Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
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Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
Advocate | Advocate | General Council of the Bar | (2020) 33.3 |
ADRY | African Disability Rights Yearbook | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | (2020) 8 |
DJ | De Jure | University of Pretoria | (2021) 54 |
JCCLP | Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law and Practice | Juta | (2020) 6.2 |
SA Merc LJ | South African Mercantile Law Journal | Juta |
(2020) 32.1 (2020) 32.2 |
SAIPLJ | Southern African Intellectual Property Law Journal | Juta | (2020) 8 |
SAJEJ | South African Judicial Education Journal | South African Judicial Education Institute, Office of the Chief Justice | (2020) 3.1 |
SAJELP | South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy | Juta | (2019) 25.1 |
SAJHR | South African Journal on Human Rights | Taylor & Francis |
(2020) 36.2-3
SLR | Stellenbosch Law Review | Juta | (2020) 31.3 |
Pieterse, M ‘Out of the shadows: Towards a line between party and state in South African local government’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 131.
Vos, W ‘Personal cost orders: Protecting the public purse’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 138.
Schulze, WG ‘The reversal of electronic payments under South African law: Possible guidance from recent developments in European Union Law’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 22.
Lauwereys, H ‘Sentencing primary caregivers in South Africa: The role of the child’s best interests’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 154.
Magaya, I and Fambasayi, R ‘Giant leaps or baby steps? A preliminary review of the development of children’s rights jurisprudence in Zimbabwe’ (2021) 54 DJ 16.
Unterhalter, D ‘The Commercial Court: The status quo’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 44.
Oaker, W ‘Unfettered discretion is paramount: The governance relationship between the private equity firm and the underlying portfolio investee company’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 158.
Olivier, EA ‘The impact of the capacity provisions in the Companies Act 71 of 2008 on the insolvency-remoteness of limited capacity special purpose vehicles used in securitisation schemes’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 82.
Rahmani, A ‘No reflective loss: The English approach reconsidered’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 1.
Subramanien, D ‘Section 165(5)(b) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: A discussion of the requirement of good faith’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 212.
Timoney, K and Veldhuizen, PJ ‘Court-encouraged mediation: Circumstances where it is appropriate and those where it is not – how the Companies Tribunal can help’ (2020) 3.1 SAJEJ 73.
Brink, GF ‘On “dumping” and the Competition Act of South Africa: No “double remedy”’ (2021) 54 DJ 1.
Du Plessis, Q ‘The role and nature of the public interest in South African Competition law’ (2020) 32.2 SA Merc LJ 234.
Radebe, S ‘A critical analysis of the competition authorities’ treatment of the element of causation in exclusionary abuse cases’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 49.
Van der Linde, DC ‘Considering the constitutionality of South Africa’s anti-gang legislation in light of the principle of legality’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 221.
Visser, CJ ‘Revisiting the constitutionalisation of the common law of personality: Transformative constitutionalism and Le Roux v Dey’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 242.
Tait, AM ‘Analysis: Accommodation establishments and the cancellation of advance bookings: The challenge of determining a reasonable cancellation fee’ (2020) 32.2 SA Merc LJ 277.
Nkoane, P ‘Appraising the scope and application of the market-price rule in upheld contracts’ (2020) 32.2 SA Merc LJ 253.
Advocate ‘COVID-19: Bar survey #2’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 60.
Deetlefs, U ‘A George perspective’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 57.
E Câmara, S ‘After the COVID storm: Imagine’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 56.
Iheme, WC and Mba, SU ‘Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative study of the capabilities of the Kenyan and Nigerian insolvency frameworks’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 112.
Katz SC, A and Perumalsamy, K ‘Separation of powers in a national state of disaster: South Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 41.
Masendeke, E ‘Disability, Cyclone Idai and the COVID-19 pandemic: Preparedness of African countries for disability-inclusive responses in emergency situations’ (2020) 8 ADRY 243.
Meiring, J ‘May it please the court or how to zoom clear of disaster’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 46.
Mgijima-Konopi, I and Auma, M ‘Health emergencies post COVID-19: What guidance can Africa’s Disability Protocol provide?’ (2020) 8 ADRY 253.
Rabkin, F ‘Law matters’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 62.
Vaughan, B ‘Emerging from the COVID storm: Senior members looking forward’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 58.
