Recent articles and research – September 2024

September 1st, 2024

Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
AHRLJ African Human Rights Law Journal Centre for Human Rights, Department of Law, University of Pretoria (2024) 24.1
ILJ Industrial Law Journal Juta (2024) 45.2
JCLA Journal of Comparative Law in Africa Juta (2024) 11.1
JILB Juta’s Insurance Law Bulletin Juta

(2023) 26.3

(2023) 26.4

JJS Journal for Juridical Science University of the Free State, Faculty of Law (2024) 49.1
LDD Law, Democracy and Development University of the Western Cape, Faculty of Law (2024) 28
LitNet LitNet Akademies (Regte) Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys (2024) 21(2)
Obiter Obiter Nelson Mandela University

(2024) 45.1

(2024) 45.2

PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law (2024) 27
SAJEJ South African Judicial Education Journal South African Judicial Education Institute, Office of the Chief Justice (2022) 5.1
THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeinse-Hollandse Reg LexisNexis (2024) 87.3
TSAR Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg Juta

(2023) 3

(2023) 4

(2024) 1

(2024) 2


Admission of guilt

Van der Linde, DSkulderkenningsboetes in die lig van prosedurele geregtigheid en misdaadbeheer’ (2024) 21(2) LitNet.

Advertising rules

Munguma, C ‘Tobacco labelling and advertising rules: Lessons from other countries for Zimbabwe’ (2024) 11.1 JCLA 56.

Alternative dispute resolution

Baboolal-Frank, R and Naude, LAn evaluation of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in the African region’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 65.

Antenuptial contracts

Harnett, H and Kruuse, H ‘Regspraak: Proper financial planning and divorce: Failure to consider the antenuptial contract’ (2023) 4 TSAR 822.

Anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing

Du Toit, F; Smith, B and Janse van Vuren, L ‘“Beneficial owner” and “beneficial ownership” in South African trust law: Troublesome aspects of the General Laws (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing) Amendment Act 22 of 2022’ (2023) 3 TSAR 387.

Artificial intelligence

Ngcobo, MTArtificial intelligence and blockchain technologies in online dispute resolution: A solution to consumer disputes in South Africa?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Okorley, S ‘The use of artificial intelligence in international commercial arbitration in South Africa: Prospects and challenges’ (2023) 3 TSAR 406.

Snail Ka Mtuze, S and Morige, MTowards drafting artificial intelligence (AI) legislation in South Africa’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 161.

Van Coller, A ‘Sleepwalking with a stochastic parrot – ensuring accuracy when using generative artificial intelligence in legal research’ (2022) 45.1 SAJEJ 86.

Van Eck, M ‘Augmenting ethics and the normative value system in the regulation of emerging technologies’ (2023) 3 TSAR 476.

Assisted reproductive technologies

Bouah, N and Jacobs, CA child’s right to identity in the context of embryo donation: Part 1’ (2024) 27 PER. Bouah, N and Jacobs, C ‘A child’s right to identity in the context of embryo donation: Lessons from Australia and New Zealand, Part 2’ (2024) 27 PER.

Bail applications

Mujuzi, JDThe admissibility of foreign convictions in bail applications in South Africa: A comment on Lewis-Springfield v S (CA&R40/2022) [2022] ZANCHC 54 (4 October 2022)’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 101.

Banking law

Malan, FR ‘Regspraak: To pay, or not to pay: That is the question’ (2023) 4 TSAR 746.

Banking, competition and corporate law

Letsoalo, LNavigating reputational risks: Cautionary considerations for South African banks in the unilateral termination of bank-customer relationships’ (2024) 27 PER.

Magau, PAn overview of the extent of the powers of South African competition authorities in the regulation of price discrimination under the Competition Act 89 of 1998 in the context of digital transformation’ (2024) 27 PER.

Van Niekerk, G and Ponelis, FStrengthening Law Enforcement to Address White-Collar Financial Crime in South Africa’s Private Sector’ (2024) 27 PER.

Bill of rights

Laubscher, R ‘Aantekeninge: Overview of constitutional court judgments on the Bill of Rights – 2023’ (2024) 2 TSAR 323.

