Recent articles and research – JanFeb 2025

February 1st, 2025






Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
Advocate Advocate General Council of the Bar (2024) 37.3
AJCJ Africa Journal of Crime and Justice Juta (2023)
DJ De Jure University of Pretoria (2024) 57
EL Employment Law Journal LexisNexis (2024) 40.6
ITJ Insurance and Tax Journal LexisNexis (2024) 39.4
IJAR International Journal of African Reflections Juta (2024) 1
JCCLP Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law and Practice Juta (2023) 9.2
JILB Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin Juta (2024) 27.3
JJS Journal for Juridical Science University of the Free State, Faculty of Law

(2024) 49.2

(2024) 49.3

JOGIA Journal of Ocean Governance in Africa Juta (2022)
LDD Law, Democracy and Development University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law (2024) 28
PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law (2024) 27
PLD Property Law Digest LexisNexis

(2024) 28.3

(2024) 28.4

SA Merc LJ South African Mercantile Law Journal Juta (2024) 36.1
SAJBL South African Journal of Bioethics and Law South African Medical Association NPC (2024) 17.3
SAJCJ South African Journal of Criminal Justice Juta (2024) 37.2
SAJS Southern African Journal of Security University of South Africa Press (2024) 2
SALJ South African Law Journal Juta (2024) 141.4

 Alternative dispute resolution
Moosa, FA taxpayer’s right to fair alternative dispute resolution’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 69.

Armed conflict
Nanima, RDAn evaluation of the right to education of refugee children in Kenya’ (2024) 27 PER.

Artificial intelligence
Dhai, AUsing artificial intelligence in healthcare – some ethical and legal considerations’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 98.
God’spresence, EO and God’spresence, AFNReviewing artificial intelligence (AI) in the 21st century: A study of David Hanson’s Sophia – a gynoid’ (2024) 1 IJAR 137.
Makore, STMRegulating artificial intelligence to advance financial inclusion in South Africa’ (2024) 27 PER.
Naidoo, TOverview of AI regulation in healthcare: A comparative study of the EU and South Africa’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 121.

AWOL employee
Employment law ‘Absent with leave “deemed” dismissed too soon’ (2024) 40.6 EL.

Basic education
‘Nyane, HThe challenges of litigating the right to basic education in South Africa: Is the right realisable immediately or subject to resource limitation?’ (2024) 49.3 JJS 46.
Chirowamhangu, RRights-based analysis of basic education in South Africa’ (2024) 49.3 JJS 110.

Climate change
Bekink, MThe fundamental right of children to participate in climate change decision-making processes: A South African perspective’ (2024) 27 PER.

Common purpose in criminal law
Moshikaro, K and Willis-Smith, C ‘The dignity and justice of common purpose in criminal law’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 771.

Common-law defamation
Zitzke, E ‘Re(de)fining defamation’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 635.

Community Scheme Ombud Services
Freitas dos Santos, A ‘Litigating in community schemes: Why the High Court still matters’ (2024) 28.4 PLD.
Lourens, C ‘The reversal of a CSOS Adjudicator’s Award’ (2024) 28.3 PLD.

Competition law
Schmidt, D ‘Case note: The value of characterisation: Competition Commission v Irwin & Johnson & Another (2022) 2 CPLR 26 (CAC)’ (2024) 36.1 SA Merc LJ 125.

Complicity of the legal system
Ngcukaitobi SC, T“A blow to the head”: The murder of Steve Biko and the complicity of the legal system’ (2024) 37.3 Advocate 47.

Constitutional Court
Davis, DThe Constitutional Court and its relation to specialist bodies’ (2024) 37.3 Advocate 67.

Contingency fees agreement
Van Coller, AThe abuse of a contingency fees agreement – an analysis of Legal Practice Council v Bulelani Rubushe (Case no 1004/2022) [2023] ZASCA 167 (1 December 2023)’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 149.

Cooperative governance
Metuge, D ‘Integrated coastal management and marine spatial planning in South African law’ (2022) JOGIA 22.
Van der Merwe, JCooperative governance in education: Challenges inhibiting social justice realisation’ (2024) 49.3 JJS 23.

