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Abbreviation |
Title |
Publisher |
Volume/issue |
LDD | Law, Democracy and Development | University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law | (2020) 24 |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys | (2020) 17.2 |
Obiter | Obiter | Nelson Mandela University | (2020) 41.1 |
SA Merc LJ | South African Mercantile Law Journal | Juta | (2019) 31.2 |
SAJCJ | South African Journal of Criminal Justice | Juta | (2020) 33.1 |
Mujuzi, JD ‘Electricity theft in South Africa: Examining the need to clarify the offence and pursue private prosecution?’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 78.
Kilian, N ‘What is a legal interest as required for derivative actions? A brief look at Lewis Group Limited v Woollam and Others [2017] 1 All SA 192 (WCC)’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 356.
Biggs, L ‘The franchise agreement as the cause of tensions between the franchisor and franchisee: Has the Consumer Protection Act resolved the tensions?’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 163.
Brits, R ‘Parate executie clause in mortgage bond versus post-default authority to sell – Business Partners Limited v Mahamba (4568/2016) [2019] ZAECGHC 17 (26 February 2019)’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 175.
Reddy, N ‘National Credit Regulator v Standard Bank of South Africa Limited: Common-law right of set-off excluded from credit agreements under the National Credit Act’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 341.
Van Eck, M ‘Limitation of liability in private security contracts: National interest or private contractual engagement?’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 321.
Anderson, A ‘Criminal law’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 213.
Freedman, W ‘Constitutional aspects of criminal justice’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 257.
Reddi, M ‘Criminal procedure’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 225.
Terblanche, SS ‘Sentencing in South Africa: Dominated by minimum sentences’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 4.
Whitear, N ‘Law of evidence’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 239.
Maithufi, M and Maimela, CA ‘Teaching the “other law” in a South African university: Some problems encountered and possible solutions’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 1.
Behari, A ‘Meeting minimum international and regional standards: An analysis of maternity cash benefits’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 239.
Gresse, E and Mbao MLM ‘An analysis of the duty to reasonably accommodate disabled employees: A comment on Jansen v Legal Aid South Africa’ (2020) 24 LDD 109.
Kubjana, LL ‘Understanding the law on sexual harassment in the workplace (through a case law lens): A classic fool’s errand’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 88.
Pillay, K ‘Employer liability when sex pests are allowed to treat the workplace as a lonely-hearts club: Lessons to be learnt from Liberty Group Limited v M (2017) 38 ILJ 1318 (LAC)’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 201.
Lemine, BJ ‘Developing a strategy for efficient environmental authorisation of activities affecting wetlands in South Africa: Towards a wise-use approach’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 154.
Sefela, G ‘The proposed amendment to the definition of “veldfire” as articulated by the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill [B22 – 2016]’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 138.
Kruger, B ‘Die koop en verkoop van kinders in Suid-Afrika – behoorlik gestraf, of ’n ware winskoop?’ (2020) 17.2 LitNet.
Marumoagae, C and Mokgoetsi, K ‘The need to clarify the sheriff’s duties when executing writs of execution that could indicate the debtor’s insolvency’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 298.
Hoseah, E ‘Reflections on sentencing in Tanzania’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 89.
Kamuzze, J ‘From discretionary to structured sentencing in Uganda’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 126.
Kapianga, K ‘Sentencing in Zambia’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 66.
Liebenberg, C and Ndeunyema, N ‘Exploring sentencing purposes, principles and practices in Namibia’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 23.
Macharia-Mokobi, E ‘Sentencing in Botswana: Challenges and prospects’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 45.
Meintjes-van der Walt, L and Chiwara, M ‘Fingerprint evidence under scrutiny: Issues raised by six international forensic reports (part 2)’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 168.
Okoth, J ‘The pursuit of consistency in sentencing: Exploring Kenya’s sentencing guidelines’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 106.
Roberts, JV and Terblanche, S ‘Sentencing practice, policy, and reform in southern and eastern Africa’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 1.
Van der Bijl, C ‘Considering the infliction of emotional harm within the context of criminal law’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 192.
Wanki, JN; Mundela, GB; and Hansungule, M ‘Putting the relationship between states and the ICC into perspective: The viability of national courts in driving complementarity in Africa’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 136.
Yilma, KM ‘Sentencing in Ethiopia: Sanctions, guidelines and reform’ (2020) 33.1 SAJCJ 148.
Marxen, K ‘International fund transfers in Africa and the compliance measures to detect and combat financial crime – an introduction’ (2019) 31.2 SA Merc LJ 261.
Diala, AC and Diala, JC ‘Normative intersectionality in married women’s property rights in southern Nigeria’ (2020) 24 LDD 86.
Mottiar, S and Dubula, V ‘Shifting consciousness and challenging power: Women activists and the provision of HIV/AIDS services’ (2020) 24 LDD 158.
Msuya, NH ‘Advocating positive traditional culture to eradicate harmful aspects of traditional culture for gender equality in Africa’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 45.
Khumalo, TF ‘Sustainable development and international economic law in Africa’ (2020) 24 LDD 133.
Abduroaf, M ‘Comparing the application of the Islamic law of succession and administration of estates in Singapore and South Africa’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 122.
Mubangizi, JC and McQuoid-Mason, DJ ‘Teaching human rights in commonwealth university law schools: Approaches and challenges, with passing references to some South African experiences’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 106.
Maloka, TC ‘Biowatch shield, costs liability for abuse of process and crossfire litigation – Biowatch Trust v Registrar Genetic Resources 2009 (6) SA 232 (CC)’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 175.
Fredericks, EA ‘Contractual capacity and the conflict of laws in common-law jurisdictions (part 2): Australasia, North America, Asia and Africa’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 10.
Raligilia, KH ‘Beyond foot-dragging: A reflection on the reluctance of South Africa’s National Prosecution Authority to prosecute Apartheid crimes in post-transitional justice’ (2020) 41.1 Obiter 63.
Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2020 (Sept) DR 50.
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