Recent articles and research – August 2021

August 1st, 2021


Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at


Accessing articles from publishers


Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
EL Employment Law Journal LexisNexis (2021) 37.2
ITJ Insurance and Tax Journal LexisNexis (2021) 36.1
PLD Property Law Digest LexisNexis (2021) 25.1
TCR The Corporate Report Juta (2020) 1
TSAR Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg Juta

(2021) 2

(2021) 3



Constitutional law – religion

Henrico, R ‘Administrative law and voluntary religious associations in South Africa: Some reflections’ (2021) 3 TSAR 521.


Constitutional law

Laubscher, R ‘Overview of constitutional court judgments on the Bill of Rights – 2020’ (2021) 2 TSAR 311.

Rautenbach, IM ‘Constitution and contract: Indirect and direct application of the Bill of Rights on the same day and the meaning of “in terms of law”’ (2021) 2 TSAR 379.


Consumer law

Eislelen, S ‘Digitisation and consumer law in South Africa and Africa’ (2021) 3 TSAR 436.


Contracts – novation

Sonnekus, JC and Schlemmer, EC ‘Novasie en delegasie van skuld – hoe raak dit die versekering van die tersake skuld?’ (2021) 2 TSAR 356.



Reinecke, MFB and Lubbe, GF ‘Contracts of insurance and the objective approach to interpretation of contracts’ (2021) 2 TSAR 346.


COVID-19 – constitutional law

Brickhill, J ‘Constitutional implications of COVID-19’ (2020) 1 TCR 33.


COVID-19 – corporate entities

Foster, R ‘Critical insights into COVID-19’s impact on organisations through the lens of the King IV Report’ (2020) 1 TCR 7.

Hooper, P ‘Non-governmental organisations and corporate social investment in a time of crisis’ (2020) 1 TCR 39.

King, M ‘Coronanomics’ (2020) 1 TCR 1.

Natesan, P ‘COVID-19: Key actions for boards’ (2020) 1 TCR 21.

Singh, H ‘Pandenomics: The impact of the pandemic on business and society’ (2020) 1 TCR 47.


COVID-19 – insolvency

Timoney, K and Veldhuizen, PJ ‘Insolvency and restructuring in the post-pandemic world: The role of liquidation and business rescue’ (2020) 1 TCR 25.


COVID-19 – legal profession

Van Eck, M ‘Ethical and professional duties of legal practitioners: Another casualty of COVID-19?’ (2021) 2 TSAR 396.


Criminal procedure

Watney, M ‘Concern about the (seemingly) unlimited discretion to discharge an accused after close of the state’s case’ (2021) 3 TSAR 611.


Customary marriages

Sonnekus, JC ‘Huweliksluiting én aanneming van kinders kragtens kulturele gebruike in stryd met die reg behoort kragteloos te wees – sed, ex Africa semper aliquid novi’ (2021) 2 TSAR 211.



Sonnekus, JC ‘Verlowingsbreuk of troubreuk is geen egbreuk nie maar slegs nog in sommige moderne sosiale gemeenskappe as onregmatige daad erken?’ (2021) 2 TSAR 327.


Disaster management

Botes, M ‘The use of geospatial surveillance data for public-health emergency and disaster management in South Africa: A review with legal recommendations’ (2021) 3 TSAR 474.



Du Toit, JJ and Svicevic, M ‘The unconstitutionality of section 5(1)(a) of the Extradition Act 67 of 1962 – implications for ongoing and future extradition proceedings in light of a decision of the Constitutional Court’ (2021) 3 TSAR 538.


Fair use

Karjiker, S ‘Should South Africa adopt fair use? Cutting through the rhetoric’ (2021) 2 TSAR 240.



O’Brien, P and Calitz, J ‘Setting aside the (result of a) vote to reject a business rescue plan: Mind the gaps when biting at the cherry!’ (2021) 3 TSAR 409.


Labour law

Coetzee, SA ‘Promoting fair individual labour dispute resolution for South African educators accused of sexual misconduct (part 2)’ (2021) 2 TSAR 279.

Grogan, J ‘Back pay puzzles: Enforcing retrospective reinstatement orders’ (2021) 37.3 EL.

Grogan, J ‘Cause and effect – does the “Afrox test” still apply?’ (2021) 37.3 EL.


Law of succession

De Waal, MJ and Mills, L ‘What it means to be a parent: Implications for family law and the law of intestate succession’ (2021) 3 TSAR 562.

Faber, J ‘A conceptual view of the act of testation to elucidate a testator’s intention in the South African law of succession: A proposed “act-based model” as opposed to the traditional “requirements model” (part 1)’ (2021) 3 TSAR 504.


Legal practice

Van Eck, M ‘The third branch of the legal profession’ (2021) 2 TSAR 256.


Matrimonial law

Neethling, J ‘The availability of the actio legis aquiliae and the actio iniuriarum between spouses’ (2021) 3 TSAR 602.


Pension fund law

De la Harpe, L ‘Withdrawing retirement funds upon emigration’ (2021) 36.2 ITJ.

Mhango, M ‘A strange thing happened on the way to the Post Office: Post Office Retirement Fund v S.A. Post Office SOC Ltd and Others’ (2021) 36.2 ITJ.

Mhango, M ‘Deductions from pension benefits under the Lesotho Pension Funds Act: A comparative analysis’ (2021) 36.2 ITJ.

Nevondwe, L ‘Retirement reforms: The practical implications of annuitisation’ (2021) 36.2 ITJ.

Oosthuizen, WM ‘Critical analysis of the SCA decision in Montanari v Montanari in respect of living annuities on divorce’ (2021) 36.2 ITJ.



Botha, M ‘POPIA and electronic direct marketing: A storm (in a teacup)’ (2021) 25.2 PLD.


Property law

Bhuqa, W ‘Speculation on the validity of removals of title deed restrictions effected in terms of the Repealed Act 84 of 1967 after 1 July 2015’ (2021) 25.2 PLD.

Botha, M ‘Body corporates’ liability for costs contributions when using sequestration to collect arrear levies’ (2021) 25.2 PLD.

Malatji, M ‘The importance of property force majeure clause in a lease for commercial lease agreement’ (2021) 25.2 PLD.

Sonnekus, JCGéén teenprestasie vir ’n serwituut van parkering oor eiendom van ’n aandeleblokskema – bedenklik – ook wat kompetensie betref’ (2021) 3 TSAR 571.

Van der Merwe, CG ‘Is a scheme rule prohibiting the keeping of animals in a sectional title scheme invalid? Lessons from the landmark decision of the New South Wales Court of Appeal’ (2021) 3 TSAR 456.


Tax law

Moosa, F ‘Analysis of legal professional privilege in the Tax Administration Act’ (2021) 2 TSAR 294.



Van Tonder, W ‘Total return investing and trusts’ (2021) 36.2 ITJ.


Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2021 (Aug) DR 42.

De Rebus