Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
ADRY | African Disability Rights Yearbook | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | (2023) 11 |
AJCCL | African Journal of Comparative Constitutional Law | Juta | (2021) |
Fundamina |
Juta | (2023) 29.2 |
JILB | Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin | Juta |
(2023) 26.1 (2023) 26.2 |
JJS | Journal for Juridical Science | University of the Free State, Faculty of Law | (2023) 48.2 |
JLSD | Journal of Law, Society and Development | University of South Africa Press | (2023) 10 |
LDD | Law, Democracy and Development | University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law | (2023) 27 |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys |
(2023) 20(2) (2023) 20(3) (2024) 21(1) |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University |
(2023) 44.2 (2023) 44.3 (2023) 44.4 |
PLD | Property Law Digest | LexisNexis |
(2023) 27.2 (2023) 27.3 (2023) 27.4 (2024) 28.1 |
Oriakhogba, DO ‘State and intergovernmental organisations: Copyright, public domain, and the public interest in Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 516.
Manthwa, A ‘The infusion of African jurisprudence on legal defences into judicial deliberations Bulelwa Ndamase v Development Bank of Southern Africa Limited D 8073/2020 [2022] (ZAKZDHC) (30 May 2022)’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 661.
Ochieng, WK ‘Judicial enforcement of constitutionalised anti-corruption principles: The case of Kenya’ (2021) AJCCL 1.
Van der Merwe, DP ‘Legal aspects of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) – (with specific reference to ChatGPT and other software purporting to give legal advice)’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 926.
Fick, S ‘Do prospective parents have a right to bury their deceased previable foetuses? A discussion of how the Constitutional Court has created great legal uncertainty’ (2023) 27 LDD 426.
Nel, N ‘Professional trustee: The what, how and why’ (2023) 27.2 PLD.
Nel, N and Davidse, M ‘Sacredness of body corporate levy clearance certificates upheld in The Body Corporate of Marsh Rose v Steinmuller and Others (149/2022) [2023] ZASCA 143 (2 November 2023)’ (2023) 27.4 PLD.
Ande, MK and Mezmur, BD ‘Progress, gaps and next steps: Mapping ACERWC’s work on the rights of children with disabilities’ (2023) 11 ADRY 169.
Coleman, TE and Mpedi, LG ‘Collective bargaining and the representation in the gig economy in South Africa: A call for a purposive approach’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 54.
Snyman, I ‘Die soektog na ’n middeweg in die bekamping van wildmisdaad: ’n Blik op bestaande reguleringsmaatreëls en die integrasie van aanvullende oplossings’ (2023) 20(2) LitNet 612.
Hoctor, S ‘Distinguishing the forms of common purpose liability S v Govender 2023 (2) SACR 137 (SCA)’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 913.
Madlela, V ‘The application for leave to apply to court for review of a scheme of arrangement in terms of section 115 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 Sand Grove Opportunities Master Fund Ltd v Distell Group Holdings Ltd [2022] ZAWCHC 46’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 459.
Schoeman, W ‘Re-thinking mandatory auditor rotation: A comparative analysis’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 773.
Sigmoney, C ‘Healthcare policies and access: A behavioural-ecological model analysis’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Emiola, AE and Akinloye, IA ‘Nigeria and the riddle of two constitutions’ (2021) AJCCL 122.
Tembo, S and Singh, A ‘Mutilation of the independence of the judiciary: Threats, intimidation and constitutional amendments in Zimbabwe’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 546.
Du Plessis, W; Pienaar, JM and Koraan, R ‘2022 Measures to curb violence, regulate the security services and terrorism’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Botha, R ‘Suid-Afrikaanse ouers se dilemma: Is die muis nou baas? Die soeke na groter sekerheid oor lyfstraf tuis’ (2023) 20(3) LitNet 801.
Gobbelaar-du Plessis, I ‘South Africa’ (2023) 11 ADRY 115.
Shughuru, PJ ‘Tanzania’ (2023) 11 ADRY 146.
Umeh, NC ‘Nigeria’ (2023) 11 ADRY 93.
