Recent articles and research – June 2021

June 1st, 2021

Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at


Accessing articles from publishers


Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
Advocate Advocate General Council of the Bar (2021) 34.1
EL Employment Law Journal LexisNexis (2021) 37.2
ITJ Insurance and Tax Journal LexisNexis (2021) 36.1
JCLA Journal of Comparative Law in Africa Juta (2020) 7.2
LDD Law, Democracy and Development University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law (2021) 25
LitNet LitNet Akademies (Regte) Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys (2021) 18(1)
PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law

(2020) 23

(2021) 24

PLD Property Law Digest LexisNexis (2021) 25.1
SAJCJ South African Journal of Criminal Justice Juta (2020) 33.3
SALJ South African Law Journal Juta (2021) 138.1
SJ Speculum Juris University of Fort Hare

(2020) 34.3

(2021) 35.1


Administrative law

Slade, BVReviewing the Speaker’s decision: A brief synopsis of UDM v Speaker of the National Assembly 2017 (5) SA 300 (CC)’ (2020) 24 PER.

Admission of guilt

Du Toit, PVonnisbespreking: Spoedoortredings: Erkennings wat by die aanbieding van ’n pleit van skuldig vereis word’ (2021) 18(1) LitNet.

Alternative dispute resolution

Somaru, N and Rautenbach, C ‘Non-criminal dispute resolution in South Africa’s criminal justice system: Proposals for reform’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 646.

Bill of Rights

Coleman, TEReflecting on the role and impact of the constitutional value of ubuntu on the concept of contractual freedom and autonomy in South Africa’ (2020) 24 PER.
Dube, A and Nkosi, MThe impact of Bill of Rights litigation on state practice in international criminal law: An analysis of the jurisprudence of the South African Constitutional Court’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.

Children’s rights

Olaborede, A and Ndlovu, NReal law or cover up: Pros and cons of the SADC model law on eradicating child marriage and protecting children already in marriage’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.

Company law

Cassim, R ‘Notes: Declaring directors of state-owned entities delinquent: Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse v Myeni’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 1.

Competition law

Tavuyanago, SAn analysis of the “national security interest” provision in terms of s 18A of the Competition Act 89 of 1998’ (2020) 24 PER.

Constitutional adjudication

Theron, LThe role of constitutional adjudication in the promotion of good governance, participatory democracy and accountability’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.

Consumer law

Batchelor, BLA and Chetty, NFood product liability and its implications for consumer protection in South Africa: An exposition of the listeriosis crisis’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.


Lubaale, EC ‘COVID-19-related criminalisation in South Africa’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 685.

COVID-19: International law

Mengie, LTCOVID-19 and elections in Ethiopia: Exploring constitutional interpretation by the House of the Federation as an exit strategy’ (2021) 25 LDD 64.

COVID-19: Legal education

Welgemoed, MClinical legal education during a global pandemic – suggestions from the trenches: The perspective of the Nelson Mandela University’ (2020) 23 PER.

COVID-19: Socio-economic rights

Mavedzenge, JARevisiting the role of the judiciary in enforcing the state’s duty to provide access to the minimum core content of socio-economic rights in South Africa and Kenya’ (2020) 7.2 JCLA 60.

Criminal law and procedure

Hoctor, S ‘Recent case: General principles and specific offences’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 752.
Visser, JM ‘Recent case: Law of evidence’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 772.
Watney, M ‘Recent case: Criminal procedure’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 762.

Criminal procedure

Nortje, WWarrantless search and seizures by the South African Police Service: Weighing up the right to privacy versus the prevention of crime’ (2020) 24 PER.

Deceased estates

Swanepoel CFP, M ‘Technical issues and common (and not so common) mistakes in buy-and-sell agreements’ (2021) 36.1 ITJ.

Deed’s registry

Bhuqa, W ‘Deeds office’s rejection of documents bearing digitally affixed signatures’ (2021) 25.1 PLD.


Singh, PCan an emoji be considered as defamation? A legal analysis of Burrows v Houda [2020] NSWDC 485’ (2020) 24 PER.

Divorce law

Steyn, H ‘When “I do” becomes “I don’t”’ (2021) 36.1 ITJ.

Double taxation treaty

Du Plessis, IDouble taxation treaty interpretation: Lessons from a case down under’ (2020) 23 PER.

Electoral system

Wolf, LPractical implications for the electoral system: New Nation Movement NPC v President of the Republic of South Africa’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 58.

Environmental law

Ndlela, T and Murcott, MJInnovative regulation of meat consumption in South Africa: An environmental rights perspective’ (2020) 24 PER.