Amagnya, MA ‘Mapping corruption hotspots in Ghana’s criminal justice system and processes’ (2023) AJCJ 1.

Mestry, R and Du Plessis, PChildren’s inalienable rights of access to basic nutrition in South African public schools during the COVID-19 pandemic’ (2024) 49.3 JJS 70.
Ojedokun, UA ‘Future pandemic policing planning and strategies of the Nigeria Police Force Post-COVID-19’ (2023) AJCJ 51.
Saki, OData protection in Zimbabwe with reference to the COVID-19 pandemic and international law’ (2024) 27 PER.

Criminal justice
Dagnew, SW ‘Ethiopia’s hybrid justice: Synthesising different perspectives on crime and punishment’ (2023) AJCJ 70.

Criminal law and procedure
Du Toit, P ‘Recent cases: Criminal procedure’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 260.
Hoctor, S ‘Recent cases: General principles and specific offences’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 248.
Van der Merwe, A ‘Recent cases: Sentencing’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 271.

Criminal law
Waktola, DK ‘The spatio-temporal patterns and drivers of kidnappings for ransom in Ethiopia’ (2023) AJCJ 24.

Criminal procedure code
Melle, AWThe art of writing a judgment: An appraisal of the form and content of a judgment of a trial court under the Cameroon Criminal Procedure Code’ (2024) 1 IJAR 114.

Cultural and religious accommodation
Visser, C and Du Plessis, HThe scope of reasonable cultural and religious accommodation in public schools in South Africa, with a focus on ancestral callings experienced by learners’ (2024) 49.3 JJS 1.

Customary marriages
Sindane, NGenerosity as a constitutive element in African Customary Law: Some thoughts on Muvhali v Lukhele (21/34140) [2022] ZAGPJHC 402 (18 July 2022)’ (2024) 27 PER.

Cyber threats
Oladokun, BD; Orubebe, Ed; Ajani, Y; Omoniyi, YM; and Ben, ENCyber threats and safeguarding strategies in metaverse libraries: A systematic review’ (2024) 2 SAJS.

Derivative actions for stakeholders
Botes, E ‘The bottle has popped – how the Companies Act 71 of 2008 has incorporated derivative actions for stakeholders in South African law’ (2023) 9.2 JCCLP 35.

Digital advertising
Ngobeni, BMThe effects of modern-day paid digital advertising on the escalating sales of counterfeit goods in South Africa’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 126.

Robinson, M ‘Unveiling racial dynamics: A comparative study of South Africa and the United States’ (2023) AJCJ 90.

Distribution of death benefits
De la Harpe, E ‘Death benefits and section 37C – the duty to identify and trace dependants’ (2024) 39.4 ITJ.

Divorce law and pension funds
Maloka, T and Ramontja, K ‘Case note: Circumventing section 7(8)(a)(i) of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 and section 37D of the Pension Funds Act 24 of 1956 through strategic resignation: CNN v NN 2023 (5) SA 199 (GJ)’ (2024) 36.1 SA Merc LJ 112.

Donations tax provision
Meyer, E ‘Reflections on taxation and the discretionary inter vivos trust – time for re-thinking?’ (2024) 39.4 ITJ.

Electronic delivery of notices
Singh, CBye-bye Mr Postman: A consideration of the electronic delivery of notices in terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005’ (2024) 27 PER.

Environmental law
Surbun, V and Swanepoel, P ‘Seismic surveys in South Africa’s maritime domain: The Sustaining the Wild Coast cases’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 685.

Equal pay
Ebrahim, SThe ambit of terms and conditions of employment in equal pay claims under section 6(4) of the EEA: Lessons from international labour law’ (2024) 27 PER.

ESTA occupiers
Ngwenyama, LRThe difference between a relocation and an eviction in the context of ESTA: A critical reflection on Boplaas Landgoed (Pty) Ltd v Jonkies (LCC 37/2022) [2022] ZALCC 38 (15 August 2022)’ (2024) 28 LDD 399.

Family law
De Jong, M and Bonthuys, E ‘A statutory duty to provide financial information at an early stage in family-law matters’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 748.

