By Meryl Federl
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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
Litnet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaans Onderwys | (2018) 15.1 April |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University, Faculty of Law | (2017) 38.3 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law |
(2018) 21 March (2018) 21 April |
SAJHR | South African Journal on Human Rights | Taylor & Francis | (2018) 34.1 |
SAJCJ | South African Journal of Criminal Justice | Juta | (2017) 30.3 |
Albertyn, C ‘Introduction to special issue: Symposium in honour of retired Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 1.
Hoctor, S ‘In memoriam: Professor JRL Milton (1939 – 2017)’ (2017) 30.3 SAJCJ 297.
Van Garderen, J and Handmaker, J “‘Change will come in a barrel”: A tribute to Rudolph Jansen’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 140.
Child law
Louw, AS ‘A de facto adoption doctrine for South Africa?’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 457.
Company law
Cassim, R ‘The launching of delinquency proceedings under the Companies Act 71 of 2008 by means of the derivative action – Lewis Group Limited v Woollam 2017 (2) SA 547 (WCC)’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 673.
Competition law
Munyai, PS ‘The lack of an appropriate causation framework in competition law proceedings under the Competition Act, 1998’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 485.
Constitutional Court
Makuwa, A; Mhiribidi, R; Chagopa, A; Kathi, T; and Chamberlain, L ‘Constitutional Court statistics for the 2016 term’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 122.
Consumer law
Tait, M ‘The Consumer Protection Act and the innkeeper’s liability for the property of the guest’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 641.
Bhana, D ‘The Constitutional Court as the apex court for the common law of contract: Middle ground between the approaches of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 8.
Credit law
Hornigold, AL ‘A comparative study of foreclosure law in New South Wales, Australia and South Africa’ (2018) 38.3 Obiter 589.
Criminal law
Basdeo, V ‘Criminal and procedural legal challenges of identity theft in the cyber and information age’ (2017) 30.3 SAJCJ 363.
Bekink, M ‘The testimonial competence of children: A need for law reform in South Africa’ (2018) 21 April PER.
Spamers, M ‘The constitutionality of chapter 13 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977’ (2017) 30.3 SAJCJ 339.
Van der Bijl, C ‘Parental criminal responsibility for the misconduct of their children: A consideration’ (2018) 21 April PER.
Yebisi, O and Balogun, V ‘Marital rape: A tale of two legal systems’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 540.
Okpaluba, C ‘Revisiting the elements of malicious prosecution in the law of delict: The Namibian experience in comparative perspective’ (2017) 30.3 SAJCJ 316.
Phooko, MR ‘Conflict between participatory and representative democracy: A call for model legislation on public participation in the law-making process in South Africa’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 505.
Development law
Van der Berg, A ‘South Africa’s integrated urban development framework and sustainable development goal 11: Policy mismatch or success?’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 557.
Education law
Paterson, K ‘Constitutional adjudication on the right to basic education: Are we asking the state to do the impossible?’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 112.
Muller, MA ‘Combining uncertainties in a court of law using Bayesian networks’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 505.
Swales, L ‘An analysis of the regulatory environment governing hearsay electronic evidence in South Africa: Suggestions for reform – part one’ (2018) 21 March PER.
Swales, L ‘An analysis of the regulatory environment governing hearsay electronic evidence in South Africa: Suggestions for reform – part two’ (2018) 21 March PER.
Food law
Gildenhuys, A and Tabane, T ‘Die Suid-Afrikaanse regsraamwerk rakende die produksie en verkoop van rou melk wat vir direkteverbruiksdoeleindes bestem is’ (2018) 15.1 April LitNet.
Human rights
Barrie, G ‘Freedom of expression and campus protests’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 623.
Health law
Slabbert, M and Molusi, P ‘The possible effect of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 on organ and tissue donations’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 632.
Intellectual Property
Du Bois, M ‘Justificatory theories for intellectual property viewed through the constitutional prism’ (2018) 21 March PER.
International humanitarian law
Bosch, SJ ‘South Africans offering foreign military assistance abroad: How real is the risk of domestic prosecution?’ (2018) 21 April PER.
International law
Phooko, T ‘The direct applicability of SADC Community Law in South Africa and Zimbabwe: A call for supranationality and the Uniform Application of SADC Community law’ (2018) 21 March PER.
Interpretation of law
Maseko, T ‘The inconsistency of the Constitutional Court on the application of the Hyundai-inspired interpretation: Democratic Alliance v Speaker of the National Assembly (CCT86/15) [2016] ZACC 8’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 664.
Labour law
Diedericks, L ‘Disciplinary processes for South African magistrates: Reflections on the Magistrates Act 90 of 1993 and the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 655.
Medical law
Carstens, P ‘Revisiting the maxim Imperitia Culpae Adnumeratur in context of medical negligence – can the maxim be extended to include the application of Luxuria?’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 613.
Robinson, R ‘The legal nature of the embryo: Legal subject or legal object?’ (2018) 21 April PER.
Private international law
Neels, JL ‘Divorce in Dubai or Pretoria – domicile, jurisdiction, applicable law, anti-suit injunction AV v WV [2017] ZAGPPHC 324 (case no 5881/17) (GDP)’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 689.
Property law
Dugard, J and Seme, N ‘Property rights in court: An examination of judicial attempts to settle section 25’s balancing act re restitution and expropriation’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 33.
Public administration law
Stein, N ‘“A better life for all”: Using socio-economic rights litigation to enforce the principles governing public administration’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 91.
Henrico, R ‘Revisiting a culture of tolerance relating to religious unfair discrimination in South Africa (Part 2)’ (2017) 38.3 Obiter 574.
Noncembu, V ‘Sentencing the erstwhile child: Imprisonment and committal to a child and youth care centre’ (2017) 30.3 SAJCJ 299.
Separation of powers
Fish Hodgson, T ‘The mysteriously appearing and disappearing doctrine of separation of powers: Toward a distinctly South Africa doctrine for a more radically transformative Constitution’ (2018) 34.1 SAJHR 57.
Sports law
Labuschagne, P ‘“Violence” in sport and the violenti non fit iniuria defence: A perspective on the death of the cricket player Phil Hughes‘ (2018) 21 March PER.
Nel, E ‘The testamentary trust: Is it a trust or a will? Hanekom v Voigt 2016 (1) SA 416 (WCC) 11’ (2018) 21 April PER.
Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2018 (June) DR 43.
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