Compiled by Barbara Whittle
Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) Co-chairpersons, Richard Scott and Busani Mabunda, attended a press conference by Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng on 8 July 2015 to support the judiciary in its call for respect for its independence and for the rule of law. The press conference was also attended by Gcina Malindi SC representing Advocates for Transformation and the National Association of Democratic Lawyers (NADEL). Mr Mabunda was present also in his capacity as President of the Black Lawyers Association (BLA).
At the unprecedented press conference, the Chief Justice – together with Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke, the President of the Supreme Court of Appeal, Justice Lex Mpati, and Judges President, Deputy Judges President and senior judges – said the Heads of Court and senior judges of all divisions had requested him, as head of the judiciary, to meet with President Jacob Zuma to point out and discuss the dangers of the repeated and unfounded criticism of the judiciary. ‘Criticism of that kind has the potential to delegitimise the courts. Courts serve a public purpose and should not be undermined,’ said the Chief Justice.
President Zuma responded immediately via a press statement indicating that he would attend to the matter. The President reasserted his own commitment and that of the executive to the independence of the judiciary and its role as the final arbiter in all disputes in society. At the time of this issue going to press, the meeting date between the President and the Chief Justice was still to be announced.
In his statement on behalf of the judiciary, the Chief Justice noted that a judge’s principal article of faith is to adjudicate without fear favour or prejudice. ‘When each judge assumes office she or he takes an oath or affirmation in the following terms: To be faithful to the Republic of South Africa; to uphold and protect the constitution and the human rights entrenched in it; to administer justice to all persons alike without fear favour or prejudice and in accordance with the Constitution and the law. To judges this obligation and the oath are sacred.’ He added that, in terms of the Constitution, no arm of the state is entitled to intrude on the domain of the other. However, the Constitution requires the judiciary ultimately to determine the limits and regulate the exercise of public power.
LSSA Co-chairpersons Richard Scott and Busani Mabunda, as well as Gcina Malindi SC (back), attended the press conference by the Chief Justice in mid-July in support of the judiciary. The Chief Justice was also supported by more than 20 senior judges, including the Judges President. In front are, Judge Jake Moloi (left), from the Free State High Court, and Judge Mjabuliseni Madondo, from the KwaZulu-Natal High Court.
‘Judges like others should be susceptible to constructive criticism. However, in this regard, the criticism should be fair and in good faith. Importantly the criticism should be specific and clear. General gratuitous criticism is unacceptable,’ said the Chief Justice. He acknowledged that judges, like other mortals, err, but he said that several levels of courts – through an appeal mechanism – serve a corrective purpose when judges make a mistake. Moreover, judgments were often subjected to intensive peer and academic scrutiny and criticism.
The Chief Justice rejected the notion that in certain cases judges had been prompted by others to arrive at a predetermined result. He added that, in a case in which a judge did overstep, the general public, litigants or other aggrieved or interested parties should refer the matter to the Judicial Conduct Committee of Judicial Service Commission.
With regard to the issue of court orders being ignored, the Chief Justice stressed that the rule of law, in simple terms, meant that everybody – whatever their status – is subject to and bound by the Constitution and the law. He warned: ‘As a nation, we ignore it at our peril. Also, the rule of law dictates that court orders should be obeyed. Our experience by and large is that court orders have been honoured by others arms of state. The few instances of where court orders have not been compiled with, whatever the reasons, have the effect of undermining the rule of law.’
Support by the profession
The LSSA has stressed the support of the attorneys’ profession for the judiciary on an ongoing basis. Soon after the Gauteng High Court judgment in the Southern African Litigation Centre v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Others [2015] JOL 33405 (GP) (the ‘Bashir’ matter), the LSSA raised its serious concern at the clear trend emerging of undermining the rule of law and disregarding court orders. ‘Generally, this has been a concern for some time, but the clear flouting of our constitutional and international obligations and the order of the Gauteng High Court in the events surrounding the African Union Summit, have been a glaring manifestation of this trend,’ said Mr Scott and Mr Mabunda. They added: ‘The LSSA commends our judiciary for its independence and the strong stance taken in protecting the rule of law without fear, favour or prejudice.’
NADEL publicity secretary, Gcina Malindi, urged the government to consider itself bound by international agreements, especially the ones that have been enacted into law by national legislation. ‘NADEL express its disappointment that an order of court was disregarded.’
BLA said the action by the government was a serious cause of concern and ‘as the Black Lawyers Association we find it highly depressing that our government openly disregarded the rule of law seemingly with impunity’.
After the Chief Justice’s press conference, the KwaZulu-Natal Law Society (KZNLS) welcomed the public and unprecedented stance by judicial officers as a testament to the nation and to the world, that the judiciary will stand firm to protect and perpetuate its independence. ‘The KZNLS is gravely concerned over the unfounded criticism levelled at the judiciary. It unequivocally supports the judiciary in its commitment to the rule of law.’
