By Meryl Federl
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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Issue |
CILSA | Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa | Juta |
(2017) 50.2 (2017) 50.3 |
ILJ | Industrial Law Journal | Juta | (2018) 39 |
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal |
North West University, Faculty of Law |
(2018) 21 June (2018) 21 July |
South African Mercantile Law Journal | Juta |
(2017) 29.3
Stellenbosch Law Review | Juta | (2018) 29.1 |
TSAR | Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg | Juta | (2018) 3 |
Banking law
Hugo, C ‘Conformity of demands submitted under independent guarantees’ (2018) 3 TSAR 680.
Child law
Ferreira, S ‘Step-parent adoption: To do, or not to do – that is the question’ (2017) 50.2 CILSA 230.
Sloth-Nielsen, R ‘Gender normalisation surgery and the best interest of the child in South Africa’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 48.
Company law
Cassim, MF ‘The effect of the moratorium on property owners during business rescue’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 419.
Lawrenson, S ‘Lease agreements and business rescue: In need of rescue?’ (2018) 3 TSAR 657.
Maloka, TC ‘The Turquand rule, irregular appointments and bypassing the disciplinary process’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 527.
Competition law
Lesofe, I ‘Forum shopping: Finding the right balance between the enforcement of competition law and the protection of intellectual property rights’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 450.
Munyai, PS ‘A comparative study of the development of competition/antitrust laws with regard to the treatment of dominant firms’ (2017) 50.2 CILSA 196.
Munyai, PS ‘Dawn of a new era: Claims for damages in South African competition law – Nationwide Airlines (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) v South African Airways (Pty) Ltd and Comair Limited v South African Airways (Pty) Ltd’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 569.
Constitutional law
Kawadza, H ‘Attacks on the judiciary: Undercurrents of a political versus legal constitutionalism dilemma?’ (2018) 21 July PER.
Swemmer, S ‘While we were sleeping – the choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Draft Bill as an act of indirect discrimination? Discussion of the choice on Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Draft Bill [PMB-2017]’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 107.
Consumer law
Boraine, A and van Wyk, J ‘Credit bureaus in South Africa and Namibia: A comparative analysis of the regulatory frameworks evaluated against the World Bank’s principles for credit reporting – part I’ (2017) 50.2 CILSA 147.
Boraine, A and van Wyk, J ‘Credit bureaus in South Africa and Namibia: A comparative analysis of the regulatory frameworks evaluated against the World Bank’s principles for credit reporting – part II’ (2017) 50.3 CILSA 303.
Reddy, K ‘Food products and non-communicable diseases: Implications of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008’ (2018) 3 TSAR 569.
Roestoff, M and Coetzee, H ‘Debt relief for South African NINA debtors and what can be learned from the European approach’ (2017) 50.2 CILSA 251.
Shay, RM ‘Media 24 Books (Pty) Ltd v Oxford University Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd 2017 (2) SA 1 (SCA)’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 560.
Criminal law
Mahery, P ‘Pursuing the crafting of a legislative ban on corporal punishment in the home’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 124.
Mwambene, L and Kruuse, H ‘Marital rape and the cultural defence in South Africa’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 25.
Customary law
Barrie, GN ‘Not only can the king do wrong, he also does not have judicial immunity. The incarceration of the king of the AbaThembu nation His Majesty Dalinyebo continues to reverberate’ (2018) 3 TSAR 670.
Energy law
Papacostantis, H ‘Renewable energy regulation in South Africa: Lessons from the Chinese experience’ (2017) 50.2 CILSA 275.
Mosaka, TB ‘Does the application of the Blom rules entitle Oscar Pistorius to an acquittal?’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 146.
Insolvency law
Bos, T ‘The effect of the transferor’s bankruptcy on the transfer of immovable property’ (2018) 3 TSAR 523.
Mongalo, TH ‘The shareholder vote exemption for disposal of all or a greater part of the assets of the holding company’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 515.
Roestoff, M ‘The income of an insolvent and sequestration under the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 478.
Intellectual property
Brand, A and Dean, OH ‘Intellectual property rights flowing from universities: An analysis of the impact of the current South African legal framework on international research collaboration’ (2018) 3 TSAR 475.
