Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked below. |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
Advocate | Advocate | General Council of the Bar | (2023) 36.1 |
AMTJ | African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal | Juta | (2023) 3 |
DJ | De Jure | University of Pretoria | (2023) 56 |
EL | Employment Law Journal | LexisNexis |
(2023) 39.1 (2023) 39.2 (2023) 39.3 |
ITJ | Insurance and Tax Journal | LexisNexis |
(2023) 38.1 (2023) 38.2 |
JACL | Journal of Anti-Corruption Law | University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law | (2023) 7.1 |
JCCLP | Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law and Practice | Juta | (2022) 8.2 |
JJS | Journal for Juridical Science | University of the Free State, Faculty of Law | (2023) 48.1 |
JLSD | Journal of Law, Society and Development | University of South Africa Press | (2022) 9 |
LDD | Law, Democracy and Development | University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law | (2023) 27 |
Ally, N and Murcott, MJ ‘Beyond labels: Executive action and the duty to consult’ (2023) 27 LDD 93.
Wagener, GP ‘A conceptual framework for the legitimate elimination of the developmental mandate by state-owned companies in South Africa’ (2022) 8.2 JCCLP 1.
Mushoriwa, L ‘The African Union’s quest for a “peaceful and secure Africa”: An assessment of Aspiration Four of Agenda 2063’ (2023) 27 LDD 55.
De Villiers, WP ‘Can Sars cancel or correct an erroneous IRP5 certificate itself, the validity of an incorrect IRP5 certificate and characteristics of an annuity’ (2023) 38.2 ITJ.
Maswazi, B ‘The way we appoint acting judges needs a renovation’ (2023) 36.1 Advocate 57.
Wallis, J ‘Is there a judge in the house?’ (2023) 36.1 Advocate 48.
Rabkin, F ‘Law matters’ (2023) 36.1 Advocate 66.
Emmett, R ‘Liability for business e-mail compromise: Lessons from hindsight’ (2023) 38.2 ITJ.
Anele, KK ‘Revisiting class action litigations against corporations in Nigeria: Lessons from the US experience’ (2022) 8.2 JCCLP 55.
Tewari, DD and Ilesanmi, K ‘Clashing goals of SAICA and South African universities: A need for reflection and realignment’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Dhana, N ‘The role of beneficial ownership reporting obligations and the reckless trading provision to prevent front companies in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2022) 8.2 JCCLP 29.
Diarra, S; Diakite, M; Tapsoba, SJA and Zongo, T ‘Foreign aid and domestic revenue mobilisation in conflict-affected countries’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 45.
Murata, C; Ndlovu, L; Ganyani, L and Odume, ON ‘Demystifying contemporary customary land tenure in legally plural Southern Africa’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Samara, BW ‘Impact of the AfCFTA Agreement on customs revenue: Case of Togo’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 237.
Abduroaf, M ‘An analysis s 5A of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 and its application to marriages concluded in terms of Islamic law’ (2023) 53 DJ 1.
Foster, SW ‘The right to privacy in the decriminalisation of psilocybin mushrooms in South Africa’ (2023) 27 LDD 1.
Van der Merwe, S ‘Evaluating the role of judicial oversight in the context of the post-2018 emolument attachment order legal framework: Revisiting University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic v Minister of Justice 2015 (5) SA 221 (WCC)’ (2023) 48.1 JJS 1.
Maharaj, N ‘Duty of care: Prioritise your maintenance responsibly’ (2023) 38.2 ITJ.
Nortje, W and Hull, S ‘Disarming the dispirited South African: A critical analysis of the proposed ban on firearms for self-defence’ (2023) 27 LDD 123.
Muller, C ‘SARS Binding Class Ruling BCR080: Tax implications for resident beneficiaries of a Foreign Pension Trust’ (2023) 38.1 ITJ.
Oladejo, AO ‘Regionalisation and economic resilience in a pandemic: Making a case for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Alakonon, CB and Alinsato, AS ‘Free trade and tax efficiency in the West African Economic and Monetary Union: What can we learn for the AfCFTA?’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 69.
Hagglund, K and Khan, F ‘The gendered impact of corruption: Women as victims of sextortion in South Africa’ (2023) 7 JACL.
