New legislation – May 2024

May 1st, 2024

Legislation published from 18 March – 5 April 2024

By Shanay Sewbalas and Keagan Smith



Agricultural Product Standards Amendment Act 12 of 2023

The date of commencement: 3 April 2024. GN4594 GG50427/3-4-2024. 

Correctional Services Amendment Act 14 of 2023

The date of commencement: 3 April 2024. GN4596 GG50429/3-4-2024. 

Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964

The amendment to part 1 of sch 1. GN R4599, GN R4600 and GN R4601 GG50431/5-4-2024.

The amendment to part 3A, 3C, 3D, 3F and 5A of sch 1. GN R4551, GN R4552, GN R4553, GN R4554, GN R4555 and GN R4556 GG50381/28-3-2024.

Financial Sector Laws Amendment Act 23 of 2021

The commencement of certain provisions. GN4468 GG50372/25-3-2024. 

Judicial Matters Amendment Act 15 of 2023

The date of commencement: 3 April 2024. GN4597 GG50430/3-4-2024. 

Land Court Act 6 of 2023

The commencement of the Act. Proc R162 GG50448/5-4-2024. 

National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Act 13 of 2023

The date of commencement: 3 April 2024. GN4595 GG50428/3-4-2024.

Repeal of the Transkeian Penal Code Act 4 of 2023

The commencement of the repeal of the Act. Proc R161 GG50422/2-4-2024. 


Bills and White Papers

Immigration Act 13 of 2002

The publication of an explanatory summary of the Immigration Amendment Bill, 2023. GN4519 GG50310/19-3-2024.


Government, General and Board Notices

Copyright Act 98 of 1978

The notice in terms of reg 3(7) of the Act. GN4533 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Defence Act 42 of 2002

The notice in terms of s 19(2) of the Act. GenN2371 GG50307/19-3-2024. 

Deposit Insurance Regulations, 2024

The requirements for monthly data submissions to the Corporation for Deposit Insurance. GenN2378 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Electoral Act 73 of 1998

The inspection of lists of candidates and draft list of independent candidates and accompanying documents for the 2024 Election of the National Assembly and the Election of the Provincial Legislatures. GenN2387 GG50375/26-3-2024.

Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996

The erratum to GN4383 GG50138/16-2-2024. GN4525 GG50311/22-3-2024.

The notice in terms of s 18H and s 27A of the Act, as amended. GN4526 GG50311/22-3-2024. 

Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017

The determination in terms of ss 291 and 292 of the Act. GN4470 GG50374/26-3-2024.

Higher Education Act 101 of 1997

The notice to cancel the registration of City Varsity (Pty) Ltd, Damelin (Pty) Ltd, ICESA City Campus (Pty) Ltd and Lyceum College (Pty) Ltd as Registered Private Higher Education Institutions, 2016 read with ss 62(1) and 63(a) and (b) of the Act. GN4528 GG50311/22-3-2024. 

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000

The findings on the review of conveyance of Mail Regulations, 2009. GN4548 GG50327/22-3-2024.

The findings and Position Paper into the Implementation of Dynamic Spectrum Access and Opportunistic Spectrum Management. GN4471 GG50376/26-3-2024.

The appointment of the councillor and chairperson of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa. BN588 GG50426/3-4-2024. 

Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995

The cancellation of Government Notice: Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry KwaZulu-Natal: The Provident Fund and Mortality Benefit Association Collective Agreement. GN R4537 GG50317/22-3-2024.

The Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry of the Western Cape: Extension to non-parties of the Collective Bargaining Fee Collective Agreement. GN R4538 GG50317/22-3-2024.

Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act 27 of 2000

The Electoral Commission: Municipal By-Elections – 24 April 2024: Official list of voting stations. GenN2401 GG50445/5-4-2024.

National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998

The adoption of the Battery Storage Exclusion Norm and exclusion of Identified Activities Associated with the Development and Expansion of Battery Storage Facilities from the Requirement to obtain an Environmental Authorisation. GN4557 GG50387/27-3-2024.

The adoption of the Solar Exclusion Norm and Exclusion of the Development and Expansion of Solar Photovoltaic Facilities from the Requirement to obtain an Environmental Authorisation. GN4558 GG50388/27-3-2024. 

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004

The public notice for the National Vulture Multi-Species Biodiversity Management Plan. GN4517 GG50306/18-3-2024. 

National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008

The Industry Waste Tyre Management Plan. GN4542 GG50322/20-3-2024. 

The National Household Hazardous Waste Management Strategy. GN4583 GG50411/28-3-2024.

National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999

The declaration of seven Kramats in the ‘Circle of Tombs’ situated at various locations around the Western Cape as National Heritage Sites. GN4568 GG50396/28-3-2024. 

National Railway Safety Regulator Act 16 of 2002

The publication of the common safety method on risk assessment as an addendum to the existing safety management system determination, for implementation and compliance by railway operators. GN4563 GG50391/28-3-2024.

The publication of the regulator interface agreements standard for implementation and compliance by railway operators. GN4564 GG50391/28-3-2024.

Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999

The listing and delisting of public entities. GN4472 GG50377/26-3-2024.

Railway Safety Regulator Act 16 of 2002

The publication of the regulator interface agreements standard for implementation and compliance by railway operators. GN4609 GG50442/5-4-2024.

The publication of the common safety method on risk assessment as an addendum to the existing safety management system determination, for implementation and compliance by railway operators. GN4610 GG50442/5-4-2024.

Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978

The notice in terms of reg 11 on the election one person in to serve as a member on the fifth South African Council for Social Service Professions in terms of s 5(1)(b) of the Act. BN588 GG50442/5-4-2024.

South African Geographical Names Council Act 118 of 1998

The publication of official geographical names. GN4547 GG50326/22-3-2024. 

South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act 7 of 1998

The withdrawal of various toll declarations of national roads. GN4587 GG50418/28-3-2024.

Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996

The referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunal: KwaZulu-Natal Film Commission. GN R4539 GG50317/22-3-2024.

The referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunal: KwaZulu-Natal Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. Proc R160 GG50381/28-3-2024.

The referral of matters to existing Special Investigating Unit and Special Tribunal: Tokologo and Sol Plaatjie Local Municipalities. Proc R162 GG50431/5-4-2024.

Sugar Act 9 of 1978

The amendments to the Constitution of the South African Sugar Association and the Sugar Industry Agreement, 2000. GN4585 GG50415/28-3-2024. 

Use of Official Languages Act 12 of 2012

The notice in terms of s 12(1) of the Act, and regulations published on 28 February 2014 in the Government Gazette under notice 10140: Notice of exemption of the Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority. GenN2379 GG50311/22-3-2024.


Legislation for comment

Competition Act 89 of 1998

The publication of the polymers market inquiry draft terms of reference in terms of s 43(B) of the Act. GN4473 GG50378/26-3-2024.

The notice in terms of s 10(7) of the Act: South Africa Petroleum Industry Association granted conditional exemption. GN4561 GG50391/28-3-2024.

Amendments to the Guidelines for Competition in the South African Automotive Aftermarket for comment. GN4562 GG50391/28-3-2024.

Continuing Education Training Act 16 of 2006

Draft National Norms and Standards for Infrastructure Funding of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges for comment. GenN2373 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005

The applications for the Transfer of Ownership of the Individual Electronic Communications Service and Individual Electronic Communications Network Service Licences from Wavesouth Telecoms CC to Fixed Mobile Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd. GenN2391 GG50390/27-3-2024.

The draft Radio Frequency Migration Plan. GN4559 GG50389/27-3-2024.

The application for the amendment of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence for the provision of a Mobile Television Broadcasting by eTV (Pty) Ltd. GenN2370 GG50302/18-3-2024.

The application for the amendment of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licence for the provision of a Mobile Television Broadcasting by eTV (Pty) Ltd. GenN2383 GG50328/22-3-2024.

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000

The notice of intention to conduct an inquiry on the review of the Digital Migrations Regulations, 2012. GenN2385 GG50329/22-3-2024.

The draft Amendment to the Call Termination Regulations, 2014. GN R4546 GG50325/22-3-2024.

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000

Hereby issues a notice regarding the Draft International Mobile Telecommunications Roadmap. GN4584 GG50413/28-3-2024.

International Air Services Act 60 of 1993

Invitation for comment on applications for Foreign Operators Permit: Air Tanzania and FlyNamibia Aviation (Pty) Ltd. GN4535 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Liquor Products Act 60 of 1989

The prohibition of the use of geographical indications of the European Union and the United Kingdom in connection with the sale of liquor products: Amendment. GN R4536 GG50317/22-3-2024.

Marketing of Agricultural Products Act 47 of 1996

The Cape flora/fynbos industry application for the continuation of statutory measures on fynbos cut-flower products exported (export cold chain products only): National Agricultural Marketing Council requesting comments/inputs from directly affected groups. GenN2382 GG50311/22-3-2024.

National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998

The consultation on the proposed documents which represent the methodology for determining the financial provision required to be set aside for reconnaissance, prospecting, exploration and mining of low-risk commodities as identified in the proposed amendment to the Financial Provisioning Regulations, 2015 published in GN2272 GG47112/11-7-2022. GN4567 GG50393/27-3-2024.

The consultation on the intention to adopt a standard for the development and expansion of electricity transmission. GN4586 GG50417/28-3-2024.

National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act 24 of 2008

The draft South African Water Quality Guidelines for Coastal Marine Waters – Volume 1: Natural Environment and Mariculture Use.  GN4527 GG50311/22-3-2024.

National Land Transport Act 5 of 2009

The extension of the deadline for submission of comments on the Draft Public Transport Subsidy Policy. GN4711 GG50446/5-4-2024.

National Railway Safety Regulator Act 16 of 2002

The notification of publication of the Draft Safety Management Determination for comment by all interested and affected railway stakeholders. GN4565 GG50391/28-3-2024.

The notification of publication of the Draft Safety Management: Determination for comment by all interested and affected Railway Stakeholders. GN4608 GG50442/5-4-2024.

