. BN212 GG42391/12-4-2019.
Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act 87 of 1993
Declaration of certain nuclear-related dual-use equipment, materials, software and related technology as controlled goods, and control measures applicable to such goods. GN493 GG42337/29-3-2019 (also available in Setswana).
Declaration of certain chemical goods as controlled goods, and control measures applicable to such goods. GN495 GG42337/29-3-2019 (also available in Sesotho).
Declaration of certain missile technology and related items as controlled goods, and control measures applicable to such goods. GN491 GG42337/29-3-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Nursing Act 33 of 2005
National policy on nursing education and training. GN544 GG42380/5-4-2019.
Regulations relating to the approval of minimum requirements for the education and training of a learner or student leading to registration in the category midwife. GN R558 GG42381/5-4-2019.
Pharmacy Act 53 of 1974
Rule relating to services for which pharmacists may levy a fee and guidelines for levying such a fee. BN35 GG42337/29-3-2019.
Fees payable to the Council. BN41 GG42391/12-4-2019.
Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001 and Security Officers Act 92 of 1987
Amendment of regulations made under the Security Officers Act. GenN186 GG42350/29-3-2019.
Annual fee increase. GenN216 GG42391/12-4-2019.
Public Audit Act 25 of 2004
Regulations on audits by auditors in private practice. GN527 GG42368/1-4-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Investigations and Special Audits Regulations. GN525 GG42368/1-4-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Material Irregularity Regulations. GN526 GG42368/1-4-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996
Adjustment of statutory limit for claims for loss of income and loss of support to R 281 271 with effect from 30 April 2019. BN71 GG42417/26-4-2019 (also available in Afrikaans).
Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970
Revised tariffs for services rendered. GN470 GG42337/29-3-2019.
Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013
Determination of areas under jurisdiction of Mpumalanga division of High Court of South Africa. GN615 GG42420/26-4-2019.
Draft Bills
Draft Tourism Amendment Bill. GenN235 GG42404/15-4-2019.
Draft Central Application Service Bill, 2019. GN595 GG42410/18-4-2019.
Draft delegated legislation
Exposure Draft of the proposed Directive on the Application of Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice by Public Entities that Apply International Financial Reporting Standards for comment. BN37 GG42391/12-4-2019.
Draft national norms and standards for funding of community education and training colleges. GN582 GG42396/12-4-2019.
Draft Consumer Advisory Amendment Regulations, 2019 in terms of the Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005. GN604 GG42417/26-4-2019.
Draft chartered accountancy (CA) sector code in terms of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 for comment. GenN244 GG42417/26-4-2019.
Proposed amendments to the Animal Diseases Regulations in terms of the Animal Diseases Act 35 of 1984 with regard to African horse sickness for comment. GN600 GG42417/26-4-2019.
Proposed amendment of regulations relating to assistance of victims in respect of basic education in terms of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995. GenN247 GG42424/29-4-2019.
Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2019 (June) DR 26.
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