Recent articles and research – December 2018

December 1st, 2018

By Meryl Federl

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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at 


Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
ILJ Industrial Law Journal Juta (2018) 39
LitNet LitNet Akademies (Regte) Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys (2018) 15.3 October
PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law (2018) September
SALJ South African Law Journal Juta

(2018) 135.3


SAJHR South African Journal on Human Rights Taylor & Francis (2018) 34.2
TSAR Tydskrif vir Suid-Afrikaanse Reg Juta (2018) 4
THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeinse-Hollandse Reg LexisNexis (2018) 81.4

Administrative law

Plasket, C ‘Judicial review, administrative power and deference: A view from the bench’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 502.

Banking law

Kawadza, H ‘The South African financial safety net: In support of the proposed deposit protection framework’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 524.

Child law

Kruger, HThe protection of children’s right to self-determination in South African law with specific reference to medical treatment and operations’ (2018) September PER.

Thaldar, DW ‘Post-truth jurisprudence: The case of AB v Minister of Social Development’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 231.

Company law

Locke, N and van der Linde, K ‘Business rescue and the fate of accessory security rights – recommendations for the improvement of the business rescue procedure in the Companies Act of 2008’ (2018) 4 TSAR  839.

Constitutional law

Albertyn, C ‘Getting it right in equality cases. The evaluation of positive measures, groups and subsidiarity in Solidariteit v Minister of Basic Education’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 403.

Louw, S and Bronstein, V ‘Bingosinos, concurrent competence, and functional federalism in South Africa’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 547.

Venter, F ‘The limits of transformation in South Africa’s constitutional democracy’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 143.

Viljoen, S-M and Makama, SP ‘Structural relief – a context-sensitive approach’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 209.

Consumer protection

Coetzee, H ‘An opportunity for No Income No Asset (NINA) debtors to get out of check? – an evaluation of the proposed debt intervention measure’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 593.

Stoop, PN ‘Het die doodsklok vir voetstootsbedinge in Suid-Afrika gelui?’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 650.

Uzokwe, HC and van Heerden, C ‘Consumer protection in the banking industry: A comparison of the South African and Nigerian codes of banking practice’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 631.

Contract law

Fredericks, EA ‘The role of the lex loci contractus in determining contractual capacity’ (2018) 4 TSAR 754.

Van Zyl, R ‘Die oorsprongen ontwikkeling van die stipulatio alteri tot ’n suiwer verklaring in hedendaagse Suid-Afrikaanse reg (2)’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 543.

Customary law

Bayi, CH and Hawthorne, L ‘Colonialisation of Lobolo’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 576.

Criminal law

Watney, M ‘Mistakes upstairs may cause death downstairs: On warrants of arrest and stare decisisS v Lerumo 2018 (1) SACR 202 (NWM) and Sulani v Mashiyi 2018 (2) SACR 157 (ECP)’ (2018) 4 TSAR 927.


Pauw, P ‘The Supreme Court of Appeal goes with the flow – NK obo ZK v MEC for Health of the Gauteng Provincial Government (216/2017) 2018 ZASCA 13 (15 March 2018)’ (2018) 4 TSAR 939.


Scott, J ‘’n Resente toepassing van die nuwe onregmatigheidstoets vir deliktuele aanspreeklikheid – gewens of afkeurenswaardig? Stedall v Aspeling 2018 (2) SA 75 (HHA)’ (2018) 4 TSAR 906.

Wessels, AB ‘The role played by trust in imposing vicarious liability on the state for the intentionally committed violent crimes of police officers’ (2018) 4 TSAR 868.

Education law

Hodgson, TF ‘The right to inclusive education in South Africa: Recreating disability Apartheid through failed inclusion policies’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 461.

Environmental law

Du Plessis, A ‘The promise of “well-being” in section 24 of the Constitution of South Africa’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 191.

Muller, G ‘To fell or not to fell: The impact of NEMBA on the rights and obligations of a usufructuary’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 529.

Family law

Carnelley, M and Bothma, PDekolonialisering van die Suid-Afrikaanse familiereg in die lig van transformasiegerigte konstitusionalisme: ’n Praktiese benadering vir generasie Z’ (2018) 15.3 October LitNet.

