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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
Advocate | Advocate | General Council of the Bar | (2019) 32.2 August |
ADRY | African Disability Rights Yearbook | Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) | (2018) 6 |
African Human Rights Law Journal | Centre for Human Rights, Department of Law, University of Pretoria | (2019) 19.1 |
EL | Employment Law Journal | LexisNexis | (2019) 35.4 |
ITJ | Insurance and Tax Journal | LexisNexis | (2019) 34.2 |
JCLA | Journal of Comparative Law in Africa | Juta |
(2019) 6.1
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University | (2019) 40.1 |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2019) 22 |
PW | Pensions World | LexisNexis | (2019) 22.2 |
SAJBL | South African Journal of Bioethics and Law | Health and Medical Publishing Group | (2019) 12.1 |
SAJHR | South African Journal on Human Rights | Taylor & Francis | (2018) 35.2 |
TPCP | Tax Planning Corporate and Personal | LexisNexis | (2019) 33.4 |
THRHR | Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeinse-Hollandse Reg | LexisNexis | (2019) 82.3 |
TSAR | Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg | Juta | (2019) 3 |
Administrative law
De Villiers, B ‘The duty on organs of state to cooperate: Bundestreue, cooperative government and the supply of electricity in a culture of non-payment’ (2019) 3 TSAR 605.
Alternative dispute resolution – arbitration
Snyckers SC, F ‘A haven for the stout-boned? Which arbitrations should be left alone?’ (2019) 32.2 August Advocate 16.
Banking law
Nadasen, S ‘Preliminary observations: The principle or proportionality and the phrase “… the nature, size, scale and complexity of …” in the conduct of Financial Institutions Bill’ (2019) 34.2 ITJ.
Biotechnology law
Silaigwana, B and Wassenaar, D ‘Views of South African biomedical research ethics committee members on their own ethics review outcomes’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 8.
Van Niekerk, AA ‘Is “decolonisation” a legitimate and appropriate value in biomedical research and teaching?’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 4.
Civil procedure
Mabeka, Q and Songca, R ‘The interpretation and evaluation of legislative provisions relating to South African civil procedure processes in the age of electronic technology’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 429.
Company law
Cassim, MF ‘Enhancing corporate democracy by the use of shareholder proxies’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 47.
Cassim, R ‘The removal of directors of state-owned companies – SOS Support Public Broadcasting Coalition v South African Broadcasting Corporation SOC Limited (81056/14) [2017] ZAGPJHC 289’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 147.
Madlela, V ‘The unqualified right of access to company records by non-holders of the company’s securities under South African company law – Nova Property Group Holdings Ltd v Cobbett (M and G Centre for Investigative Journalism NPC as amicus curiae) 2016 (4) SA 317 (SCA)’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 173.
Reifarth, M ‘Distribution options’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Voortdurende inbreukmaking op ’n watergebruiksreg – verjaring, maar van welke remedie?’ (2019) 3 TSAR 575.
Swart, WJC ‘Section 41(3) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 and treasury shares – something just does not add up – Reezen Ltd v Excellerate Holdings Ltd’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 517.
Constitutional law
Ballot, DE; Ramdin, TD; White, DA and Dhai, A ‘Ethical dilemmas in paediatric intensive care in the South African public healthcare sector’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 44.
Chagopa, A; Makuwa, A; Shezi, N; Mhiribidi, R; Ndelu, S and Kathi, T ‘Constitutional Court statistics for the 2017 term’ (2018) 35.2 SAJHR 237.
Jogee, F ‘The effect of the protecting life in Global Health Assistance policy in South Africa: Possible implications for local HIV/AIDS non-governmental organisations’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 38.
Shai, I ‘The right to development, transformative constitutionalism and radical transformation in South Africa: Post-colonial and de-colonial reflections’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 494.
Constitutional law – expropriation of land
Sibanda, N ‘Amending section 25 of the South African Constitution to allow for expropriation of land without compensation: Some theoretical considerations of the social-obligation norm of ownership’ (2018) 35.2 SAJHR 126.
Slade, BV ‘The effect of avoiding the FNB methodology in section 25 disputes’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 36.
Consumer law
Bobbink, R ‘A pledgee’s right and duty to use the security object’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 466.
