Accessing articles from publishers
Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
ADRY | African Disability Rights Yearbook | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | (2019) 7 |
AHRLJ | African Human Rights Law Journal | Centre for Human Rights, Department of Law, University of Pretoria | (2019) 19.2 |
BTCLQ | Business Tax and Company Law Quarterly | SiberInk | (2019) 10.4 |
EL | Employment Law Journal | LexisNexis | (2020) 36.1 |
ILJ | Industrial Law Journal | Juta | (2020) 41 |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys | (2020) 17.1 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2020) 23 |
PSLR | Pretoria Student Law Review | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | (2019) 13 |
SAJEJ | South African Judicial Education Journal | South African Judicial Education Institute, Office of the Chief Justice | (2019) 2.1 |
SALJ | South African Law Journal | Juta | (2019) 136.4 |
SAPL | Southern African Public Law | University of South Africa Press |
(2019) 34.1 (2019) 34.2 |
SJ | Speculum Juris | University of Fort Hare | (2019) 33.1 |
SLR | Stellenbosch Law Review | Juta | (2019) 30.3 |
TSAR | Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg | Juta | (2020) 1 |
Administrative law
Makwetu, K ‘Constitutional accountability for public resources: The role of the Auditor-General’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 318.
Moloka, TC ‘Recent developments regarding costs awards in constitutional and public interest litigation’ (2019) 34.2 SAPL.
Muller, G ‘Restoring electricity use with the spoliation remedy: A critical comment on Eskom Holdings Soc Ltd v Masinda’ (2019) 13 PSLR 1.
Vinti, C ‘Appeal against a decision by a political office bearer as postulated by s 62 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000: City of Cape Town v Reader revisited’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 447.
Banking law – FICA
Spruyt, W ‘A legal analysis of the duty on banks to comply with targeted financial sanctions’ (2020) 1 TSAR 1.
Banking law – foreign investments
Mhlongo, L ‘A critical analysis of the Protection of Investment Act 22 of 2015’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
Civil law and procedure
Magubane, C ‘Prescription: The present interpretation of extinctive prescription and the acquisition of real rights’ (2019) 13 PSLR 17.
Company law
Hamadziripi, F and Osode, PC ‘The nature and evolution of the business judgment rule and its transplantation to South Africa under the Companies Act of 2008’ (2019) 33.1 SJ 26.
Constitutional law
Sindane, N ‘Contested legacies of the South African Constitution: An engagement with Albie Sachs’s Oliver Tambo’s dream’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
Constitutional law – expropriation of land
Muller, G and Marais, EJ ‘Reconsidering counter-spoliation as a common-law remedy in the eviction context in view of the single-system-of-law principle’ (2020) 1 TSAR 103.
Pienaar, JM; Johnson E and du Plessis W ‘Land matters and rural development: 2018’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
Slade, BV ‘Towards a clearer understanding of the difference between the obligation to pay compensation and the validity requirements for an expropriation’ (2019) 33.1 SJ 1.
Viljoen, S ‘Expropriation without compensation: Principled decision-making instead of arbitrariness in the land reform context (part 1)’ (2020) 1 TSAR 35.
Constitutional law – freedom of speech
Botha, J ‘The selection of victim groups in hate-crime legislation’ (2019) 136.4 SALJ 781.
Botha, L and Kok, A ‘How to make sense of the civil prohibition of hate speech in terms of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
Grootboom, K ‘Abstract v substantive-equality – a critical race theory analysis of “hate speech” as considered in the SAHRC-report on utterances made by Julius Malema’ (2019) 13 PSLR 97.
Herd, N ‘Should the flag fit, or must we acquit?’ (2019) 13 PSLR 130.
Consumer law
Renke, S and Steennot, R ‘The marketing of consumer and mortgage credit as a responsible lending tool: A comparison of South African, European and Belgian law: Part 1’ (2020) 23 PER.
Renke, S and Steennot, R ‘The marketing of consumer and mortgage credit as a responsible lending tool: A comparison of South African, European and Belgian law: Part 2’ (2020) 23 PER.
Sonnekus, JC and Schlemmer, EC ‘Verbandversekerde skuld sonder ’n verband óf verbandgewer? Vir die hoogste Hof van Appèl is alles moontlik danksy ’n ongepoetste engelse bril’ (2020) 1 TSAR 125.