Hambali, Y ‘Submission of victim impact statement to a sentencing judge: The significance of introducing the scheme to sentencing hearing in Nigeria’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Maringe, N ‘The politics of the right to strike in Zimbabwe since the advent of the new constitution in 2013’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Sibisi, S ‘Registration of customary marriages in South Africa: A case for mandatory registration’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 515.
Reddy, S ‘Providing a legal definition for cyberbullying in South Africa’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 755.
Rammala, MNR; Matlala, MM and Berhane, TG ‘Traditional dispute resolution through Lekgotla: The approach of the Bakgatla Ba Mosetlha in the North West Province of South Africa’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Van As, HJ ‘Do municipalities have the power to regulate the keeping of “dangerous” dogs?’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 858.
Sibisi, S ‘The Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998: Offences, defences, economic abuse, imminent harm and the crime of domestic abuse – what is new?’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 331.
Van Eck, M and Agbeko, F ‘Electronic persons in contracts’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 808.
Basson, Y ‘Multiple discrimination experienced by women with disabilities in the workplace in South Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 214.
Tshoose, CI and Kgaphola, JM ‘The pros and cons of a side hustle in an employment relationship: Bakenrug Meat (Pty) Ltd t/a Joostenberg Meat v CCMA [2022] 4 BLLR 319 (LAC)’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 447.
De Villiers, C and Garbers, CJ ‘The legislative regulation of sexual misconduct by educators in South African public schools’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 106.
Dube, F ‘Ubuntu: An underutilised foundational constitutional principle of South African environmental law’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Melaku, T ‘Transition and the pitfalls of nondemocratic institutions: A review of constitutionality in Ethiopia’ (2021) AJCCL 67.
De Lange, S ‘Secrecy of taxpayer information and the disclosure thereof by an order of court in terms of the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 and the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 195.
Ncube, P ‘Gender inequality and financial inclusion in South Africa: Lessons from India’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Botha, M ‘Thinking of outsourcing your FICA responsibility?’ (2023) 27.3 PLD.
Pesci, A and Koekemoer, MM ‘The FSCA Conduct Standard for Banks as a means to reform the internal financial consumer complaint resolution mechanisms of South African banks’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 254.
Scott, J ‘Vonnisbespreking: Die jongste “gly-en-val”-uitspraak teen ’n winkeleienaar: ’n Ontkenning van die Chartaprops-verweer?’ (2023) 20(3) LitNet 801.
Franco, C and du Plessis, W ‘Die soektog na gasbronne in Suid-Afrikaanse gebiedswaters: ’n omgewingsregsperspektief’ (2023) 20(2) LitNet 652.
Madondo, I ‘Accessibility, independence and impartiality of the traditional court system’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Nel, N and Davidse, M ‘Homeowners’ Association, the unsung hero of community schemes in South Africa’ (2024) 28.1 PLD.
Mgijima-Konopi, I and Miti-Drummond, MA ‘Refugees with albinism in Africa’ (2023) 11 ADRY 183.
Sande, N ‘Going beyond Christian doctrinal disability discourses to embrace human rights in Zimbabwe’ (2023) 11 ADRY 54.
Venter, N ‘Wat behels ’n lewenslange vonnis? ’n Uiteensetting van die paroolproses in Suid-Afrika, asook moontlike remedies vir misdaadslagoffers wat by dié proses uitgesluit word’ (2023) 20(3) LitNet 781.
Chayya, S ‘The employment status of uber drivers: Comparing approaches by courts in the United Kingdom and South Africa’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 1.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Delpaul v Hollard Life Assurance Co Ltd 2023 JDR 2324 (GJ)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 61.
Millard, D ‘Cases: 43 AIR School Holdings (Pty) Ltd v AIG South Africa Ltd 2023 JDR 0649 (GJ)’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 13.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Discovery Insure Limited v Masindi 2023 JDR 2092 (SCA)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 55.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Govender v Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited 2023 JDR 0672 (GP)’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 21.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Normandien Farms (Pty) Ltd v SAFIRE Crop Protection Co-operative Limited [2023] ZAKZPHC 6 (26 January 2023)’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 7.
