Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
ADRY | African Disability Rights Yearbook | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | 2022 (10) |
DJ | De Jure | University of Pretoria | (2022) 55 |
EL | Employment Law Journal | LexisNexis |
(2022) 38.4 (2022) 38.5 (2022) 38.6 |
Fundamina | Fundamina | Juta | (2022) 28.1 |
ITJ | Insurance and Tax Journal | LexisNexis |
(2022) 37.3 (2022) 37.4 |
JCCLP | Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law and Practice | Juta |
(2021) 7.1 (2021) 7.2 (2022) 8.1 |
JJS | Journal for Juridical Science | University of the Free State, Faculty of Law |
(2022) 47.1 (2022) 47.2 |
Chata, T and Pazvakawambwa, L ‘Evaluation of the cause-and-effect relationship of internal controls on financial reporting in the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 134.
Zaire, D and Warikandwa, TV ‘The African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement: Aiding intra-African trade towards deeper continental integration’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 16.
Kufuor, KO ‘Pathways to African unification: The four riders of the storm’ (2022) 28.1 Fundamina 66.
Kimela, H and Cosmas, J ‘Unveiling the contemporary arbitration regime in Tanzania: Anecdotes worth sharing, prospects and challenges’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 101.
Kruger, H ‘The invisible children – protecting the right to birth registration in South Africa’ (2022) 47.2 JJS 55.
Mthembu, T and Holness, W ‘Criteria for law reform on comprehensive sexuality education for children with disabilities in South Africa’ 2022 (10) ADRY 78.
De la Harpe, L ‘Commissioner of Oaths: Can you depose an affidavit virtually?’ (2022) 37.3 ITJ.
Beja, X ‘Business judgment rule to directors against personal liability for breaches of some of their duties’ (2021) 7.1 JCCLP 1.
Danha, MD ‘Personal liability of non-executive directors in South Africa: A global comparative analysis’ (2022) 8.1 JCCLP 21.
Hayath, B ‘Co-existence of statutory provisions and common-law rules make the smooth application of the Companies Act of 2008 to be untenable in certain respects’ (2022) 8.1 JCCLP 35.
Hayath, I ‘A case for excluding foreign companies from the application of the Companies Act of 2008 is unconvincing’ (2022) 8.1 JCCLP 67.
Heyerdahl, J ‘Review: Legal standing rules under the Companies Act, 2008: A critical review’ (2021) 7.1 JCCLP 104.
Horney, J ‘Is directors’ liability under the Companies Act of 2008 a potentially dangerous trap in comparison to other jurisdictions?’ (2022) 8.1 JCCLP 50.
Ndlovu, PN ‘Case Notes: Complaint initiations and prescription provisions in the Competition Act – The Constitutional Court provides clarity in Competition Commission v Pickfords Removals’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 217.
Enakireru, EO and Ekakitie, OW ‘The challenges of anti-competitive practices and consumer protection in Nigeria’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 152.
Zikhali, NL ‘The myth of a central role by institutional shareholders in corporate governance’ (2022) 8.1 JCCLP 1.
Kmaga, GEK ‘Country report: Republique of the Seychelles’ 2022 (10) ADRY 187.
Peyou, SAN ‘Country report: Republique du Burkina Faso’ 2022 (10) ADRY 141.
Severin, M ‘Country report: The Federal Republic of Somalia’ 2022 (10) ADRY 202.
Tengho, SM ‘Country report: Republique du Cap-Vert’ 2022 (10) ADRY 168.
Mokofe, WM ‘COVID-19 at the workplace: What lessons are to be gained from early case law?’ (2022) 55 DJ 155.
Van der Merwe, S ‘The development of the South African emolument attachment order mechanism: A historical overview’ (2022) 28.1 Fundamina 140.
Swanepoel, M ‘Buy-and-sell agreements – the importance on valuing the business entity correctly’ (2022) 37.3 ITJ.
Biresaw, SM ‘An assessment of the success of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements 2005 as an instrument of transnational commercial dispute resolution’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 168.
Maphosa, R ‘Tackling the “shadow pandemic”: The development of a positive duty on adults to report domestic violence’ (2022) 55 DJ 87.
Drafting contracts
Van Eck, M ‘Duties of the contract drafter’ (2022) 47.1 JJS 1.
Tenza, ME ‘A retrospective evaluation of affirmative action – taking stock after twenty years’ (2022) 28.1 Fundamina 104.
Genga, S and Du Plessis, M ‘A critical analysis of the duty to provide reasonable accommodation for employees with psychosocial conditions as an employment anti-discrimination obligation: A case study of Kenya’s legal framework’ 2022 (10) ADRY 17.
Jooste, Y ‘The drive towards certainty: A short reflection on “law is/as code”, complexity, and “the uncontract”’ (2022) 55 DJ 143.
Lemine, BJ; Albertus, CJ and Kanyerere, T ‘Wading into the debate on section 2(4)(r) of the National Environmental Management Act 107/1998 and its impact on policy formulation for the protection of South African wetlands’ (2022) 47.1 JJS 77.
De la Harpe, L ‘FSCA discussion paper: Unclaimed assets in South Africa’s financial sector’ (2022) 37.4 ITJ.
Emmett, R ‘Changing of the guard: Debarment: Protecting financial customers and the integrity of the Financial Services Sector’ (2022) 37.3 ITJ.
