Recent articles and research July 2015

June 29th, 2015

By Meryl Federl

Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on De Rebus Digital.

EL: Employment Law (LexisNexis)
PER: Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (North West University)
PLD: Property Law Digest (LexisNexis)
SAPL: Southern African Public Law (Unisa)
THRHR: Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse-Hollandse Reg (LexisNexis)
TSAR: Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg (Juta)

Banking law
Lawack, VA and Pretorius, JT ‘The “sale” of a bank account’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 104.

Business and human rights
Gwanyanya, M ‘The South African Companies Act and the realisation of corporate human rights responsibilities’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3103.

Child law
Ferreira, S ‘Step-parent adoption – Centre for Child Law v Minister of Social Development’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 140.

Strode, A ‘A critical review of the regulation of research involving children in South Africa: From self-regulation to hyper-regulation’ (2015) 2 TSAR 334.

Civil procedure
Erasmus, HJ ‘Judicial case management and the adversarial mindset – the new Namibian rules of court’ (2015) 2 TSAR 259.

Competition law
Van Heerden, C and Botha, M ‘Challenges to the South African corporate leniency policy and cartel enforcement’ (2015) 2 TSAR 308.

Constitutional Court
Rautenbach, IM ‘Overview of constitutional court judgments on the Bill of Rights – 2014’ (2015) 2 TSAR 379.

Constitutional law

Pretorius, JL ‘Deliberative democracy and constitutionalism: The limits of rationality review’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 408.
Venter, R ‘The new parliamentary rule on motions of no confidence: An exercise of legislative incompetence or judicial mockery?’ (2015) 2 TSAR 395.

Consumer law
Barnard, J and Kok, A ‘A consumers fundamental right to equality in terms of the Consumer Protection Act and the role of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 1.
Barnard, J ‘Ongevraagde goedere ingevolge die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming in regsvergelykende perspektief’ (2015) 2 TSAR 268.


Bhana, D ‘Contract law and the Constitution: Bredenkamp v Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd (SCA)’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 508.
Ismail, R ‘Complexities with the formation of a contract – Command Protection Services (Gauteng) (Pty) Ltd t/a Maxi Security v South African Post Office Ltd’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 149.
Nortje, M ‘Pre-contractual duties of disclosure in the South African common law (part 1)’ (2015) 2 TSAR 347.

Credit law

Fuchs, MMM ‘Huidige regsontwikkeling ten aansien van uitwinbaarverklaring van verband oor onroerende saak’ (2015) PER 18.1 3260.
Van Heerden, CM and Renke, S ‘Perspectives on selected aspects regarding the registration of credit providers in terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (2)’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 80.

Criminal law

Nienaber, A ‘The “intentional” sexual transmission of HIV: A note of caution in light of Phiri v S’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 522.
Swanepoel, M ‘Legal aspects with regard to mentally ill offenders in South Africa’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3238.

Customary law

Fagbayibo, B ‘How central is the African Union to the promotion of traditional African values? A critical engagement’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 313.
Iya, P ‘Challenges and prospects for traditional leadership in Africa: Towards innovative ideas to enhance African values among the youth in South Africa’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 260.
Kohn, L ‘The failure of an arranged marriage: The traditional leadership/democracy amalgamation made worse by the Draft Traditional Affairs Bill’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 343.
Monye, SM ‘Freedom of expression and traditional communities: Who can speak and when?’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 323.
Ndima, DD ‘The resurrection of the indigenous values system in post-apartheid African law: South Africa’s constitutional and legislative framework revisited’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 294.
Ntlama, N ‘The constitutional divide of post-apartheid South Africa in the jurisdiction of the traditional justice system’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 282.

Neethling, J and Potgieter, JM ‘Delictual liability for negligent interference with a contractual relationship – Minister for Safety and Security v Scott’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 162.

Education law
Murcott, M ‘A Future for the Doctrine of Substantive Legitimate Expectation? The implications of KwaZulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committee v Mec for Education, KwaZulu-Natal’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3133.
Murungi, LN ‘Inclusive Basic Education in South Africa: Issues in its conceptualisation and implementation’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3160.

Environmental law
Du Plessis, A and Alberts, R ‘Cooperative environmental governance: At the coalface of sustainable infrastructure development in South Africa’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 441.

Family law
Coetzee Bester, B and Louw, A ‘Domestic partners and “The Choice Argument”: Quo Vadis?’ (2015) 18.1 PER 2951.
De Jong, M and Pintens, W ‘Default matrimonial property regimes and the principles of European family law – a European – South African comparison (part 1)’ (2015) 2 TSAR 363.
Heaton, J ‘The pitfalls of international surrogacy: A South African family law perspective’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 24.
Van Niekerk, G ‘The registration of customary marriages: Banda v General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (JR3273/2009) (26 February 2014)’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 494.

