In an attempt to enhance its service offering to the profession, the Attorneys Insurance Indemnity Fund NPC (AIIF), has developed a new IT platform on which the Prescription Alert system is run. The Prescription Alert system is a back-up diary system made available to the profession at no cost. All time barred matters can be registered on the Prescription Alert system.
Prescribed claims remain one of the main sources of professional indemnity claims. Practitioners conducting litigious matters of any sort are encouraged to register their matters on the system and to adhere to the reminders sent out by the system. In terms of the AIIF Master Policy, a penalty deductible (access) is applied in the event of a claim where the matter was not registered with the Prescription Alert system and/or the reminders sent out by the system were not complied with.
The profession may access the system from
The Prescription Alert Unit team can be contacted at: (021) 422 2830 or e-mail:
AIIF Management