By Meryl Federl
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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
Advocate | Advocate | General Council of the Bar | (2018) 31.3 December |
AHRLJ | African Human Rights Law Journal | Centre for Human rights, Department of Law, University of Pretoria | (2018) 18.2 |
EL | Employment law | LexisNexis | (2018) 34.6 |
IJL | Industrial Law Journal | Juta |
(2018) 39 (2019) 40 |
IPLJ | South African Intellectual Property Law Journal | Juta |
(2018) 21 October (2018) 21 November (2018) 21 December |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys | (2018) 15.3 November |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2018) 6.1 |
SALJ | South African Law Journal | Juta | (2018) 135. 4 |
SAMLJ | South African Mercantile Law Journal | Juta | (2018) 30.1 |
SAPL | Southern African Public Law | University of South Africa Press | (2018) 33.1 |
Administrative law
De Beer, MN ‘A new role for the principle of legality in administrative law: State Information Technology Agency Soc Ltd v Gijima Holdings (Pty) Ltd’ (2018) 135.4 SALJ 613.
Boonzaier, L ‘A decision to undo’ (2018) 135.4 SALJ 642.
Wolf, L ‘Implications of the “direct, external legal effect” of administrative action for its purported validity’ (2018) 135.4 SALJ 678.
Animal rights
De Villiers, J-H ‘Metaphysical anthropocentrism, limitrophy, and responsibility: An explication of the subject of animal rights’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Child law
O’Hare, BA-M; Bengo, EMM; Devakumar, D and Bengo, JM ‘Survival rights for children: What are the national and global barriers?’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 508.
Mwambene, L ‘Recent legal responses to child marriage in Southern Africa: The case of Zimbabwe, South Africa and Malawi’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 527.
Company law
Cassim, MF ‘The safeguards and protective measures for property owners during business rescue’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 40.
Cassim, R ‘The right of a director to participate in the management of a company: Kaimowitz v Delahunt 2017 (3) SA 201 (WCC)’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 172.
Rome, G and Mohapi, S ‘O son of man, can these bones live? The need to resurrect the commercial court’ (2018) 31.3 December Advocate 52.
Thabane, T ‘The removal of directors in state-owned companies: Shareholders’ franchise in jeopardy? Molefe and Others v Minister of Transport and Others’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 155.
Constitutional law
Okpaluba, C ‘The constitutional principle of accountability: A study of contemporary South African case law’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
Copyright law
Ncube, CB and Oriakhogba, DO ‘Monkey selfie and authorship in copyright law: The Nigerian and South African Perspectives’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Credit law
Govender, S and Kelly-Louw, M ‘Delivery of the compulsory section 129(1) Notice as required by the National Credit Act of 2005’ (2018) 21 November PER.
Criminal law
Msaule, PR ‘The duty to produce one’s firearm for inspection in terms of the Firearms Control Act: The right to silence under siege?’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Environmental law
Blackmore, A ‘The application of and the prospects for the public trust doctrine in South Africa: A brief overview’ (2018) 135.4 SALJ 631.
Human rights
Adelakun, O ‘The concept of surrogacy in Nigeria: Issues, prospects and challenges’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 605.
Akogwu, A ‘The implications of Isaiah Berlin’s radical conception of liberty for sexual minority rights protection in Nigeria’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 579.
Atuahene, B and Sibanda, S ‘From reparations to dignity restoration: The story of the Popela community’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 654.
Badejogbin, O ‘Onuoha Kalu v The State and flaws in Nigeria’s death penalty jurisprudence’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 551.
Botha, H ‘Beyond sexual binaries? The German Federal Constitutional Court and the rights of intersex people’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Diala, AC ‘The shadow of legal pluralism in matrimonial property division outside the courts in Southern Nigeria’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 706.
Kamga, SD ‘Cultural values as a source of law: Emerging trends of Ubuntu jurisprudence in South Africa’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 625.
Lando, V ‘The domestic impact of the decisions of the East African Court of Justice’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 463.
Makama, P ‘Involuntary circumcision of males in illegal initiation schools in South Africa: A violation of African customary human rights?’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
Moyo, A ‘Revisiting minors’ reproductive autonomy rights under South African law: The rights and wrongs of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
Shaw, A ‘From disgust to dignity: Criminalisation of same-sex conduct as a dignity taking and the grassroots battle to achieve dignity restoration?’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 684.
Insolvency law
Roestoff, M ‘Vonnisbespreking: Nog ’n vriendskaplike-sekwestrasie-aansoek sneuwel Botha v Botha [2017] JOL 38011 (VB)’ (2018) 15.3 November LitNet.
Insurance law
Donnelly, D-L ‘Do you always get something out? The impact of the Insurance Act 18 of 2017 and revised policyholder protection rules on material misrepresentation and non-disclosure’ (2018) 135. 4 SALJ 593.
Intellectual property law
Adigun, M ‘The relationship between incentives, innovation and market behaviour within the context of the intellectual property system in Nigeria’ (2018) 6.1 IPLJ 47.
Du Bois, M ‘The appropriate scope of property rights in patents’ (2018) 6.1 IPLJ 67.
Geyer, S ‘Moneyweb v Media 24: Can unlawful competition succeed where copyright has failed?’ (2018) 6.1 IPLJ 108.