Business rescue

Mpofu, K and Makore, STMRescuing the business rescue process: A critical reflection on the authority to appoint a substitute business rescue practitioner through the lens of Shiva Uranium Limited v Mahomed Mahier Tayob 2022 (3) SA 432 (CC)’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 469.

Cause of action

Msaule, PR“Cause of action”: How could the Supreme Court of Appeal Get get it so wrong? Olesitse v Minister of Police (470/2021) [2022] ZASCA 90 (15 June 2022)’ (2024) 27 PER.

Child maintenance

Denson, R and van der Walt, GLocus standi in iudicio – the right of a parent to claim maintenance on behalf of an adult dependent child – Z v Z 2022 (5) SA 451 (SCA)’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 251.

Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Onderhoudskostes vir koekoekskuikens – wie moet vir die gelag betaal, of rus die skade maar waar dit val?’ (2023) 4 TSAR 755.

Children’s rights

Mwale, FA ‘Ending early/child or forced marriage in Malawi: The role of the Judiciary’ (2022) 5.1 SAJEJ 42.

Clinical legal education

Du Plessis, RRefleksiepraktyk in kliniese regsopleiding’ (2024) 21(2) LitNet.

Collective bargaining

Lubisi, N ‘Weakening collective bargaining and industrial action in South Africa: Problematising the risks of rewarding non-strikers’ Africa’ (2022) 5.1 SAJEJ 66.

Community service

Holness, DR ‘The Legal Practice Act regulations on community service for candidates and legal practitioners in South Africa: are they adequate in promoting access to justice for the indigent?’ (2024) 2 TSAR 272.

Company law

Basson, A and Van der Linde, K ‘Curbing company phoenix activity through the application of fraudulent and reckless trading provisions’ (2024) 1 TSAR 31.

Mudzamiri, J and Thabane, TAn appraisal of the application and soundness of the solvency and liquidity test in the implementation of statutory mergers’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 77.

Saunders, BD and Bekink, M ‘Disclosure of executive remuneration in terms of the Companies Amendment Bill 2023’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 327.

Subramanien, DThe Companies Act 71 of 2008 does not oust the common-law derivative action for close corporations: Naidoo v The Dube Tradeport Corporation [2022] ZASCA 14’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 458.

Competition Commission

Mpofu, K and Tavuyanago, SAssessing the investigative powers of the competition commission in merger regulation and challenges posed by the digital era – S.O.S Support Public Broadcasting Coalition v South African Broadcasting Corporation (SOC) Limited [2018] ZACC 37’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 229.

Conduct in the workplace

Todd, C and Reddy, N ‘Rethinking fair processes for dealing with poor conduct in the workplace’ (2024) 45.2 ILJ 720.

Constitutional law

Van der Westhuizen, J ‘Aantekeninge: Some rights are more equal than others – the constitution will perish, unless all of it is taken seriously’ (2024) 1 TSAR 96.

Consumer law

Lombard, M ‘The “core exemption” and freedom of contract in consumer law’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 355.

Consumer protection

Tuba, MD and Schulze, WGThe inclusion-stability, integrity and protection (I-SIP) methodology and the legal framework to promote financial inclusion in South Africa’ (2024) 27 PER.

Contempt of court

Rosenberg, W ‘Regspraak: Upholding the child’s right to be heard in contempt of court proceedings because a “child’s best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning a child”’ (2023) 3 TSAR 578.

Contract law

Reinecke, MFB ‘Regspraak: The objective approach to the interpretation of contracts, contextual evidence and the delectus personae principle’ (2024) 1 TSAR 149.

Van Eck, M and Huneberg, S ‘Aantekeninge: The dismantling force of smart contracts in South African policyholder protection’ (2023) 3 TSAR 521.

Controlled foreign company provisions

Legwaila, TThe foreign business establishment exemption is not for outsourced services’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 146.


Firth, A ‘Wind farms and fantasy dinners’ (2024) 1 TSAR 20.

Karjiker, S ‘Lessons to be learned from Only Fools: The protection of fictional characters, parody and pastiche’ (2023) 4 TSAR 631.