Ndlovu, L ‘Domesticating the World Trade Organisation’s Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) flexibilities to access essential medicines: Any lessons for the SADC from Botswana?’ (2017) 50.3 CILSA 347.
International human rights law
Motaung, NR ‘Revocation of citizenship in the face of terrorism’ (2017) 50.2 CILSA 214.
International law
Ikejiaku, B ‘The recent global financial crisis: Delinking security-protectionism and relinking fraudulent misrepresentation in MNCs and the global market-contending existing issues in international law and international relations’ (2017) 50.3 CILSA 442.
Ncube, S ‘Access to international justice in Africa: The conundrum of states’ noncompliance with judicial decisions’ (2017) 50.3 CILSA 395.
Wethmar-Lemmer, M ‘Harmonising or unifying the law applicable to international sales contracts between the BRICS states’ (2017) 50.3 CILSA 372.
Labour law
Calitz, K ‘Contracting out of the Labour Relations Act: Vermooten v Department of Public Enterprises and Others (2017) 38 ILJ 607 (LAC)’ (2017) 29.3 SAMLJ 543.
Kasuso, TG ‘Enforcement of Labour Court judgments in Zimbabwe: Lessons and perspectives from Southern Africa’ (2018) 39 ILJ 1415.
Mokoena, K ‘Are Uber drivers employees or independent contractors? A comparative analysis’ (2018) 39 ILJ 1453.
Mswela, MM ‘Does albinism fit within the legal definition of disability in the employment context? A comparative analysis of the judicial interpretation of disability under the SA and the US non-discrimination laws’ (2018) 21 June PER.
Nxumalo, L ‘Does South African labour legislation provide adequate protection for mental illness in the workplace?’ (2018) 39 ILJ 1436.
Rycroft, A ‘The dislocated employee in a restructuring process South African Breweries (Pty) Ltd v Louw (2018) 39 ILJ 189 (LAC)’ (2018) 39 ILJ 1470.
Van Staden, M and van Eck, S ‘The parties to the employment relationship: A comparative analysis’ (2018) 3 TSAR 539.
Legal education
Omar, J ‘Teaching sexual offences sensitively: Not a capitulation but good pedagogy’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 90.
Monetary law
Omlor, S ‘Digitisation of money and currency under German and EU law’ (2018) 3 TSAR 613.
Practice of law
Gravett, W ‘Subconscious advocacy – part 1: Nonverbal communication in the courtroom’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 3.
Property law
Du Plessis, M and Palmer, T ‘Property rights and their continued open-endedness – a critical discussion of Shoprite and the Constitutional Court’s property clause jurisprudence’ (2018) 29.1 SLR 73.
Sonnekus, JC ‘Regshandelinge in stryd met opsies en voorkoopregte enersyds en andersyds handelinge verrig deur regsubjekte onderworpe aan beperkinge van hul kompetensiebevoegdhede – inhoudelik nie-verwarbaar’ (2018) 3 TSAR 624.
Van der Merwe, CG ‘Should short-term letting be allowed in sectional title schemes?’ (2018) 3 TSAR 507.
Sales and lease
Sonnekus, JC ‘Die saaklike ooreenkoms in ’n abstrakte stelsel – animus transferendi dominii en voorkoopregte’ (2018) 3 TSAR 638.
Succession law
Nel, E ‘The impact of the European Union’s Succession Regulation on a multijurisdictional estate’ (2018) 3 TSAR 601.
Zaal, FN and d’Almaine, J ‘Inheritance rights for posthumously procreated children: A growing challenge for the law’ (2018) 21 June PER.
Sports law
Cornelius, S ‘Soms laat blote sterflinge die gode van Olimpus tuimel’ (2018) 3 TSAR 648.
Taxation law
Legwaila, T ‘An exposé of the value-added tax muddle in financial services in South Africa’ (2018) 3 TSAR 587.
Tredoux, LG and Van Zyl, SP ‘Some drastic measures to close a loophole: The case of Pienaar Brothers (Pty) Ltd v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (87760/2014) [2017] ZAGPPHC 231 (29 May 2017) and the targeted retroactive Amendment of section 44 of the Income Tax’ (2018) 21 June PER.
Trade law
Brink, G ‘New directions by the panel in Russia – commercial vehicles and the implications for South African antidumping investigations’ (2017) 50.3 CILSA 417.
Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2018 (Sept) DR 43.
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