Recent articles and research – June 2024

June 1st, 2024

Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law (2023) 26
THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeinse-Hollandse Reg LexisNexis

(2021) 84.2

(2021) 84.3

(2021) 84.4


Armed conflicts

Bradley, MM ‘Determining the intensity threshold in a mosaic of non-international armed conflicts from Lubanga to Ongwen: The contribution of the International Criminal Court to a cumulative assessment approach’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 199.

Artificial intelligence

Gavett, W ‘Jailed by a “Black Box”: The impact of opaque algorithms on the right to a fair trial in the United States of America’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 299.

Births and deaths registration Act 51 of 1992

Slabbert, M ‘Pregnancy loss – Voice of the Unborn Baby NPC v Minister of Home Affairs [2021] JOL 49991 (GP)’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 616.

Capital markets

Mulenga, CSecurities markets and their regulation in Zambia: A new dawn or a rebranding of the old norms?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Companies Act 71 of 2008

Scott, T ‘The delinquent director remedy in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 – Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse v Myeni [2020] 3 All SA 578 (GP)’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 411.

Swart, WJC ‘The (possible) arbitration of disputes in terms of section 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 355.

Constitutional law

Swanepoel, CF ‘’n Kristiese beskouing van die 17de Grondwetwysiging deur die Konstitusionele Hof: Artikel 167(3) en Jiba-Mrwebi’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 472.

Construction sector

Koekemoer, MM ‘Financing the acquisition of construction equipment: The potential influence of the MAC Protocol on law reform in South Africa’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 455.

Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Lombard, M ‘The effect of section 14 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on leases of immovable property’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 151.

Lombard, M ‘The effect of section 2(10) of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 20208 on fixed-term contracts’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 318.

Cooperative governance

Kruger, J; Beckmann, J and Du Plessis, ANon-educator stakeholders and public-school principals’ views on the proposed amendments to the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996’ (2024) 27 PER.

Copyright Amendment Bill

Forere, MThe ramifications of international law in South Africa: Blind SA v Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition (CCT 320/21) [2022] ZACC 33 (21 September 2022)’ (2024) 27 PER.

Criminal law

Bekink, M ‘The protection of child witnesses from secondary victimisation: Possible reform of the South African criminal justice system – S v M 2020 (1) SACR 1 (WCC)’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 601.

Stevens, GP and Carstens, PA ‘Revisiting the application of the doctrine of common purpose in the context of rape – S v Tshabalala 2020 (2) SACR 38 (CC)’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 253.

Customary marriage

Mantwa, A ‘The relevance of handing over the bride in contemporary South Africa – Miya v Mnqayane (3342/2018) [2020] ZAFSHC 17 (3 February 2020)’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 403.

Osman, FThe proprietary consequences of customary marriages: Challenges in the new regime(s)?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Demand guarantees

Kelly-Louw, M and Fayers, R ‘The “breach of a negative stipulation” as an exception to the autonomy principle in England and South Africa’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 515.


Gresse, E and Gresse, WA legal conundrum – the duty to reasonably accommodate: A comment on Legal Aid South Africa v Jansen 2020 41 ILJ 2580 (LAC)’ (2024) 27 PER.

Distressed debtors

Taljaard, Z and Dayimani, M ‘A legal analysis of the debt relief measures as alternatives to the sequestration of financially distressed debtors in South Africa’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 180.

Divorce mediation

Nyaata, V; Zaal, FN; and Peté, SAIncluding children’s views in divorce mediation: A comparative analysis and recommendations for Kenya’ (2024) 27 PER.

Economic and trade agreements

Ngobeni, LThe International Court System: A solution to the crisis in investor-state arbitration?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Estoppel and ostensible authority

Schulze, WG and Eiselen, S ‘The legal status of a contract concluded contravention of section 11 of the Banks Act 94 of 1990, estoppel, and ostensible authority – Stols v Garlicke & Bousfield (10146/2010) [2020] ZAKZPHC 53 (8 September 2020)’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 422.


Martin, BN ‘Voluntary active euthanasia in South Africa: A constitutional dilemma’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 336.


Boggenpoel, ZZ and Mahomedy, SReflecting on evictions and unlawful occupation of land in South Africa: Where do some gaps still remain?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Intellectual property

Alberts, W ‘Offensive trade marks: A recent European judgment – Constantin Film Production GmbH v European Union Intellectual Property Office (case C-240/18 P, ECLI:EU:C:2020:118a)’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 393.

Maharaj, S ‘Defining “well-known” trade marks: A critical analysis of McDonald’s and Primark’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 487.

