Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
BTCLQ | Business Tax and Company Law Quarterly | Juta | (2023) 14.3 |
Fundamina | Fundamina | Juta | (2023) 29.1 |
ITJ | Insurance and Tax Journal | LexisNexis | (2023) 38.3 |
JJS | Journal for Juridical Science | University of the Free State, Faculty of Law | (2023) 48.1 |
Peté, SA and Swanepoel, P ‘In-between black and white: Defining racial boundaries in colonial Natal at the turn of the twentieth century – part two’ (2023) 29.1 Fundamina 53.
Nortje, W ‘Professionalising the fight against police corruption in South Africa – towards a proactive anti-corruption regime’ (2023) 48.1 JJS 72.
Van der Linde, DC ‘Does the state have to provide substantiating evidence when an accused pleads guilty to drug-related charges? A discussion of S v Paulse 2022 (2) SACR 451 (WCC)’ (2023) 48.1 JJS 96.
Mujuzi, JD ‘The right against double jeopardy (Non Bis in Idem) and the drafting history of article 14(7) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966’ (2023) 29.1 Fundamina 1.
Ntontela, M ‘A courtroom misdiagnosis: A historical overview of the South
African approach to evidence of persons with communication disabilities before 1996’ (2023) 29.1 Fundamina 29.
Berger, R and Geldenhuys, E ‘South Africa’s ambiguous exchange control climate’ (2023) 14.3 BTCLQ 15.
Kruger, D ‘Foreign pension schemes: There be dragons, and some confusion – Part 1’ (2023) 14.3 BTCLQ 30.
Sibisi, S ‘The impact of the duration of the marriage in forfeiture of patrimonial benefits: PP v PJ [2020] ZAGPJHC 281 (2 November 2020)’ (2023) 48.1 JJS 145.
Liptak, E ‘Purpose requirement of the GAAR: Rethinking the “subjective” vs “objective” debate’ (2023) 14.3 BTCLQ 1.
Lupton, C and Huneberg, S ‘Issuance of independent guarantees by insurance companies’ (2023) 48.1 JJS 16.
Miles, T ‘Circumstances under which maintenance claims may be instituted’ (2023) 38.3 ITJ.
Botha, M ‘Important practical rules applicable to accrual regime marriages and marriages in community of property’ (2023) 38.3 ITJ.
Miles, T ‘“Till death do us part” – know the importance of your marital regime on your estate’ (2023) 38.3 ITJ.
Botha, M ‘Accrual claim: Calculating the inflation adjusted commencement value’ (2023) 38.3 ITJ.
Van Niekerk, G ‘The nationalisation of the South African Reserve Bank: A legal-historical perspective of three central banks’ (2023) 29.1 Fundamina 80.
Emmett, R ‘Counting on insuring first party risks: The case of Abacus Insurance Limited v the Prudential Authority’ (2023) 38.3 ITJ.
Alexander, N ‘An overview of an ombud office to enhance co-operation between School Governing Bodies and the Department of Education’ (2023) 48.1 JJS 40.
Moosa, F ‘Protecting the public purse with moral tax administration’ (2023) 14.3 BTCLQ 23.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2023 (Dec) DR 56.
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