Van Heerden, CM and Barnard, BJ ‘Narrowing the reach of the strict product liability provisions in section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: Eskom Holdings Ltd v Halstead-Cleak 2017 (1) SA 333 (SCA)’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 444.
Van Wyk, JS ‘A comparative analysis of the “regulatory independence” of the Financial Sector Conduct Authority and the National Credit Regulator’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 392.
Contractual law
Thobela-Mkhulisi, J ‘Absent a contractual undertaking to do so, homeowner associations have no legal duty to protect residents’ (2019) 32.2 August Advocate 31.
Criminal law and procedure
Combrinck, H ‘Rather bad than mad? A reconsideration of criminal incapacity and psychosocial disability in South African law in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (2018) 6 ADRY 3.
De Vos, W Le R and Broodryk, T ‘Fundamental procedural rights of civil litigants in Australia and South Africa: Is there cause for concern? (part 1)’ (2019) 3 TSAR 425.
White, R and Msipa, D ‘Implementing article 13 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in South Africa: Reasonable accommodations for persons with communication disabilities’ (2018) 6 ADRY 99.
Customary law
Manthwa, TA ‘A re-interpretation of the families’ participation in customary law of marriage’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 416.
Cyber law
Musoni, M ‘The criminalisation of “revenge porn” in South Africa’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 61.
Delictual law
Ahmed, R ‘“Reasonableness” and related jurisprudential concepts in the law of delict’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 381.
Estate planning, wills, trusts
Marais, M ‘The unilateral buy-and-sell agreement and estate duty’ (2019) 34.2 ITJ.
Stein, M ‘Death and trading’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Van der Spuy, P ‘Trusts under attack’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Family law
Prinsloo, J ‘The constitutionality of the Fee Exemption Regulations in South African schools: A critical analysis of Michelle Saffer v Head of Department, Western Cape Education Department’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 534.
Sonnekus, JC ‘’n Skikkingsakte vir egskeiding en wysiging van ’n huweliksvoorwaardeskontrak moet deeglik onderskei word – HM v AM’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 493.
Human rights
Dhai, A ‘Caster Semenya’s appalling treatment: The International Association of Athletics Federations violates human rights and ethical principles with impunity’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 2.
Goldblatt, B ‘Social and economic rights to challenge violence against women – examining and extending strategies’ (2018) 35.2 SAJHR 169.
Kavuro, C ‘Housing and integrating refugees: South African exclusionary approach’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 75.
Madondo, I ‘The role of the legal sector in developing a legally conscious society’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 353.
Niyi-Gafar, O ‘A conceptual framework for a human rights-based approach to water’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 149.
Van der Berg, S ‘A capabilities approach to remedies for systemic resource related socio-economic rights violations in South Africa’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 290.
International banking and finance law
Aina, K ‘Advancing towards a more effective stakeholder engagement by multinational companies in Nigeria’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 55.
Meyer, Y ‘The effectiveness of market-based initiatives for regulating development projects by multinational corporations in Africa with regard to human rights and environmental abuses’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 126.
Paige, N; Denenga, M; and Nyatsumba, A ‘Private equity in Africa – unpacking the trends: A legal perspective’ (2019) 22.2 PW.
International constitutional law
Adigun, M ‘The process of giving domestic effect to treaties in Nigeria and the United States’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 85.
Naluwairo, R ‘Improving the administration of justice by Military Courts in Africa: An appraisal of the jurisprudence of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 43.
International criminal law
De Beer, A and Bradley, MM ‘Die beginsel van bevelsverantwoordelikheid soos vertolk deur die Internasionale Strafhof in die Bemba-saak’ (2019) 3 TSAR 510.
Oyaro, LO ‘Rearticulating ubuntu as a viable framework for the realisation of legal capacity in sub-Saharan Africa’ (2018) 6 ADRY 82.
Raleigh, A ‘Charging decisions, legal framing and transitional justice: The prosecution of Wouter Basson’ (2018) 35.2 SAJHR 194.
Rukooko, AB and Silverman, J ‘The International Criminal Court and Africa: A fractious relationship assessed’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 85.
Tunamsifu, SP ‘Twelve years of judicial cooperation between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the International Criminal Court: Have expectations been met?’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 105.
International cyber law
Kakungulu-Mayambala, R and Rukundo, S ‘Digital activism and free expression in Uganda’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 167.
International family law
Mezmur, BD ‘No second chance for first impressions: The first amicable settlement under the African Children’s Charter’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 62.
