Recent articles and research

July 1st, 2016

By Meryl Federl

Accessing articles from publishers


Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at


 Abbreviation   Title   Publisher   Volume/Issue 
 CILJSA Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa Institute of Foreign and Comparative Law, Unisa  (2015) 48.3
 ESR Review ESR Review: Economic and Social Rights in South Africa Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape  (2015) 16.3
 ILJ Industrial Law Journal Juta  (2016) 37 April
 PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/ Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad North West University, Faculty of Law  (2016) 19
 SALJ South African Law Journal Juta  (2016) 133.2
 SLR  Stellenbosch Law Review Juta  (2016) 27.1
 THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedengdaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg LexisNexis  (2016) 79.1


Access to information

Adeleke, F and Ward, R ‘The interrelation between human rights norms and the right of access to information’ (2015) 16.3 ERS Review 7.

Alternative dispute resolution

Feehily, R ‘The certainty of settlement’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 25.

Feehily, R ‘The role of the lawyer in the commercial mediation process: A critical analysis of the legal and regulatory issues’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 352.

Animal law

Muir, A ‘Of fences, game and property – some unresolved issues of ownership of wild animals in South Africa’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 136.

Child law

Skosana, T and Ferreira, S ‘Step-parent adoption gone wrong: Turner v Turner (GJ) (unreported) case number 13040/2013 of 19 June 2015’ (2016) 19 PER.

Civil procedure

Uys, JF ‘Homologasie’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 129.

Company law

Esser, IM and Delport, PA ‘Shareholder protection philosophy in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 1.

Gerber, SC ‘Reckless trading and building contracts’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 121.

Lombard, M ‘Relief under s 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 – unscrambling the omelette – Omar v Inhouse Venue Technical Management (Pty) Ltd 2015 3 SA 146 (WCC)’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 133.

Constitutional law

Davis, DM ‘Separation of powers: Juristrocracy or democracy’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 258.

Ndima, DD ‘Conceiving African jurisprudence in a post-imperial society: The role of Ubuntu in constitutional adjudication’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 359.

Criminal law

Nkoane, P ‘The Prevention of Organised Crime Act: The proving of “Instrumentality” in cases of obscured use of intangible things’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 182.

Spies, A ‘Perpetuating harm: The sentencing of rape offenders under South African law’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 389.

Theophilopoulos, C and Tuson, S ‘Dissecting the dead in order to safeguard the living: Inquest reform in South Africa’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 161.

Data privacy law

Naude, A and Papadopoulos, S ‘Data protection in South Africa: The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 in light of recent international developments (1)’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 51.


Parker, J ‘Small comfort for bereaved children. A cautious response to loss of parental care claims – Minister of Police v Mboweni 2014 6 SA 256 (SCA)’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 146.

Zitzke, E ‘Realist evolutionary functionalism and extra-constitutional grounds for developing the common law of delict: A critical analysis of Heroldt v Wills 2013 2 SA 530 (GSJ)’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 103.

Education law

Liebenberg, S ‘Remedial principles and meaningful engagement in education rights disputes’ (2016) 19 PER.


Flemming, HCJQuare quo quattuor quotiens’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 30.

Family law

Epstein, CA and Zaal, FN ‘Financial compensation for vulnerable engagement-reliant cohabitees: The emergence of a problematic judicial approach’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 3.

Van der Linde, A ‘Whether trust assets form part of the joint estate of parties married in community of property: Comments on “piercing of the veneer” of a trust in divorce proceedings – WT v KT, 2015 3 SA 573 (SCA)’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 165.

Housing Law

Chilemba, EM ‘Evictions in South Africa during 2014 – an analytical narrative’ (2015) 16.3 ESR Review 3.

International criminal law

Dyani-Mhango, N ‘The Jus Cogens nature of the prohibition of sexual violence against women in armed conflicts and state responsibility’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 112.

Killander, M and Nyathi, M ‘Accountability for the Gukurahundi atrocities in Zimbabwe thirty years on: Prospects and challenges’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 463.

Kohn, L ‘The Bashir judgment raises the red flag for the rule of law and the judiciary’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 246.

International humanitarian law

Bosch, S and Kimble, M ‘A new way forward for the regulation of the private military and security industry’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 431.

International trade law

Brink, G and Van Heerden, C ‘The need for an International Trade Tribunal’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 409.

Shumba, T ‘Harmonising business laws in the Southern African Development Community (SADC): Should SADC member states join OHADA?’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 59.