Job, C ‘Interrogating trade mark protection for “similar” goods or services: A case for alternatives?’ (2018) 6.1 IPLJ 92.
Karjiker, S ‘Intellectual property as real security’ (2018) 6.1 IPLJ 1.
Okorie, CI ‘Corporate governance of collecting societies in Nigeria: Powers of the copyright sector regulator’ (2018) 6.1 IPLJ 24.
International criminal law
Ani, NC ‘Implications of the African Union’s stance on immunity for leaders on conflict resolution in Africa: The case of South Sudan and lessons from Habré’s case’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 438.
Stone, L ‘A sign of the times: South Africa’s politico-legal retrogression as illustrated through the intention to withdraw from the Rome Statute’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
International investment law
Forere, MA ‘The new developments in international investment law: A need for Multilateral Investment Treaty?’ (2018) 21 November PER.
International law
Tladi, D ‘The interpretation and identification of International law in South African courts’ (2018) 135.4 SALJ 708.
Olivier, M ‘The implications of the Kavanaugh affair for South Africa’ (2018) 31.3 December Advocate 57.
Labour law
Behari, A ‘The effect of the Labour Laws Amendment Bill 2017 on shared parental responsibilities’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2148.
Du Toit, D ‘Platform work and social justice’ (2019) 40 ILJ 1.
Du Toit, D ‘Should precarious work be the focus of labour law?’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2089.
Du Toit, D; Jacobs, M and Ronnie, R ‘Revisiting strikes in essential services’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2131.
Godfrey, S; du Toit, D and Jacobs, M ‘The New Labour Bills: An overview and analysis’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2161.
Grogan, J ‘“Derivative misconduct” – label concept or principle?’ (2018) 34.6 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Hit the boer! Struggle songs in the workplace’ (2018) 34.6 EL.
Louw, A ‘“The Common Law is … not what it used to be”*: Revisiting recognition of a constitutionally-inspired implied duty of fair dealing in the common law contract of employment (part 1)’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Louw, A “‘The Common Law is … not what it used to be”*: Revisiting recognition of a constitutionally-inspired implied duty of fair dealing in the common law contract of employment (part 2)’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Louw, A ‘“The Common Law is … not what it used to be”*: Revisiting recognition of a constitutionally-inspired implied duty of fair dealing in the common law contract of employment (part 3)’ (2018) 21 December PER.
Marumoagae, C ‘The conundrum of unclaimed retirement benefits held by South African retirement funds’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2107.
Maseko, T ‘The application of the principles of vicarious liability in Minister of Safety and Security v Morudu: A critical analysis’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
Newaj, K ‘Resolving the “benefits” dilemma’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 91.
Nxumalo, L ‘When does the use of race as a descriptor constitute misconduct in the workplace?’ (2019) 40 ILJ 60.
Pillay, K and Mushariwa, M ‘“The truth is rarely pure and never simple” – what lessons can be learnt from the United States’ Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988?’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 1.
Rycroft, A and Duffy, CG ‘Parental rights: Progress but some puzzles’ (2019) 40 ILJ 12.
Van Eck, S and Kujinga, T ‘The right to strike and replacement labour: South African practice viewed from an international law perspective’ (2018) 21 October PER.
Welgemoed, B and Huysamen, E ‘Workplace protection of employees suffering from depression: A South African perspective’ (2019) 40 ILJ 41.
Whitear, N ‘Testifying in camera and by video link in the labour context in South Africa: Challenges and opportunities’ (2019) 40 ILJ 26.
Law and philosophy
Nkosi, S “Ubuntu and South African law: Its juridical transformative impact’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
Legal aid
McQuoid-Mason, D ‘Challenges when drafting legal aid legislation to ensure access to justice in African and other developing countries with small numbers of lawyers: Overcoming obstacles to including the use of non-lawyers to assist persons in conflict with the law’ (2018) 18.2 AHRLJ 486.
Legal profession
Rabkin, F ‘Law matters: A strong united independent and transformed bar’ (2018) 31.3 December Advocate 66.
Pension law
Marumoagae, C ‘The weight accorded to the wishes of deceased retirement fund members when distributing death benefits in South Africa: Do such members have freedom of testation?’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 115.
Practice of law
Brits, R ‘Compulsory debt reorganisation in South African mortgage law: A “sharing” remedy’ (2018) 135. 4 SALJ 737.
Fredericks, EA ‘The conflicts rule in respect of contractual capacity in the Preliminary Draft Uniform Act on the law of obligations in the OHADA region’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 138.
Marais, EJ and Muller, G ‘The right of an ESTA occupier to make improvements without an owner’s permission after Daniels: Quo vadis statutory interpretation and development of the common law?’ (2018) 135.4 SALJ 766.
Property law
Watt-Pringle, C ‘Quo Vadis? The GCB and the Legal Practice Council’ (2018) 31.3 December Advocate 3.
Tax law
Moosa, F ‘Value-conscious interpretation of taxing provisions using Ubuntu: An appropriate decolonised interpretive approach?’ (2018) 30.1 SAMLJ 71.
Trade law
Vinti, C ‘The curious case of the “non-co-operating interested party” in anti-dumping investigations in South Africa: A critical analysis of Farm Frites International v International Trade Administration Commission’ (2018) 33.1 SAPL.
Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2019 (March) DR 33.
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