Criminal law

Curlewis, LG and Carter, KMCan the death penalty still be considered a “cruel, inhumane and degrading punishment” in the face of South African prison conditions?’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 482.

Hoctor, SClarifying the law of complicity: S v Mbuyisa [2023] ZAKZPHC 132; 2023 JDR 4950 (KZP)’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 429.

Watney, M ‘Regspraak: Subpoena duces tecum in criminal trials and abuse of process’ (2023) 3 TSAR 602.

Customary law

Van Huffel, ALSState regulation and misconstructions of customary land tenure in South Africa’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 58.

Customary marriage

Maimela, CA and Morudu, NLCherishing customary law: The disparity between legislative and judicial interpretation of customary marriages in South Africa’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 400.

Manthwa, A and Lekolwana, PAn appraisal of the role of rituals and their waiver in the conclusion of a customary marriage’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 1.

Nkuna-Mavutane, ME and Jamneck, JImproving compliance with section 4(1) of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998: Registration of customary marriages’ (2024) 27 PER.

Osman, FThe proprietary consequences of customary marriages: Challenges in the new regime(s)?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Vengesai, PThe rights of women in unregistered customary marriages in Zimbabwe: Best practices from South Africa’ (2024) 28 LDD 215.

Cybercrimes Act 19 of 2020

Van der Linde, DCTinder swindlers: Substantive and procedural matters pertaining to online dating fraud under the common law and the Cybercrimes Act’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 338.

Data protection

Malahleka, MThe problem of trans-border information flows in the protection of personal information’ (2024) 27 PER.


Mukheibir, AEsorfranki Pipelines (Pty) Ltd v Mopani District Municipality [2022] ZACC 41’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 442.

Scott, J ‘Regspraak: ’n Hond se blaf ewenaar soms sy byt vir doeleindes van deliktuele aanspreeklikheid’ (2024) 1 TSAR 134.

Scott, J ‘Regspraak: Liability for an omission in terms of section 60(1)(a) of the South African Schools Act – a comfortable victory against the state’ (2023) 3 TSAR 547.

Digital rights

Ilori, TProtecting digital rights through soft law: Ensuring the implementation of the revised Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 1.

Dignity of juristic persons

Nzimande, MA; Denson, R and Botha, JShould a company’s dignity be protected under section 10 of the Constitution? The question in Reddell v Mineral Sands Resources (Pty) Limited [2022] ZACC 38’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 492.

Diplomatic immunity

Nkosi, S ‘Regspraak: International law and diplomatic immunity: a window into the Ugandan courts’ (2024) 1 TSAR 158.

E-commerce developments

Singh, CA “sign” of the times: A brief consideration of the validity of e-signatures in agreements and affidavits in South African law’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 38.

Electoral system

Maganoe, SThe impact of the South African electoral system on legislative oversight’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 121.

Employment Equity Regulations

Rammila, D ‘“Numerical targets” or “quotas”? The Draft Employment Equity Regulations 2023 in perspective’ (2024) 45.2 ILJ 692.

Employment Equity

Van de Rheede, JEliminating racial discrimination of employees: An assessment of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, as amended’ (2024) 28 LDD 174.

Employment law

Ebrahim, S ‘Can a predecessor comparator be used in an equal pay claim under section 6(4) of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998?’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 377.

Employment relationships

Hlwatika, SSalary deductions: Can employers resort to “self- help”?’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 505.


Van Coller, AJudicial problem-solving: An evaluation of Grobler v Phillips and Others [2022] ZACC 32’ (2024) 28 LDD 76.

Expert evidence

Bekker, TThe role of expert evidence in civil matters: A critical analysis (Part 2)’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 1.

Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997

Ngwenyama, LRImproving an existing or erecting a new or additional structure by ESTA occupiers: An analysis of Daniels v Scribante 2017 (4) SA 341 (CC), Erasmus v Mtenje [2018] ZALCC 12, and De Jager v Mazibuko [2020] ZALCC 7’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 239.

Family care

Kruger, HSafeguarding the rights of children living in kinship care in South Africa’ (2024) 27 PER.

