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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
CILSA | Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa | Juta |
(2019) 52.2 (2019) 52.3 |
ITJ | Insurance and Tax Journal | LexisNexis | (2020) 35.1 |
JJS | Journal for Juridical Science | Free State University, Faculty of Law | (2019) 44.2 |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University | (2019) 40.3 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2020) 23 |
PLD | Property Law Digest | LexisNexis | (2020) 24.1 |
SAIPLJ | Southern African Intellectual Property Law Journal | Juta | (2019) 7.1 |
SAJCJ | South African Journal of Criminal Justice | Juta | (2019) 32.3 |
TPCP | Tax Planning Corporate and Personal | LexisNexis | (2020) 34.1 |
Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeinse-Hollandse Reg |
LexisNexis | (2020) 83.1 |
Administrative law
Du Plessis, J ‘Equity, fairness and unjustified enrichment: A civil-law perspective’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 1.
Administrative law – public procurement
Anthony, AM ‘Standard of care and liability of public procurement officials: Blessing or curse?’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 140.
Company law
Cassim, R ‘A critical analysis on the use of the oppression remedy by directors removed from office by the board of directors under the Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 154.
Constitutional law
Mokgokong, MM and Phooko, MR ‘What has the Constitutional Court given us? AfriForum v University of the Free State 2018 (4) BCLR 387 (CC)’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 228.
Constitutional law – freedom of speech
Marais, ME ‘Hate speech in context: Commentary on the judgments of the Equality Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal in the Masuku dispute’ (2019) 44.2 JJS 101.
Constitutional law – expropriation of land
Welz, D and Krautkramer, R ‘Expropriation without compensation: An update on current developments’ (2020) 24.1 PLD.
Consumer law
Huneberg, S ‘Consumer protection measures in non-life insurance contracts: A South African and Australasian trend?’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 170.
Renke, S and van Heerden, C ‘Perspectives on the disclosure of the location of goods in terms of s 97 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 1.
Smith, H ‘Peer-to-peer lending in the South African context’ (2020) 35.1 ITJ.
Contract law
Boggenpoel, Z and Kiewitz, L ‘Questioning the creation of novel trading servitudes – Quest Petroleum (Pty) Ltd v Walters (16225/2017) [2018] ZAWCHC 163 (9 November 2018)’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 138.
Criminal law, litigation and procedure
Bekink, M ‘The appointment of a competent person as intermediary in terms of s 170A of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 96.
Broughton, DWN and Carstens, PA ‘Adverse pre-trial publicity and the presumption of innocence under South African law’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 23.
De Beer, AC ‘In the name of counter-terrorism: The limitation of core fair trial rights during the pre-trial detention of suspected terrorists’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 83.
Du Toit, PG ‘A note on sentencing practices for the offence of the unlawful possession of semi-automatic firearms’ (2020) 23 PER.
Goosen, S and Hoctor, S ‘Comparing self-defence and necessity in English and South African law – R v Riddell [2018] 1 All ER 62; [2017] EWCA Crim 413’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 191.
Hoctor, S ‘General principles and specific offences’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 387.
Meintjies-Van der Walt, L and Olaborede, A ‘Cognitive bias affecting forensic expert opinion’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 324.
Terblanche, S ‘Sentencing’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 427.
Visser, JM ‘Law of evidence’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 412.
Watney, M ‘Criminal procedure’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 399.
Customary marriages
Müller-van der Westhuizen, C and Meyer, SL ‘The (non-)recognition of same-sex marriage in the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998’ (2019) 44.2 JJS 44.
Ntlama, N ‘The centrality of customary law in the judicial resolution of disputes that emanate from it – Dalisile v Mgoduka (5056/2018) [2018] ZAECMHC’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 202.
Delictual law
Mukheibir, A ‘(Mis)understanding the once-and-for-all rule – Member of The Executive Council for Health and Social Development, Gauteng v DZ obo WZ 2018 (1) SA 335 (CC)’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 252.
