Recent articles and research – June 2023

June 1st, 2023

Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked below.
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Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
AJCJ Africa Journal of Crime and Justice Juta (2022)
AMTJ African Multidisciplinary Tax Journal Juta (2022)
BTCLQ Business Tax and Company Law Quarterly Juta (2023) 14.1
Fundamina Fundamina Juta (2022) 28.2
ILJ Industrial Law Journal Juta (2023) 44
JCLA Journal of Comparative Law in Africa Juta (2022) 9.2
JSAC – IAWJ Journal of the South African Chapter of the International Association of Women Judges Juta (2022)
SA Merc LJ South African Mercantile Law Journal Juta

(2022) 34.1

(2022) 34.2

SAIPLJ Southern African Intellectual Property Law Journal Juta (2022)
SAJCJ South African Journal of Criminal Justice Juta

(2022) 35.1

(2022) 35.2

SALJ South African Law Journal Juta

(2023) 140.1

(2023) 140.2

SLR Stellenbosch Law Review Juta

(2022) 33.2

(2022) 33.3

TSAR Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg Juta

(2022) 3

(2022) 4

(2023) 1

(2023) 2

YSAL Yearbook of South African Law Juta

(2021) 2

(2022) 3

Administration of deceased estates

Starosta, A ‘Evaluating whether the laws governing deceased estates infringe on the right to have access to adequate housing’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 110.


Administration of justice

Brickhill, J; Corder, H; Davis, D and Marcus, G ‘Administration of justice’ (2021) 2 YSAL 1.
Brickhill, J; Corder, H; Davis, D and Marcus, G ‘Administration of justice’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1.
Wolf, L ‘Clarifying the constitutional status of the National Prosecuting Authority’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 413.


Administrative law

Van Coller, H ‘Administrative law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 72.
Van Coller, H ‘Administrative law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 76.


Alternative dispute resolution – Kenya

Okumu, LA and Murigi, HK ‘Alternative to prosecution in criminal law: A case for plea agreements in corporate crime’ (2022) AJCJ 55.


Ante-nuptial contract

Sonnekus, JC ‘Regterlike herverdelingsdiskresie vir batedeling by egskeiding beleef ’n heropstanding ondanks grondwetlike bedeling téén arbitrêre ontneming sonder vergoeding’ (2022) 4 TSAR 603.



Du Plessis, Q ‘The proper test for appealability’ (2022) 3 TSAR 438.


Banking law

Schulze, WG and Eiselen, SIEG ‘Regspraak: The unilateral termination by a bank of the bank-client agreement between it and its client’ (2022) 4 TSAR 828.


Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment

Du Plessis, A ‘The legal combatting of B-BBEE fronting practices in South Africa – past and present’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 396.


Business rescue

O’Brien, P and Calitz, JCaveat petitor. Must a business rescue practitioner pay costs of liquidation de bonis propriis?’ (2023) 2 TSAR 249.


Candidate legal practitioners

Rammila, D ‘(Im)mobility as group disadvantage: Are vehicle requirements in candidate attorney recruitment justifiable?’ (2023) 44 ILJ 702.


Central bank and payment services

Lawack, V ‘Case notes: An exploratory analysis of central bank digital currencies – some considerations’ (2022) 34.1 SA Merc LJ 118.


Child law

Barratt, A ‘Children’s law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 105.


Civil debt collection

Van der Merwe, S ‘Responding to the call for legislative development to alleviate the challenges with wage deduction as civil debt enforcement mechanism in South Africa: Formulating a cohesive emolument attachment order act’ (2023) 1 TSAR 60.


Civil procedure

Van Loggerenberg, D ‘Civil procedure’ (2021) 2 YSAL 101.
Van Loggerenberg, D ‘Civil procedure’ (2022) 3 YSAL 138.


Class action

Broodryk, T ‘A cause of action raising a triable issue in a class action: reconsidering the certification threshold’ (2023) 2 TSAR 270.
Broodryk, T ‘The appealability of decisions to certify class actions: Where are we now? A proposed approach after Stellenbosch University Law Clinic v Lifestyle Direct Group International (Pty) Ltd (WCC)’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 263.