Similarly, the Cape Law Society (CLS) publically supported the initiatives spearheaded by the Chief Justice, the heads of court and senior judges in support of the rule of law as a fundamental principle of our constitutional democracy. ‘We believe that this initiative will go a long way towards restoring the public image of the judiciary and the relationship between the executive, legislature and the judiciary,’ said CLS President, Ashraf Mahomed.
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng (centre) flanked by Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke (left) and the President of the Supreme Court of Appeal, Justice Lex Mpati, at the press conference in July when he requested a meeting with President Zuma to discuss the dangers of the repeated and unfounded criticism of the judiciary.
In a statement, Law Society of the Northern Provinces (LSNP) President, Strike Madiba, said: ‘The LSNP unreservedly and unconditionally supports the statement by the Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng and condemns this unwarranted and baseless attack on the judiciary.’ He also noted that the Constitution and the judiciary are the main democratic bulwarks for freedom-loving South Africans. Judicial authority is vested in the courts, which are independent and subject to the Constitution and the law, and must apply the law impartially without fear, favour and prejudice. An order or decision issued by the courts binds all persons to whom and organs of state to which it applies.
The ‘Al-Bashir’ matter
In condemning the flouting of the Gauteng High Court order in the ‘Al-Bashir’ matter in mid-June following the African Union Summit in Johannesburg when Sudanese President Al-Bashir was allowed to enter and leave the country in contravention of an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant for his arrest for war crimes and the Gauteng High Court judgment that he should not be permitted to leave pending his handing over to the ICC, the profession also expressed its concern at the government’s disregard for its obligations as a signatory to the Rome Statute of the ICC, which was domesticated in our Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Act 27 of 2002.
In a press statement following the Gauteng High Court judgment, LSSA Co-chairpersons, Busani Mabunda and Richard Scott said: ‘We express our serious concern at the trend by African leaders – including our government – to emasculate regional and international instruments and tribunals set up to protect human rights and the victims of human rights abuses. This is evident in the attitude adopted towards the International Criminal Court and the SADC Tribunal, and the lack of progress in granting criminal jurisdiction to the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.’
They added: ‘The threat to withdraw from the Rome Statute is akin to the developments that have taken place at SADC Tribunal level, where heads of states have agreed to change the protocol to deprive members of the public from the right to approach the court for redress if their own courts do not provide such. The protocol now provides only for interstate access, namely access by states only, not individuals. These developments do not bode well for the African Court’s expanded jurisdiction.’ The LSSA launched an application in the Gauteng High Court on 19 March 2015 to declare the actions of the President, as well as the Ministers of Justice and International Relations and Cooperation in voting for, signing and planning to ratify the SADC Summit Protocol in 2014 as it relates to the SADC Tribunal, to be unconstitutional. The responding affidavit by the state had not been filed by mid-July despite three extensions.
The LSSA urged government to consider its stance carefully in the ‘Al-Bashir’ matter and also its obligations when it accedes to and domesticates international treaties; particularly in the light of the collapse of the SADC Tribunal. This would have serious ramifications for us as South African and regional citizens.
In responding to the ‘Bashir’ judgment, the BLA pointed out that, in not adhering to the judgment the government had violated the principle of legality. Firstly, by virtue of South Africa being a signatory to the Rome Statute it had domesticated the statute and consequently was obliged to arrest people who contravened the provisions of the statute. ‘In a clear contrast to what was expected of South Africa, to arrest President Omar Al-Bashir, they paraded him on national TV as a hero disregarding their international obligation in as far as the Rome Statute is concerned,’ said the BLA.
Secondly, the government had undermined the valid court order by allowing President Al-Bashir to leave the country when the High Court ordered that he should not leave the country pending finalisation of the case on whether he should be arrested or not.
BLA also expressed its concern at the continued reluctance on the part of government to support regional, continental and international tribunal structures that are meant to protect the lives and rights of the peoples of Africa. BLA noted: ‘The people of Sudan must be afforded justice by the international structure if their national justice systems do not protect them. In this regard the government of South Africa failed the people of Sudan and the continent as a whole.’
NADEL too noted with deep concern and trepidation the events relating to President Al-Bashir’s entry into and departure from South Africa, as well as the government’s actions (or omission to take action) contrary to the terms of the court order.
‘We must remind ourselves that the proceedings before the ICC aim to provide justice for the people of Sudan for the untold levels of atrocities, including wanton murder, visited upon them; and for the estimated 1,8 million people in Darfur who were internally displaced. The warrants of arrest issued by the ICC for President Al-Bashir must be located in context,’ said NADEL publicity secretary Mr Malindi. He added: ‘The children, our brothers and sisters in the Sudan, need our help and empathy. As South Africans we cannot remain complicit nor silent. NADEL calls upon the South African government, the African Union and the people of Africa in general, and the international community to fight for justice for the millions of people in Darfur sooner rather than never. After all, justice delayed is justice denied.’
NADEL urged the government of South Africa to consider itself bound by international agreements, especially the ones that have been enacted into law by national legislation.
Barbara Whittle, communication manager, Law Society of South Africa,
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2015 (Aug) DR 14.