Estate planning, wills and trusts
Botha, M ‘Section 3(2)(bA) of the Estate Duty Act: The implications of the latest amendment’ (2020) 35.1 ITJ.
Davey, T ‘“Soft” offshore loans to a non-resident trust’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
De la Harpe, L ‘Contracting with a trust: The importance of resolutions’ (2020) 35.1 ITJ.
Muller, K ‘The “e-mailed will” – Dryden v Harrison and Others, WC High Court case no. 11912/2017’ (2020) 35.1 ITJ.
Van der Spuy, P ‘Trusts and tax rates: Are trusts taxed more punitively?’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Intellectual property
Gebrehiwot, TD ‘Patents and the traditional bio-innovation predicament: Critical perspectives’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 53.
Nwabueze, CJ ‘Social media, online communications and defamation in the workplace: A puzzle for liabilities?’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 116.
Omidire, K ‘Some implications of trade secrets on the right of access to information regarding hydraulic fracturing in South Africa’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 143.
Salmon, O ‘Statutory trade mark infringement and questions about confusion’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 163.
Vawda, YA ‘Analysing South Africa’s compulsory licensing jurisprudence: Is there room for the public interest (PI) in intellectual property (IP)?’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 182.
International company law
Cassim, R ‘The removal of directors by a company’s board of directors under the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Should it be a mandatory or an alterable provision?’ (2019) 52.3 CILSA 389.
International consumer law
Osunlaja, T; Coetzee, H and Roestoff, M ‘Natural person debt relief reforms in Nigeria – a comparison with South Africa’ (2019) 52.3 CILSA 319.
International criminal law
Bradley, MM ‘“Protracted armed conflict”: A conundrum. Does article 8(2)(f) of the Rome Statute require an organised armed group to meet the organisational criteria of Additional Protocol II?’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 291.
Naude, B ‘The admissibility of sexual relationship evidence’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 377.
International human rights law
Ferreira, G and Ferreira-Snyman, A ‘Human dignity and other relevant concepts in international and South African human rights law: A search for content’ (2019) 52.3 CILSA 410.
Juda-Chembe, K ‘The scourge of human trafficking in the SADC region as hindrance to development: A legal analysis’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 234.
Ngang, CC ‘Kigali Declaration and Plan of Action on the framework for development in Africa: What role for National Human Rights Institutions?’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 253.
Singh, A and Msuya, NH ‘Witchcraft accusation and the challenges related thereto: Can South Africa provide a response to this phenomenon experienced in Tanzania?’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 105.
International intellectual property law
Adewopo, A ‘Intellectual property protection for software: Global perspective and lessons for development and reform in Nigeria’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 1.
Forere, MA ‘Keeping up with the developments in technology: A look into the music industry and the copyright laws in Southern Africa’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 31.
Heald, PJ ‘The effect of copyright term length on South African book markets (with reference to the Google book project)’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 71.
Musiza, C ‘Jurisdictional issues in intellectual property disputes in Zimbabwe’ (2019) 7 SAIPLJ 99.
International law
Agbor, A ‘Realising the right to development in Africa: Responsible, responsive and ethical political leadership as a conditio sine qua non’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 215.
Kamga, GEK ‘Linkages between illicit financial flows and the non-realisation of the right to development in Africa’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 169.
Kamga, SD ‘Illicit financial flows, asset recovery, the power game and the right to development in Africa’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 193.
Kamga, SD ‘Special focus on actualising the right to development in Africa’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 147.
Shai, I ‘Rupturing international law to realise the right to development’ (2019) 52.2 CILSA 151.
International litigation
Schoeman, E ‘Litigating about where to litigate: Vedanta Resources PLC v Lungowe [2019] UKSC 20’ (2019) 52.3 CILSA 445.
International mediation
De Jong, M ‘Mediation legislation around the world – a variety of options for South Africa’ (2019) 52.3 CILSA 279.
International persons and family law
Efe, CJ and Eberechi, OE ‘Property rights of Nigerian women at divorce: A case for a redistribution order’ (2020) 23 PER.