Criminal law, litigation and procedure
Mujuzi, JD ‘Victim participation in parole proceedings in South Africa’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
Delictual law
Neethling, J ‘Extinctive prescription of delictual cause of action’ (2020) 1 TSAR 182.
Scott, J ‘Vicarious liability of the state for intentional police delicts: A noteworthy “concealed” deviation case’ (2020) 1 TSAR 164.
Wessels, B ‘Reconsidering the state’s liability for harm arising from crime: The potential development of the law of delict’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 361.
Education law
Pretorius, DM ‘Bricks in the wall or the spice of “good life”? Independent schools in South African law’ (2019) 136.4 SALJ 605.
Shandu, P ‘Stepping in the right direction towards fully realising the constitutional promise of s 29(1)(a) of the Constitution – Federation of Governing Bodies for South African Schools (FEDSAS) v Member of the Executive Council for Education, Gauteng and Another 2016 (4) SA 546 (CC)’ (2019) 13 PSLR 197.
Swanepoel, CL ‘To be black and alive: A study of the inherent racism in the tertiary education system in post-1994 South Africa’ (2019) 13 PSLR 27.
Environmental law
Olufolajimi, O ‘The role of law and governance in advancing climate resilience and climate justice’ (2019) 13 PSLR 163.
Estate planning, wills and trusts
Gildenhuys, A ‘Vonnisbespreking: Artikels 2(3) en 2A van die Wet op Testamente 7 van 1953 deel weer die kollig’ (2020) 17.1 LitNet.
Nkosi, S ‘A note on Mandela v Executiors, Estate Nelson Mandela 2018 (4) SA 86 (SCA) and the conundrum around the customary marriage between Nelson and Winnie Mandela’ (2019) 34.2 SAPL.
Sonnekus, JC ‘’n Vermeend onderhoudsbehoewende verwant en uitdruklike onterwing deur potensieel onderhoudspligtige’ (2020) 1 TSAR 88.
Van Zyl, R ‘The question of rights, acceptance and amendments of inter vivos trusts in terms of the stipulatio alteri’ (2019) 136.4 SALJ 717.
Human rights
Holoboff, A and Phillips, S ‘Leveraging the international human rights system to advance local change for South African women with disabilities’ (2019) 7 ADRY 247.
Human rights – LGBTQI
Van Wyk, DJ ‘Through thick and thin: From the regulation of queerness to queer theory as decolonisation’ (2019) 13 PSLR 40.
Human rights – religion
Lubaale, EC ‘Assessing the human rights implication of calls for regulation of faith-based organisations’ (2019) 33.1 SJ 10.
Indigenous (customary) law
Manthwa, TA ‘The interplay between proving living customary law and upholding the Constitution’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 464.
Insolvency law
Budlender, S and Mbikiwa, M ‘Arbitrariness, rationality and reason: The case of Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development v South African Restructuring and Insolvency Practitioners Association’ (2019) 2.1 SAJEJ 73.
Insurance law
Glover, G ‘Tyrannical masters no more? Promissory insurance warranties after Viking Inshore Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co Ltd’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 333.
Intellectual property
Sawyer, M and Karjiker, S ‘The challenging relationship between contemporary art and copyright’ (2019) 136.4 SALJ 650.
International children’s rights
Sibomana, EK; Colgan, D; and GunnClark, N ‘The right of palliative care for the most vulnerable in Africa is everyone’s responsibility’ 19.2 AHRLJ 644.
International constitutional law
‘Nyane, H ‘Abolition of criminal defamation and retention of scandalum magnatum in Lesotho’ 19.2 AHRLJ 743.
Anyanwu, SV ‘Promoting constitutional democracy: Regulating political parties in the Central African Republic and Senegal’ (2020) 23 PER.
Boiki, KKY ‘The easy way out? Constitutional avoidance and its impact on human right enforcement in Botswana’ (2019) 13 PSLR 58.
Esterhuizen, T ‘Decriminalisation of consensual same-sex sexual acts and the Botswana Constitution: Letsweletse Motshidiemang v The Attorney-General (LEGABIBO as amicus curiae)’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 843.
International criminal law and procedure
Ibrahim, A ‘Decongestion of Nigerian prisons: An examination of the role of the Nigerian police in the application of the holding-charge procedure in relation to pre-trial-detainees’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 779.