Company law

Bidie, SS ‘Re-acquisition by a company of own issued shares under sections 48 and 114(1) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: A critical assessment through Capprec’ (2022) 34.1 SA Merc LJ 52.
Jooste, R ‘Company and close corporation law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 129.
Jooste, R ‘Company and close corporation law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 176.
Madlela, V ‘A legislative framework for shareholder approval of political donations and expenditure by companies in South Africa’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 126.
Nanyemba, T and Maphiri, M ‘The social and ethics committee and the protection of non-shareholder constituencies: Teething problems or no teeth at all?’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 376.
Schoeman, W ‘South African Governance Legal Framework for Corporate disclosures and reporting: Part 1 – Voluntary sustainability reporting’ (2022) 34.2 SA Merc LJ 268.
Van der Linde, K and Stevens, D ‘Regspraak: An improper application of the proper purpose of directors’ powers to authorise and issue shares?’ (2023) 2 TSAR 358.
Van der Linde, KE ‘Aantekeninge: The legal nature and implications of the conversion of convertible securities’ (2022) 3 TSAR 514.


Competition law

Mabindla-Boqwana, NP ‘The Competition Appeal Court as a specialist court: The challenge of retaining judges’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 103.
Schmidt, D ‘The characterisation principle in South African competition law from a German law perspective’ (2022) 34.2 SA Merc LJ 153.


Constitutional Court judgments

Laubscher, R ‘Aantekeninge: Overview of constitutional court judgments on the bill of rights – 2022’ (2023) 2 TSAR 316.


Constitutional law

Brickhill, J ‘Constitutional law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 239.
Brickhill, J and Bishop, M ‘Constitutional law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 153.
Nkoane, P ‘Deciding matters of general public importance: An analysis of the value-laden approach’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 25.


Constitutional law – Uganda

Mujuzi, JD ‘Freedom of the press in Uganda in the light of the drafting history of articles 29(1)(A), 43 and 41 of the Constitution’ (2022) 28.2 Fundamina 1.


Consumer Protection Act

Du Plessis, MA ‘Redress for consumers in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: The watchdog’s failure to support an accredited industry ombud – alternative suggestions’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 70.


Contract law

Kuschke, B ‘Contract law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 223.
Kuschke, B ‘Contract law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 322.
Van Eck, M ‘Good faith is not dead: It still lives after Beadica 231 CC v Trustees, Oregon Trust’ (2022) 34.1 SA Merc LJ 29.



Omar, J ‘Clarity, consistency, and community convictions: understanding the defence of consent in South African criminal law’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 131.


Copyright law

Jansen, G ‘Copyright owners, performers and streaming: A South African perspective on addressing the value gap’ (2022) 3 TSAR 477.
Zungu, B ‘Case Note: Blind SA v Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition and Others [2002] ZACC 33’ (2022) SAIPLJ 131.


COVID-19 – child law

Dube, A ‘The best interests of the child in the face of COVID-19 travel restrictions: Analysing the rights of children and parents [Discussion of CD v Department of Social Development (5570/2020) [2020] ZAWCHC 25 (14 April 2020)]’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 176.


COVID-19 – corporate corruption

Cassim, R ‘The escalation of corporate corruption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Is the Anti-Corruption Framework of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 Adequate?’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 349.


COVID-19 – gender-based violence

Lubaale, EC ‘The gendered impact of COVID-19 directives on access to criminal justice in South Africa’ (2022) AJCJ 1.


COVID-19 – Somalia

Muyonga, D ‘Why the preference for Xeer in Somalia surged during the Coronavirus pandemic’ (2022) AJCJ 167.


COVID-19 – Uganda

Nalungi, E ‘Alternative dispute resolution: The opportunities and challenges of COVID-19 for the plea-bargaining model in Uganda’ (2022) AJCJ 28.


Credit law

Koekemoer, M ‘Credit law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 255.
Koekemoer, M ‘Credit law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 364.


Crimes against humanity

Mutuma, KW and Thuo, BW ‘The efficacy of national and international accountability mechanisms in combating the Al-Shabaab in Somalia’ (2022) AJCJ 126.


Criminal law and procedure

Hoctor, S ‘Criminal law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 270.
Le Roux-Kemp, A ‘Criminal procedure’ (2022) 3 YSAL 389.
Rapulana, SL; Nsimbini, T and Chayya, S ‘Criminal law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 373.
Van der Merwe, A; Rapulana, L and Nsimbini, T ‘Criminal procedure and sentencing’ (2021) 2 YSAL 293.