Matadi, MT and Iyer, D ‘The realisation of children’s survival rights in South Africa, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: A comparative’ (2019) 52.3 CILSA 352.
International tax law
Fritz, C ‘Reconsidering the “pay now, argue later” approach of South Africa in relation to disputed taxes – lessons from Canada and Australia’ (2019) 44.2 JJS 20.
Labour law
Govindjee, A ‘Extending social protection in the digital age: The case of transportation network company drivers in South Africa’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 48.
Maloka, TC ‘Interdicting an in-house disciplinary inquiry with reference to Rabie v Department of Trade and Industry 2018 ZALCJHB 78’ (2019) 44.2 JJS 1.
Law of evidence
Maharaj, S ‘The role of expert evidence in the defence of provocation and emotional stress in South Africa’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 21.
Legal education
Gravett, W ‘The generational traits of millennial law students’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 67.
Motshabi, KB and Vinti, C ‘Observational critique of FIRAC as a tool for legal analysis’ (2019) 44.2 JJS 68.
Snyman-Van Deventer, E ‘Teaching South African (LLB) law students’ legal analysis to ensure critical thinking’ (2019) 44.2 JJS 79.
Legal practice
Hamman, A and Koen, R ‘Caveat jurisconsultus: Warrantless access to the client records of legal practitioners’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 48.
Schwikkard, PJ ‘The oath: Ritual and rationality’ (2019) 32.3 SAJCJ 357.
Matrimonial law
Sonnekus, JC ‘Vestiging van ’n erfregtelike belang by ’n huwelik in gemeenskap van goed en die ligging van die beskikkingsbevoegdheid daaroor – Govender NO v Gounden 2019 (2) SA 262 (KZD)’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 117.
Person’s and family law
Serfontein, E ‘Giving effect to refugee children’s fundamental rights to life and a basic education’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 117.
Persons and family law – domestic violence
Ndou, MM ‘The powers of the court in terms of s 7(2) of the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 – KS v AM 2018 (1) SACR 240 (GJ)’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 241.
Property law
De Dios, CR ‘PIE and ESTA – are these just acronyms or anachronisms?’ (2020) 24.1 PLD.
Ishmael, M ‘What’s yours is mine, what’s mine is mine: Muslim marriages and property ownership in South Africa’ (2020) 24.1 PLD.
Tuba, M ‘The developer’s right to enforce a reversionary right when the buyer fails to erect dwellings within a prescribed period: A real or personal right? – Bondev Midrand (Pty) Ltd v Puling and Another and a Similar Case 2017 (6) SA 373 (SCA)’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 214.
Tax law
Botha, MM and Fritz, C ‘Whistle-blowing for reward – friend or foe? Exploring a possible tax whistle-blowing programme in South Africa’ (2019) 40.3 Obiter 65.
Burt, K ‘More on mining: Benhaus Mining (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service – a critique’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Clegg, D ‘Prejudice to the fiscus – more from ITC 1908’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Daffue, H ‘Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 34 of 2019’ (2020) 35.1 ITJ.
Fritz, C ‘Plucking goose feathers with the least possible hissing: Suggestions for tax collection in respect of third-party appointments’ (2020) 83.1 THRHR 111.
Jooste, R ‘Employer is the appellant – employee, employer and remuneration’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Meiring, G ‘The tax director – align with business strategy’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Mitchell, K ‘Voluntary filing – employees’ tax exceeds normal tax’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Mitchell, L ‘Exemptions prohibited – equals normal tax without relief’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Moosa, F ‘The Tax Court’s power to “alter” an assessment: A violation of trias politica?’ (2020) 35.1 ITJ.
Palmer, G ‘Gift card sales – deferral of tax liability’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Silke, J ‘Reviewing assessments – staying warrants of execution’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Stein, M ‘Home security expenditure – normal tax treatment’ (2020) 34.1 TPCP.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2020 (May) DR 34.
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