Fick, SCompensating landowners? The state’s (limited) duty toward landowners in delayed eviction matters’ (2020) 24 PER.

Expropriation of land

Botha, M ‘Current expropriation laws and talks’ (2021) 25.1 PLD.

Fiduciary duties

Cassim, RPost-resignation survival of fiduciary duties: Big Catch Fishing Tackle Proprietary Limited v Kemp (17281/18) 2019 ZAWCHC 20 (5 March 2019)’ (2020) 24 PER.

Freedom of testation

Moosa, FInterpretation of wills – does Endumeni case apply?’ (2020) 24 PER.

Genome editing

Townsend BA and Shozi, BAltering the human genome: Mapping the genome editing regulatory system in South Africa’ (2020) 24 PER.

Human rights

Coomans, FRights-based governance: The need for strong state obligations to protect human rights in an era of globalisation’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.
Ntlama-Makhanya, NRights-based governance, participatory democracy and accountability’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.

Human rights – unfair discrimination

Sloth-Nielsen, RFailure to recognise a third gender option: Unfair discrimination or justified limitation?’ (2021) 25 LDD 90.

Insolvency law

Hager, L ‘The Insolvency Act’s deviation from the common law: Juristic ghost or aggregate approach?’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 152.
Wiese, MThe legal operation of liens: Theory and practice’ (2020) 24 PER.

Intellectual property law

Mujuzi, JD ‘Prosecuting and punishing copyright infringements in South Africa: A comment on the Copyright Amendment Bill, B13B-2017’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 731.
Shozi, B and Vawda, YAQuo vadis patent litigation: Ascendis Animal Health (Pty) Limited v Merck Sharpe Dohme Corporation 2020 (1) SA 327 (CC) – in search of the bigger picture on patent validity’ (2020) 24 PER.

International arbitration

Donnelly, DL and Govindasamy, S ‘Notes: To stay or not to stay? Admiralty proceedings after the International Arbitration Act 15 of 2017: Atakas Ticaret Ve Nakliyat AS v Glencore International AG’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 40.

International constitutional law

Gitiri, J and Szentgáli-Tóth, BThe organic laws in francophone Africa and the judicial branch: A contextual analysis’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.

International criminal law and procedure

Okpaluba, C ‘Quantification of damages for unlawful arrest and detention: South Africa, Namibia and Eswatini/Swaziland (2)’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 617.
Sungi, SP ‘Addressing violations of international humanitarian law through the international criminal justice system: A criminologist’s contribution’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 670.

International human rights

Hofisi, DTThe Constitutional Courts of South Africa and Zimbabwe: A contextual analysis’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.
Kariseb, KReflections on judicial cross-fertilisation in the adjudication of human rights and constitutional disputes in Africa: The case of Namibia’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.
Mavundla, SD; Strode, A and Dlamini, DCMarital power finally obliterated: The history of the abolition of the marital power in civil marriages in Eswatini’ (2020) 23 PER.
Omboto, JO; Wairire, GG and Chepkong’a M ‘The profile of recidivists in Kenya: The case of prisoners at Nairobi county prison institutions’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 708.
Tessema, MT and Belay, MD ‘Confronting past gross human rights violations in Ethiopia: Taking stock of the Reconciliation Commission’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 563.
Uwazuruike, AAn analysis of Nigeria’s soft non-compliant approach to domestic and regional court orders and its implication for human rights and the rule of law’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.

International jurisprudence

Hamadziripi, F and Osode, PCThe leave of court requirement for instituting derivative actions in the UK: A ten-year jurisprudential excursion’ (2020) 24 PER.

International law

Craemer, LLaw down under – Australia’s legal landscape’ (2021) 34.1 Advocate 54.
Mutuma, KKenya’s annulled presidential election: A step in the right direction?’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.
Nwauche, ESAfrican courts and contemporary constitutional developments: Introduction’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.

International law – contracts

Coleman, TE ‘Assessing the efficacy of forum selection agreements in Commonwealth Africa’ (2020) 7.2 JCLA 1.
Obiri-Korang, P ‘A re-examination of the conflict rules governing the validity of international contracts’ (2020) 7.2 JCLA 41.

International transitional law/justice

Nanyunja, B ‘Victimisation and challenges to integration: Transitional justice response to children born of war in northern Uganda’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 580.
Ojo, VO and Filbert, N ‘Too much of a good thing: When transitional justice prescriptions may not work’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 526.
Soyapi, CBA case for transnational law in contemporary times’ (2020) 23 PER.
Yankson-Mensah, M ‘Transitional justice and constitutionalism: The case of Ghana’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 543.