Criminal law, evidence, and procedure

Carnelley, M ‘Recent cases: Prosecution and sentencing of maintenance defaulters’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 115.
Du Toit, P ‘Recent cases: Criminal procedure’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 234.
Hoctor, S ‘Recent cases: General principles of criminal law’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 222.
Le Roux-Bouwer, J ‘Notes: The Krugersdorp gang rapes  Another Tshabalala v S; Ntuli v S?’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 1.
Meintjes-van der Walt, L ‘Recent cases: Law of evidence’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 246.
Reddi, M ‘Recent cases: Criminal procedure’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 85.
Van der Linde, D ‘Note: Previous consistent statements – the sexual offence anomaly’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 58.
Van der Linde, D ‘Recent cases: Criminal law: General principles and specific offences’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 74.
Van der Merwe, A ‘Recent cases: Sentencing’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 268.
Whitear, N ‘Recent cases: Law of evidence’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 101.


Criminal Procedure Act

Phenyane, N ‘The importance of explicit reasons when overturning a conviction: Non-compliance with the competency test or the requirement to admonish complainants’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 19.


Cross-border employment

Rinaldi, E ‘Private international law in the Labour Court: Re-visiting jurisdiction and choice of law in a cross-border employment dispute’ (2022) 34.2 SA Merc LJ 181.


Customary international law

Coutsoudis, A ‘Customary international law is law in South Africa  now what? Analysing the courts’ identification and application of customary international law over the last decade’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 53.


Cybercrime – Kenya

Weru, AK and Kariuki, PM ‘Victimisation and the fear of cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experience of undergraduate students in Kenya’ (2022) AJCJ 99.


Damage claims

Fick, S ‘Man’s best friend: What damages can you get for the loss of your pet?’ (2023) 1 TSAR 38.


Debt collection

Van der Merwe, S ‘Judicial intervention and the call to transformative constitutionalism in the context of consumer law, debt collection and the National Credit Act: Bayport Securitisation Ltd v University of Stellenbosch Law Clinic’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 328.


Deceased estates

Reinecke, MFB and Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Aanspraak op opbrengs van lewensversekering van versekerde lewe getroud in gemeenskap van goed’ (2023) 2 TSAR 349.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Gierigheid is die wortel van alle kwaad’ (2023) 2 TSAR 175.


Delictual law – Kenya

Thutse, L and Cornelius, S ‘Regspraak: Image rights in Kenya’ (2023) 2 TSAR 372.


Delictual law

Lawrenson, N ‘Delict’ (2021) 2 YSAL 348.
Lawrenson, N ‘Delict’ (2022) 3 YSAL 443.


Delictual liability

Scott, J ‘Regspraak: Delictual liability resulting from the incompetence of artisans and misplaced trust’ (2022) 3 TSAR 551.


Divorce law

Bonthuys, E ‘Aantekeninge: The distribution of educational qualifications and earning power upon divorce’ (2023) 1 TSAR 114.


Empowering women

Mocumie, BC ‘Women pioneers in the judiciary programme – supporting women judges and law students in Southern Africa’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 51.


Environmental law

Hall, J ‘Aantekeninge: Environmental judgments in the last year – a barometer of the state of environmental democracy?’ (2022) 4 TSAR 689.
Jegede, AO and Stoffels, MC ‘Climate change protests and a liberal rights approach in South Africa: Pitfalls and potentials’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 125.
Kidd, M ‘Environmental law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 470.
Kidd, M ‘Environmental law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 529.
Mkhonza, AZT ‘Strengthening the recognition of strategic water source areas in decisions on water use licences [Discussion of Endangered Wildlife Trust v Director-General, Department of Water and Sanitation (WT 03/17/MP) [2019] ZAWT 3 (22 May 2019)’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 161.


Exchange control regulations

Oguttu, AW ‘South Africa’s Exchange Control Regulations and “loop structures”: The Income Tax implications of the removal of the restrictions with effect from 1 January 2021’ (2022) 34.1 SA Merc LJ 88.


Family and person’s law

Barratt, A ‘Family and child law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 509.
Le Roux-Kemp, A ‘Family law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 565.


Feasibility of dolus eventualis

Mosaka, TBDolus eventualis: An endangered colonial species’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 239.


Gender-based disinheritance

Du Toit, F; Harding, M and Humm, AKing NNO v De Jager 2021 4 SA 1 (CC): Three perspectives’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 501.


