Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
Acta Juridica | Acta Juridica | Juta | (2023) |
BTCLQ | Business Tax and Company Law Quarterly | Juta | (2023) 14.4 |
ILJ | Industrial Law Journal | Juta | (2023) 44.4 |
JCCLP | Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law and Practice | Juta | (2023) 9.1 |
JCLA | Journal of Comparative Law in Africa | Juta | (2023) 10.2 |
SAIPLJ | Southern African Intellectual Property Law Journal | Juta | (2023) |
SAJCJ | South African Journal of Criminal Justice | Juta | (2022) 35.3 (2023) 36.1 (2023) 36.2 |
SALJ | South African Law Journal | Juta | (2023) 140.3 |
Tazo, G ‘Constitutionalisation of ethnicity and decolonisation of African constitutionalism: Towards an authentic African constitutional identity?’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 107.
Phenyane, N ‘Highlighting the higher courts’ obligation to protect vulnerable groups when magistrates fail to conduct the competency test properly’ (2023) Acta Juridica 77.
Khan, R and Gotora, N ‘One (innovation) flew over the law’s head: The intersection of artificial intelligence and copyright’ (2023) SAIPLJ 72.
Nwafor, IE ‘Artificial intelligence facial recognition surveillance and the breach of privacy rights: The “Clearview AI” and “Rite Aid” case studies’ (2023) SAIPLJ 88.
Himonga, C ‘A reflection on my academic career’ (2023) Acta Juridica 270.
Fortuin, R and Lutchman, S ‘The right of children born to undocumented migrants to have their best interests given paramount importance: Reimagining the South African birth registration process’ (2023) Acta Juridica 214.
Phungula, SP ‘Abusing business rescue proceedings by a director and its impact on King IV™ ethics of good corporate governance’ (2023) 9.1 JCCLP 25.
Geoffrey, LC and Schoeman, MI ‘Acting in the best interests of children with psychiatric disorders who conflict with the law: A critical analysis of South African legislation’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 58.
Nkoane, P ‘The value of the market price in contracts of sale: An analysis’ (2023) 9.1 JCCLP 1.
Mudzamiri, J ‘Bolstering creditor and shareholder protection under the South African and Zimbabwean amalgamation or merger regulatory regimes: Suggestions for company-law reform’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 813.
Fuo, O and Pallangyo, DM ‘A comparative legal analysis of local government autonomy in South Africa and Tanzania’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 1.
Du Plessis, J ‘Lawful act duress’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 733.
David, J ‘The inadequacy of copyright-related provisions in economic partnership agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific regional groups from an educational perspective’ (2023) SAIPLJ 1.
Kok, L ‘Navigating the complexities of the adaptation right in copyright law: Addressing ambiguities, gaps and the need for reforms in South Africa’ (2023) SAIPLJ 42.
Okorie, C ‘Realising a “right” to research in Nigeria and South Africa: The role of the executive arm of government’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 141.
Mosaka, TB ‘Wenzeni uZuma: A jurisprudential study of the unlawfulness of corruption in Africa’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 285.
Anderson, A ‘General principles and specific offences’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 304.
Du Toit, P ‘Criminal procedure’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 317.
Reddi, M ‘Recent Cases: Criminal procedure’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 138.
Roux, M ‘Comment: Loyiso Coko v S (CA&R 219/2020) [2021] ZAECGHC 91 (8 October 2021): Oblique subscription to rape myths as an indication of the urgent need to reform the mens rea test in acquaintance rape cases in South Africa’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 356.
Terblanche, S ‘Recent Cases: General principles and specific offences’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 373.
Terblanche, S ‘Recent Cases: Sentencing’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 412.
Van der Linde, D ‘Recent Cases: General principles and specific offences’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 123.
Van der Merwe, A ‘Sentencing’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 341.
Visser, JM ‘Law of evidence’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 329.
Visser, JM ‘Recent Cases: Law of Evidence’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 399.
Watney, M ‘Recent Cases: Criminal procedure’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 386.
Whitear-Nel, N ‘Recent Cases: Law of evidence’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 153.
Rautenbach, C ‘Cultural vulnerability and judicial recognition of heterosexual life-partnerships in South Africa’ (2023) Acta Juridica 99.
Mokotong, M ‘Conservation of traditional values vis-à-vis the dependant’s action for loss of support in customary law – “go tsoša/tsosa hlogo”’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 838.
Osman, F ‘The Reform of Customary Law of Succession Act in contemporary South Africa’ (2023) Acta Juridica 186.
Bakker, P ‘Gender equality in customary marriages: Is the deregulation of customary marriages the solution?’ (2023) Acta Juridica 152.
Johnson, E ‘The active role of South Africa’s Constitutional Court in advancing women’s rights and proprietary interests in the customary law of marriage’ (2023) Acta Juridica 46.
Kruuse, H ‘Transforming litigation in customary marriage disputes: Ubuntu and the responsibility of legal practitioners’ (2023) Acta Juridica 19.
Mwambene, L ‘Chuma Himonga’s scholarship on the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998’ (2023) Acta Juridica 1.
Hammond, AF and Batariwah, P ‘A new legal framework for the “ownership” of a deceased person in a legally plural Ghana’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 40.