Financial inclusion
Ncube, MSouth Africa aims to increase financial inclusion to 90 percent by 2030: Plausible or a mere ideal?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Financial planning
Raga, N ‘Disallowed contributions: Pros, cons and considerations’ (2024) 39.4 ITJ.

Forced displacement
Bamidele, S and Adefisoye, TOForced displacement, governance by law, and transnationalism in sub-Saharan Africa’ (2024) 28 LDD 312.

Gender-based violence
Mangxa, TV; Ntakana, K and Dabula, PPeer-to-peer facilitators’ perceptions of gender-based violence in a higher-education institution’ (2024) 1 IJAR 24.

Human rights
Le Roux-Bouwer, J and Museka, CPPhysical violence: Crime or cultural protégé?’ (2024) 57 DJ 206.
Okeng, EA and Diala, ACPromotion of service delivery in terms of the social contract theory in South Africa’s legal framework’ (2024) 27 PER.
Senokane, RPLinking the right to electricity as a contractual, derivative and human right through the undisclosed principal agency law’ (2024) 27 PER.

Sono, NAccession of movables to immovables: A critical analysis of USS Graphics (Pty) Ltd v Urban Print Factory (Pty) Ltd (30921/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1119 (14 February 2023)’ (2024) 27 PER.

Income tax
Moolman, L and Wessels, R ‘The application of section 8C of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 in the context of trust structures’ (2024) 36.1 SA Merc LJ 87.

Insurance law
Millard, D ‘Cases: Aggenbach v Wessels Case number 1696/21; 2024 JDR 2885 (NWM)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 41.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Azrapart (Pty) Ltd and Another v AIG South Africa Limited and Others (Leave to Appeal) Case number 049359/2022; 2024 JDR 3100 (GJ)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 44.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Basdeo and Another v Discovery Life Limited Case number 056880/23; 2024 JDR 3911 (GP)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 49.
Millard, D ‘Cases: NJK Boerdery CC v Safire Insurance Company Ltd Case number 2279/2021; 2024 JDR 3445 (NCK); [2024] 4 All SA 218 (NCK)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 47.
Millard, D ‘Cases: Sanlam Life Insurance Limited v Chigombo Case number A14/2024; 2024 JDR 4176 (MN)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 52.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Schoeman v Sanlam Developing Markets (Individual Life) and Another Case number FSP51/2023; [2024] ZAFST 47 (24 July 2024)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 36.
Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Govender v Richards Case number FSP13/2024; [2024] ZAFST 45 (29 July 2024)’ (2024) 27.3 JILB 38.

International corporate law
Hanks Jr, JJ; McGowan, P and Leber, MA ‘Changes to Maryland General Corporation Law and Maryland Reit Law effective October 1, 2024’ (2023) 9.2 JCCLP 71.

International Criminal Court
Soni, SEarly Online’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 1.

Intimate partner violence
Diala, JGendered violence in intimate relationships in the context of law, culture and religion in Nigeria’ (2024) 27 PER.

Intra-African migration
Mabvira, A; Pillay, R and Masinga, PMigrant integration for sustainable socio-economic and political development: insights and suggestions from immigrant adolescent learners in South Africa’ (2024) 1 IJAR 92.

Judicial Service Commission
Cachalia, AIs the Judicial Service Commission “fit for purpose”? A reflection over 15 years’ (2024) 37.3 Advocate 57.
Rabkin, FLaw matters’ (2024) 37.3 Advocate 77.

Barnard-Naudé, J ‘Lost in the fundamental contradiction: Revisiting Beadica’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 666.
Coutsoudis, A ‘Treaties apply in South African law – now what? Analysing the courts’ interpretation of treaties over the last half-decade’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 703.
Kgwete, TAudit committees in South Africa in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Policy rationale, role and contribution of audit committees towards financial reporting’ (2024) 27 PER.

Labour law
Tavuyanago, SExploring the sensitive interplay between labour law and competition jurisprudence: Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (Pty) Ltd v Competition Commission of South Africa & Another [2024] ZACC 3’ (2024) 57 DJ 196.

