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Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
ILJ | Industrial Law Journal | Juta | (2020) 41 |
JCCLP | Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law and Practice | Juta | (2020) 6.1 |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys | (2020) 17(3) |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University | (2020) 41.2 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2020) 23 |
PSLR | Pretoria Student Law Review | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | (2020) 14.2 |
TSAR | Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg | Juta | (2020) 4 |
Twala, T and Mogdime, M ‘Transformative adjudication and the place of administrative law in South African jurisprudence: ABSA Bank Limited v Public Protector’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 362.
Rantsane, DP ‘The origin of arbitration law in South Africa’ (2020) 23 PER.
De Villiers, JH ‘Thinking-of-the-Animal-Other with Emmanuel Levinas’ (2020) 23 PER.
Townsend, BA ‘Software as a medical device: Critical rights issues regarding artificial intelligence software-based health technologies in South Africa’ (2020) 4 TSAR 747.
Khoza, TN and Zuma, C ‘The pas de deux between education and recreation: Facilitating the realisation of Articles 11 and 12 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child in Schools’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 381.
Subroyen, T ‘The Gabriel Fernandez case: A comparative analysis of a “mandated reporter” in light of the Children’s Act’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 341.
Mujulizi, J ‘The continued relevance of the Turquand Rule under the current company law regime in South Africa’ (2020) 6.1 JCCLP 54.
Subramanien, D ‘A discussion of the requirements of a trial of a serious question of consequence and the best interests of the company as contemplated in s 165(5)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2020) 6.1 JCCLP 1.
Boniface, AE ‘To smack or not to smack is no longer a question: No defence of reasonable chastisement’ (2020) 4 TSAR 861.
Muller, G ‘Statutory utility rights to realise access to services as a characteristic of adequate housing’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 1.
Rosenberg, W ‘Does the right to know one’s origins exist and can it be limited?’ (2020) 4 TSAR 724.
Van Staden, M ‘Property rights and the basic structure of the Constitution: The case of the Draft Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 169.
Reddy, S ‘Implementing a South African e-dispute resolution system for consumer disputes’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 371.
Shange, K ‘Consumer over-indebtedness landscape: The obliteration of a creditor-oriented approach through the debt intervention procedure?’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 116.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Onverskuldigde betaling na vermeende sessie van ’n breukdeel van die vorderingsregte ingevolge ’n lewensversekering – talle vrae en weinig antwoorde – aberratio ictus’ (2020) 4 TSAR 652.
Karjiker, S and Jansen, G ‘The right of communication to the public: An examination of the judgments of the court of justice of the European Union to provide a framework for the interpretation in the South African context’ (2020) 4 TSAR 702.
Laubscher, M ‘Is the sanctity of contract cast in stone? An evaluation of AB v Pridwin Preparatory School (1134/2017) [2018] ZASCA 150; [2019] 1 All SA 1 (SCA); 2019 (1) SA 327 (SCA) (1 November 2018)’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 436.
Mofokeng, T ‘Good corporate governance affirms the board (led by the chairperson) as the focal point of governance and the courts have no mandate to undermine this principle’ (2020) 6.1 JCCLP 66.
Wagener, GP ‘Board autonomy and recourse to the courts in South Africa’ (2020) 6.1 JCCLP 24.
Rautenbach, IM ‘Unruly rationality. Two high court judgments on the validity of the COVID-19 lock-down regulations’ (2020) 4 TSAR 825.
Van Eck, M and Van Staden, M ‘The contract of employment in the time of the Coronavirus’ (2020) 4 TSAR 807.
January, L ‘The constitutionality of warrantless search and seizure operations’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 129.
Watney, M ‘Rising on the tide of crime control: The doctrine of common purpose in perspective’ (2020) 4 TSAR 623.
Erasmus, D and Bowden, S ‘A critical analysis of South African anti-money laundering legislation with regard to cryptocurrency’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 309.
Mhlongo, L ‘A critical analysis of South Africa’s system of government: From a disjunctive system to a synergistic system of government’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 257.
Kgomosotho, KG ‘International law rules relating to migration arising from rising sea-levels’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 91.
Jamneck, J ‘Die dominium of eiendomsreg van ’n bestorwe boedel op die oomblik van die erflater se dood’ (2020) 17(3) LitNet.
Wood-Bodley, MC ‘Section 2C(1) of the Wills Act 7 of 1953 and the meaning of “spouse” – Moosa NO v Minister of Justice 2018 (5) SA 13 (CC)’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 461.
Eiselen, GTS and Schulze, WG ‘Die terugskryf van ’n elektroniese oordrag en die rol van estoppel’ (2020) 4 TSAR 837.
Fourie, MP and Swart, M ‘Speak no law without justice: Evaluating the retrospective force of declarations of unconstitutionality with specific reference to Qwelane v SAHRC & Others (686/2018) [2019] ZASCA 167’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 194.