Wainwright, P ‘Emerging from COVID: A junior member’s perspective’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 59.
Williams, M ‘COVID-19 and the courts’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 32.
Morudu, NL and Maimela, C ‘The indigenisation of customary law: Creating an indigenous legal pluralism within the South African dispensation: Possible or not?’ (2021) 54 DJ 54.
Osman, F ‘Precedent, waiver and the constitutional analysis of handing over the bride [discussion of Sengadi v Tsambo 2018 JDR 2151 (GJ)]’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 80.
Akintayo, JOA and Eyongndi, DTA ‘Promoting the right to environmental justice through the Supreme Court’s liberalisation of locus standi in Nigeria’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 201.
Donald, M ‘Unlocking the potential of wellbeing in the environmental right: A teleological interpretation’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 55.
Elliott, F and Blackmore, A ‘A hitchhiker’s guide to South Africa’s Wetland Legislative Framework and international obligations’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 42.
Hall, J ‘Taking the sting out of the (green) scorpions’ tail: Latest developments in the adjudication of waste management enforcement disputes’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 73.
Lubbe, N and Honkonen, T ‘Adapting transboundary water agreements to climate change: Experiences from Finland and Southern Africa’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 5.
Mkhonza, A ‘Mining in the Mabola protected environment’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 185.
Rumble, O ‘Drawing the short straw: Regulating plastic pollution in South Africa’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 102.
Umenze, NSS ‘Twenty years of the Bamako Convention: Recounting Africa’s waste trade experience and its journey to toxic waste freedom’ (2019) 25.1 SAJELP 146.
Visagie-Swart, L and Lawack, V ‘An overview of the first draft of the Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill and the potential impact on the national payment system in South Africa’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 129.
Kamundia, E and Sidi, F ‘The role of national human rights institutions in advancing Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (2020) 8 ADRY 52.
Liebenberg, S ‘South Africa and the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights: Deepening the synergies’ (2020) 3.1 SAJEJ 12.
Lowenthal, T ‘AB v Pridwin Preparatory School: Progress and problems in horizontal human rights law’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 261.
Mateus, S ‘Investigating the extraterritorial application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’ (2021) 54 DJ 70.
Muzata, K ‘Interrogating parental participation in the education and general development of their deaf children in Zambia’ (2020) 8 ADRY 71.
Huneberg, S ‘The future of robo-advisors in the South African insurance industry: Is the South African Regulatory Framework ready?’ (2020) 32.2 SA Merc LJ 175.
Albert, W ‘From Century City to Sandton City: Aspects of geographical trade marks’ (2020) 8 SAIPLJ 1.
Amodu, N ‘Corporate control of intellectual property for wealth maximisation: Prospects for stakeholders’ protection within corporate law’ (2020) 8 SAIPLJ 13.
Dos Santos, F ‘Levelling the playing field to promote technology transfer and innovation in African least developed countries’ (2020) 8 SAIPLJ 35.
Moleya, NI ‘Evaluating the copyright protection of databases in South Africa: A comparative analysis with the European Union’ (2020) 8 SAIPLJ 56.
Oira, H; Ndlovu, L; Iyer, D and Sihanya, B ‘A commentary on broadcast copyright protection in Kenya and South Africa against the prism of WIPO negotiations on the rights of broadcasters’ (2020) 8 SAIPLJ 80.
Raath, A and Brits, P ‘Die beoogde sui generis-beskerming van inheemse kennisbates in die suidafrikaanse intellektuele goederereg’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 110.
Nkhata, MJ ‘Access to justice for persons with disabilities in Malawi: Exploring challenges and possibilities in the criminal justice system’ (2020) 8 ADRY 124.
Ajudua, PPA ‘Musings on the legal framework for resolution of foreign investment disputes in Nigeria’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 251.
Johnson, A ‘Hush Women! The complex “disabled” woman in Nigeria’s legal and human rights framework: A deconstruction’ (2020) 8 ADRY 3.
Rugoho, T; Wright, P; Stein, MA and Broerse, JEW ‘Sexual and reproductive experiences of youth with disabilities in Zimbabwe’ (2020) 8 ADRY 31.
Mate, LE ‘Towards a conceptual framework for local participation in the Zambian power sector’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 139.
Maswazi, B ‘Judicial transformation is a constitutional imperative – a response to Judge Cachalia’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 52.