Fiduciary law

Nel, EFiduciary law in South Africa: A good time to come of age’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 53.

Forfeiture of patrimonial benefits

Sibisi, SDoes section 9(2) of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 provide adequate protection for an ill spouse?’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 418.

Fourth Industrial Revolution

Munyai, AThe balancing act: 4IR and African democracies’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 113.

Gender quota

Lihiru, VMDomestic and international law contradictions in Zimbabwe’s gender quota system’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 128.

Gender-based violence

Nortje, W and Hull, SUprooting a culture of gender-based violence in South Africa: Critical approaches to bail, policing and awareness’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 295.

Gene therapy

Boers, C ‘CRISPR-Cas 9: Moontlike tekortkominge vir gelyke toegang tot geenterapie in Suid-Afrika’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 278.

General damages

Neethling, J ‘Regspraak: Transmissibility of claims for general damages – steps back in the right direction’ (2023) 4 TSAR 812.

Health care workers

Slabbert, M and Labuschaigne, M ‘Rendering first aid: The legal position’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 294.

Higher education institutions

Van der Walt, CJ and Havenga, MK ‘Governance failures in South African public higher education institutions – lessons to be learnt from company law’ (2023) 4 TSAR 647.

Human rights violations

Cho, DTTransitional Justice in Anglophone Cameroon: Perspectives and lessons from South Africa and Rwanda’ (2024) 27 PER.

Immigration control

Watney, M ‘Regspraak: Appeal will not remedy a guilty plea presented for the wrong reasons’ (2024) 2 TSAR 367.

Immovable property

Sonnekus, JC ‘Aantekeninge: Afgeleide wyse van eiendomsverkryging op ’n onroerende saak gehou in mede-eiendom vereis steeds ’n saaklike ooreenkoms met álle mede-eienaars’ (2024) 1 TSAR 105.

Instalment agreement

Sonnekus, JC ‘Paaiementooreenkoms en die verbandhoudende sakeregtelike én kontrakteregtelike beginsels –Volkswagen Financial Services SA (Pty) Ltd v Nceba Giwu NO (3792/2023) [2024] ZAECMKHC 5 (18 Januarie 2024)’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 382.


Van Staden, MJ ‘Regspraak: Insolence, insubordination and employer authority: Lessons from South Africa and the Netherlands’ (2023) 3 TSAR 564.

Insurance law

De Vos, WLR ‘Regspraak: When will the notorious case of Hollington v F Hewthorn & Co Ltd 1943 KB 587 (CA) be laid to rest in South Africa?’ (2023) 3 TSAR 533.

Insurance law

Millard, D ‘Cases: Kaxu Solar One (RF) (Proprietary) Limited v Santam Limited Case number 1301/2020; [2023] ZAWCHC 268 (1 November 2023)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 97.

Millard, D ‘Cases: KGA Life Limited v Multisure Corporation (Pty) Ltd and Others Case number 304/2022; 2023 JDR 3601 (SCA)’ (2023) 26.3 JILB 79.

Millard, D ‘Cases: King Price Insurance Company Limited v Mhlongo Case number 1016/2022; [2023] ZASCA 152 (15 November 2023)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 101.’

Millard, D ‘Cases: Navigare Securities (Pty) Ltd and Another v Vickers and Peters Financial and Another Case number 29108/2022; 2023 JDR 3252 (GP)’ (2023) 26.3 JILB 76.

Millard, D ‘Cases: Renasa Insurance Company Limited v B and L Towing 24 HR Assist (Pty) Ltd Case number 2021/52108; 2023 JDR 4744 (GJ)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 103.

Millard, D ‘Cases: Samchem Corporation (Pty) Ltd v Compass Insurance Company Limited Case number 2021/27074; 2023 JDR 4123 (GJ)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 95.

Millard, D ‘Cases: Seepi v King Price Insurance Company Ltd Case number 72341/2018; 2024 JDR 0127 (GP)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 107.

Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Mabaso v Discovery Connect Distribution Services (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP31/2023; [2023] ZAFST 114 (6 September 2023)’ (2023) 26.3 JILB 72.

Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Nemukula v A C Capital (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP21/2023; [2023] ZAFST 117 (11 September 2023)’ (2023) 26.3 JILB 73.

Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Nenweli v King Price Insurance Company Case number FSP61/2023; [2023] ZAFST 165 (30 November 2023)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 92.

Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Singh v NMI Durban Motors (Pty) Ltd Case number FSP61/2022; [2023] COMPTRI 115 (16 October 2023)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 86.

Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: White v Liberty Group Ltd Case number FSP47/2023; [2023] ZAFST 169 (6 December 2023)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 91.

Millard, D ‘Financial Services Tribunal decisions: Wilmic Trust v Riebeeckstad Makelaar CC and Others Case number A31/2023; [2023] ZAFST 149 (31 October 2023)’ (2023) 26.4 JILB 88.

Millard, D ‘Legislation: Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017’ (2023) 26.3 JILB 83.

International Commercial Contracts

Coleman, TE ‘Re-assessing the African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts through the prism of African traditional values’ (2024) 1 TSAR 75.

Neels, JL ‘Novel aspects of the proposed African Principles on the Law Applicable to International Commercial Contracts’ (2024) 2 TSAR 247.

International humanitarian law

Govender, NThrough the lens of the ICJ: Bridging the gap between human rights and humanitarian norms in the legal protection for child soldiers’ (2024) 27 PER.

International investment arbitration

Koen, L ‘The standard of proving an investor is corrupt in international investment arbitration: Red flag or red handed?’ (2023) 3 TSAR 459.

International investment law

Smit, S and Koen, LThe (in)effectiveness of requiring prior exhaustion of local remedies in investment arbitration’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 371.

International mediation

Curlewis, LG and Raubenheimer, EInternational commercial mediation: International recognition and enforcement of mediation agreements’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 209.

Judgment writing skills

Theron, L ‘Refreshing and enhancing judgment writing skills’ (2022) 45.1 SAJEJ 1.

Judicial case flow management

Mbenenge, SMJudicial case flow management “checkpoint”: How far have we gone?’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 310.

Judicial enforcement

Valfredo, RSPJusticiability of economic, social and cultural rights under the legal system of South Sudan: A preliminary assessment’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 101.


Malan, FR ‘Aantekeninge: Three cases on jurisdiction’ (2024) 2 TSAR 343.


Mavedzenge, J ‘A critical review of jurisprudence on the adjudication of presidential election petitions in Africa’ (2024) 11.1 JCLA 1.

Swart, M ‘Regspraak: “A veritable cesspool of lawlessness”: Upholding impartiality and decorum in South African judgments’ (2024) 2 TSAR 386.


Le Roux-Bouwer, J ‘Regspraak: Another juvenile offender failed by the system’ (2023) 4 TSAR 831.

Labour law – domestic work

Zulu, TThe revolution of our understanding of domestic work: The constitutional case of Mahlangu v Minister of Labour [2020] ZACC 24’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 219.

Labour law

Senoamadi, PW ‘A delicate balancing act: Does the majoritarianism approach in South African Labour Law infringe the right to freedom of association?’ (2024) 45.2 ILJ 739.

Sibiya, SWThe legal dilemma of managing and regulating private consumption of cannabis in relation to the workplace’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 107.

Van Staden, MJ ‘Aantekeninge: An update of recent labour law developments from South African courts 2023’ (2023) 4 TSAR 696.

Labour rights

Warikandwa, TVDecolonising labour laws and repossessing subaltern epistemologies: A review of South African and Namibian mineworkers’ fight for labour rights’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 15.

Law clerks in South Africa

Mohapi, S ‘Law clerks’ origins and their duties’ (2022) 45.1 SAJEJ 99.

Law of contract

Adams, F ‘A critique of the lex mercatoria as the governing law of a contract’ (2024) 2 TSAR 292.

Law of succession

Sonnekus, JC ‘Aantekeninge: Die laaste wil van die erflater en vermeende statutêre onterwing’ (2023) 3 TSAR 493.

