Recent articles and research – November 2020

November 1st, 2020

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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on this page.


Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
Advocate Advocate General Council of the Bar (2020) 33.2
DJ De Jure University of Pretoria (2020) 53
ITJ Insurance and Tax Journal LexisNexis (2020) 35.3
LitNet LitNet Akademies (Regte) Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys

(2020) 17(2)

(2020) 17(3)

PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law (2020) 23
PLD Property Law Digest LexisNexis (2020) 24.3
THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeinse-Hollandse Reg LexisNexis (2020) 83.3


Business rescue

Van Eck, S and Boraine, AVonnisbespreking: Quo vadis ondernemingredding?’ (2020) 17(2) LitNet.


Civil aviation

Mashinini, NThe processing of personal information using remotely piloted aircraft systems in South Africa’ (2020) 53 DJ 140.


Constitutional law – expropriation of land

Botha, M ‘Be informed rather than fearful’ (2020) 24.3 PLD.


Corporate social responsibility

Munyai, PSCompetition law and corporate social responsibility: A review of the special responsibility of dominant firms in competition law’ (2020) 53 DJ 267.



Goosen, GCOVID-19 and the courts: Justice in lockdown’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 34.
Meiring, JInterview – Justice Kate O’Regan on being the Covid-19 Designated Judge’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 45.
Rabkin, FLaw matters’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 86.
Snyckers SC, FThe COVID disaster: A miscellany of classroom points’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 40.
Suleman, MZFake news, conspiracy theories and the threat to our constitutional democracy’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 57.


COVID-19 – human rights

Lazarus, L and Friedman, NCOVID-19 and human rights: A preliminary assessment of legislative and regulatory responses to the Covid-19 epidemic across 11 jurisdictions – including South Africa’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 48.


COVID-19 – insurance law

Moosa, F ‘COVID-19 business interruption claims: Café Chameleon CC v Guardrisk Insurance Co Ltd analysed’ (2020) 35.3 ITJ.


COVID-19 – intellectual property

Du Bois, MState use provisions for patent law, and expropriations: Some comparative law guidelines for South Africa during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond’ (2020) 23 PER.


COVID-19 – legal practice

Annandale SC, ABest practice and advocacy skills for remote hearings’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 67.

Watt-Pringle SC, CPractice in the time of COVID-19’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 3.


COVID-19 – property law

Mahon, D; Ogunronbi, S and Bekker, RRental remissions for advocates in the time of COVID-19 – entitlement or impossibility?’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 59.


Delictual law

Mukheibir, A and van As, HDeliktuele aanspreeklikheid van plaaslike owerhede vir die versuim om infrastruktuur te onderhou’ (2020) 17(3) LitNet.
Wessels, AB ‘Establishing legal certainty in novel pure economic loss cases’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 318.
Zitzke, EVonnisbespreking: Grondwetlike skadevergoeding as “nominale” en “verswaarde” skadevergoeding in dringende aansoeke’ (2020) 17(2) LitNet.


Education law

Smit, MH ‘School choice and school funding reform in South Africa’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 358.


Estate planning, wills and trusts

Lourens, P and Strampe, A ‘Wills to be signed and witnessed using audio-visual links – time to amend the Wills Act 7 of 1953’ (2020) 35.3 ITJ.


Gender-based violence

Ntlama, NGender-based violence ignites the re-emergence of public opinion on the exercise of judicial authority’ (2020) 53 DJ 286.


Human rights law

Agbor, AA70 Years after the UDHR: A provocative reflection shaped by African experiences’ (2020) 23 PER.
Dube, F and Agbor, AAThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: African perspectives on progress and prospects’ (2020) 23 PER.
Gobbelaar-Du Plessis, I ‘The right of persons with intellectual disabilities to political participation: The legal capacity to vote – Zsolt Bujdosó v Hungary Communication No 4/2011 (Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) (UN DocCRPD/C/D/4/2011)’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 455.
Robbertze, G and Muller, GConceptualising the home in law and gender’ (2020) 53 DJ 332.


Insolvency law

De Dios, CR ‘Immovable property transactions: Are we reading s 34 of the Insolvency Act correctly?’ (2020) 24.3 PLD.
Roestoff, M ‘Effect of sequestration on the property of the solvent spouse: Section 21 of the Insolvency Act – Davies v Van Den Heever NO (16865/2017) [2019] ZAGPJHC 59 (1 March 2019)’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 430.


