Recent articles and research – August 2019

August 1st, 2019

By Meryl Federl

Accessing articles from publishers


Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at


Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
DJ De Jure University of Pretoria, Faculty of Law (2019) 52. 2
LitNet LitNet Akademies (Regte) Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys (2019) 16.2 June
PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law

(2019) 22 May

(2019) 22 June

SAJCJ South African Journal of Criminal Justice Juta (2019) 32.1



South African Journal on Human Rights Taylor & Francis (2019) 35.1

SA Merc LJ


South African Mercantile Law Journal


Juta (2018) 30.3


Administrative law

Theophilopoulos, C and De Matos Ala, CAn analysis of the Public Protector’s investigatory and decision-making procedural powers’ (2019) 22 June PER.

Child law

Nortje, WVonnisbespreking: Die beskerming van die identiteit van minderjariges by volwassenheid’ (2019) 16.2 June LitNet.

Class action

Broodryk, TThe South African class action mechanism: Comparing the opt-in regime to the opt-out regime’ (2019) 22 May PER.

Company law

De Lange, S ‘Compliance notices in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Some observations regarding the issuing of and objection to compliance notices’ (2018) SA Merc LJ 30.3 434.

Competition law

Ratz, MDamages arising from contraventions of Competition Act 89 of 1998’ (2019) 22 June PER.

Contract law

Bhana, D and Visser, CJ ‘The concurrence of breach of contract and delict in a constitutional context’ (2019) 35.1 SAJHR 94.

Credit law

Njotini, MN ‘Regulatory overreach v judicial overreach: Du Bruyn NO v Karsten’ (2018) 30.3 SA Merc LJ 499.

Criminal law

Albertus, C; Nanima, RD and Hamman, AJ ‘Voice evidence in criminal trials: Reflections on the court’s application of s 37(1)(c) of the CPA in S v Mahlangu 2018 (2) SACR 64 (GP)’ (2019) 32.1 SAJCJ 76.

Fambasayi, R ‘The constitutional protection of child witnesses in Zimbabwe’s criminal justice system’ (2019) 32.1 SAJCJ 52.

Mujuzi, JD ‘The admissibility of evidence obtained through human rights violations in Seychelles’ (2019) 32.1 SAJCJ 1.

Okpaluba, C ‘Quantification of damages for malicious prosecution: A comparative analysis of recent South African and Commonwealth case law (3)’ (2019) 32.1 SAJCJ 28.

Customary law

Osman, FThe million Rand question: Does a civil marriage automatically dissolve the parties’ customary marriage?’ (2019) 22 May PER.

’Nyane, HThe Constitutional rules of succession to the institution of monarch in Lesotho’ (2019) 22 May PER.


Veriavaa, F and Skelton, A ‘The right to basic education: A comparative study of the United States, India and Brazil’ (2019) 35.1 SAJHR 1.

Family law

Baase, MThe ratification of inadequate surrogate motherhood agreements and the best interest of the child’  (2019) 22 May PER.

Hate speech

Marais, M and Pretorius, JLThe constitutionality of the prohibition of hate speech in terms of s 10(1) of the Equality Act: A reply to Botha and Govindjee’ (2019) 22 May PER.

Human rights

Agbor, AA and Njieassam, EEBeyond the contours of normally acceptable political violence: Is Cameroon a conflict/transitional society in the offing?’ (2019) 22 May PER.

Msuya, NHTraditional “juju oath” and human trafficking in Nigeria: A human rights perspective’ (2019) 52.2 DJ 138.

Ngang, CC ‘Radical transformation and a reading of the right to development in the South African constitutional order’ (2019) 35.1 SAJHR 25.

Pizzarossa, LB and Durojaye, E ‘International human rights norms and the South African Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act: An argument for vigilance and modernisation’ (2019) 35.1 SAJHR 50.

Stevens, GP and Eberechi, OEA critical analysis of article 16 of the UN refugee convention in relation to victims of sexual violence in refugee camps in Africa’ (2019) 52.2 DJ 163.

Insolvency law

Calitz, J ‘The notion of conflict of interest from a South African insolvency law perspective’ (2018) 30.3 SA Merc LJ 395.

Labour law

Khumalo, B ‘Racism in the workplace:  A view from the jurisprudence of courts in the past decade’ (2018) 30.3 SA Merc LJ  377.

Van Staden, M and van Eck, S ‘“Deemed” to be an employee: Adopting the teleological interpretation of statutes’ (2018) 30.3 SA Merc LJ  416.

Municipal law

Killander, M ‘Criminalising homelessness and survival strategies through municipal by-laws: Colonial legacy and constitutionality’ (2019) 35.1 SAJHR 70.

Pension law

Marumoagae, CThe need to provide members of retirement funds which are not regulated by the Pension Funds Act access to a specialised dispute resolution forum’ (2019) 52.2 DJ 115.

Tax law

Fritz, CNondabula v Commissioner: SARS (2018 (3) SA 541 (ECM) (27 June 2017))’ (2019) 52.2 DJ 181.

Moosa, F ‘Warrantless inspections by SARS: Limitation of taxpayers privacy?’ (2018) 30.3 SA Merc LJ 477.

Trade marks

Job, C ‘The trade mark similarity threshold and function in dilution law: A comparative analysis’ (2018) 30.3 SA Merc LJ 456.

Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:

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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2019 (Aug) DR 34.

De Rebus