Legal Practice in Namibia

Awarab, MRegulation of the Legal Practitioners’ Fidelity Fund Investments in Namibia’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 386.

Legal principles

Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Rei vindicatio teenoor terughoudingsbevoegdhede – ’n allegaartjie van verwarring’ (2023) 3 TSAR 588.

Local government

Ngcobo, MLocal government empowerment and collaborative approaches in the electricity sector: A constitutional analysis’ (2024) 27 PER.

Marriage misrepresentation

Neethling, JVonnisbespreking: Wanvoorstelling by huweliksluiting – die bruidegom loop hom vas’ (2024) 21(2) LitNet.


Carels, MAn evaluation of mediation in high-conflict situations: A reflection on mediating parenting plans’ (2024) 49.1 JJS 24.

Medical research

Djuiko, SN ‘Lecture Critique De La Loi Camerounaise Relative a La Recherche Medicale Impliquant La Personne Humaine’ (2024) 11.1 JCLA 84.

Mental health in the workplace

Van Staden, MJ and Welgemoed, B ‘The legal redress for mental health impairments arising in the workplace’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 365.


Bosch, SExploring the international humanitarian law status of foreign fighters in the Ukrainian International Legion of Territorial Defence’ (2024) 27 PER.

Mineral law

Badenhorst, PJ ‘Nature of rights, permission and permits to minerals under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002: a novel two-fold test?’ (2023) 4 TSAR 615.

Personal information

Mabeka, NQThe prevalence of cybercrimes and hacking incidents and their impact on the confidentiality of documents in civil proceedings’ (2024) 28 LDD 50.

Persons with disabilities 

Gresse, E and Gresse, WA legal conundrum – the duty to reasonably accommodate: A comment on Legal Aid South Africa v Jansen 2020 41 ILJ 2580 (LAC)’ (2024) 27 PER.


Scott, TJ ‘PRASA’s open-door commuter trains remain a reliable source of income for legal practitioners: A survey of recent case law’ (2024) 2 TSAR 189.

Presidential obligations

Phorego, MSPromoting administrative justice for presidential pardons in South Africa’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 137.

Professional boundary violations

Coetzee, SAA legal perspective on sexual grooming behaviours as professional boundary violations’ (2024) 27 PER.

Promoting access to basic education

Ally, N and Kazim, TLessons from the “minimum core” approach to the right to basic education in South Africa’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 179.

Chitha, MFEvaluating access to education for Rastafarian children and Muslim girls in Malawi’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 350.

Maistry, A and Van Schalkwyk, CLitigating the right to basic education for undocumented children in South Africa: The role of the courts in advancing access to schools’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 229.

Mutu, PStrategic litigation for educational equity: Analysing the impact of ISER v Attorney-General on access to quality education in Uganda’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 322.

Onuora-Oguno, AC and Silas, TThe constitutional obligation to protect the right to education in Nigeria: A call for action’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 369.

Quan, GM; Fambasayi, R and Ferreira TTransforming education through mother tongue language as a language of instruction in South Africa’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 264.

Skelton, A and Mutu, PRealising the right to basic education through strategic litigation in Kenya’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 292.

Skelton, A; Veriava, F and Mutu, PEditorial: Special focus on promoting access to basic education through the law in sub-Saharan Africa’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 147.

Smit, SPrivate schools in South Africa: Pay the bill for the child’s best interests? Terms and conditions apply’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 209.

Veriava, FThe Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill: A case study in transformative constitutionalism beyond the courts’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 153.

Property law

Freedman, W ‘Aantekeninge: Neighbour law and the interference with the natural flow of rainwater in urban areas: Another look at Padca v Redlands Development Projects (Pty) Ltd’ (2023) 3 TSAR 509.

Scott, J ‘Regspraak: An unwarranted extension of the entitlements of holders of the real servitude of right of way’ (2023) 4 TSAR 784.

Sonnekus, JC ‘’n Perdepaspoort, logboek, mantel of die invecta et illata in huureiendom is geen objekte van ’n retensiereg van die besitter nie’ (2024) 2 TSAR 222.