Insolvency law

Evans, R and Mthethwa, K ‘Can a debtor waive rights to property envisaged in section 82(6) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 in an application for voluntary surrender?’(2014) 29.2 SAPL 548.

Intellectual property
Amechi, EP ‘Leveraging Traditional Knowledge on the medicinal uses of plants within the patent system: The digitisation and disclosure of knowledge in South Africa’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3072.

International criminal law
Tladi, D ‘A horizontal treaty on cooperation in international criminal matters: The next step for the evolution of a comprehensive international criminal justice system?’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 368.

Judicial independence
Swart, M ‘Judicial independence at the regional and sub-regional African courts’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 388.

Judicial review
Okpaluba, C ‘Constraints on judicial review of executive conduct: The juridical link between the Marikana mineworkers’ imbroglio and the Gauteng e-tolling saga’ (2015) 2 TSAR 286.

Labour law

Ebrahim, S ‘May an employer substitute a sanction imposed by the chairperson for its own? – SARS v CCMA’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 132.
Fourie, E ‘What constitutes a benefit by virtue of section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995? Apollo Tyres South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CCMA 2013 5 BLLR 434 (LAC)’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3300.
Grogan, J ‘Joined at the hip: Shadow over substance in dismissal disputes’ (2015) 31.2 EL 3.
Grogan, J ‘Reviewing disciplinary matters – section 158(1)(h) of the LRA considered’ (2015) 31.2 EL 10.
McGregor, M ‘Justifying sexual harassment based on culture? Never, never, never’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 121.
Rautenbach, IM ‘Requirements for affirmative action and requirements for the limitation of rights’ (2015) 2 TSAR 431.

Language rights

Malan, JJ ‘Die begrip “amptelikheid” van ’n taal in die lig van onlangse buitelandse regspraak’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 116.

Local government
Mathenjwa, MJ ‘The role of the principle of legality in preserving municipal constitutional integrity’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 534.

Medical law
Van der Westhuizen, CS ‘The solution to demands made on parents’ decision-making in the neonatal intensive care unit: Mediation or litigation?’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 63.

Mining law

Hartzer, S and du Plessis, W ‘The liability of historical mine authorisation holders for rehabilitation of “old order mine dumps”’ (2014) 29.2 SAPL 469.

Private law
Dirix, E ‘Multiculturalism in private law in Europe’ (2015) 2 TSAR 221.

Property law
Botha, M ‘The final word: Can a home-owner’s association veto transfer upon insolvency?’ (2015) March PLD 2.
Marais, EJ ‘When does state interference with property (now) amount to expropriation? An analysis of the Agri SA Court’s state acquisition requirement (part I)’ (2015) 18.1 PER 2983.
Marais, EJ ‘When does state interference with property (now) amount to expropriation? An analysis of the Agri SA Court’s state acquisition requirement (part II)’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3033.
Pienaar, GJ ‘The real agreement as causa for the transfer of immovable property’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 47.
Smit, T ‘The unexpected special levy’ (2015) March PLD 5.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Gebrek aan wetenskap vervlak regspraak tot kasuïstiek’ (2015) 2 TSAR 405.
Van Schalkwyk, LN ‘Sessie van eiendomsreg en van terugvorderingsbevoegdheid – Kan ’n saaklike reg deur sessie oorgedra word? – Page Automation (Pty) Ltd v Profusa Properties CC t/a Homenet OR Tambo’ (2015) 78.1 THRHR 170.

Religious and cultural rights
Ratiba, MM ‘“Just piles of rocks to developers but places of worship to Native Americans” – exploring the significance of earth jurisprudence for South African cultural communities’ (2015) 18.1 PER 3197.

Security law
Sonnekus, JC and Schlemmer, EC ‘Sameloop van ’n pactum de non cedendo sessie in securitatem debiti en retensieregte (deel 1)’ (2015) 2 TSAR 239.

Sport law
Cornelius, S ‘Die regsgeldigheid van verpligte arbitrasie by geskille oor die gebruik van verbode middels in sport’ (2015) 2 TSAR 443.

Meryl Federl BA Higher Dipl Librarianship (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates library. E-mail:

Open access law journals:

  • African Human Rights Law Journal:
  • African Public Procurement Law Journal (Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
  • De Jure published by the University of Pretoria:
  • Journal for Juridical Science published by the Faculty of Law, University of the Free State:
  • Law, Democracy & Development is the journal of the Faculty of Law at the University of the Western Cape:
  • Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal:
  • Speculum Juris published by the Nelson R Mandela School of Law, University of Fort Hare:

Open access websites:


Please note that copies of the articles mentioned in this feature are not supplied by the author, but may be obtained from the publishers of the journals, or a law library.

For LexisNexis articles kindly contact: for the publication details.
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2015 (July) DR 58.

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