New legislation – September 2018

September 1st, 2018

Philip Stoop BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa) is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa.

Legislation published from 3 – 31 July 2018


Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill B25 of 2018.

Electoral Amendment Bill B24 of 2018.

Competition Amendment Bill B23 of 2018.

Commencement of Acts

Protection of Investment Act 22 of 2015. Commencement: 13 July 2018. GenN395 GG41766/13-7-2018 (also available in Tshivenda).

Courts of Law Amendment Act 7 of 2017. Commencement: 1 August 2018 (except s 14). Proc R22 GG41801/27-7-2018 (also available in Afrikaans).

Selected list of delegated legislation

Employment of Educators Act 76 of 1998

Improvement in conditions of service: Annual cost of living adjustment for educators from 1 April 2018. GN662 GG41750/3-7-2018.

Employment Tax Incentive Act 26 of 2013

Designation of special economic zones. GN700 GG41759/6-7-2018.

Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012

Amendments to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange exchange rules: Bond electronic trading platform rules. BN91 GG41773/16-7-2018.

Amendments to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange exchange rules: Interest rate and currency rules. BN92 GG41775/17-7-2018.

Income Tax Act 58 of 1962

Approval of the Richards Bay special economic zone. GN698 GG41758/6-7-2018.

Approval of the Maluti-a-Phofung special economic zone. GN697 GG41758/6-7-2018.

Approval of the Coega special economic zone. GN694 GG41758/6-7-2018.

Approval of the Dube Tradeport special economic zone. GN695 GG41758/6-7-2018.

Approval of the Saldanha Bay special economic zone. GN699 GG41758/6-7-2018.

Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014

Final rules in terms of ss 95(1), 95(3) and 109(2) of the Act. GenN401 GG41781/20-7-2018.

Magistrates’ Courts Act 32 of 1944

Detaching portions of Taung Magisterial District to form a sub-district and detached court for the Kgomotso area. GN738 GG41783/19-7-2018.

National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008

Waste exclusion regulations, 2018. GN715 GG41777/18-7-2018.

National Health Act 61 of 2003

Material transfer agreement of human biological materials to be used by providers and recipients of biological material for use in research or clinical trials under the auspices of the Health Research Ethics Committees. GN719 GG41781/20-7-2018.

Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996

Adjustment of the statutory limit in respect of claims for loss of income and loss of support with effect from 31 July 2018. BN94 GG41796/27-7-2018 (also available in Afrikaans).

Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986

Amendment of regulations. GN R774 GG41798/27-7-2018 (also available in Afrikaans).

South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995

South African Police Service Employment Regulations, 2018. GN663 GG41754/6-7-2018.

Draft delegated legislation

Draft regulations for the mandatory display and submission of energy performance certificates for buildings in terms of the National Energy Act 34 of 2008. GenN369 GG41754/6-7-2018.

Proposed amendments to the National Waste Information Regulations, 2012 in terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act 59 of 2008. GN701 GG41760/6-7-2018.

Draft dispensing fee to be charged by persons licenced in terms of s 22C(1)(a) of the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965. GN702 GG41762/9-7-2018.

Draft dispensing fee for pharmacists in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965. GN703 GG41762/9-7-2018.

Annual adjustment of single exit price of medicines and scheduled substances for 2019 in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965 for comment. GN704 GG41762/9-7-2018.

Regulations relating to the approval of and minimum requirements for education and training of learner/student leading to registration in category midwife in terms of the Nursing Act 33 of 2005 for comment. GN713 GG41768/11-7-2018.

Regulations relating to continuing professional development in terms of the Pharmacy Act 53 of 1974 for comment. GN707 GG41766/13-7-2018.

Draft revised regulations relating to community rehabilitation in terms of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 34 of 1995. GenN381 GG41766/13-7-2018.

Regulations regarding the register for learner/student nurses and learner/student midwives in terms of the Nursing Act 33 of 2005 for comment. GN720 GG41781/20-7-2018.

Compulsory specification for processed meat products in terms of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act 5 of 2008 for comment. GN724 GG41781/20-7-2018.

Draft guidelines and conditions to a safeguard application in terms of the economic partnership agreement between the European Union and SADC states in terms of the International Trade Administration Act 71 of 2002 for comment. GenN402 GG41781/20-7-2018.

Proposed regulations to phase-out use of persistent organic pollutants in terms of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998. GN R744 GG41790/24-7-2018.

South African Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (AMSAR) Amendment Regulations, 2018 in terms of the South African Maritime and Aeronautical Search and Rescue Act 44 of 2002 for comment. GenN419 GG41797/26-7-2018.

Amended National Policy Framework on Child Justice in terms of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 for comment. GN751 GG41796/27-7-2018.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2018 (Sept) DR 39.

De Rebus