Mhlanga, LEviction orders from private land: A case for convenient deference’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 101.

Language policies
Munyai, ALanguage conundrum in higher education institutions in South Africa: One step forward or two steps back?’ (2024) 57 DJ 177.

Lease agreements
Marumoagae, MCAnticompetitive consequences of exclusivity clauses contained in shopping centres’ lease agreements’ (2024) 27 PER.

Legal research
Mupangavanhu, BEditorial: Accelerating endogenous knowledge production in Africa – contributions from legal research’ (2024) 27 PER.

Legislative drafting
Carney, TRPre-legislative scrutiny during the drafting process: A case for linguistic auditing’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 18.

Marital regime
Harris, D ‘Ante-nuptial contract marriages subject to the accrual’ (2024) 39.4 ITJ.

Medical law
McQuoid-Mason, D and Khumalo, TL ‘When a device that later disintegrates is fitted to a patient during surgery, who is responsible for the consequences? What health professionals and hospitals need to know’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 99.

Medical negligence
Khan, MS and Gardner, JBClicks, carelessness and consequences: Navigating pharmacist negligence’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 109.

Minimum sentence
Le Roux-Bouwer, J ‘Note: Minimum sentences for rape involving more than one perpetrator – recent case law [Director of Public Prosecutions, KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg v Ndlovu (888/2021) [2024] ZASCA 23 (14 March 2024)]’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 235.

Minimum work standards
Hlazo, N and Hamukuaya, H ‘The 2007 Work in Fishing Convention as an instrument to combat coercive recruitment practices: A South African perspective’ (2022) JOGIA 1.

Minority rights
Chikuruwo, RE and Rautenbach, CMinority voices heard: Child participation in environmental decision-making in South Africa’ (2024) 28 LDD 367.

Money laundering
Olivier, E and Nortje, W ‘Anti-money laundering and the “beneficial ownership” amendments to South Africa’s Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2024) 27 PER.

Namibian courts
Januarie, N and Kariseb, K ‘Sentencing, human rights and the courts in Namibia: A consideration of S v Gaingob 2018 (1) NR 211 (SC)’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 171.

Non-variation clauses
Du Plessis, J ‘Non-variation clauses’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 804.

Obstetric violence
Badul, CJ; Strode, AE; Bhamjee, S and Ramdhin, AUsing common law and statutory offences to address obstetric violence in South Africa’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 113.

Online dispute resolution
Cupido, ROnline dispute resolution as legal disruption: What effect could it have on the South African dispute resolution landscape?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Personal liability
Baloyi, A ‘The risk of personal liability for money damages under the South African Companies Act, 2008 and the possible impact on non-executive directors’ (2023) 9.2 JCCLP 1.

Police brutality
Akinmusuyi, SA‘‘I am not a criminal!’: Social semiotics and ideology in cartoons related to the #EndSARS movement’ (2024) 1 IJAR 1.

Cameron, ESydney and Felicia Kentridge Award: Acceptance remarks’ (2024) 37.3 Advocate 64.
Cele, NMTK Moerane SC: The most senior Black practising advocate in the RSA’ (2024) 37.3 Advocate 71.
Magau, P ‘A legal conspectus of selected challenges affecting financial inclusion for the poor and low-income earners in South Africa – professorial inaugural lecture presented by Howard Chitimira, research professor at the North-West University, Mahikeng Campus, held on 21 October 2022’ (2023) 9.2 JCCLP 75.

Proper plaintiff principle
Walaza, S ‘The sustainability of the proper plaintiff principle under the Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2023) 9.2 JCCLP 57.

Protection of personal information
Coetzee, JCross-border data flows and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 – Part I: The territorial scope provision’ (2024) 27 PER.
Coetzee, JCross-border data flows and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 – Part II: The data transfer provision’ (2024) 27 PER.

Public finances
Zongwe, DPublic finance and debt crises in Southern Africa: A push for central banks over parliaments’ (2024) 27 PER.

Public sector
Munyai, ACorruption through bribery: A norm in South Africa’s public sector?’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 40.