Kweka, GJ ‘The regulation of exploitation of natural resources through the doctrine of corporate criminal liability in contemporary Africa’ (2019) 33.1 SJ 42.
Lubaale, EC and Mavundla, SD ‘Decriminalisation of cannabis for personal use in South Africa’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 819.
Okpaluba, C ‘Prosecutorial negligence and negligent police investigation: An analysis of recent Canadian and South African decisions (3)’ (2019) 33.1 SJ 69.
International environmental law
Kabaseke, C and Lubaale, EC ‘Making a case for recognition of women’s contribution in the legal framework for environmental conservation in Uganda’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 392.
International human rights law
Addadzi-Koom, ME ‘“He beat me, and the state did nothing about it”: An African perspective on the due diligence standard and state responsibility for domestic violence in international law’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 624.
Adeola, R ‘The impact of the African Union Convention on the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 591.
Basson, Y ‘The right to an adequate standard of living in the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Africa’ (2019) 7 ADRY 258.
Chiatoh, VM ‘Recognition of minority groups as a prerequisite for the protection of human rights: The case of Anglophone Cameroon’ 19.2 AHRLJ 675.
Christiansen, C; Jensen, S; and Kelly, T ‘A predisposed view: State violence, human rights organisations and the invisibility of the poor in Nairobi’ 19.2 AHRLJ 721.
Didaba, MY ‘The implications of art 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the legal capacity of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in Ethiopia’ (2019) 7 ADRY 3.
Durojaye, E and Nabaneh, S ‘Human rights and access to health care for persons with albinism in Africa’ (2019) 7 ADRY 35.
Egabi, UO and Chimakonam, JO ‘Protecting the rights of victims in transitional justice: An interrogation of amnesty’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 608.
Juma, P ‘Right to self-representation for people with mental disabilities in Kenya’s courts’ (2019) 7 ADRY 81.
Maphosa, N; Moyo, CG and Moyo, B ‘Left in the periphery: An appraisal of voting rights for persons with disabilities in Zimbabwe’ (2019) 7 ADRY 112.
Musengi, M ‘The place of sign language in the inclusive education of deaf learners in Zimbabwe amid CRPD (mis)interpretation’ (2019) 7 ADRY 96.
Sarkin, J ‘Reforming the role of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in advancing democratic principles and human rights in African Countries: An examination using the lens of Swaziland/eSwatini’ (2019) 34.2 SAPL.
Tesemma, ST and Coetzee, SA ‘Conceptualising child youth with disabilities in Africa: The dehumanising disability discourse’ (2019) 7 ADRY 59.
International labour law
Gathongo, JK and Ndimurwimo, L ‘Strikes in essential services in Kenya: The doctors, nurses and clinical officers’ strikes revisited and lessons from South Africa’ (2020) 23 PER.
Holzapfel, V and van Staden, M ‘The protection of employees in fixed-term contracts in South Africa and Germany’ (2020) 1 TSAR 49.
International law
De Beer, A ‘The refusal of access to high-resolution remote sensing data for reasons of national security – a rule of customary international law?’ (2020) 1 TSAR 74.
International law – land
Arimoro, A ‘Public-private partnership and the right to property in Nigeria’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 763.
International law – women’s rights
Sithole, L and Dziva, C ‘Eliminating harmful practices against women in Zimbabwe: Implementing art 5 of the African Women’s Protocol’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 568.
International medical law
Ogendi, PO ‘Pharmaceutical trade policies and access to medicines in Kenya’ 19.2 AHRLJ 698.
International medical negligence
Ndou, MM ‘Assessment of contested expert medical evidence in medical negligence cases: A comparative analysis of the court’s approach to Bolam/Bolitho test in England, South Africa and Singapore’ (2019) 33.1 SJ 54.
International mining, mineral and petroleum law
Meyer, Y ‘Initiatives aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry: A critical appraisal of the Nigeria Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI), the NEITI Act and the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
International trade law
Vinti, C ‘A critical assessment of the Zimbabwe – South Africa import licensing dispute’ (2019) 34.1 SAPL.
Ashton, C ‘Towards a jurisprudence of corruption: Reformulating the contra fiscum principle for the purposive approach’ (2019) 136.4 SALJ 749.
Jolwana, MS ‘Transformation and the intrinsic value of a diversified Bench’ (2019) 2.1 SAJEJ 29.
