Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys | (2023) 20(1) |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University | (2023) 44.1 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law |
(2022) 25 (2023) 26 |
PLD | Property Law Digest | LexisNexis |
(2022) 26.3 (2022) 26.4 (2023) 27.1 |
Eloff, D ‘The nature of rights and access to the Internet’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 33.
Visagie, J ‘The jurisdiction of the Advertising Regulatory Board over non-members: The Supreme Court of Appeal confirms its Herbex-order in the Bliss-matter’ (2023) 26 PER.
Edgcumbe, A ‘Is the writing on the wall for the genetic link requirement in surrogacy agreements?’ (2023) 26 PER.
Stal, SJ ‘Does mistaken belief in consent constitute a defence in South African rape cases?’ (2023) 26 PER.
Calitz, K ‘Bullying in the workplace: The plight of South African employees’ (2022) 25 PER.
Botha, R and Govender, R ‘Exploring the feasibility of criminalising maternal substance abuse in South Africa’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 175.
Essop, Z ‘Children’s right to education versus their right to religion and culture in South Africa: With specific reference to the wearing of a headscarf in South African schools’ (2023) 26 PER.
Leistner, M ‘Personal tribute to Charl Hugo’ (2022) 25 PER.
Malan, FR ‘A tribute to Charl Francois Hugo’ (2022) 25 PER.
Martinek, M ‘Issues and essence of distribution law in Germany: A contribution in honour of Professor Charl Hugo’ (2022) 25 PER.
Marxen, K ‘Editorial: Festschrift for Charl Hugo’ (2022) 25 PER.
Pretorius, J ‘Charl Hugo: A friend and dear colleague’ (2022) 25 PER.
Zimmermann, R ‘Re-orientation’ (2022) 25 PER.
Louw, H ‘Quo vadis csos?’ (2022) 26.3 PLD.
Subramanien, D ‘Section 165 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: A comparative discussion of the concepts of ratification, access to information and alternative remedies’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 1.
Möllers, TMJ ‘Concepts of justice and national context outlining legal comparisons between the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States of America, and the People’s Republic of China’ (2022) 25 PER.
Newaj, K ‘A critical evaluation of whether benefits provided for in COIDA fall within the ambit of the constitutional right to access social security protected in section 27(1)(c) of the Constitution’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 122.
Van der Westhuizen, E and Carnelley, M ‘Regulation of video gaming loot boxes: Lessons for South Africa from abroad’ (2023) 26 PER.
De Jong, M ‘Towards a more uniform approach to parenting coordination in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Beiter, KD; Flynn, S; Forere, M; Klaaren, J; Ncube, CB; Nwauche, ES; Rens, A; Samtani, S and Schonwetter, T ‘Copyright reform in South Africa: Two joint academic opinions on the Copyright Amendment Bill [B13B 2017]’ (2022) 25 PER.
Khan, F and Hagglund, K ‘Mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations at universities in South Africa: Guidance from the United States and the European Union’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 139.
Bakker, P ‘Integration of the bride and the courts: Is integration as a living customary law requirement still required?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Mabeka, NQ and Cassim, F ‘Interpreting the provisions of the Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020 in the context of civil procedure: A future journey’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 19.
Chivizhe, T ‘A comparative analysis of the approach to the conformity of a supporting statement calling for payment under demand guarantees’ (2022) 25 PER.
Kelly-Louw, M ‘Beneficiary fraud and demand guarantees’ (2022) 25 PER.
Sibiya, SW; Calvino, LR and Iyer, D ‘Judicial scrutiny of derivative misconduct in South African employment law: A careful approach to the duty to speak’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 106.
Cachalia, F and Klaaren, J ‘Digitalisation in the health sector: A South African public law perspective’ (2022) 25 PER.
Coetzee, S ‘Sexual grooming of children in teaching as a trust profession in South Africa’ (2023) 26 PER.
Hlwatika, S and Van der Walt, A ‘An employer’s ability to substitute a disciplinary enquiry sanction – part 1’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 199.
Hattingh, H ‘The legal relevance of nature-based solutions for sustainable urban development in South African secondary cities’ (2022) 25 PER.
Knox-Mosdell, SC ‘A legal perspective on sustainable development and urban poverty in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Samons, M ‘The control and eradication of invasive species in urban areas in terms of South African law: The City of Cape Town and the Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Beetles’ (2022) 25 PER.
Venter, F ‘Environmental stewardship: Confluence of law and religion?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Hall, J ‘Facing the music through environmental administrative penalties: Lessons to be learned from the implementation and impact of section 24G?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Bellengère, A and Theophilopoilos, C ‘Relevance, admissibility and probative value in a rational system of evidence: A South African perspective’ (2022) 25 PER.
Van der Linde, DC ‘Once, twice, three times delayed: Considering a permanent stay of prosecution in Rodrigues v The National Director of Public Prosecutions’ (2022) 25 PER.
Botha, M ‘FICA, fate and other acronyms with teeth’ (2022) 26.4 PLD.
Adams, G and Lenaghan, PM ‘The African Union’s self-financing-mechanism: A critical analysis in terms of the World Trade Organisation’s Rules and Regulations’ (2022) 25 PER.
Brits, R and Koekemoer, MM ‘Perfecting a general notarial bond: You can’t have your cake and eat it! ABSA Bank Limited v Go on Supermarket (Pty) Limited (The Spar Group Limited intervening) (9442/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 173 (24 March 2022)’ (2023) 26 PER.
