New legislation

June 2nd, 2015

mercantiLegislation published from
30 March – 30 April 2015

Philip Stoop

BCom LLM (UP) LLD (Unisa)

is an associate professor in the department of mercantile law at Unisa


Allied Health Professions Act 63 of 1982

Requirements for continuing professional development. BN85 GG38707/24-4-2015.

Banks Act 94 of 1990

Amendment of Regulations. GN R309 GG38682/10-4-2015.

Collective Investment Schemes Act 45 of 2002

Fees payable in terms of the Act. BN71 GG38627/1-4-2015.

Exemption of foreign collective investment schemes form complying with certain requirements. BN74 GG38649/1-4-2015.

Requirements for hedge funds. BN70 GG38626/1-4-2015.

Exemption of managers of collective investment schemes in securities, property and participation bonds from compliance on certain conditions. BN98 GG38735/30-4-2015.

Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993

Amendment of sch 4 (manner of calculating compensation). GN274 GG38643/30-3-2015.

Increase of monthly pensions. GN273 GG38643/30-3-2015.

Increase of maximum amount of earnings on which assessment of an employer shall be calculated. GN272 GG38643/30-3-2015.

Classification of industries. GN279 GG38650/2-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Blood services. GenN359 GG38719/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: General rules and tariffs. GenN362 GG38722/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Hospitals. GenN354 GG38714/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Occupational therapists. GenN360 GG38720/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Ambulance services. GenN358 GG38718/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Wound care. GenN357 GG38717/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Renal care. GenN356 GG38716/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Social workers and psychologists. GenN355 GG38715/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Dental care. GenN353 GG38713/24-4-2015.

Annual increase in medical tariffs for medical service providers: Physiotherapists. GenN352 GG38712/24-4-2015.

Competition Act 89 of 1998

Guidelines for determination of administrative penalties for prohibited practices. GN323 GG38693/17-4-2015.

Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Prescription of Consumer Goods and Services Industry Code and accreditation of alternative dispute resolution scheme administered by the Consumer Goods and Services Industry Ombud. GN R271 GG38637/30-3-2015.

Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937

Amendment of Regulations. GN R269 GG38628/31-3-2015.

Electricity Act 41 of 1987

License fees payable by licensed generators of electricity. GenN332 GG38693/14-4-2015.

Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005

Radio Frequency Spectrum Regulations 2015. GenN279 GG38641/30-3-2015.

Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act 36 of 1947

Substitution of Table 1 of the Regulations: Tariffs, rates and scales for services, goods and supplies provided by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. GN R285 GG38656/31-3-2015.

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002

Amendment of qualifications, experience and criteria for the approval as a compliance officer. BN77 GN38665/31-3-2015.

Amendment of qualifying criteria and qualifications for financial service providers. BN76 GG38665/31-3-2015.

Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 54 of 1972

Regulations governing general hygiene requirements for food premises, the transport of food and related matters. GN R364 GG38746/30-4-2015.

Health Professions Act 56 of 1974

Amendment of rules relating to the registration by dental therapists and oral hygienists of additional qualifications. BN80 GG38675/10-4-2015.

Rules relating to fees payable to the Health Professions Council. BN83 GG38692/14-4-2015.

Income Tax Act 58 of 1962

Regulations in terms of para (d) of the definition of ‘research and development’ in s 11D(1) on additional criteria for multisource pharmaceutical products. GN R346 GG38732/23-4-2015.

Categories of research and development deemed to constitute the carrying on of research and development. GN R343 GG38729/23-4-2015.

Regulations in terms of para (e) of the definition of ‘research and development’ in s 11D(1) on criteria for clinical trials. GN R344 GG38730/23-4-2015.

Regulations under items (a) and (c) of the definition of ‘determined value’ in para 7(1) of the seventh schedule to the Act in respect of use of a motor vehicle. GN R362 GG38744/28-4-2014.

Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995

Designations of certain services as essential services: Certain services provided by privately owned old age homes as well as nursing homes and institutions that care for assisted and frail care patients and that are not registered with the Department of Social Development or that do not receive any financial assistance or subsidy from the state. GN278 GG38648/31-3-2015.

Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration tariffs. GN363 GG38745/ 29-4-2015.

Landscape Architectural Profession Act 45 of 2000

Professional fees and charges for 2015/ 2016. BN75 GG38632/2-4-2015.

Lotteries Act 57 of 1997

Amendment of the direction for distribution agencies in determining the distributions of funds from the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund. GN R312 GG38687/14-4-2015.

Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965

Amendment of regulations relating to a transparent pricing system for medicines and scheduled substances (dispensing fee to be charges by persons licensed in terms of s 22(1)(a)). GN R345 GG38731/23-4-2015.

National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004

Amendments to the regulations prescribing the format of the atmospheric impact report. GN R284 GG38633/2-4-2015.

National Atmospheric Emission Reporting Regulations. GN R283 GG38633/2-4-2015.

National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998

Regulations relating to the procedure to be followed when oral requests are made in terms of s 30A. GN R310 GG38684/10-4-2015.

Magistrates’ Courts Act 32 of 1944

Creation of sub-districts and the appointment of a place within the sub-district for the holding of a court. GN265 GG38622/30-3-2015.

Creation of magisterial districts and establishment of district courts for Limpopo and Mpumalanga: Withdrawals. GN268 GG38625/30-3-2015.

Creation of magisterial districts and establishment of district courts for Mpumalanga. GN266 GG38623/30-3-2015.

Creation of magisterial districts and establishment of district courts for Limpopo. GN267 GG38624/30-3-2015.

Mine Health and Safety Act 29 of 1996

Regulations relating to competencies for electricity. GN R330 GG38708/24-4-2014.

Regulations relating to electricity. GN R332 GG38708/24-4-2015.

Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority Act 56 of 2001

Amendment to the regulations made under the Security Officers Act 92 of 1987. GN290 GG38632/2-4-2015.

Rules Board for Courts of Law Act 107 of 1985

Amendment of rules regulating the conduct of the proceedings of the magistrates’ courts of South Africa (amendment of r 14, r 60 and Form 8 of Annexure 1 with effect from 22 May 2015). GN R318 GG38694/17-4-2015.

Amendment of rules regulating the conduct of the proceedings of the High Court of South Africa (substitution of r 10A, amendment of r 49 and r 53 with effect from 22 May 2015). GN R317 GG38694/17-4-2015.

Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004

Increase in respect of social grants. GN277 GG38647/30-3-2015.

South African Revenue Services Act 34 of 1997

Amendment of sch 1 (legislation administered by the Commissioner). Proc17 GG38653/30-3-2015.


List of species that are threatened or in need of protection, activities that are prohibited and exemption of certain persons from restrictions in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 for comment. GenN256 GG38600/31-3-2015.

Draft Threatened or Protected Species Regulations in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004. GenN255 GG38600/31-3-2015.

Draft regulations in terms of the Performing Animals Protection Act 24 of 1935. GenN285 GG38632/2-4-2015.

Declaration of small-scale char and charcoal plants as controlled emitters under the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act 39 of 2004 for comment. GenN286 GG38632/2-4-2015.

Proposed regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of table olives intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa in terms of the Agricultural Product Standards Act 119 of 1990. GenN305 GG38675/10-4-2015.

Draft Biodiversity Management Plan for African Lions in terms of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004. GenN351 GG38706/17-4-2015.

Proposed revised import requirements for cattle, sheep and goats from Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland in terms of the Animal Diseases Act 35 of 1984. GenN349 GG38701/17-4-2015.

Proposed amendments to the code of professional conduct for registered auditors in terms of the Auditing Profession Act 26 of 2005. BN88 GG38707/24-4-2015.

Proposed regulations relating to small-scale fishing in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998. GN R361 GG38743/28-4-2015.


This article was first published in De Rebus in 2015 (June) DR 40.

De Rebus