Mkhwanazi, SS ‘Subaltern responses to epistemic violence: The legacy of colonialism’ (2019) 13 PSLR 222.
Motshweni, S ‘The feminist agenda, a fall of hierarchal redress or an attempt to establishing an “equal” society gone wrong: An internal critique to feminist theories’ (2019) 13 PSLR 208.
Pilla, K ‘A discussion of intellectual history, jurisprudential theories and feminism in the eradication of epistemic violence in South Africa’ (2019) 13 PSLR 88.
Smith, JE ‘The case for more accessible judgments’ (2019) 2.1 SAJEJ 19.
Labour law
Benjamin, P and Cheadle, H ‘South African labour law mapping the changes – part 2: The history of labour law and its institutions’ (2020) 41 ILJ 1.
Fergus, E ‘The right to union representation in individual workplace disputes: Whose right is it anyway? Thoughts on Solidarity v SA Police Service and Others (2019) 40 ILJ 448 (LC)’ (2020) 41 ILJ 104.
Gaibie, S and Naidoo, P ‘The Employment Equity Amendment Bill 2018: Grappling with an evaluation of “equity” 20 years later’ (2020) 41 ILJ 88.
Grogan, J ‘Unions reined in: Unruly strikers, secondary strikes and protest action’ (2020) 36.1 EL.
Grogan, J and Govindjee, A ‘The devil in the deemed: Novel takes on sections 198B and D’ (2020) 36.1 EL.
Khumalo, BB ‘The application of s 197 of the Labour Relations Act to second-generation outsourcing’ (2019) 34.2 SAPL.
Kriek, M and van Eck, S ‘The extension of bargaining council agreements: What guidelines can South Africa gain from the international labour organisation?’ (2020) 41 ILJ 71.
Sepeng, O ‘The impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the employment relationship and adaptive skills requirements’ (2019) 13 PSLR 155.
Smit, DM ‘Joining the “old boys’ club”: Equality for women in the South African judiciary and other male-dominated workplaces’ (2020) 41 ILJ 48.
Legal education
Holness, D ‘Improving access to justice through law graduate post-study community service in South Africa’ (2020) 23 PER.
Muller, G ‘Using a diagram as a teaching and learning tool for assessing the law of servitudes’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 415.
Thomas, K ‘Looking to literature for transformation’ (2019) 13 PSLR 74.
Legal practice
Cameron, E ‘The transition to democracy: Constitutional norms and constitutional reasoning in legal and judicial practice’ (2019) 2.1 SAJEJ 1.
Goosen, G ‘Ethics as a driver of transformation of the legal profession’ (2019) 2.1 SAJEJ 61.
Van der Westhuizen, J ‘Language and labels in law and life’ (2019) 2.1 SAJEJ 37.
Persons and family law
Thaldar, D ‘The in vitro embryo and the law: The ownership issue and a response to Robinson’ (2020) 23 PER.
Property law
Fick, S ‘Fischer v Unlawful Occupiers and Others (WCC): Difficulties in seeking damages for a failure by the police to prevent unlawful occupation’ (2019) 136.4 SALJ 676.
Makombe, L ‘A critical race feminist reading of the South African property law’ (2019) 13 PSLR 115. 2019.pdf
Van der Merwe, CG ‘Judicial redress against a body corporate of a sectional title scheme for failure to comply with its maintenance obligations before and after the new sectional title legislation came into operation: Discussion of Lyons v The Body Corporate of Skyways 2016 (6) SA 405 (WCC)’ (2019) 30.3 SLR 434.
Van der Merwe, CG ‘The first appeal on a question of law to the High Court of the Western Cape against an order by an adjudicator of the Cape Town Community Schemes Ombud Service’ (2020) 1 TSAR 153.
Alimohammadi, E and Muller, G ‘The illegal eviction of undocumented foreigners from South Africa’ (2019) 19.2 AHRLJ 793.
Tax law
Burt, K ‘Expatriate employees: To facilitate and pay for their tax compliance is a taxable benefit’ (2019) 10.4 BTCLQ 25.
Moosa, F ‘Democratic principles underpinning tax administration in SA’ (2019) 10.4 BTCLQ 1.
Rudnicki, M ‘The taxation of carried interest’ (2019) 10.4 BTCLQ 18.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2020 (April) DR 34.
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