Interest on tax debt

Meyer, C and Van Zyl, SP ‘Once, twice, three times a penalty, and charging interest on a tax debt – Medtronic International Trading SARL v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (33400-2019) [2021] ZAGPPHC (15 February 2021)’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 588.

International protection of children

Bekink, M ‘The international protection of a child victims and witnesses: A South African legal perspective’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 218.

Internet trackers

Schultz, H and Freedman, WPlugins and POPI: A critical discussion into the legal implications of social plugins and the protection of personal information’ (2024) 27 PER.

Labour law

Van Staden, MJ and Laubscher, R ‘Unfair (and unlawful) dismissals and powers of the Public Protector – Chubisi v South African Broadcasting Corporation (SOC) Ltd (J1169/20) [2020] ZALCJHB 218 (2 November 2020)’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 564.

Language and law

Ravyse, N and Laubscher, MEditorial: Language and law’ (2024) 27 PER.

Language tests

Docrat, ZThe discriminatory practice of language testing for authenticating citizenship: An analysis of Operation Dudula through a forensic linguistics lens’ (2024) 27 PER.

Linguistic human rights in education

Beiter, KDTranslating educational and cultural literacy works under Berne, Ius Cogens, and Linguistic Genocide’ (2024) 27 PER.

Local government

Ngcobo, MTLocal government empowerment and collaborative approaches in the electricity sector: A constitutional analysis’ (2024) 27 PER.

Mandatory vaccine policy

Lötter, C The constitutional case against the mandatory vaccine policy – an interdisciplinary South African perspective’ (2024) 27 PER.

Mine-host communities

Chagadama, S and Viljoen, GThe concept of social justice in mine-host community involvement and benefit accrual: Reflections from mineral extraction in Zimbabwe’ (2024) 27 PER.

Municipal governance

Wright, JFunding climate change initiatives: Utilising the law for enhancing financial management in cities’ (2024) 27 PER.

Occupational injuries

Van Staden, MJ and Fourie, E ‘Domestic workers, (in)dignity, and occupational injuries – Mahlangu v Minister of Labour 2021 (2) 54 (CC)’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 434.

Parental responsibilities

Breytenbach, M and Louw, A ‘Can a parental responsibilities and rights agreement be used as means to circumvent the rights of an existing parent when conferring parental responsibilities and rights on an interested third-party?’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 371.

Pauperien liability

Scott, J ‘The strict nature of pauperien liability confirmed: A postscript – Van Meyeren v Cloete 2021 (1) SA 59 (SCA)’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 264.

Prescription period

Sonnekus, JC ‘Uitwissende verjaring van ’n vorderinhsreg: Aanvangsdatum, opeisbare vordering, en stuitende werking van ’n stilswyende erkenning van aanspreeklikheid by subsidiêre vorderings – Van Heerden & Brummer Inc v Bath (356/2020) [2020] ZASCA 80 (11 Junie 2021)’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 543.

Property of the bank

Schulze, WG and Eiselen, GTS ‘Die stoor van fondse in ’n bankrekening namens en tot voordeel van ’n derde party – FirstRand Bank Ltd v The Spar Group Ltd (2021) 2 All SA 680 (HHA)’ (2021) 84.4 THRHR 574.

Public policy

Van Zyl, R The role of public policy in King v De Jager (CCT 315/18) [2021] ZACC 4 (19 February 2021)’ (2024) 27 PER.

Residential tenants

Dube, F and Ncube, P ‘Common law and statutory rights of residential tenants during the lockdown in South Africa’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 165.

Retirement schemes

Pienaar, GJ ‘The legal nature, protection and transferability of interests in a retirement scheme’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 283.

Solvency capital requirement

Kilian, NCan language prevent flexible SCR calculations? New duties for auditors in The Prudential Authority v Constantia Insurance Company Limited, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, Case Number 2022-19765’ (2024) 27 PER.

State obligations

Loedolf, K-LInterpreting the right to work and its application in the South African legal framework’ (2024) 27 PER.

Surrogate motherhood agreements

Boniface, A ‘Rock a bye baby: “Not able to give birth” does not connote “has never given birth” – APP v NPK (17962/2020) [2021] ZAWCHC 69 (11 March 2021)’ (2021) 84.3 THRHR 447.

Tax administration

Van Zyl, SP and Fritz, C ‘Withholding a tax refund: Did the High Court apply section 190 of the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 correctly? – Rappa (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (20/18875) [2020] ZAGPPHC (5 Nov 2020)’ (2021) 84.2 THRHR 239.


Agbor, ALanguage as a tool of divisive politics: Perspectives on foreign nationals in South Africa’ (2024) 27 PER.

Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2024 (June) DR 43.

De Rebus