Van der Merwe, CG ‘Lessons to be learned from the German Modernising Apartment Ownership Act of 2020 (WEMoG 2020) on structural alterations to a scheme building with an emphasis on the promotion of electromobility by the installation of charging stations for electrical vehicles’ (2024) 1 TSAR 1.

Property ownership

Jeewa, TR and Nxumalo, SB(In)equality in property ownership: The rhetoric of homelessness’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 354.

Protection of Personal Information

Nxokweni, UProtection of informational privacy in the workplace given the advancement in technology’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 199.

Public law

Majiedt, S ‘The building of South Africa’s Constitution on the ruins of its past: The indigenising of public law in post-Apartheid South Africa’ (2022) 45.1 SAJEJ 10.

Nel, WN ‘Mind the misnomer: Juxtaposing discriminatory intent with motive in relation to grievous religious persecution’ (2023) 3 TSAR 424.

Public property

Viljoen, SMPublic property in South Africa: A human rights perspective’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 76.

Rei vindicatio 

Sonnekus, JC ‘Regspraak: Skynverwekking deur ’n derde ten koste van ’n eienaar se rei vindicatio – reëlreg in stryd met gevestigde uitsprake van die hoogste hof van appèl’ (2024) 1 TSAR 166.

Right to basic education

Mutu, PInterrogating the right to basic education of undocumented children in the context of the call for their exclusion from public schools in South Africa’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 279.

Right to protest

Ekeke, C ‘A comparative analysis of the right to protest under the Nigerian Public Order Act and the South African Regulation of Gatherings Act’ (2024) 11.1 JCLA 31.

Right to strike

Awarab, MNRA critical analysis of Massmart Holdings and Others v South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union [2022] ZALCJHB 119’ (2024) 28 LDD 196.

Rights of persons with disabilities

Basson, YSocial security for persons with disabilities in South Africa: Compliance with article 28(2) of the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities’ (2024) 45.2 Obiter 261.

SARChi CLES Series on Cities, Law and Environmental Sustainability

Saunders, HThe municipal accountability in service delivery: Featherbrooke Homeowners Association v Mogale City Local Municipality’ (2024) 27 PER.

Masekesa, L and Fuo, OThe potential of spatial planning as a tool for cities’ pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 11 in Zimbabwe’ (2024) 27 PER.

School governing bodies

Kavuro, CImpediments to the democratic participation of foreign nationals in public-school governance’ (2024) 28 LDD 21.

Sectional titles

Van der Merwe, CG ‘Aantekeninge: Review of the Sectional Titles Amendment Act 13 of 2022’ (2023) 4 TSAR 681.

Van der Merwe, CG ‘Regspraak: When is a sectional title scheme rule a conduct rule and what are the requirements for the validity of a conduct rule in a sectional title scheme?’ (2024) 2 TSAR 352.

Securities exchange

Mulenga, CSecurities markets and their regulation in Zambia: A new dawn or a rebranding of the old norms?’ (2024) 27 PER.

Sharing tax information

Kabwe, R and Ncube, PTFacilitating automatic exchange of information on blockchain: A South African perspective’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 78.

Social justice

Du Plessis, RSosialegeregtigheidsop­voed­ing tydens kliniese onderrig’ (2024) 21(2) LitNet.

Social rights

Rautenbach, IM ‘Regspraak: The relationship between social rights and other rights and limits to the state’s discretion to fulfil and promote social rights’ (2024) 1 TSAR 123.

Statutory interpretation

Carney, TRVonnisbespreking: Opmerkings oor die woord poes as gekwalifiseerde belediging in ’n interdikoortreding’ (2024) 21(2) LitNet.

Surrogate motherhood agreements

Van Eck, M and Rosenberg, W ‘Aantekeninge: The fight for the child in “smart” surrogate motherhood agreements’ (2023) 4 TSAR 734.

Sustainable development

Kasker, MSThe potential influence of Sustainable Development Goal 6.1 in the South African legislative context’ (2024) 28 LDD 1.

Mubangizi, JCA human rights-based approach to sustainable development in Africa post-COVID-19’ (2024) 45.1 Obiter 180.