Davis, DM ‘Interpretation of statutes: Is it possible to divine a coherent approach?’ (2020) 3.1 SAJEJ 1.
Pretorius, DM ‘Oudekraal after fifteen years: The second act (or, a reassessment of the status and force of defective administrative decisions pending judicial review)’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 3.
Genga, S ‘The link between the right to live independently and to be included in the community for persons with psychosocial disability, and the right to work and employment: A critical analysis of Kenyan law’ (2020) 8 ADRY 101.
Maloka, TC and Mangammbi, MJ ‘Case note: The complexities of conditional contracts of employment’ (2020) 32.2 SA Merc LJ 295.
Mushariwa, M ‘The cycles of affirmative action in the transformation of the workplace’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 99.
Tshoose, CI and Letseku, R ‘The breakdown of the trust relationship between employer and employee as a ground of dismissal: Interpreting the Labour Appeal Court’s decision in Autozone’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 156.
Ubink, J and Pickering, J ‘Shaping legal and institutional pluralism: Land rights, access to justice and citizenship in South Africa’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 178.
Madlanga, MR ‘A feminist perspective to judgment writing’ (2020) 3.1 SAJEJ 41.
Ford, B ‘The Bar and Chambers: The GCB and its constituent bars must consider different housing options for members, or risk becoming extinct’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 50.
Marumoagae, C ‘Retirement funds rivalry, voluntary withdrawal of membership, and transfer of assets during the period of employment’ (2020) 32.2 SA Merc LJ 205.
Gbede, O and Oniemola, PK ‘Mitigation of political risks in infrastructural project finance in African countries’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 233.
Horn, JG ‘Exclusive use rights in terms of sectional title legislation’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 91.
Sutherland, R ‘The “family house”, the lived experience of township dwellers and the prospects of judicial intervention’ (2020) 3.1 SAJEJ 61.
Esangbedo, G ‘The conceptual underpinnings of secured transactions and the reform of personal property security laws’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 166.
Marais, EJ ‘Makeshift 1190 (Pty) Ltd v Cilliers 2020 (5) SA 538 (WCC) The increasing difficulty of protecting quasi-possession of incorporeals with the mandament van spolie’ (2021) 54 DJ 91.
Botha, L; Meyer, Z and Kok, A ‘Tax legislation and the right to equality: Does section 23(m) of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 rationally differentiate between salaried individuals and individuals who earn their income mainly from commission?’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 1.
Du Preez, H and Molebalwa, K ‘Lessons from history predicting a possible tax revolt in South Africa’ (2021) 54 DJ 35.
Fritz, C and Brits, R ‘Does the “pay now, argue later” approach in the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011 infringe on a taxpayer’s right not to be deprived of property arbitrarily?’ (2020) 36.2-3 SAJHR 200.
Legwaila, T ‘The development of the South African Office of the Tax Ombud: From 2013 to 2020 and beyond’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 113.
Moosa, F ‘A deceased taxpayer: “Juristic person” for constitutional purposes?’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 51.
Moosa, F ‘Does the Bill of Rights apply extraterritorially for tax administration purposes?’ (2020) 31.1 SLR 37.
Moosa, F ‘Protecting taxpayer information from the public protector – a “just cause”?’ (2020) 6.2 JCCLP 190.
Swanepoel, S and Pidduck, T ‘To tax or not to tax? Questioning customer loyalty programmes’ (2020) 32.1 SA Merc LJ 75.
Brickhill, J ‘Bizos often took the fight to the Bar’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 29.
Budlender SC, G ‘George Bizos, C.P. Cavafy and preparing for trial’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 25.
Cowen SC, S ‘Moments with George at the LRC’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 27.
Kahanovitz SC, C ‘George Bizos at the TRC’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 28.
Kriegler, J ‘George Bizos’s genuine Stalingrad Strategy’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 22.
Malindi SC, G ‘Accused number five: How I became lifelong friends with George Bizos’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 24.
Marcus SC, G ‘The Delmas trial – “I won’t let him wear me down”’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 20.
Navsa, M ‘George Bizos – the Hercules of his time’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 26.
Pillay SC, K ‘“Just George”’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 23.
Tip SC, K ‘My good comrade George’ (2020) 33.3 Advocate 30.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2021 (May) DR 41.
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