Emmett, R ‘Understanding FAIS: Are you authorised for too many product categories’ (2022) 37.4 ITJ.
Vengesai, P and Mnkandhla, SZ ‘The dilemma of gender inequality in the delict of seduction: A Zimbabwean perspective and some lessons from South Africa’ (2022) 55 DJ 107.
De Man, A ‘Reconsidering corruption as a violation of the rights to equality and non-discrimination based on poverty in South Africa’ (2022) 47.1 JJS 52.
Makore, STM; Oscode, PC and Lubisi, N ‘Re-theorising international agricultural trade regulation to realise the human right to food in developing countries’ (2022) 47.2 JJS 88.
Iitembu, JA and Usebiu, L ‘A comparative analysis of the approaches to trade secrets protection between Namibia and the USA’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 83.
Juma, PO ‘The Marrakesh Treaty and African copyright laws: Lessons for the African Region from Blind SA v Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition’ 2022 (10) ADRY 231.
Zewale, YT ‘The need to go beyond ratifying the Marrakesh VIP Treaty: The case of Ethiopia’ 2022 (10) ADRY 3.
Emmett, R ‘Living Hands (Pty) Ltd v Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers: Was CISCA properly understood, interpreted, and applied?’ (2022) 37.3 ITJ.
Anifalaje, K ‘A social security perspective of employees’ compensation law in Nigeria’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 45.
Grogan, J ‘Dogfights at SAPS: Lessons in reinstatement’ (2022) 38.5 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Food for thought: Rethinking “self-reviews” under section 158(1)(h)’ (2022) 38.4 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Morality v Law: The final word on common purpose in the workplace?’ (2022) 38.6 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Outside candidates: Do they have a remedy under the LRA?’ (2022) 38.4 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Suing strikers: Are “protected” strikers protected?’ (2022) 38.5 EL.
Visser, CJ ‘Adjudicative subsidiarity, the “horizontality simpliciter” approach and personality rights: Outlining an integrated and constitutional reading strategy to the law of personality’ (2022) 55 DJ 107.
Faber, JT ‘Disposing of property upon death: Contemplating the act of gestation performed with animus testandi versus a contractual disposition in terms of a valid pactum succesorium’ (2022) 47.2 JJS 1.
Awarab, MR ‘A critical review of the powers and duties of the Namibian Law Society in respect of legal practitioners’ conduct’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 122.
Marais, EJ ‘Considering the boundaries of possessory protection in the context of incorporeals – should the mandament van spolie protect access to an e-mail address? Critical reflections on Blendrite (Pty) Ltd and Another v Moonisami and Another 2021 (5) SA 61 (SCA)’ (2022) 47.2 JJS 26.
Mpikwane CFP, R ‘The road to recognition: The status quo of Muslim marriages in South Africa’ (2022) 37.4 ITJ.
Kamangila, AES ‘Advance directives in mental health: A solution that legitimatises the problem?’ 2022 (10) ADRY 62.
Carnelley, M ‘A South African historico-legal perspective on plagues and pandemics’ (2022) 28.1 Fundamina 1.
Dillon-van Acker CFP, N ‘Important considerations for GEPF members approaching retirement’ (2022) 37.3 ITJ.
Marumoagae, MC ‘Guarding against retirement funds’ arbitrary discretion when allocating death benefits: The urgent need for statutory guidelines’ (2021) 7.1 JCCLP 36.
Rasetlola, TT ‘The need to address the challenges regarding the transfer of assets between occupational retirement funds operating in the municipal sector’ (2021) 7.1 JCCLP 80.
Brits, R and Boraine, A ‘The nature and extent of the landlord’s tacit hypothec in insolvency law as differentiated from the position under common law’ (2022) 47.1 JJS 27.
Sekati, P ‘The legacy of afrophobia and white supremacy in the plight of African migrants in South Africa’ (2022) 55 DJ 184.
Hosaneea, Z ‘Reservation on the CRPD from a Mauritian perspective’ 2022 (10) ADRY 110.
Msipa, D ‘Recognising the testimonial competence of persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities in Southern Africa: Lessons from Lesotho’ 2022 (10) ADRY 243.
Prince-Oparaku, U and Chuma-Umeh, N ‘Imperatives of securing equitable access to healthcare services for persons with disabilities in Nigeria’ 2022 (10) ADRY 41.
Aaron, DD ‘Contentious issues on value-added tax and sales tax in Nigeria: A review of conflicting court decisions’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 1.
Adedokun, K ‘Tax obligation and state legitimacy: A critique of the disconnect between state demands and people’s desiderata’ (2021) 7.1 JCCLP 63.
Botha CFP, M ‘Capital gains tax: Section 9HB(2) of the Income Tax Act’ (2022) 37.3 ITJ.
Meyer, E ‘Accrual and death taxes: Possible double dipping’ (2022) 37.4 ITJ.
Moosa, F ‘Liability of persons assisting to dissipate a taxpayer’s assets’ (2022) 37.4 ITJ.
Nel, R ‘Depreciation allowances for tax purposes in periods of less than a year’ (2022) 55 DJ 173.
Van Coller, A ‘Case Notes: Barnard Labuschagne Incorporated v South African Revenue Service [2022] ZACC 8 (11 March 2022) – the rescindability of a certified statement filed in terms of section 172 of the Tax Administration Act’ (2021) 7.2 JCCLP 199.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2023 (March) DR 33.
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