International human rights
Appiagyei-Atua, K ‘Students’ academic freedom in African universities and democratic enhancement’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 151.
Damtew, SG ‘Land-grabbing and the right to adequate food in Ethiopia’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 219.
De Man, A ‘The Sustainable Development Goals and the rights-based approach to development: Compatible or missing the point?’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 445.
Igbinedion, SA ‘Finding value for the right to development in international law’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 395.
Kajiru, I and Mubangizi, JC ‘Human rights violations of persons with albinism in Tanzania: The case of children in temporary holding shelters’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 246.
Kamga, SD ‘A call for a “right to development” – informed pan-Africanism in the twenty-first century’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 418.
Kalunga, FK and Nkhata, CM ‘Protection of the rights of persons with mental disabilities to liberty and informed consent to treatment: A critique of Gordon Maddox Mwewa and Others v Attorney-General and Another’ (2018) 6 ADRY 60.
Mezmur, BD ‘A step to zero attacks: Reflections on the rights of persons with albinism through the lens of X v United Republic of Tanzania’ (2018) 6 ADRY 251.
Mujuzi, JD ‘Private prosecution as a local remedy before the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 26.
Murray, R ‘Confidentiality and the implementation of the decisions of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 1.
Ngang, CC ‘Systems problem and a pragmatic insight into the right to development governance for Africa’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 365.
O’Connell, C ‘Reconceptualising the first African Women’s Protocol case to work for all women’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 510.
Shale, I ‘Historical perspective on the place of international human rights treaties in the legal system of Lesotho: Moving beyond the monist-dualist dichotomy’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 193.
Tufuor, IK ‘Greasing the wheels of legal aid in criminal proceedings in Ghana: An evaluation of the legal and regulatory framework’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 267.
International law
De Villiers, B ‘Institutional design in deeply divided societies: South Africa and Kosovo and lessons for constitution drafting in emerging democracies – coalition and self-government’ (2019) 3 TSAR 467.
Kiye, ME ‘A critical appraisal of law reform in Cameroon: Pluralism and harmonisation of laws’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 28.
Lutta, J ‘Analysing the case of secession in Kenya’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 1.
Onuora-Oguno, A ‘Leaving the woods to see the trees: Locating and refocusing the activities of non-state actors towards the effective promotion of access to justice of persons with disability’ (2018) 6 ADRY 121.
International labour law
Chungu, C ‘The ghost of Mike Musonda Kabwe v BP Zambia and unilateral variations of contract in Zambia’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 131.
International trade
Stevens, C ‘Reviving the right to development within the multilateral trade framework affecting (African) countries to actualise Agenda 2063 (2019)’ 19.1 AHRLJ 470.
Insurance law
Huneberg, S ‘English insurance law reforms: Lessons for South Africa’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 18.
Subramanien, D and Govender, T ‘Road Accident Fund steps into the shoes of the insured owner – Road Accident Fund v Abrahams (276/2017) [2018] ZASCA 49 (29 March 2018)’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 163.
Barrie, G ‘Presidential powers in South Africa – more questions than answers’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 130.
Botha, L and Kok, A ‘An empirical study of the early cases in the pilot equality courts established in terms of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 317.
Broekhuijse, I and van Staden, M ‘Rechtspraak in Nederland en Zuid-Afrika: Een wederzijdse les?’ (2019) 3 TSAR 450.
Broughton, DWM ‘Accusatorial (adversarial) process as a mechanism for engendering or promoting judicial impartiality in the face of adverse pre-trial publicity’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 363.
Holness, W and Rule, S ‘Legal capacity of parties with intellectual, psycho-social and communication disabilities in traditional courts in KwaZulu-Natal’ (2018) 6 ADRY 27.
Rabkin, F ‘The Public Protector and the problem of binding remedial action’ (2019) 32.2 August Advocate 37.
Labour law
Benade, H ‘Values, mood and metaphor in Nampak’ (2019) 32.2 August Advocate 33.
Ebrahim, S ‘Night work and the availability of transport: What does it mean? – TFD Network Africa (Pty) Ltd v Singh’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 502.
Grogan, J ‘Nasty, poor, brutish and short: Hounded out by the unions’ (2019) 35.4 EL.
Grogan, J ‘Religious persecution: Discrimination at work’ (2019) 35.4 EL.
