Abbreviation |
Title |
Publisher |
Volume/issue |
LDD | Law, Democracy and Development | University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law | (2022) 26 |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys |
(2022) 19(1) (2022) 19(2) |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University | (2022) 43.1 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2022) 25 |
PLD | Property Law Digest | LexisNexis |
(2022) 26.1 (2022) 26.2 |
Kruger, B ‘Op soek na regsekerheid in die warboel van abduksie, menseroof en mensehandel’ (2022) 19(1) LitNet 538.
Mufamadi, K and Koen, L ‘Promoting access to justice through the broadcasting of legal proceedings’ (2022) 25 PER.
Donnelly, DL ‘First do no harm: Legal principles regulating the future of artificial intelligence in health care in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Van de Rheede, J ‘Black economic empowerment in South Africa: Is transformation of the management structures of enterprises as essential as it should be?’ (2022) 26 LDD 84.
Swanepoel, N ‘Die rol van afwykende (minderheids)uitsprake in die Suid-Afrikaanse regsbestel met verwysing na minagting van die hof in sivielregtelike konteks’ (2022) 19(2) LitNet.
Bidie, SS ‘Examining the interpretation of section 115(2)(a) of the Companies Act of 2008’ (2022) 26 LDD 106.
Dube, F and Moyo, CG ‘The right to electricity in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Moyo, PT; Botha, J and Govindjee, A ‘The constitutionality of the National Health Insurance Bill: The treatment of asylum seekers’ (2022) 25 PER.
Ngema, NM and Ndaba, WJ ‘Should we abolish the delict of seduction in customary law: Quo vadis South Africa?’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 167.
Van Wyk, SJ ‘Debunking the Master of the High Court’s assumed approval authority over a redistribution agreement in a deceased estate’ (2022) 25 PER.
Scott, J ‘Vonnisbespreking: Waagartieste leer haar heiland ken. Gevestigde regsbeginsels egter tot haar redding’ (2022) 19(2) LitNet.
Pretorius, JL ‘Independent candidacy and electoral reform: New Nation Movement NPC v President of the Republic of South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Osiki, A ‘The impact of socio-legal inequality on women in the Nigerian domestic work sector’ (2022) 26 LDD 48.
Van Eck, M ‘Achieving gender neutrality in contracts’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 104.
Mswela, MM ‘Living with albinism in South Africa: Uncovering the health challenges from a legal perspective’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 25.
Pieterse, M ‘Corporate power, human rights and urban governance in South African cities’ (2022) 25 PER.
Chidede, T ‘The role of intellectual property rights’ protection in advancing development in South Africa’ (2022) 26 LDD 168.
Makwaiba, BS ‘The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe’s Chigwada decision and its implications for testamentary dispositions and enforcement of section 26 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe’ (2022) 25 PER.
Mekone, YM ‘“Public health emergency declarations” in the Ethiopian federal system: Understanding the scope of state and federal emergency declarations and authorities’ (2022) 26 LDD 1.
Cho, DT and Agbor, AA ‘Prosecuting human violations committed in the anglophone Cameroon crisis: A disquisition on the legal framework’ (2022) 25 PER.
Mujuzi, JD ‘The trial of civilians before courts martial in Uganda: Analysing the jurisprudence of Ugandan courts in the light of the drafting history of articles 129(1)(d) and 210(a) of the Constitution’ (2022) 25 PER.
Lim Tung, OJ ‘Genetically modified mosquitoes to fight Malaria in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali and Uganda: What legal response?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Monye, O and Monye, E ‘Regional integration in Africa: Proposals for an Africa-wide payment system’ (2022) 26 LDD 190.
Dube, F ‘The ethos of tolerance of diversity in post-Apartheid jurisprudence’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 124.
Maqutu, L ‘The management of African workers’ wages at South African mines: Law and policy before 1948’ (2022) 25 PER.
Tshoose, CI ‘Appraisal of selected themes on the impact of international standards on labour and social security law in South Africa’ (2022) 25 PER.
Iyer, D ‘Online learning: Shaping the future of law schools’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 142.
Vinti, C ‘An evaluation of Lesotho’s right to “expropriate” the water in the treaty on the Lesotho Highlands Water Project in a “conflict of uses”’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 79.
Maimela, CA ‘Medical negligence and the res ipsa loquitur doctrine in the administration of cancer treatment in South Africa’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 1.
Neethling, J ‘Vonnisbespreking: Deliktuele aanspreeklikheid weens ’n gladde winkelvloer’ (2022) 19(1) LitNet 577.
Slabbert, M and Labuschaigne, M ‘Vonnisbespreking: Die strafregtelike vervolging, skuldigbevinding en kwytskelding van ’n verloskundige en ginekoloog’ (2022) 19(2) LitNet.
Swales, L ‘The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 in the context of health research: Enabler of privacy rights or roadblock?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Botha, M ‘How to figure out who must get FFCS under the New Act’ (2022) 26.2 PLD.
Botha, M ‘Your overview of the main provisions of the Property Practitioners Act’ (2022) 26.1 PLD.
Nel, N and Van der Merwe, Z ‘The new holistic role of a managing agent’ (2022) 26.2 PLD.
Smith, DB ‘The “Property Condition Report” explained’ (2022) 26.2 PLD.
Sono, NL ‘Re-examining the Constitutional Court’s approach to the property question since First National Bank of SA Ltd t/a Wesbank v Commissioner, South African Revenue Service; First National Bank of SA Ltd t/a Wesbank v Minister of Finance 2002 (4) SA 768 (CC)’ (2022) 25 PER.
Blackmore, A ‘Concurrent national and provincial legislative competence: Rethinking the relationship between nature reserves and national parks’ (2022) 26 LDD 26.
Mudau, P ‘The role of the African Charter on values and principles of public service and administration in promoting good governance’ (2022) 26 LDD 148.
Singh, A and Tembo, S ‘Constitutionalism and public health emergencies: COVID-19 regulations in South Africa and the constitutional and human rights slippery slope’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 152.
Kavuro, C ‘The disappearance of refugee rights in South Africa’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 49.
Subramanien, D ‘SCA clarifies the term “motor vehicle” in Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996: The Road Accident Fund v Mbele [2020] ZASCA 72’ (2022) 43.1 Obiter 180.
Slabbert, M and Labuschaigne, M ‘Misplaaste weldade en griewe van die “Liquorice Allsorts-gesinnetjie”: ’n Regsletterkundige verkenning van Zelda Bezuidenhout se die waarde van stil bure’ (2022) 19(2) LitNet.
Govindjee, U ‘Defining the urban edge – a guide to its implementation for sustainable development’ (2022) 25 PER.
Du Toit, P ‘Vonnisbespreking: Beheer oor eiendom as faktor by die oorweging van die toelaatbaarheid van getuienis wat by wyse van onregmatige visentering verkry is’ (2022) 19(1) LitNet 586.
Faber, JT ‘Uncertainty about the condonation of formally non-compliant wills, and the rectification of cross-signed mirror wills: Is an act-based model the solution?’ (2022) 25 PER.
Mabe, Z and Mbiriri, E ‘The payout of a life insurance policy into an unrehabilitated insolvent’s estate: Malcolm Wentzel v Discovery Life Limited: In Re Botha v Wentzel (1001/19) [2020] ZASCA 121 (2 October 2020)’ (2022) 25 PER.
Osman, F and Effendi, G ‘King v De Jager: Implications for religion-based discrimination in wills’ (2022) 25 PER.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2022 (Nov) DR 38.
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