Gender-based violence

Khampepe, S and Van Heerden, E ‘Dismantling South Africa’s scourge – the Constitutional Court rules rape an abuse of power: Tshabalala v S; Ntuli v S’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 111.
Theron, L ‘Gender-based violence and the judiciary: Reflections on the role of the courts in safeguarding the dignity, safety and freedom of women’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 1.


Homeowners’ associations

Pienaar, GJ and Horn, JG ‘Homeowners’ associations as urban property management entities’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 438.


Human rights in Africa

Nfor, CT; Masangala, A and Gudo, J ‘The role of non-governmental organisations in advancing good governance and development through regional institutions in Africa’ (2022) 9.2 JCLA 71.


Immovable property

Cramer, R ‘Abandoning the spouse, abandoning the house? Abandonment of co-ownership shares in immovable property [Discussion of M v M (10751/2000) [2020] ZAGPPHC 155 (20 March 2020)]’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 548.


Income Tax Act

Horak, W and Mckinnell, J ‘Outsourcing and the foreign business establishment rule for CFC purposes: Why the SCA got it wrong in CSARS v Coronation Investment Management SA (Pty) Ltd’ (2023) 14.1 BTCLQ 13.
Liptak, ED ‘The misuse and abuse of section 80J of the Income Tax Act: Time to get back to the basics’ (2023) 14.1 BTCLQ 1.
Rudnicki, M ‘The modified section 23M: Interest deduction limitations’ (2023) 14.1 BTCLQ 24.
Legwaila, T and Fritz, C ‘Case notes: The income tax position of a creditor on the insolvency and/or business rescue of a debtor’ (2022) 34.2 SA Merc LJ 293.


Independent guarantees

Lupton, C ‘Regspraak: “On demand payment” character of independent guarantees’ (2022) 3 TSAR 569.


Indigenous criminal law

Mosaka, TB ‘The Black Flame (part three): Snyman’s Criminal Law’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 1.


Insolvency law

Evans, R ‘Insolvency’ (2021) 2 YSAL 631.
Mabe, Z ‘Insolvency’ (2022) 3 YSAL 617.


Insurance law

Millard, D ‘Insurance law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 646.
Millard, D ‘Insurance law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 693.


Intellectual property law – Nigeria

Oluwasemilore, IA ‘Nigerian intellectual property protection for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) fashion designers in the digital economy’ (2022) SAIPLJ 38.


International child abduction

Saldulker, HK ‘The implications of Office of the Children’s Lawyer v Balev 2018 SCC 16 for the interpretation of “habitual residence” in the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (1980)’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 118.


International law

Vinti, C ‘The conduct of “price undertakings” and “interim reviews” in the anti-dumping regime of South Africa [Discussion of Casar Drahtseilwerk Saar GMBH v International Trade Administration Commission (66248/2014) 2020 ZAGPPHC 141 (14 February 2020)]’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 560.


International trade transactions

Hugo, C and Lupton, C ‘An analysis of the preclusion rule in documentary credit practice with specific reference to the position of nominated and confirming banks’ (2023) 2 TSAR 235.


Labour law

Grogan, J ‘Labour and employment law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 765.
Grogan, J ‘Labour and employment law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 748.
Maloka, TC ‘Case notes: Jurisdictional quandaries triggered by a new variant for dismissal’ (2022) 34.1 SA Merc LJ 135.
Newaj, K ‘Dismissals for Cannabis use: Determining substantive fairness’ (2023) 44 ILJ 683.
Okpaluba, C and Budeli-Nemakonde, M ‘Reinstatement in the context of “deemed dismissal”: A critical analysis of recent case law’ (2022) 34.1 SA Merc LJ 1.
Scott, J ‘Regspraak: Moving on thin ice – recent judgment in a deviation case a caveat to employers to exercise utmost caution when contemplating new appointments’ (2022) 4 TSAR 781.
Van Staden, MJ ‘Aantekeninge: An update of recent labour law developments from South African courts 2022’ (2022) 4 TSAR 717.


Land reform

Pienaar, JM ‘Land reform’ (2021) 2 YSAL 854.
Pienaar, JM ‘Land reform’ (2022) 3 YSAL 852.


Law of contract

Cornelius, S ‘Die matigende rol van die waardes onderliggend aan die grondwet in die Suid-Afrikaanse kontraktereg’ (2022) 4 TSAR 660.