Ndimurwimo, LA; Wanjala, EN; and Makori, AFA critique of the efficacy of the right to shelter for street children in Kenya’ (2024) 28 LDD 102.

Tax law

Legwaila, T ‘Regspraak: The trade and production of income requirements for the deductibility of interest’ (2024) 2 TSAR 374.

Moosa, F ‘Review of the new alternative dispute resolution process for tax disputes’ (2023) 4 TSAR 660.


Olika, DTaxation and human rights: Towards a sustainable realisation of minimum core obligations in Nigeria’ (2024) 24.1 AHRLJ 31.

Trade mark law

Du Bois, M ‘Some fundamental rights considerations intersecting with property rights in trade marks’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 259.

Trafficking in hazardous waste

Mushoriwa, LThe African Court’s jurisdiction over the “international” eco-crime of trafficking in hazardous wastes: Challenges and opportunities’ (2024) 27 PER.

Transitional justice

Chaidhawu, TA turning point for transitional justice? Political violence in Zimbabwe, and transformative justice as a way forward’ (2024) 28 LDD 129.

Tribue to Justice Johan Froneman

Barnard-Naude, JContract from the margins: The becoming of a minor jurisprudence in the minority judgment of Froneman, J in Beadica 231 CC v Trustees for the time being of the Oregon Trust 2020 (5) SA 247 CC’ (2024) 27 PER.

Brand, DBengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd v Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd: Johan Froneman, the transformation of property law and the virtue of small things’ (2024) 27 PER.

Cameron, ETribute to Johan Froneman’ (2024) 27 PER.

De Villiers, IInhabiting the ruins of the City of Tshwane’ (2024) 27 PER.

Dube, FJudicial collegiality and tolerance of difference: Insights from Justice Johan Froneman’s dissents’ (2024) 27 PER.

Kruger, MCompensation as radical transformation’ (2024) 27 PER.

Van Marle, KGoing against the grain – Justice Froneman as subversive (legal) historian’ (2024) 27 PER.

Van Marle, K and du Plessis, EEditorial: Artifacts of judging: Justice Johan Froneman’ (2024) 27 PER.

Zitzke, EJustice Froneman and transformative delict’ (2024) 27 PER.

Trust law

Cornelius, S ‘Die formeelregtelike grondslag van die ex contractu-eis vir skadevergoeding weens kontrakbreuk’ (2024) 1 TSAR 64.

Smith, B ‘The “leading case” that continues to confound: Badenhorst v Badenhorst 2006 (2) SA 255 (SCA) and the need, in response to Justice Binns-Ward, for a nuanced approach to piercing the veneer of abused trusts at divorce (part 1)’ (2024) 1 TSAR 44.

Smith, B ‘The “leading case” that continues to confound: Badenhorst v Badenhorst 2006 (2) SA 255 (SCA) and the need, in response to Justice Binns-Ward, for a nuanced approach to piercing the veneer of abused trusts at divorce (part 2)’ (2024) 2 TSAR 258.

Sonnekus, JC ‘Aantekeninge: Trustaktes en die risiko’s van ’n onnadenkende kopiëring van template’ (2024) 2 TSAR 306.

Vicarious liability

Scott, J ‘Yet another case of state vicarious liability for the actions of corrupt police officials – where will this end? – Underwriters at Lloyd’s of London v Minister of Safety and Security (40975/2016) [2024] ZAGPPHC 198 (4 March 2024)’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 393.

Videoconferencing technology

Withear-Nel, N and de Villiers, C ‘Obstacles and opportunities for labour dispute resolution using videoconferencing technology’ (2024) 45.2 ILJ 663.

Water use rights

September-Van Huffel, ALThe evolving developmental role of the state as public trustee of South Africa’s natural resources and property’ (2024) 28 LDD 152.

Wills and estates

Du Toit, F ‘Testamentary rescue: Comparing condonation in South Africa with substantial compliance in Louisiana’ (2024) 87.3 THRHR 310.

Kathleen Kriel BTech (Journ) is the Production Editor at De Rebus.
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2024 (Sept) DR 44.

De Rebus