Gooden, A and Thaldar, DW ‘Direct-to-consumer genetic testing in South Africa: Stumbling over the first legal hurdle?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Maloka, TC and Matsheta, MR ‘“The fly in the ointment” or simply a “born-again shop steward” defending workers’ rights to fair representation? The case of Msunduzi Municipality v Hoskins 2017 38 ILJ 582 (LAC) in retrospect’ (2023) 26 PER.
Strydom, H ‘The sanctions debate in the work of the United Nations since the 2000 Working Paper’ (2022) 25 PER.
Barratt, A ‘“In which the partners undertook reciprocal duties of support” – a discussion of the phrase as used in Bwanya v Master of the High Court, Cape Town’ (2022) 25 PER.
Sibisi, S ‘Forfeiture of patrimonial benefits and the dissolution of marriage through death: Monyepao v Ledwaba (1368/18) [2020] ZASCA 54 (27 May 2020)’ (2022) 25 PER.
Lotter, C ‘Judging the Holy Cow: Examining the role of implicit bias in judicial rulings – an analysis of the decision in Mbena v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services 2015 4 All SA 361 (ECP)’ (2022) 25 PER.
Wessels, B ‘Policy considerations that could justify the enactment of a Crime Victim Compensation Fund in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Holness, D ‘The need for monitoring and assessment of legal aid quality in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Sibisi, S ‘Consent and other ancillary matters as requirements of a customary marriage: LNM v MMM (2020/11024) [2021] ZAGPJHC 563 (11 June 2021)’ (2023) 26 PER.
Lupton, CS ‘A critical evaluation of the use of sanctions clauses in letters of credit’ (2022) 25 PER.
Botha, M ‘Life right holders have a trump card’ (2022) 26.3 PLD.
Swanepoel, NCF ‘Die misbruik van hofprosesse en die erkenning van ’n spesiale pleit wat onbehoorlike litigasiemotiewe ontmoedig’ (2023) 20(1) LitNet.
Nel, N and van der Merwe, Z ‘Discussion of Henque 1838 CC v The Body Corporate of Kirtlington Park (3614/2021) [2022] ZAKZDHC 42 and the validity of management rule amendments’ (2022) 26.4 PLD.
Broodryk, T ‘Toegang tot geregtigheid in Suid-Afrika: Almal se reg; ’n ontoeganklike ideaal vir talle’ (2023) 20(1) LitNet.
Mathebula, T ‘Transitioning old order mining rights into new mining rights: A critical analysis’ (2023) 26 PER.
Marxen, K ‘When context matters – application and potential of financial crime risk indicators in selected African jurisdictions’ (2022) 25 PER.
Ayinde, DJ ‘An appraisal of the legal framework on parole in Nigeria’ (2022) 25 PER.
Marumoagae, MC ‘Section 30P of the Pension Funds Act: A review, appeal or what?’ (2023) 26 PER.
Adams, F ‘The UCP as a choice of non-State law in international commercial contracts’ (2022) 25 PER.
Neels, JL ‘International commercial law emerging in Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Thompson, DMO ‘Suspensive conditions – Bond Royal Energy Management Services (Pty) Ltd v Carse NO – 2021 JDR 3275 (WCC)’ (2022) 26.4 PLD.
Thompson, DMO ‘Continued marketing clauses in sale agreements and extension clauses in lease agreements – sole mandates’ (2023) 27.1 PLD.
Fuo, O ‘The fiscal autonomy of South African municipalities to levy rates: An appraisal of City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality v Zibi [2021] ZASCA 97’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 232.
Franzsen, R ‘Should market value be retained as the only tax base for municipal property rates in South Africa?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Bronstein, V ‘Prioritising command-and-control over collaborative governance: The role of the Information Regulator under the Protection of Personal Information Act’ (2022) 25 PER.
Chamberlain, L and Potter, A ‘An analysis of South Africa’s provision of emergency water supply during the COVID-19 pandemic: Accountability and expiration’ (2022) 25 PER.
Williams, RC ‘Claims for a statement and debatement of account: Principles and process’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 97.
Dayimani, A ‘Who’s responsible? Maintenance obligations in sectional title schemes’ (2022) 26.3 PLD.
Van der Merwe, CG ‘Comparative perspectives on the keeping of animals in sectional (strata) title schemes’ (2022) 25 PER.
Van der Linde, KE ‘The Steinhoff corporate scandal and the protection of investors who purchased shares on the secondary market’ (2022) 25 PER.
Dayimani, A ‘Are social housing institutions the solution to informal settlements?’ (2022) 26.4 PLD.
Mpedi, LG ‘Financial services and arrangements to facilitate the (ex)portability of social security benefits in the Southern African Development Community’ (2022) 25 PER.
De Man, A ‘Strengthening the fight against corruption through the principle of accountability’ (2022) 25 PER.
Nyawo, P ‘Law, South African mothers living in poverty and the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (2023) 26 PER.
Badenhorst, PJ ‘Sir William Blackstone and the doctrine of subjective rights’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 162.
Fick, S ‘Location, location, location! An analysis of the legal grounds for requiring alternative accommodation to be provided close to the eviction site’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 73.
Botha, M ‘Formal introduction of a definition for a beneficial owner into South African trust laws, and other changes to the Trust Property Control Act’ (2023) 27.1 PLD.
Viljoen, G and Bosman, C ‘Some legal options to ensure the protection of South Africa’s utilisable groundwater resources’ (2022) 25 PER.
Legwaila, T ‘Tax planning using interest – an organised chaos for those interested’ (2022) 25 PER.
Mujuzi, JD ‘Compensation for wrongful conviction in South Africa’ (2023) 44.1 Obiter 50.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2023 (Aug) DR 40.
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