Law of defamation

Fagan, A ‘Wrongfulness in the South African law of defamation’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 285.


Law of evidence

Schwikkard, PJ ‘Law of evidence’ (2021) 2 YSAL 921.
Schwikkard, PJ ‘Law of evidence’ (2022) 3 YSAL 917.


Law of inheritance

Barbaix, R and Leire, D ‘Belgium’s inheritance law reform of 2017 and 2018’ (2022) 3 TSAR 421.


Law of succession

Chetty, N ‘Law of succession’ (2021) 2 YSAL 946.
Chetty, N ‘Law of succession’ (2022) 3 YSAL 953.


Legal costs

Bekker, T ‘The apportionment of legal costs in South Africa: a comparative analysis’ (2022) 3 TSAR 457.


Legal education

Nyathi, M ‘Re-asserting the doctrinal legal research methodology in the South African academy: Navigating the maze’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 365.


Legal profession

Van Eck, M ‘Regspraak: A cautionary tale of litigation, liability and ethical responsibilities in the legal profession’ (2022) 4 TSAR 798.


Legislative response to gangsterism

Van der Linde, DC ‘The proliferation of criminal gang activities on the Cape Flats and the subsequent legislative and policy responses’ (2022) 28.2 Fundamina 73.


Local government

Adderley, M and Toefy, A ‘Local government law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 980.
Adderley, M and Toefy, A ‘Local government law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 983.
Bronstein, V and Glaser, D ‘Intervention in South African municipalities: Dangers and remedies’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 95.
Fuo, O ‘Local government and the conundrum of constitutional competencies in South Africa: The tussle between City of Tshwane Municipality and the Gauteng Health Department over ambulance services’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 484.
Williams, M ‘Notes: Municipal crisis: A justifiable limitation of political rights’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 38.


Maintenance of surviving spouses

Abduroaf, M and Moosa, N ‘Aantekeninge: An analysis of the right of a Muslim widow to claim maintenance in terms of section 1 of the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act 27 of 1990’ (2023) 2 TSAR 302.


Mandament van spolie

Sonnekus, JC ‘Aantekeninge: Die Internet of things en afstandbeheerde afskakel van toestelle – kontrakteervryheid en ander geykte regsbeginsels by spolie, vergeet en/of verwar?’ (2023) 1 TSAR 96.


Maritime claims

Gevers, AH and Surbun, V ‘The classification of a “maritime claim” in South Africa under the Admiralty Jurisdiction Regulation Act’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 194.


Matrimonial law

Osman-Hyder, M ‘Termination of Muslim marriages in the South African legal context: Understanding the challenges’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 91.


Matrimonial property regime

Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Huweliksgoedereregtelike bedeling lukraak terugwerkend gewysig én die betrokkenes se handelingsbevoegdheid só verminder?’ (2023) 1 TSAR 140.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Regsontdaning kragtens ’n akte van dading, soos ’n huweliksvoorwaardekontrak, beliggaam ’n ooreenkoms gebaseer op wilsooreenstemming en dít word beheers deur die beginsel pacta sunt servanda – mits die afstanddoener dan handelingsbevoeg is’ (2022) 4 TSAR 809.


Medical law

Grobbelaar-du Plessis, I; Carstens, P; Swart, M and Thomas, C ‘Health law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 545.
Le Roux-Kemp, A ‘Medical and health law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1025.


Money laundering

Moosa, F ‘Combating money-laundering through currency control: Do Exchange Control Regulations 3(3) and 19(1) limit a traveller’s right to privacy?’ (2022) 4 TSAR 672.



Scott, J ‘Regspraak: ’n Tydige waarskuwing dat waaksaamheid van sowel deelnemers as omstanders by padwedlope – ’n oënskynlik nie-riskante sportsoort – verwag kan word’ (2023) 2 TSAR 332.


Ownership of wild animals

Freedman, W ‘Regspraak: The escape rule and the ownership of enclosed wild animals in English and South African law’ (2022) 3 TSAR 581.


Parental responsibilities and rights

Shozi, B; Hazarilall, R and Thaldar, D ‘Blood is thicker than water, but is it thicker than ink? An analysis of parenthood and sperm donor agreements in the wake of QG v CS (32200/2020) 2021 ZAGPPHC 366 (17 June 2021)’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 529.


