Recent articles and research

July 22nd, 2016

By Meryl Federl

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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at



Journal title




Employment law

LexisNexis (2016) June


Litnet Akademies (Regte)

Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys (2016)


Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal / Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad

North West University, Faculty of Law

(2016) May

(2016) June

PLD Property Law Digest LexisNexis (2016) June
THRHR Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg LexisNexis (2016) 79.2
TSAR Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg Juta (2016) 2


Administrative law

Maree, PJH and Quinot, G ‘A decade and a half of deference (part 1)’ (2016) 2 TSAR 268.

Child law

Carter, EI and Boezaart, T ‘Article 13 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: Does the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 support access to justice for children with disabilities?’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 248.

Sloth-Nielsen, J and Ackermann, M ‘Unaccompanied and separated foreign children in the care system in the Western Cape – a socio-legal study’ (2016) June PER.

Church law

Van Coller, EH ‘Geloofsinstellings en die toepassing van die leerstuk van “nie-inmenging” en “marginale toetsing” deur die howe: ’n Resvergelykende perspektief’ (2016) 2 TSAR 205.

Company law

Du Toit, PG ‘Publisiteitsbevele as vonnisopsie vir regspersone’ (2016) June PER.

Constitutional law

Broekhuijse, I and Venter, R ‘Constitutional law from an emotional point of view: Considering regional and local interests in national decision-making’ (2016) 2 TSAR 236.

Kleyn, DG and Bekink, B ‘The mandament van spolie, the restitution of unlawful possession and the impact of the Constitution, 1996 – Ngqukumba v Minister of Safety and Security’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 308.

Rautenbach, IM ‘Overview of Constitutional Court judgments on the Bill of Rights – 2015’ (2016) 2 TSAR 294.

Contract law

Hawthorne, L ‘Rethinking the philosophical substructure of modern South African contract law: Self-actualisation and human dignity’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 286.

Credit law

Sonnekus, JC ‘Roekelose krediet en saaklike sekerheid – wat van die opgegronde verryking’ (2016) 2 TSAR 351.

Otto, JM ‘Die condictio ob turpem vel injustam causam en die Nasionale Kredietwet Chevron SA (Pty) Ltd v Wilson h/a Wilson’s Transport [2015] 10 BCLR 1158 (KH))’ (2016) 2 TSAR 369.

Criminal law

Botha, R and Van Rooyen, M ‘Dronkenskap as verweer in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg: ’n Sober benadering?’ (2016) LitNet.

De Villiers, WP ‘Does remand in custody by a court following an unlawful arrest render the subsequent detention lawful? Minister of Safety and Security v Tyokwana’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 302.

Stevens, P ‘Recent developments in sexual offences against children – a constitutional perspective’ (2016) May PER.

Watney, MNe bis in idem en prosedurele mistastings – Lelaka v The State (409/15) 2015 169 (26 Nov 2015)’ (2016) 2 TSAR 362.

Customary law

Bakker, P ‘The validity of a customary marriage under the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 with reference to sections 3(1)(b) and 7(6) – part 1’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 231.

Data protection

Naude, A and Papadopoulos, S ‘Data protection in South Africa: The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 in light of recent international developments (2)’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 213.


Scott, J ‘Die grense van middelike staatsaanspreeklikheid vir opsetsdelikte van polisiebeamptes Morudu v Minister of Safety and Security saak nr 35474/2002 (ongerapporteer) 5-08-2013; Minister of Safety and Security v Morudu (1084/13) 2015 ZASCA 91 (29 Mei 2015)’ (2016) 2 TSAR 332.

Environmental law

Watts, S ‘Protection of the African lion: A critical analysis of the current international legal regime’ (2016) May PER. Family law

De Jong, MUniversity of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services (South African Human Rights Commission as Amicus Curiae) – implications for the issuing of emoluments attachment orders in maintenance matters?’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 261.

Human rights

Rudman, A ‘The commission as a party before the court – reflections on the complementarity arrangement’ (2016) June PER.

Labour law

Geldenhuys, J ‘The reinstatement and compensation conundrum in South African labour law’ (2016) May PER.

Gregor, M ‘“Do you want a lover tonight?” Does this question constitute sexual harassment? – Simmers v Campbell Scientific Africa (Pty) Ltd; Campbell Scientific Africa (Pty) Ltd & A Simmers’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 322.

Grogan, J ‘Equal before the law – no escape from the state from section 197 of the LRA’ (2016) EL June 11.

Grogan, J ‘Misconduct on high – what if Zuma was a worker?’ (2016) EL June 14.

Grogan, J ‘Not invalid but unfair – consequences of non-compliance with section 189A of the LRA’ (2016) EL June 3.

Le Roux, R and Cohen, T ‘Understanding the limitations to the right to strike in essential and public services in the SADC region’ (2016) May PER.

Papacostantis, H and Mushariwa, M ‘The impact of minority status in the application of Affirmative Action: Naidoo v Minister of Safety and Security [2013] 5 BLLR 490 (LC)’ (2016) PER May.

Legal education

Fourie, E ‘Constitutional values, therapeutic jurisprudence and legal education in South Africa: Shaping our legal order’ (2016) May PER.

Property law

Botha, M ‘Illegally constructed buildings: Appeal court sows confusion regarding total or partial demolition order’ (2016) PLD June 2.

Botha, M ‘No fidelity fund certificate – no commission? The interaction between sections 26 and 34A of the Estate Agency Affairs Act (part 1)’ (2016) PLD June 2.

Nagel, CJ ‘The Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970, options to purchase and related matters’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 276.

Tuba, MD ‘The legal status of registered home owners’ association conditions – Willow Waters Homeowners Association (Pty) Ltd v Koka’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 339.

Van der Merwe, CG ‘How far are unanimous resolutions of a sectional title general meeting, in actual fact, unanimous? A critical analysis of the provisions of the Sectional Titles Act with regard to unanimous resolutions’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 177.

Van der Walt, AJ and Sono, NL ‘The law regarding inaedificatio: A constitutional analysis’ (2016) 79.2 THRHR 195.


Barrie, GN ‘Mandatory life sentence without parole for juveniles declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court of United States of America – effect retroactive or prospective? Miller v Alabama 132 US 2455 (2012)’ (2016) 2 TSAR 377.


Sonnekus JC ‘Intestate erfreg, terugwerking van a ongrondwetlik bevonde gemeentregtelike reel en ongegronde verryking’ (2016) 2 TSAR 312.

Trade law

Wethmar-Lemmer, M ‘The Vienna sale convention and party autonomy – article 6 revisited’ (2016) 2 TSAR 255.

Unjustified enrichment

Du Plessis, J ‘Determining the moment when enrichment liability is quantified:  The curious case of Paschke v Frans’ (2016) 2 TSAR 281.

Jooste, C and Schrage, E ‘Subsidiarity of the general action for unjust enrichment (part 2)’ (2016) 2 TSAR 220.


Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates library. E-mail:


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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2016 (Aug) DR 51.

De Rebus