Millard, D ‘Cases: PWR v Discovery Life Limited 2023 JDR 0948 (GJ)’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 25.
Millard, D ‘Cases: PWR v Discovery Life Limited and Another (Leave to Appeal) 2023 JDR 1428 (GJ)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 52.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Suhaifa Kookatay & Ano and Another v Topfin Makelaars Vryburg CC and Others 2023 JDR 1178 (NWM)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 48.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal Cases: Abacus Insurance Limited v The Prudential Authority Case number PA4/2022 (29 March 2023)’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 2.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal Decisions: Singh v Marsh Proprietary Limited and Another Case number FSP57/2022; [2023] ZAFST 39 (12 April 2023)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 36.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal Decisions: Dabrowa v Paulina Bifna & Associates t/a PBA Financial Services Case number FSP33/2022); [2023] ZAFST 45 (21 April 2023)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 39.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal Decisions: Caple v Scott-Kohler CC t/a Risk Sure Insurance Brokers and Another Case number FSP1/2023; [2023] ZAFST 46 (24 April 2023)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 41.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal Decisions: Thulare v Outsurance Insurance Company Limited Case number FSP12/2023; [2023] ZAFST 62 (11 May 2023)’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 44.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Financial Markets Act 19 of 2012’ (2023) 26.2 JILB 69.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Financial Sector and Deposit Insurance Levies Act 11 of 2022’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 32.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Financial Sector and Deposit Insurance Levies (Administration) and Deposit Insurance Premiums Act 12 of 2022’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 33.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Financial Sector Laws Amendment Act 23 of 2021’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 32.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 32.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Long-term Insurance Act 52 of 1998’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 32.
Millard, D ‘Legislation: Short-term Insurance Act 53 of 1998’ (2023) 26.1 JILB 32.
Clarke, SL ‘Jumping in muddy puddles: Protecting the right to a standard of living of internally displaced children with disabilities in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa’ (2023) 11 ADRY 3.
Akia, B ‘The historical application of command responsibility as basis for prosecuting sexual violence crimes under international criminal law: The Post-World War II Criminal Tribunals to Rome’ (2023) 29.2 Fundamina 1.
Fiattor, E ‘An in-depth analysis of choice of law rules in consumer contracts: A focus on the African Continental Free Trade Area’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Tshidzumba-Sengwane, K ‘South Africa’s response to the digital economy’s direct tax challenges – part 1’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 366.
Mamashela, M ‘Is there a prescribed length for a declaration by an applicant and/or a plea by a respondent in rule 43(2) and (3) applications?’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 500.
Hoctor, S ‘The nature and ambit of the intimidation offence – S v White 2022 (2) SACR 511 (FB)’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 598.
Abduroaf, M ‘An analysis of difference of religion as a disqualification from inheriting in terms of the Islamic law of succession: A South African case study’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 575.
Sungay, MH ‘Do women face discrimination under the Islamic law of succession? An examination of the male-preferential 2:1 rule of inheritance’ (2023) 27 LDD 450.
Ngugi, P ‘The quest for coherence in Kenya’s Judicial Sentencing Policy: A review of the jurisprudence following the Muruatetu case’ (2021) AJCCL 142.
Barrie, G ‘The introduction of “free, prior, and informed consent” to the land reform legal lexicon Baleni v Minister of Mineral Resources 2019 (2) SA 453 (GP)’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 900.
Sibanda, S and Raboshakga, N ‘A question of underlying interests: Economic justice, constitutional history, and the capture of the South African state by white economic interests’ (2023) 27 LDD 539.
Awarab, M ‘A critical appraisal of the principles relating to mistake and misrepresentation as factors affecting consensus in contractual agreements in the Namibian context: Discussion through the use of examples’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 348.
Van Niekerk, L ‘Help hulle inkom én deurkom: Sienings oor studentetoegang en -sukses in regsopleiding in Suid-Afrika’ (2024) 21(1) LitNet.
Welgemoed, M and Erasmus, D ‘The importance of graduate attributes in preparing law students for legal practice’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 709.