Patent opposition in the SADC region

Ndlovu, L ‘Improving access to medicines in the SADC region through patent opposition: Law reform inspirations from an unlikely jurisdiction’ (2022) SAIPLJ 105.


Pension law

Marumoagae, MC ‘Notes: Do retirement funds have a right to transfer accrued retirement benefits without non-member spouses’ consent? An analysis of the Collatz matter’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 17.
Marumoagae, MC ‘Pension law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 1015.
Marumoagae, MC ‘Pension law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1084.


Persons and family law

Watney, M ‘Regspraak: Intimate partner rape: myths, reality and the law’ (2022) 4 TSAR 768.


Piracy in Nigeria

Anele, KK ‘Reimagining regional cooperation as a springboard for curbing piracy off the coast of Nigeria’ (2022) 9.2 JCLA 33.


Populist understanding

Pretorius, JL ‘Populist conceptions of the “people” and multi-party democracy’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 3.


Private and public law

Van der Merwe, D ‘Law as datum and law as purpose: Otto von Gierke’s conception of the social purpose of law and its continued relevance’ (2023) 2 TSAR 209.


Property law

Boggenpoel, ZT ‘Property and access: Inequality of land relations and the continued vulnerability of women’ (2023) 140.2 SALJ 387.
Van der Sijde, E ‘Property law’ (2021) 2 YSAL 1052.
Van der Sijde, E ‘Property law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1119.


Protection of personal information

Ismail, N ‘Private closed-circuit television surveillance under the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013’ (2023) 1 TSAR 20.
Jooste, Y ‘The right to deletion: Identity, memory, and surveillance capitalism’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 460.
Malahleka, M ‘The right to data portability: a ghost in the protection of personal information’ (2023) 1 TSAR 1.


Public procurement

Quinot, G ‘Public procurement law’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1161.


Quantum of damages arising from shootings

Okpaluba, C ‘Damages for injuries arising from unlawful shooting by police and other security agents: South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland/Eswatini (1)’ (2022) 35.1 SAJCJ 34.
Okpaluba, C ‘Damages for injuries arising from unlawful shooting by police and other security agents: South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Swaziland/Eswatini (2)’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 175.


Religious freedom

Henrico, R ‘The essential religious practices test used by the judiciary in India: restricting or advancing the constitutional protection of religious freedom?’ (2023) 1 TSAR 79.


Reparation orders

Keter, DK ‘Reparation orders at the International Criminal Court: The quest of the victims in the Bosco Ntaganda case’ (2022) AJCJ 184.


Restraint of trade agreements

Weiner, SE ‘Contracts in restraint of trade: Pacta sunt servanda and constitutional values: From Magna Alloys to Beadica’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 19.


Right to basic education

Adams, G and Slade, BV ‘Providing greater clarity on the meaning of basic education [Discussion of Moko v Acting Principal, Malusi Secondary School 2021 (3) SA 323 (CC)]’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 579.


SADC – post-COVID-19

Letete, P ‘Tax policy gap in southern African countries: Reflections on indirect tax coordination and tax diversity in SADC post COVID-19’ (2022) 9.2 JCLA 1.


Sectional titles

Van der Merwe, CG ‘Aantekeninge: Lessons from the landmark New South Wales appeal tribunal decision and three community schemes ombud service adjudications on smoking in sectional (strata) title schemes’ (2023) 2 TSAR 283.
Van der Merwe, CG ‘Lessons from New South Wales, Queensland, and British Columbia to assist South Africa in adequately regulating the keeping of assistance animals by disabled persons in sectional title schemes’ (2022) 33.3 SLR 419.
Van der Merwe, CG ‘Regspraak: Can the body corporate or trustees agree to an accommodation of outstanding levies and other charges to a unit owner who is unable to pay the full outstanding levy and other charges on account of dire financial straits caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?’ (2022) 4 TSAR 754.
Van Der Merwe, CG ‘Regspraak: Can the body corporate insist that the purchaser of a sectional title unit at a sale in execution pay or secure not only outstanding levies but also other amounts the body corporate claims are due by the unit owner such as interest on arrears, legal costs and interest on non-paid legal costs before the body corporate will issue the levy clearance certificate for transfer required in terms of section 15B(3)(a)(i)(aa) of the Sectional Titles Act?’ (2023) 1 TSAR 125.



Le Roux-Kemp, A ‘Sentencing’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1175.