International constitutional law

‘Nyane, HRe-visiting the powers of the King under the Constitution of Lesotho: Does he still have any discretion?’ (2020) 53 DJ 159.


International human rights law

Dube, FNeither adopted nor borrowed: A critique of the conception of the South African Bill of Rights’ (2020) 23 PER.
Kajiru, I and Nyimbi, IThe impact of myths, superstition and harmful cultural beliefs against Albinism in Tanzania: A human rights perspective’ (2020) 23 PER.
Nanima, RDEvaluating the jurisprudence of the African Commission on evidence obtained through human rights violations’ (2020) 53 DJ 307.


International trade and commerce

Vinti, CRegulation 22 of the Amended Tariff Investigations Regulations and the right to “procedural fairness”’ (2020) 53 DJ 212.


Labour law

Botha, MM and Fourie, E ‘Majoritarianism, consultation, fairness and dismissal: Are the courts confusing these principles?’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 383.
Huysamen, EDiscussing the fundamental principles inherent to effective systems of caregiving leave’ (2020) 53 DJ 229.
Newaj, KDefining fairness in dismissals of unauthorised foreign nationals’ (2020) 23 PER.


Legal education

Gravett, W ‘The influence of technology on the learning styles of millennial law students’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 342.
Greenbaum, LAccess to justice for all: A reality or unfulfilled expectations?’ (2020) 53 DJ 248.


Legal practice

Moultrie, RSedley J’s laws of documents – abrogated by disuse’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 63.
Seegobin, RGandhi the lawyer’ (2020) 33.2 Advocate 72.


Mandament van spolie

Van Dyk, FR ‘The interlocutory or final effect of court orders: The mandament van spolie as a point of departure – Metchem Steelpoort CC v Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (22375/2019) [2019] ZAGPJHC 277 (13 August 2019)’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 444.


Matrimonial law

Botha, M ‘In community of property case study for examination preparation’ (2020) 35.3 ITJ.


Matrimonial property law

Sonnekus, JC ‘Vereistes vir ’n suksesvolle beroep op die beskerming vervat in artikel 15(9)(a) en 15(9)(b) van die Wet op Huweliksgoedere 88 van 1984 herbekyk met die oog op kondikering’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 401.


Municipal law

Raboshakga, N and Fuo, OAppropriate internal appeal mechanisms for approval of building plans: Exploring the gaps left by the Constitutional Court’ (2020) 23 PER.


Protection of personal information

Botha, M ‘POPIA for property practitioners: Contracts and marketing (part 1)’ (2020) 24.3 PLD.
De la Harpe, L ‘Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 – important update’ (2020) 35.3 ITJ.


Road Accident Fund

Kehrhahn, FHHRS v Road Accident Fund (49899/17) [2020] ZAGPPHC (21 January 2020)’ (2020) 53 DJ 188.


Sectional titles

Pienaar, GJ and Horn, JG ‘The development, nature and enforcement of third generation sectional title rules’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 299.


Socio-economic rights

Nkrumah, B“We’ll fight this little struggle”: Alleviating hunger in South Africa’ (2020) 53 DJ 194.


Tax law

Swanepoel, M ‘Tax and estate duty consequences of offshore investing’ (2020) 35.3 ITJ.
Van Zyl, SP ‘Mama mia! Here we go again – another interpretational dilemma in respect of “received by” and “accrued to” for purposes of s 1 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 – ABC Proprietary Limited v CSARS (ITC 24510 CPT) (17 April 2019)’ (2020) 83.3 THRHR 418.
Wiesener, MUnderstatement penalty in terms of the Tax Administration Act – a critical analysis of the interpretation of a bona fide inadvertent error’ (2020) 53 DJ 176.


Trust law

De la Harpe, L ‘Contracting with a trust: The importance of resolutions (Part 2)’ (2020) 35.3 ITJ.


Universal partnerships

Hager, LThe dissolution of universal partnerships in South African law: Lessons to be learnt from Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia’ (2020) 53 DJ 123.

Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2020 (Nov) DR 43.

De Rebus