Hungwe, B ‘Shifting digital media ecologies and how copyright law should adjust and adapt to journalism’ (2023) SAIPLJ 16.
Hanks Jr, JJ; Ament, HM; and Rosenblatt, JL ‘Practice Note: Supreme Court of Maryland overrules prior distinction between director’s managerial and non-managerial duties and reaffirms that the MGCL is the “sole source” of director duties to the corporation and its stockholders’ (2023) 9.1 JCCLP 92.
Rudnicki, M and Du Toit, D ‘“Dividend–stripping” complexities and the interaction with the “rollover” relief provisions’ (2023) 14.4 BTCLQ 22.
Meintjes-van der Walt, L and Olaborede, A ‘DNA phenotyping: A possible aid in criminal investigation’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 1.
Singo, D ‘Coercive and controlling behaviour in the Domestic Violence Act’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 763.
Mujuzi, JD ‘The right against double jeopardy (non bis in idem) in the constitutions of African countries’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 77.
Reddy, N ‘Should the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act be amended to include electronic signatures for the sale of immovable property in South Africa?’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 795.
Kruger, D ‘Foreign pension schemes: There be dragons, and some confusion: South African members qua beneficiaries have a vested right to the income and capital of the foreign pension scheme (trust) ab initio — Part 2’ (2023) 14.4 BTCLQ 1.
Martin, BN ‘Mixing old and new wisdom for the protection of image-based sexual abuse victims’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 307.
Smith, A ‘Reimagining a new world of South African Insolvency Law: Advantage to creditors and section 39(2) of the Constitution’ (2023) 9.1 JCCLP 43.
Muneer, A ‘The possible impact of the Wilsnach v M [2021] 1 All SA 600 (GP) judgment on the right of an absent Muslim parent to inherit in terms of an Islamic will’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 204.
Phungula, SP ‘Breathalyser and laboratory blood samples as evidence for dismissal: A critical analysis of Samancor Chrome Ltd (Western Chrome Mines) v Willemse & Others (2023) 44 ILJ 2013 (LC)’ (2023) 44.4 ILJ 2151.
Sloth-Nielsen, J ‘What are the implications of Bwanya v The Master of the High Court for customary law?’ (2023) Acta Juridica 127.
Smith, BS ‘Prescient precedent: PAF v SCF (SCA) and a new paradigm for testing whether a trust has been abused to manipulate a spouse’s accrual (or redistribution) liability at divorce’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 697.
Stoop-Koornhof, H ‘The independent non-executive director: Origins, regulation and persistent challenges’ (2023) 9.1 JCCLP 68.
Mlomo-Ndlovu, VC and Luyt, WFM ‘Bed space management as a strategy for managing overcrowding in the corrections environment in South Africa’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 169.
Mujuzi, JD ‘Court’s power to order the minister to place a prisoner on parole in South Africa: Walus v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others 2023 (2) BCLR 224 (CC)’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 42.
Mnyandu, N ‘Are we there yet? A look at the remaining questions on physician-assisted suicide and physician-administered euthanasia’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 203.
Daniels, R and Phillips, J ‘The deception of polygraph testing – as a test for deception’ (2023) 44.4 ILJ 2139.
Swanepoel, CF ‘Fair trial rights, pre-trial civil motions in pending criminal cases and abuse of court process with reference to the Free State asbestos pre-trial motion proceedings’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 24.
Oluyeju, O ‘Stimulating private investment in public infrastructure through reform of the Nigerian legal environment’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 215.
Cassim, R ‘A critical analysis of the State Capture Commission recommendations to protect whistleblowers in South Africa’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 862.
Willock, B ‘Psychoanalytic psychology, sleep medicine, and the law: Scientifically reviewing Oscar Pistorius’ culpable homicide/murder conviction’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 250.
Durojaye, E ‘The decision-making power of adolescents to refuse medical treatment in South Africa: Lessons from other jurisdictions’ (2023) Acta Juridica 240.
Botha, R and Peens, J ‘The adequacy of rape criminalisation in modern South Africa: A comparative study’ (2023) 36.1 SAJCJ 83.
Theophilopoulos, C ‘State compulsion of smartphone security features and the privilege against self-incrimination’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 282.
Van der Linde, DC ‘Progressive, yet problematic: Unpacking the therapy order and sentence in S v SN’ (2023) 140.3 SALJ 715.
Mupangavanhu, Y and Vuke, KS ‘The risk of confusion in trademark infringement in South Africa and Kenya: Lessons from Singapore?’ (2023) 10.2 JCLA 174.
Le Roux, R ‘The exclusion of vicarious liability of employers for the intentional unlawful conduct of their employees: Fujitsu Services Core (Pty) Ltd v Schenker SA (Pty) Ltd [2023] ZACC 20’ (2023) 44.4 ILJ 2162.
Theophilopoulos, C ‘Cyber-warrant searches and the admissibility of seized smartphone data evidence at trial’ (2023) 36.2 SAJCJ 228.
Okpaluba, C ‘Damages for injuries arising from unlawful shooting by police and other security agents: South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland/Eswatini (3)’ (2022) 35.3 SAJCJ 331.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2024 (Jan/Feb) DR 42.
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