Intestate succession

Smith, B ‘Intestate succession and surviving heterosexual partners using the jurist laboratory to resolve the ostensible impasse that exists after Volks and Robinson’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 284.

Islamic law

Salah, O and Rautenbach, C ‘Islamic finance: A corollary to legal pluralism or legal diversity in South Africa and the Netherlands?’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 488.

Labour law

Esitang, TG and Van Eck, S ‘Minority trade unions and the amendments to the LRA: Reflections on thresholds, democracy and ILO conventions’ (2016) 37 April ILJ 761.

Fourie, E ‘Exploring innovative solutions to extend social protection to vulnerable women workers in the informal economy’ (2016) 37 April ILJ 831.

Germishuys, W ‘An analysis of Edcon v Steenkamp with reference to its effect on the De Beers principle’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 38.

Henrico, R ‘Religious discrimination in the South Africa workplace: Regulated regimes and flexible adjudication’ (2016) 37 April ILJ 847.

Laubscher, T ‘Equal pay for work of equal value – a South African perspective’ (2016) 37 April ILJ 804.

Smit, D and Madikizela, S ‘A critical analysis of “absolution from the instance” in South African labour law with specific reference to the CCMA’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 85.

Smit, D ‘Labour law, the queen bee syndrome and workplace bullying: A contribution to the shattering of at least one glass ceiling for female employees’ (2016) 37 April ILJ 779.

Snyman, S ‘The principle of majoritarianism in the case of organisational rights for trade unions – is it necessary for stability in the workplace or simply a recipe for discord?’ (2016) 37 April ILJ 865.

Law of contract

Pretorius, CJ and Pretorius, JT ‘Failed suspensive conditions and the law of suretyship: Some basic principles – Firstrand Bank Ltd v Meyer, unreported case no 11996/2010 (WCC) of 19 October 2012’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 154.

Legal education

Fourie, E ‘Constitutional values, therapeutic jurisprudence and legal education in South Africa: Shaping our legal order’ (2016) 19 PER.

Legal ethics

Visser, JM and Van Zyl IV, CH ‘Legal ethics, rules of conduct, and the moral compass – considerations from a law student’s perspective’ (2016) 19 PER.

Medical law

Pienaar, L ‘Investigating the reasons behind the increase in medical negligence claims’ (2016) 19 PER.

Mining law

Humby, T ‘The community-preferent right to prospect or mine: Navigating the fault-lines of community, land, benefit and development in Bengwenyama II’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 316.

Pension law

Marumoagae, MC ‘Concern regarding the “debt” created by rule 14.10.9 of the Government Employees’ Pension Fund rules’ (2016) 19 PER.

Planning law

Coggin, T ‘Addressing spatial Apartheid: The law of nuisance and the transformative role of social utility and the right to the city’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 434.

Slade, B ‘Compensation for what? An analysis of the outcome in Arun Property Development (Pty) Ltd v Cape Town City (2016) 19 PER.

Van Wyk, J ‘Can legislative intervention achieve spatial justice?’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 381.

Van Wyk, J ‘Planning and Arun’s (not so straight and narrow) roads’ (2016) 19 PER.

Public contracts

Cachalia, R ‘Government contracts in South Africa: Constructing the framework’ (2016) 27.1 SLR 88.

Socio-economic rights

Beredugo, AJ and Viljoen, F ‘Towards a greater role and enhanced effectiveness of national Human Rights Commissions in advancing the domestic implementation of socioeconomic rights: Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda as case studies’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 401.

Durojaye, E ‘Bringing justice to the disadvantaged – a commentary on CESCR’s decision in IDG v Spain (Communication No. 2/2014)’ (2015) 16.3 ESR Review 10.

Sports law

Jackson, M ‘Crime and sport’ (2016) 133.2 SALJ 271.

Succession law

Schoeman-Malan, MC ‘The requirements and test to assess testamentary capacity (2)’ (2016) 79.1 THRHR 69.

Tax law

Oguttu, AW ‘Tax base erosion and profit shifting in Africa – part 1: What should Africa’s response be to the OECD BEPS Action Plan?’ (2015) 48.3 CILJSA 516.

Trade mark law

Alberts, W ‘“Frankly my dear …” – is trade mark infringement in films Gone with the Wind?’(2016) 133.2 SALJ 235.


Meryl Federl BA Higher Dipl Librarianship (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates library. E-mail:


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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2016 (July) DR 62.

De Rebus