Sonnekus, JC ‘Kinders se onderhoudsverpligting jeens hul ouers’ (2018) 4 TSAR 882.

Government procurement

Quinot, G ‘The third wave of preferential procurement regulations in South Africa’ (2018) 4 TSAR 856.


Mabe, Z ‘Insolvency of a purchaser in terms of an instalment sale agreement – Sekgothe v Wesbank Limited’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 682.

Stander, AL and Kloppers, HJ ‘Terugbetalings aan beleggers in piramideskemas – is dit in die gewone loop van besigheid ingevolge artikel 29 van die Insolvensiewet?’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 612.

Intellectual property

Raath, AWG and Brits, PS ‘Inheemse kennisstelsels, kulturele erfenisreg en regsbeginsels’ (2018) 4 TSAR 739.

International criminal law

Wanki, JN ‘Exploring the interrelationship between the responsibility to protect and the principle of complementarity in Africa: Conceptual ambiguities and contestable assumptions’ (2018) 4 TSAR 820.

International law

Dyani-Mhango, N ‘South Africa’s (unconstitutional) withdrawal from the Rome Statute: A note on Democratic Alliance v Minister of International Relations and Cooperation’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 268.

International trade law

Eiselen, S ‘Harmonization of commercial law in the region of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa’ (2018) 4 TSAR 771.

Labour law

Behari, A ‘The effect of the Labour Laws Amendment Bill 2017 on shared parental responsibilities’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2148.

Botha, MM ‘Managing racism in the workplace’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 671.

Du Toit, D ‘Should precarious work be the focus of labour law?’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2089.

Du Toit, D; Jacobs, M and Ronnie, R ‘Revisiting strikes in essential services’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2131.

Godfrey, S; du Toit, D and Jacobs, M ‘The new labour bills: An overview and analysis’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2161.

Maqutu, L and Motloung, S ‘Hidden racial attitudes within the workplace: An evaluation of Bester v Rustenburg Platinum’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 254.

Marumoagae, C ‘The conundrum of unclaimed retirement benefits held by South African retirement funds’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2107.

Reddy, S ‘Establishing a test for social media misconduct in the workplace’ (2018) 4 TSAR 789.

Law of evidence

Gravett, WH ‘Spotting the liar in the witness box – how valuable is demeanour evidence really? (2)’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 563.

Law of succession

Wood-Bodley, MC ‘Wills, divorce, and the provisions of section 2B of the Wills Act: Louw NO v Kock’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 418.

Money law

Spruyt, W ‘An assessment of the emergent functions of virtual currencies’ (2018) 4 TSAR 707.

Property law

Cloete, C and Temmers Boggenpoel, ZZ ‘Re-evaluating the court system in PIE eviction cases’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 432.

Marais, EJ ‘Narrowing the meaning of “deprivation” under the property clause? A critical analysis of the implications of the Constitutional Court’s Diamond Producers judgment for constitutional property protection’ (2018) 34.2 SAJHR 167.

Sonnekus, JC ‘Uitwissende verjaring en eiendomsreg bly verwar danksy die vermeend wye diskresie van regters – Rajah v Balduzzi’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 690.

Steyn, I ‘Execution against a mortgaged home – a transformed, yet evolving, landscape: FirstRand Bank Ltd v Mdletye (KZD) and FirstRand Bank t/a First National Bank v Zwane (GJ)’ (2018) 135.3 SALJ 446.

Private international law

Neels, JL ‘Choice of law in the revision of the Mexico City Convention – inspirations from the Hague Principles and beyond’ (2018) 81.4 THRHR 661.

Tax law

Legwaila, T ‘“Close” in the closeness of the connection between expenditure and the production of income for tax deductibility SG Taxpayer v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (IT 14264) 2018 SATC 1 (9 May 2018)’ (2018) 4 TSAR 948.

Trade mark law

Karjiker, S ‘The role of reputation in trade mark infringement’ (2018) 4 TSAR 726.

Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:

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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2018 (Dec) DR 43.

De Rebus