Newaj, K ‘Limitations on the rights of migrant workers: Is a compliant and consistent approach being followed?’ (2023) 27 LDD 304.
Du Toit, P ‘Vonnisbespreking: Die regte van verdagtes wat nie in hegtenis geneem of in aanhouding is nie’ (2024) 21(1) LitNet.
Carney, TR ‘Drafting definitions with polisemy and semantic change in mind’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 561.
Van Coller, A and Johnson, E ‘Legal gymnastics: An evaluation of the judgment in Z v Z [2022] ZASCA 113’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 634.
Karomo, A; Plön, S and Vrancken, P ‘Get with the beat! The regulation of underwater noise in South Africa’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 383.
Barratt, A ‘“Under the whip” or marital violence, cruelty, and drunkenness: Defining the boundaries of judicially intolerable marital behaviour in the Cape Supreme Court, 1890 – 1900’ (2023) 29.2 Fundamina 33.
Muller, EC and Swanepoel, CF ‘Advocating for mediation as a way to de-escalate conflict, with a focus on medico-legal claims: The anatomy of human conflict’ (2023) 27 LDD 278.
Labuschaigne, M and Slabbert, M ‘Vonnisbespreking: Mediese nalatigheid – vertraging in oorplasing van pasiënt na geskikte sorg; en of nalatigheid oorsaaklik verband hou met amputasie van pasiënt se been’ (2023) 20(2) LitNet 599.
Tavuyanao, S and Vinti, C ‘Reflections on the justiciability of the “national security” clause as stipulated by section 18A of the Competition Act 89 of 1998: Lessons from Russia – Measures Concerning Traffic in Transit WTO Panel Decision’ (2023) 27 LDD 240.
Phungula, S ‘The application of derivative misconduct in the workplace: A critical analysis of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa obo Nganezi v Dunlop Mixing and Technical Services (Pty) Limited 2019 (5) SA 354 (CC)’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 598.
Barnabas, SG and Okanyi, DO ‘The interface between national and international law in Africa: Nigeria and Kenya in comparative perspective’ (2021) AJCCL 41.
Rammila, D ‘Evaluating the potential impact of National Health Insurance on medical scheme members’ rights to have access to health-care services in South Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 360.
Boswell, R ‘Legislating marine intangible cultural heritage in South Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 491.
Adigun, M ‘The constitutionality of COVID-19 measures under the Nigerian Federal System’ (2021) AJCCL 88.
Smit, DM and Stopforth, G ‘An overview of categories of vulnerability among on-demand workers in the gig economy (Part 2)’ (2023) 27 LDD 149.
Labuschaigne, M and Slabbert, M ‘Nierversaking en ’n orgaanoorplanting in Met ’n ompad deur Berna Ackerman – ’n regsletterkundige ondersoek’ (2023) 20(2) LitNet 578.
Khan, F ‘Limitation of parental consent in respect of vaccinations in South Africa: Guidance from the United Kingdom and the United States’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 534.
Holeness, W ‘Adapting prevention and early intervention measures and parenting capacity assessments in neglect cases involving parents with intellectual disabilities in South African children’s courts’ (2023) 11 ADRY 32.
Mhango, M and Mosito, K ‘The constitutional implications of pension deductions under the Pension Funds Act of Lesotho: A comparative analysis’ (2023) 27 LDD 183.
Marumoagae, MC ‘What constitutes “unreasonable delays” in finalising court cases that led to the withholding of members’ retirement benefits?’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 89.
Mabaso, F ‘A step forward in the fight against ableism: Damons v City of Cape Town [2022] ZACC 13’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 436.
Munyai, A and Ashukem, JCN ‘The political economy of political corruption in 21st century Africa: Perspectives from Cameroon and South Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 330.
Sibisi, S ‘Applying provisions on forfeiture of patrimonial benefits to polygynous customary marriages’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 737.
Letsie, PR and Ngwena, C ‘Protecting the human rights of pregnant and parenting adolescents in Lesotho: “What’s culture got to do with it?”’ (2023) 27 LDD 392.
Abayomi, SB ‘Judicial interpretation of the presidential power of pardon in Nigeria’ (2021) AJCCL 23.