Paito, AO ‘Corruption and the realisation of human rights: The case of South Sudan and the right to education’ (2023) 7 JACL.
Oosthuizen, W and Botha, M ‘Pure risk life policies: Marriages in community of property’ (2023) 38.2 ITJ.
Buirski, P ‘An apex error – further thoughts on Marley Pipe’ (2023) 39.1 EL.
Employment Law Journal ‘25th Anniversary – The latest amendments to the EEA’ (2023) 39.3 EL.
Employment Law Journal ‘Corona aftermath – dealing with “anti-vaxers” under the LRA’ (2023) 39.2 EL.
Employment Law Journal ‘War crimes – the NEHAWU strike and its aftermath’ (2023) 39.3 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Burning question – approaching interest arbitration under section 74 of the LRA’ (2023) 39.2 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Disciplinary action “short of dismissal” – how far can section 186(2)(b) be stretched?’ (2023) 39.1 EL.
Chiwuzie, A; Prince, EM; Olawuyi, ST ‘Women and land governance in selected African countries: A review’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Peith, M ‘Lovell Fernandez Memorial Lecture: The global shadow economy 23 February 2023’ (2023) 7 JACL.
Emmet, R ‘“Infrastructure” as defined in Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act: How too broad an interpretation could vitiate the intended policy objectives’ (2023) 38.1 ITJ.
Muller, C ‘The two-pot retirement system: The road so far’ (2023) 38.1 ITJ.
Hanks, Jnr., JJ; Schiffer, MD and Sheehan, MF ‘Practice note: Responding to stockholder proposals, director elections and say-on-pay votes’ (2022) 8.2 JCCLP 84.
Amadi, VT and Vundamina, MND ‘Migration and climate change in Africa: A differentiated approach through legal frameworks on the free movement of people’ (2023) 27 LDD 31.
Ibrahim, AJ ‘Royalty tax rate and the under-reporting dilemma in Tanzania’s mining sector’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 90.
Shittu, AI ‘Tax awareness among micro-business owners in informal settings’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 254.
Gaalya, MS ‘Impact of tax compliance enforcement initiatives in Uganda: Case study of the value-added tax fraud campaign’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 331.
Hakizimana, N and Santoro, F ‘Technology evolution and tax compliance: Evidence from Rwanda’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 125.
Koloane, CT; Makananisa, MP; Sityoshwana, S and Tokwe, T ‘What drives the tax compliance levels of sole traders in South Africa?’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 20.
Usman, I and Gimba, VK ‘Impact of implicit tax on personal income tax compliance behaviours’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 213.
Aren, MLF ‘Proposition for an AfCFTA-based Tax Dispute Court for the timely resolution of commercial tax disputes’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 103.
Alinsato, AS and Zogbasse, S ‘Tax policy, corruption and poverty in WAEMU’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 150.
Zanga, LN ‘An analysis of gender equality and tax policies in Zimbabwe’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 273.
Ndlovu, J and Mohale, E ‘Innovative approaches for tackling tax evasion in the South African minibus taxi industry: Lessons from Ghana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Bate, AP and Guedikouma, D ‘Impact of the AfCFTA on tax revenue in Togo’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 1.
Mhango, MB ‘Assessment of impact of the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area on Tax Revenue in Malawi’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 303.
Chilima, IY ‘Application of autoregressive distributed LAG models to evaluating Malawi’s Tax Revenue Productivity and Tax Administration Reform’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 170.
Doghmi, A ‘The impact of tax treaties on the promotion of FDI: The case of Morocco’ (2023) 3 AMTJ 198.
Daffue, H ‘Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 20 of 2022’ (2023) 38.1 ITJ.
Du Plessis, W; Pienaar, JM; Koraan, R and Stoffels, MC ‘2021 Measures to address violence and unrest in a time of COVID-19’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Shumba, N and Magadze, TO ‘Access to justice dynamics for women and girls with disabilities: The Zimbabwean context’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Kole, OJ ‘An analysis of violent attacks in Gauteng, South Africa, in 2019: Xenophobic or not? – That is the question’ (2022) 9 JLSD.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2023 (July) DR 35.
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