Labour Laws Amendment Act 10 of 2018, ss 7, 8(b)(dA), and 12 – 16. Commencement: 1 April 2020. Proc R17 GG43202/3-4-2020.
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
Increase of the maximum amount of earnings on which the assessment of an employer shall be calculated: R 484 200. GenN236 GG43203/3-4-2020 and GenN243 GG43220/9-4-2020.
Prescribed return of earnings form (2A). GN476 GG43249/24-4-2020.
Competition Act 89 of 1998
Regulations on the Competition Tribunal Rules for COVID-19 excessive pricing complaint referrals. GN R448 GG43205/3-4-2020.
Expansion of the scope of the COVID-19 block exemption for health care sector, 2020. GN R456 GG43215/8-4-2020.
Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964
Amendment of rules: COVID-19 lockdown. GN R458 GG43222/9-4-2020.
Dental Technicians Act 19 of 1979
Amendment of regulations relating to the registration of dental laboratories and related matters. BN51 GG43192/3-4-2020.
Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002
Directions regarding call centres providing essential services during the COVID-19 lockdown. GN R459 GG43224/9-4-2020.
Directions on the risk-adjusted strategy for the communications and digital technologies sector. GN484 GG43263/3-5-2020.
Amendment of the Electronic Communications, postal and broadcasting directions. GN451 GG43209/6-4-2020.
Directions regarding the implementation of the provisions for essential goods and services to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. GN R462 GG43227/11-4-2020.
Guidance on the implementation of the provisions for essential goods and services for higher education institutions to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. GN R468 GG43237/17-4-2020 and GN R478 GG43255/29-4-2020.
Amendment of the health directions: Address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. GN457 GG43217/8-4-2020.
Amendment of regulations issued in terms of s 27(2). GN R463 GG43228/14-4-2020. (Afrikaans and Setswana regulations) (repealed by GN R480 GG43258/29-4-2020).
Amendment of regulations issued in terms of s 27(2). GN R465 GG43232/16-4-2020 (repealed by GN R480 GG43258/29-4-2020).
Amendment of regulations issued in terms of s 27(2) (exclusion of cooked hot food). GN R471 GG43240/20-4-2020 (repealed by GN R480 GG43258/29-4-2020).
Regulations issued in terms of s 27(2): Alert level 4 during the COVID-19 lockdown. GN R480 GG43258/29-4-2020.
Regulations issued in terms of s 27(2)(f): Once-off movement of persons. GN482 GG43261/30-4-2020.
Amendment of the COVID-19 temporary employee/employer relief scheme (C19 TERS). GenN240 GG43216/8-4-2020.
COVID-19 occupational health and safety measures in workplaces (C19 OHS), 2020. GN479 GG43257/29-4-2020.
Directions for the mineral resources and energy industry to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. GenN250 GG43256/29-4-2020.
Small Business Development directions on the implementation of provisions relating to essential services during the COVID-19 lockdown. GN R450 GG43208/6-4-2020.
Amendment of the social development directions to address, prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. GN R455 GG43213/7-4-2020.
Directions issued to public entities and sport bodies, arts and cultural bodies: Extensions of the term of office of councils and boards of public entities and suspension of sport, arts and cultural events to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19. GN461 GG43226/9-4-2020.
Directions to provide guidance on the implementation of provisions relating to essential services in the tourism industry. GenN235 GG43200/2-4-2020.
Amendment of the directions to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in public transport services. GN454 GG43212/7-4-2020.
Directions to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19 in public transport services: Once-off long distance inter-provincial transport. GN483 GG43262/1-5-2020.
Water and sanitation emergency procurement COVID-19 disaster directions. GN464 GG43231/15-4-2020.
Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
Numbering Plan Amendment Regulations. GenN245 GG43230/15-4-2020.
Harmonisation of the short code ‘111’ for the COVID-19 National Emergency Services. GenN244 GG43229/15-4-2020.
Higher Education Act 101 of 1997
Extension dates for Post-School Education and Training Institutions (public and private higher education institutions as well as public colleges) due to the COVID-19 lockdown. GN R467 GG43236/17-4-2020.
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000
Information and Communications Technology COVID-19 National Disaster Regulations. GenN238 GG43207/6-4-2020.
Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
Bargaining Councils that have been accredited by Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration. GenN225 GG43192/3-4-2020.
Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965
Exclusion of sch 2, sch 3 and sch 4 substances from the requirement that substances must be dispensed for no longer than six months. GN R481 GG43260/30-4-2020.
Nursing Act 33 of 2005
Fees payable to the South African Nursing Council. BN52 GG43223/9-4-2020.
Public Funding of Represented Political Parties Act 103 of 1997
Allocation of funds for political parties. GenN239 GG43214/8-4-2020.
Remuneration of Public Office-Bearers Act 20 of 1998
Determination of the upper limits of salaries, allowances and benefits of different members of municipal councils. GN475 GG43246/24-4-2020.
South African Reserve Bank Act 90 of 1989
Second amendment of the Directive (1 of 2017) within the National Payment System in respect of the collection of payment instructions for authenticated collections. GN R472 GG43242/21-4-2020.
Superior Courts Act 10 of 2013
Directives issued by the Office of the Chief Justice for the management of courts during the lockdown period. GenN246 GG43241/21-4-2020.
Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2020 (June) DR 30.
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