Bouwers, GJ ‘Tacit choice of law in international commercial contracts: Progress or stagnation in the common law jurisdictions?’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 271.
Thompson, DMO ‘Mandate vs Effective Cause Commission Claims after a mandate has expired’ (2024) 28.1 PLD.
Botha, M ‘Can an estate agent be “deemed to have been the effective cause” of a sale?’ (2023) 27.4 PLD.
Botha, M ‘The Housing Consumer Protection Bill and appointing conveyancers as watchdogs’ (2023) 27.2 PLD.
Louw, H ‘Leaks!’ (2023) 27.3 PLD.
Nysschen, J ‘The MPT-legal duties as a tribunal’ (2023) 27.3 PLD.
Thompson, DMO ‘Passing of risk in the sale of immovable property: When does it become a purchaser’s liability?’ (2023) 27.4 PLD.
Calitz, K ‘The plight of South African whistle-blowers: Searching for effective protection’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 828.
Le Roux-Bouwer, J ‘Putative private defence in criminal law Tuta v The State 2023 (2) BCLR 179 (CC)’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 926.
Mabaso, F ‘Racial considerations are a prerequisite and not an afterthought: A discussion of Kroukamp v The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development [2021] ZAGPPHC 526 and Magistrates Commission v Lawrence 2022 (1) All SA 321 (SCA)’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 671.
Mokomane, RB ‘Quelling the raging fire: Restorative justice as a response to vigilantism in South Africa’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 785.
Phiri, S ‘The right of access to information vs the right to privacy in Tiso Blackstar Group (Pty) Ltd & Others v Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. (18706/2019) [2022] ZAWCHC 265 (10 May 2022)’ (2023) 27 LDD 265.
Zewale, Y ‘Missed opportunity: Evaluating Ethiopia’s Electoral Proclamation through the prism of CRPD voting standards’ (2023) 11 ADRY 70.
Cassim, MF ‘An analysis of rights offers: their advantages and draw backs’ 2023) 44.3 Obiter 671.
Mubangizi, JC ‘Democracy and the rule of law: Comparative lessons between Uganda and South Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 468.
Mollema, N ‘People for sale: Tracing the historical roots of slavery and human trafficking in early Colonial South Africa’ (2023) 29.2 Fundamina 85.
Ndyulo, L ‘Protecting the right to identity against catfishing: What’s the catch?’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 308.
Tshoose, CI ‘The role and impact of constitutional values of ubuntu, equality, and human dignity in the interpretation and protection of the right to have access to social security in South Africa’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 163.
Greenhalgh, BP ‘Strike ballots in present-day South Africa: Examining the intersection between non-compliant trade unions, de-registration, and the Registrar’ (2023) 48.2 JJS 135.
Engelbrecht, WA; Greef, C; Joubert, D; Parsons, S and Thiart, C ‘The conflict between certain capital allowances in the income tax act and the special economic zones policy objectives’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 412.
Botha, M ‘Landlord terminating lease to sell the property: A CPA point of view’ (2024) 28.1 PLD.
Olomola, O ‘Customary law and gender dynamics of political participation in Nigeria’ (2023) 10 JLSD.
Mugerwa-Sekawabe, M ‘An examination of policies regulating the participation of transgender learners in South African high school sports’ (2023) 44.4 Obiter 879.
Ngwenyama, LR ‘Alternative accommodation of an unlawful occupier’s choosing: Some reflections on Grobler v Phillips [2022] ZACC 32’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 646.
Slade, B ‘Clarifying the power of the South African Human Rights Commission to take steps to redress the violation of human rights: A discussion of South African Human Rights Commission v Agro Data CC [2022] ZAMPMBHC 58’ (2023) 44.2 Obiter 459.
Stevens, G and Le Roux-Bouwer, J ‘A critical legal perspective on statutory intoxication – time to sober up?’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 584.
Barrie, G ‘The rejection of Roe v Wade by the United States Supreme Court after five decades – a seismic decision’ (2023) 44.3 Obiter 626.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2024 (April) DR 40.
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