Regulatory bodies
Rosseau, MG ‘What are the powers of the NHBRC?’ (2024) 28.4 PLD.

Reproductive technologies
Methembu, NBeyond reproductive rights: Advocating for access to assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) for socially infertile individuals using the right to benefit from scientific progress – lessons for African countries’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 117.

Reskilling workforce
Totobayo, BW; Rajkaran, S and Ntuli, CCost of reskilling employees versus the profitability of a business: A reflection on selected small businesses in Mthatha, Eastern Cape’ (2024) 1 IJAR 67.

Retirement planning
Botha, M ‘Retirement planning: Questions on the R2 000 withdrawal from the “Savings Component”’ (2024) 39.4 ITJ.

Retrenchment due to restructuring
Grogan, J ‘Bumpy road – selecting for retrenchment’ (2024) 40.6 EL.

Grogan, J ‘No time wasted – interpreting section 189A(7)(b)(ii) of the LRA’ (2024) 40.6 EL.

Rural employment
Hosu, YS and Mpopoma-Conway, FRevamping the productivity of rural firms: A strategy for developing a transformational rural employment, welfare and capital accumulation attitude’ (2024) 1 IJAR 164.

Safeguarding traditional dance
Nana, MFCSafeguarding dance, body archives and living traditions: Exploring the Bamoun kpalùm traditional dance’ (2024) 1 IJAR 44.

Science and criminal law
Stevens, P ‘Criminal law in the wake of science – can neuroscience inform criminal law? Medico-legal perspectives from South Africa’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 209.

Sectional titles
Botha, M ‘Lessons that fell by the wayside’ (2024) 28.3 PLD.
Smidt, R ‘Does a body corporate have the legal authority to evict a tenant in a sectional title scheme? Alternatively, what remedies can bodies corporate pursue to ensure tenant compliance with the scheme’s rules?’ (2024) 28.4 PLD.

Nortje, WDecolonising the South African criminal procedure: Towards a critical approach to the use of ubuntu in sentencing’ (2024) 27 PER.

Shareholder approval
Neluheni, K ‘Exemption of disposals of all or greater part of the company’s assets or undertaking from shareholder approval within the corporate group context’ (2023) 9.2 JCCLP 16.

Short-term letting
Khan, AZ ‘A South African perspective on short-term letting: Property law and ownership rights in Cape Town’ (2024) 28.3 PLD.

Socio-economic development
Alie, F and Pretorius, C ‘The importance of economy, commerce, legal certainty and socioeconomic development for promoting the constitutional vision’ (2024) 36.1 SA Merc LJ 1.

Socio-economic rights
Wright, JMinister of Water and Sanitation v Msukaligwa Local Municipality: Is financial incapacity a valid excuse?’ (2024) 141.1 SALJ 652.

Mhaleza, Y and Maake-Malatji, MA case for the right to education for stateless and undocumented children: A South African analysis in the light of international law’ (2024) 27 PER.

Labuschaigne, M; Auret, E and Mabeka, NSurrogate motherhood regulation in South Africa: Medical and ethico-legal issues in need of reform’ (2024) 17.3 SAJBL 104.

Tax compliance by sports players
Van Wyk, D and Thiart, C ‘Exploring South African tax consequences of compensation received by amateur rugby players’ (2024) 36.1 SA Merc LJ 59.

Teacher safety
Mokonyane, A; Mampane, KB and Mollo, NTChallenges experienced by public secondary school teachers in the application of the legal framework for their safety’ (2024) 49.3 JJS 90.

Tobacco law
Khumalo, M ‘A customary right to promote snuff? The implications of Gongqose v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries on tobacco regulations’ (2024) 37.2 SAJCJ 191.

Transitional justice
Ndimurwimo, LAThe impact of the flaws of transitional justice mechanisms in Burundi on Aspiration 4 of the African Union’s Agenda 2063’ (2024) 28 LDD 336.

Keulder, CWhistleblowing, incentives, and design considerations for a tax whistleblowing programme in South Africa’ (2024) 49.2 JJS 1.

Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2025 (Jan/Feb) DR 76.

De Rebus