New legislation – March 2017

March 1st, 2017

Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.

Legislation published from  21 December 2016 – 30 January 2017

Bills introduced

Traditional Courts Bill B1 of 2017.

Commencement of Acts

Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 65 of 2008, s 1 in respect of various subdistricts. Commencement: 31 January 2017. Proc R4 to Proc R7 GG40578/27-1-2017.

Promulgation of Acts

Higher Education Amendment Act 9 of 2016. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN21 GG40548/17-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).

Division of Revenue Amendment Act 11 of 2016. Commencement: 19 January 2017. GN36 GG40558/19-1-2017 (also available in Sepedi).

Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act 10 of 2016. Commencement: 19 January 2017. GN35 GG40557/19-1-2017 (also available in Tshivenda).

Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Act 13 of 2016. Commencement: Various dates set out in the Act. GN38 GG40560/19-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).

Taxation Laws Amendment Act 15 of 2016. Commencement: Various dates set out in the Act. GN40 GG40562/19-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).

Tax Administration Laws Amendment Act 16 of 2016. Commencement: Various dates set out in s 83. GN41 GG40563/19-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans). (See also p 4.)

Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Administration Laws Act 14 of 2016. Commencement: Set out in the Act. GN39 GG40561/19-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).

Children’s Amendment Act 17 of 2016. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN42 GG40564/19-1-2017 (also available in isiZulu).

Children’s Second Amendment Act 18 of 2016. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN43 GG40565/19-1-2017 (also available in isiZulu).

Performing Animals Protection Amendment Act 4 of 2016. Commencement: To be proclaimed. GN33 GG40555/19-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).

Finance Act 7 of 2016. Commencement: 19 January 2017. GN34 GG40556/19-1-2017 (also available in Setswana).

Adjustments Appropriation Act 12 of 2016. Commencement: 19 January 2017. GN37 GG40559/19-1-2017 (also available in Sesotho).

Selected list of delegated legislation

Airports Company Act 44 of 1993

Airport charges as from 1 April 2017. GenN961 GG40529/29-12-2016.

Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Act 45 of 1993

Air traffic service charges as from 1 April 2017. GenN959 GG40526/30-12-2016.

Competition Act 89 of 1998

Designation of the petroleum industry for purposes of s 10(3)(b)(iv). GN1599 GG40517/21-12-2016.

Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977

Designation of various correctional facilities in terms of s 159B(2). GN R61 to GN R63 GG40578/27-1-2017.

Defence Act 42 of 2002

Regulations for the Reserve Force Council, 2016. GN1581 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Health Professions Act 56 of 1974

Regulations relating to the qualifications for registration of basic ambulance assistants, ambulance emergency assistants, operational emergency orderlies and paramedics. GN49 GG40577/27-1-2017 (also available in isiZulu).

Income Tax Act 58 of 1962

Agreement between South African and Zimbabwe for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. GN58 GG40577/27-1-2017 (also available in Afrikaans).

Agreement between South Africa and Singapore for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. GN57 GG40577/27-1-2017.

Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003

Amendment of regulations regarding supply chain management. GN R31 GG40553/20-1-2017.

Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965

Amendment of the Regulations relating to a transparent pricing system for medicines and scheduled substances: Dispensing fee to be charged in terms of s 22C(1)(a). GN1589 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Amendment of Regulations relating to a transparent pricing system for medicines and scheduled substances: Dispensing fee for pharmacists. GN48 GG40577/27-1-2017.

Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002

General amendment regulations GN1587 GG40515/23-12-2016 (isiZulu) and GN1590 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Merchant Shipping Act 57 of 1951

Merchant Shipping (Radio Installations) Amendment Regulations, 2016. GN R44 GG40568/23-1-2017(also available in Afrikaans).

National Forests Act 84 of 1998

List of protected tree species. GN1602 GG40521/23-12-2016.

Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956

Amendment of the Pension Fund Regulations, 2016. GN1584 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Pharmacy Act 53 of 1974

Qualification for pharmacy support personnel. BN196 and BN198 GG40522/23-12-2016.

Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000

Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017. GN R32 GG40553/20-1-2017.

Public Audit Act 25 of 2004

Directive issued by the Auditor General regarding audit functions performed in terms of the Act. GN1580 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Public Service Commission Act 46 of 1997

Rules on conducting investigations. GenN22 GG40552/20-1-2017.

Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996

Adjustment of the statutory limit in respect of claims for loss of income and loss of support (R 254 450,00, with effect from 31 January 2017). BN2 GG40577/27-1-2017.

Short-term Insurance Act 53 of 1998

Amendment of Regulations. GN1582 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011

Regulations for purposes of para (b) of the definition of ‘international tax standard’. GN R1598 GG40516/23-12-2016 (also available in Afrikaans). (See also p 4.)

Draft delegated legislation

Proposed amendment of regulations in terms of the Short-term Insurance Act 53 of 1998. GN1583 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Proposed amendment of regulations in terms of the Long-term Insurance Act 52 of 1998. GN1585 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Annual adjustment of the single exit price of medicines and scheduled substances for 2017 in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965 for comment. GN1588 GG40515/23-12-2016.

Regulations in terms of the Protection of Investment Act 22 of 2015 for comment. GenN958 GG40526/30-12-2016.

Norms and Standards Regulations applicable to different categories of health establishments in terms of the National Health Act 61 of 2003 for comment. GN10 GG40539/4-1-2017.

Proposed regulations regarding fees for the provision of aviation and meteorological services in terms of the South African Weather Service Act 8 of 2001. GN45 GG40572/25-1-2017.

Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011 in terms of the Civil Aviation Act 13 of 2009. GN R68 GG40581/27-1-2017.

Draft Ergonomics Regulations in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993. GN R64 GG40578/27-1-2017.

Draft General Medicine Regulations in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965. GN50 GG40577/27-1-2017.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2017 (March) DR 34.

De Rebus