Kahanovitz SC, C ‘The independence of newspaper editors as an enforceable constitutional right?’ (2020) 41 ILJ 2294.
Van der Linde, C ‘Sexual orientation and gender identities (SOGI) law and social change’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 45.
Mphidi, TM and Lubaale, EC ‘The IAAF rules on testosterone levels and the right to health’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 410.
Welgemoed, M and Lerm, H ‘Palliative care as a form of relief for the dying: A South African perspective’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 348.
Mtsweni, TM ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A case for educational transformation’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 321.
Njotini, M ‘Exposing the ICT regulatory dilemma: The test for governments’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 328.
Boraine, A ‘Does the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act of 1998 provide adequate family home protection to insolvent debtors or is it still pie in the sky? (Part 1)’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 199.
Calitz, J ‘Insolvency law adjustment in response to the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: The South African experience’ (2020) 4 TSAR 763.
Kadish, JS ‘Possible manipulation of the “solvency and liquidity” test under the Companies Act makes the test an ineffective alternative to the “maintenance of capital” principle’ (2020) 6.1 JCCLP 40.
Mujuzi, JD ‘Reconciling customary law and cultural practices with human rights in Uganda’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 239.
Tshikota, G ‘Game of Thrones: The battle of the Mphephus’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 54.
Khoza, TN ‘When life gives you law, make lemonade: Exploring the “legalised” oppression of black women in the United States of America and South Africa and their musical response thereto’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 298.
Van der Merwe, M ‘A comparative analysis of the proposed mandatory nature of employment legislation and its interaction with the choice of law of an international contract’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 147.
Ngidi, M ‘A critique of the determination of a composite supply for VAT purposes in South Africa: Lessons from selected countries’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 216.
Abduroaf, M ‘Application of the Islamic law of succession in South Africa’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 396.
Mochela, RJ and Smith, BS ‘“Mind the gap(s)”: Legal differentiation between same-sex and heterosexual cohabitees regarding intestate succession – options for reform and comparative insights into the regulation of “polygamous” life partnerships (part 2)’ (2020) 4 TSAR 683.
Haslop, R ‘Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and Others v Ngululu Bulk Carriers (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) and Others (2020) 41 ILJ 1837 (CC)’ (2020) 41 ILJ 2328.
Maharaj, S ‘Workers of the world, un-united: A discussion through a gendered lens on why stronger protection of workers in the informal economy will better equip South Africa to cope with labour market changes of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 238.
Nxumalo, L ‘The role of trade unions in South Africa: Towards the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workplace’ (2020) 41 ILJ 2311.
Pillay, D ‘Labour dispute system design – dispute resolution, conflict management or problem solving?’ (2020) 41 ILJ 2237.
Raligilia, KH and Nxokweni, U ‘Legal pitfalls of incompatibility in the workplace: An examination of the landmark ruling on racism in Rustenburg Platinum Mine v SAEWA obo Meyer Bester 2018 (5) SA 78 (CC)’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 429.
Ramji, B and Poriazis, K ‘The courts, the amendments and the excluded: A critical analysis of the Labour Appeal Court’s approach to triangular employment relationships’ (2020) 41 ILJ 2274.
Van Staden, MJ ‘An update of recent labour law developments from South African courts 2020’ (2020) 4 TSAR 777.
Mswela, M ‘Beyond literal understanding: “Womb theft” as metonym – an interpretation of the language used to describe caesarean kidnappings’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 226.
Horn, JG and van Niekerk, L ‘The patchwork text as assessment tool for postgraduate law teaching in South Africa’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 292.
Makhaye, C ‘“I’ve changed” says South African law: Has the judiciary opened up to black women lawyers?’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 31.
Van Eck, M ‘A framework for professional duties and the liability of legal practitioners in the payment of trust monies’ (2020) 4 TSAR 846.
Eberechi, OE ‘The challenges of protecting refugees in mixed migration vis-à-vis the application of articles 1F and 31 of the Refugee Convention’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 275.
Mfete, T ‘Neoliberalism and inequality in post-Apartheid South Africa’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 270.
Surajpal, S ‘Dismantling the status quo: Prohibiting unfair discrimination on the grounds of poverty under capitalism’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 256.
Moosa, F ‘Consequences for non-payment of PAYE and VAT compared’ (2020) 23 PER.
Botes, M ‘Vonnisbespreking: BTW-toedeling van dienste gelewer aan nie-inwoners’ (2020) 17(3) LitNet.
Warring, HC ‘Critical race theory and feminist legal theory: Perspectives on transformation of the judiciary’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 68.
Ferreira, S and Pretorius, CJ ‘Interpretation of a trust deed – Harvey v Crawford 2019 (2) SA 153 (SCA)’ (2020) 41.2 Obiter 447.
Mendes, B ‘The experiences of women and barriers for career advancement in tertiary institutions in a South African context’ (2020) 14.2 PSLR 22.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2021 (Jan/Feb) DR 46.
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