Du Toit, L ‘The practical implications of terminal illness benefits’ (2019) 34.2 ITJ.
Manamela, T ‘When the lines are blurred – a case of misconduct, incapacity or operational requirements: Are all dismissals going operational?’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 97.
Legal education
Snyman-Van Deventer, E ‘Student engagement: More than bells and whistles’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 1.
Venter, R ‘Official languages and higher education: The story of an African University’ (2019) 3 TSAR 558.
Legal practice
Gabriel, P ‘Plain and simple’ (2019) 32.2 August Advocate 23.
Namakula, CS ‘When the tongue ties fair trial: The South African experience’ (2018) 35.2 SAJHR 219.
Scott, J ‘The “obscure” doctrine of vetustas – ensuring equitable relief in modern times’ (2019) 3 TSAR 592.
Medical law
Labuschaigne, M and Mahomed, S ‘Regulatory challenges relating to tissue banks in South Africa: Impediments to accessing healthcare’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 27.
McQuoid-Mason, D ‘May doctors for religious reasons refuse to give patients blood transfusions under any circumstances?’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 478.
McQuoid-Mason, DJ and Naidoo, N ‘Palliative care ethical guidelines to assist healthcare practitioners in their treatment of palliative care patients’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 14.
Wessels, AB and Wewege, J ‘The State Liability Amendment Bill – further evaluation and commentary’ (2019) 3 TSAR 484.
Pension law
Carman, N and Hunter, R ‘Warning to employers: Check that you have been paying contributions to your employees’ retirement funds at the correct rates and on time’ (2019) 22.2 PW.
Davison, A ‘How to deal with default regulations’ (2019) 22.2 PW.
De la Harpe, L ‘Section 37C and settlement agreements’ (2019) 34.2 ITJ.
De la Harpe, L ‘Transfer of retirement interest to preservation funds’ (2019) 34.2 ITJ.
Mhango, M ‘The right to equality and access to courts for government employees in South Africa: Time to amend the Government Employees Pension Law’ (2019) 19.1 AHRLJ 337.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Terughouding van pensioenbelang op aandrang van voormalige werkgewer ’n uiters bedenklike onregmatige dwangmiddel in menige geval’ (2019) 3 TSAR 527.
Persons and family law
Amien, W ‘A discussion of Moosa NO and Others v Harnaker and Others illustrating the need for legal recognition of Muslim marriages in South Africa’ (2019) 6.1 JCLA 115.
Protection of personal information
Townsend, BA and Scott, RE ‘The development of ethical guidelines for telemedicine in South Africa’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 19.
Van Niekerk, M ‘Providing claimants with access to information: A comparative analysis of the POPIA, PAIA and HPCSA guidelines’ (2019) 12.1 SAJBL 32.
Property law
Bolt, M and Masha, T ‘Recognising the family house: A problem of urban custom in South Africa’ (2018) 35.2 SAJHR 147.
Freedman, W ‘The principle of passivity and the obligation to build within a specified time – A critical analysis of Bondev Midrand (Pty) Ltd v Pulling; Bondev Midrand (Pty) Ltd v Ramokgopa’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 482.
Van der Merwe, CG ‘The Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS) circular of 2018 on the application of unanimous and special resolutions in terms of the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act brings more confusion than clarity’ (2019) 3 TSAR 546.
Tax law
Barker, P ‘After-tax returns – IV’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Burt, K ‘A trap for the unwary’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Clegg, D and Gardner, W ‘Capitalisation or merger’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Fritz, C and Van Zyl, SP ‘The issue of prescription in tax – CSARS v Char-Trade’ (2019) 82.3 THRHR 511.
Mitchell, L ‘Trading stock basics’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Moosa, F ‘Does the Tax Administration Act apply extraterritorially? A constitutional perspective’ (2019) 34.2 ITJ.
Palmer, G ‘Deemed receipts’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Silke, J ‘Contractual damages’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Surtees, P ‘Obligatory refurbishments’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Van der Walt, JJ ‘Prejudice’ (2019) 33.4 TPCP.
Nel, E ‘From being in the audience to waiting in the wings: Can the ius expectati dominii improve the unenviable position of the trust beneficiary in the ownership trust?’ (2019) 40.1 Obiter 118.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2019 (Oct) DR 27.
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