National Small Enterprise Act 102 of 1996

Draft: Advisory Body Constitution. GN4560 GG50391/28-3-2024.

Draft: Advisory Body Constitution. GN4607 GG50442/5-4-2024. 

Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993

The draft Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents. GN R4598 GG50431/5-4-2024.

Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001

Draft amendments to regulations made in terms of the Act for comment. GenN2375 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Draft improper conduct enquiries amendment regulations in the private security industry made under the Act for comment. GenN2376 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Draft regulations relating to security service providers rendering security services in the maritime sector for comment. GenN2377 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Roadmap for the Freight Logistics System in South Africa

The publication of Transnet Draft Network Statement. GenN2384 GG50312/19-3-2024.

South African Weather Service Act 8 of 2001

The consultation on the proposed regulations regarding fees for the provision of aviation meteorological services. GN4469 GG50373/26-3-2024.


Rules, regulations, fees and amounts

Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993

The maximum amount of earnings and minimum assessment on which the assessment of an employer shall be calculated. GenN2390 GG50386/27-3-2024.

The annual increase in medical tariffs for medical services providers: Ambulance, social worker and psychology, private hospital, wound care and blood services, dental services, occupational therapy, prosthetic and orthotics, physiotherapy, speech, audiology and acoustician, renal care, radiography and dietician, doctors, chiropractor and optometry. GN4569 GG50397/28-3-2024 – GN4582 GG50410/28-3-2024.

Competition Act 89 of 1998

The guidelines on the filing of merger notifications for hostile transactions under Competition Act. GN4543 GG50323/20-3-2024.

In terms of s 79(1) of the Act (as amended): Revised public interest guidelines relating to merger control. GN4544 GG50323/20-3-2024.

Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005

The notice for the increase of administrative fees. GenN2386 GG50368/25-3-2024.

Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012

The approved amendments to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange equities rules: Dealings in Krugerrands. BN586 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017

The Deposit Insurance Regulations. GN4532 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Gas Regulator Levies Act 75 of 2002

The notice in terms of s 2(7) of the Act: Levy and interest payable on piped-gas industry. GN4465 GG50367/25-3-2024. 

Immigration Act 13 of 2002

Correction notice: Second amendment of the Immigration Regulations, 2014, made under the Immigration Act. GN R4593 GG50423/2-4-2024. 

Immigration Act 13 of 2002

The second amendment of the Immigration Regulations, 2014. GN R4588 GG50419/28-3-2024.

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act 13 of 2000

The Position Paper on the Review of Conveyance of Mail Regulations, 2009. GN4467 GG50370/25-3-2024. 

National Education Policy Act 27 of 1996

The national policy for determining school calendars for public schools in South Africa. GN4518 GG50309/19-3-2024.

National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008

The amendments to the Waste Tyre Regulations, 2017. GN4541 GG50321/20-3-2024.

National Railway Safety Regulator Act 16 of 2002

The determination of safety permit fees for 2024/2025 financial year. GenN2393 GG50391/28-3-2024.

Petroleum Pipelines Levies Act 28 of 2004

The notice in terms of s 2(7) of the Act: Levy and interest payable on petroleum pipelines industry. GN4465 GG50367/25-3-2024. 

Petroleum Products Act 120 of 1977

The amendment of the regulations in respect of petroleum products. GN R4589 GG50420/2-4-2024.

The regulations in respect of the single maximum national retail price for illuminating paraffin. GN R4590 GG50420/2-4-2024.

The maximum retail price for liquefied petroleum gas. GN R4591 GG50420/2-4-2024. 

Pharmacy Act 53 of 1974

The rules relating to good pharmacy practice. BN587 GG50391/28-3-2024.

Plant Breeders’ Rights Act 15 of 1976

The regulations relating to plant breeders’ rights: Amendment. GN4603 GG50442/5-4-2024.

Political Party Funding Act 6 of 2018

The Electoral Commission: Publication of the general notice for the multi-party democracy and represented political party fund. GenN2402 GG50447/5-4-2024.

Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995

The publication of increased amounts in terms of reg 28(2)(a) of the regulations relating to assistance to victims in respect of basic education. GN R4549 GG50381/28-3-2024.

The publication of increased amounts in terms of reg 30(2)(a) of the regulations relating to assistance to victims in respect of higher education and training. GN R4550 GG50381/28-3-2024. 

Public Service Commission Act 46 of 1997

The Public Service Commission Rules on referral and investigation of grievances of employees in the public service amendment of 2023. GenN2374 GG50311/22-3-2024.

Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004

The amendment Regulations relating to COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress. GN R4466 GG50369/25-3-2024.

The increase in respect of social grants. GenN2388 GG50381/28-3-2024.

Upgrading of Land Tenure Rights Act 112 of 1991

The Regulations relating to the Conversion of Land Tenure Rights. GN4594 GG50425/3-4-2024. 

Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act 19 of 1982

The Regulations relating to Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions: Amendment. GenN2398 GG50442/5-4-2024.


Shanay Sewbalas and Keagan Smith are Editors: National Legislation at LexisNexis South Africa.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2024 (May) DR 48.

De Rebus