Sentencing of robbery

Terblanche, SS ‘Comparing sentencing for robbery with Strafzumessung für Raub’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 156.


Separation of powers

Moleya, NI ‘Reflecting on the tension between the development of the common law and the doctrine of separation of powers in Paulsen v Slip Knot Investments 777 (Pty) Ltd’ (2023) 140.1 SALJ 170.


Sequestration of estate

Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Oordrag van onroerende eiendom kragtens ’n egskeidingsbevel tóg ’n besmette vervreemding volgens die Insolvensiewet?’ (2022) 3 TSAR 591.

Seychelles Employment Tribunal

Mujuzi, JD The criminal jurisdiction of the Seychelles Employment Tribunal’ (2022) 35.2 SAJCJ 198.


Special economic zones

Qumba, MF ‘Assessing the legal and regulatory framework for special economic zones in South Africa’ (2022) 34.2 SA Merc LJ 229.


Structure of colonial society

Peté, SA and Swanepoel, P ‘In-between black and white: Defining racial boundaries in colonial Natal at the turn of the twentieth century – part one’ (2022) 28.2 Fundamina 43.


Surety agreements

Sonnekus, JC ‘Aantekeninge: Borgstelling deur ’n skuldenaar vir eie skuld bly nietig ongeag vermeende skynverwekking en enkele ander aspekte van borgstelling’ (2022) 3 TSAR 536.


Tax law

De Lange, S ‘Making and disputing jeopardy assessments: An administrative law perspective’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 46.
Maleka, M ‘The influence of Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Others in shaping South African Tax Administration’ (2022) 34.2 SA Merc LJ 212.
Williams, R ‘Taxation’ (2021) 2 YSAL 1096.
Williams, R ‘Taxation’ (2022) 3 YSAL 1208.


Technology and the court

Mbatha, YT ‘To video link or not to video link? Safeguarding vulnerable persons’ right of access to courts in civil matters’ (2022) JSAC-IAWJ 69.


Test for passing off

Karim, SA ‘Deficiencies in the tests for distinctiveness and reputation: A discussion of passing off in light of Koni Multinational Brands (Pty) Ltd v Beiersdorf AG’ (2022) SAIPLJ 1.


The South African CRISPR patent landscape

Kamwendo, T ‘The quest to use CRISPR technology in tackling the South African tuberculosis epidemic: Examining how the CRISPR patent and licensing regime may impact access to CRISPR-related tuberculosis therapies’ (2022) SAIPLJ 14.


Trademark law

Karjiker, S ‘Two horses do not need to be from the same stable: A critical evaluation of the Polo case’ (2022) 4 TSAR 640.


Trafficking in persons – Uganda

Salzman, C and Dunman, T ‘The one-two punch: Utilising community prosecution and victim-centred strategies to successfully prosecute trafficking in persons in Uganda’ (2022) AJCJ 78.



Hoctor, S and Wildenboer, L ‘Tribute to Reinhard Zimmermann on the occasion of his seventieth birthday’ (2022) 28.2 Fundamina 117.


Unlawful competition

Neethling, J ‘Aantekeninge: The competition principle as criterion for ascertaining wrongfulness in the competitive struggle’ (2022) 3 TSAR 527.


Vicarious liability for delict

Scott, J ‘Aantekeninge: Weer eens middellike aanspreeklikheid weens ’n werknemer se opsetlike optrede in eie belang – raak ons regspraktisyns én die howe in hierdie verband dalk oorywerig?’ (2022) 3 TSAR 496.


Vicarious liability

Scott, J ‘Regspraak: Vicarious liability once again – a seemingly uncontentious case marred by judicial errors’ (2023) 1 TSAR 157.


Violence against women

Olusegun, OO ‘Female genital mutilation in Nigeria and Burkina Faso: Safeguarding the rights of women and girls in Africa’ (2022) 9.2 JCLA 102.


Waivers of intellectual property obligations

Samtani, S ‘Human rights, harmonious interpretation and the hegemonic international trade regime: The case of the COVID-19 TRIPS waiver proposals’ (2022) SAIPLJ 66.


Water law

Viljoen, G ‘The transformed water regulatory regime of South Africa [Discussion of South African Association for Water User Associations v Minister of Water and Sanitation [2020] ZAGPPHC 252 (19 June 2020)]’ (2022) 33.2 SLR 148.

Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2023 (June) DR 33.

De Rebus