Pretorius, DM ‘Notes: Investigations, natural justice and reviewability: Msiza v Motau NO and Another’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 20.

Judicial Service Commission

Rabkin, FLaw matters – The Judicial Service Commission’s accountability’ (2021) 34.1 Advocate 58.


Bekker, T ‘Summary judgment – Quo vadis?’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 88.
Flemming, HCJSummary judgment queries’ (2021) 34.1 Advocate 49.

Labour law

Fourie, ESocial protection instruments and women workers in the informal economy: A Southern African perspective’ (2020) 24 PER.
Grogan, J ‘First on the ball: Resigning to avoid dismissal’ (2021) 37.2 EL.
Grogan, J ‘RGA v LRA: Claiming for damage caused by strikers’ (2021) 37.2 EL.
Smit, DMThe double punch of workplace bullying/harassment leading to depression: Legal and other measures to help South African employers ward off a fatal blow’ (2021) 25 LDD 24.

Legal Aid

Holness, DPromoting the quality of legal aid in South Africa through better coordination of service provision’ (2021) 25 LDD 1.

Legal education

Du Plessis, Q ‘Sources of legal indeterminacy’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 115.
Van der Merwe, STowards designing a validated framework for improved clinical legal education: Empirical research on student and alumni feedback’ (2020) 23 PER.

Legal practice

Vassen, MThe quest for wellness at the bar: A pipedream or a long overdue necessity?’ (2021) 34.1 Advocate 41.

Matrimonial law

Zibi, E ‘Legal status change for persons in Muslim religious marriages’ (2021) 25.1 PLD.

Pension fund law

Muller CFP, C ‘Provident and provident preservation funds: The practical implications of annuitisation’ (2021) 36.1 ITJ.

Personal injury litigation

Meiring, J and de Wit, VThe collapse of RAF litigation imperils the most vulnerable at the Bar’ (2021) 34.1 Advocate 36.
Sebata-Vundla, T; Wainwright, P and MacKenzie, PTo hold chambers or not? That is the question’ (2021) 34.1 Advocate 45.

Persons and family law

Spijker, A and De Jong, MFamily conferencing: Responsibility at grassroots level – a comparative analysis between the Netherlands and South Africa’ (2020) 24 PER.

Property law

Samson, D ‘Occupation on registration of transfer: A sound recommendation?’ (2021) 25.1 PLD.

Public interest litigation

Rudman, A“Recognition” by the African Union as a locus standi requirement in advisory opinions before the African Court: An analysis of NGOs’ access to justice under the African regional human rights system’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.

Reasonable persons

Ahmed, RThe standard of the reasonable person in determining negligence – comparative conclusions’ (2020) 24 PER.

Refugee law

Farran, SThe significance of sea-level rise for the continuation of states and the identity of their people’ (2020) 24 PER.

Rule of law

Chigowe, LTOne step forward, two steps backwards: The threat of “third termism” on democracy, rule of law and governance in Africa’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.

Separation of powers

Mhango, MExecutive accountability and the separation of powers: Introducing the political accountability doctrine in South Africa’ (2021) 35.1 SJ.

Socio-economic rights – SADC

Kondo, TConstitutionalising socio-economic rights in SADC: An impact assessment on judicial enforcement in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho and Zambia’ (2020) 34.3 SJ.

Space exploration

Ferreira-Snyman, AChallenges to the prohibition on sovereignty in outer space – a new frontier for space governance’ (2020) 24 PER.

Spousal privilege

Goosen, S and Whitear-Nel, N ‘Revising spousal testimonial privilege and marital communications privilege in South African criminal procedure: Is abolition or extension the answer? Part 2’ (2020) 33.3 SAJCJ 598.

Spousal support

Bonthuys, EDeath of the breadwinner and the continuation of the duty of spousal support: Discrepancies and inequalities for different categories of surviving partners’ (2020) 23 PER.

Tax law

Daffue, H ‘Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 23 of 2020’ (2021) 36.1 ITJ.
De Lange, SRevoking a decision to suspend payment of disputed tax “on further consideration”: An administrative law perspective’ (2020) 24 PER.
Moosa, F ‘Section 45 of the Tax Administration Act: An unconstitutional limitation on taxpayer privacy?’ (2020) 138.1 SALJ 171.
Pearson, M ‘Taxpayers’ privacy: C: SARS v Public Protector analysed’ (2021) 36.1 ITJ.
Tredoux, LG and Van der Linde, KEThe taxation of company distributions in respect of hybrid instruments in South Africa: Lessons from Australia and Canada’ (2020) 24 PER.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2021 (June) DR 38.

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