Recent articles and research – March 2018

March 1st, 2018

By Meryl Federl

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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at


Abbreviation Title Publisher Volume/issue
Advocate Advocate Bar Council of South Africa (2017) December
AHRLJ African Human Rights Law Journal Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) (2017) 17.2
IPLJ South African Intellectual Property Law Journal Juta (2017) 5.1
Litnet LitNet Akademies (Regte) Trust vir Afrikaans Onderwys (2017) December
PER Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal North West University, Faculty of Law

(2017) December

(2018) January

SALJ South African Law Journal Juta (2017) 134.4
SAYIL South African Yearbook of International Law Juta (2016)
SJ Speculum Juris University of Fort Hare

(2016) 30.1

(2016) 30.2

SLJ Stellenbosch Law Review Juta (2017) 28.2


Access to information

Salau, AOThe right of access to information and national security in the African regional human rights system’ (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 367.

Administrative law

Van Coller, HGeloofsinstellings en die hersieningsbevoegdheid van die howe’ (2017) December LitNet.

Civil procedure

Broodryk, T ‘Strategic considerations in global litigation: Comparing judicial case management approaches in South Africa with the United States’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 379.

Company law

Thabane, T and Snyman-van Deventer, EPathological corporate governance deficiencies in South Africa’s state-owned companies: A critical reflection’ (2018) January PER.

Court administration

Rabkin, F ‘Court records a new tool for accountability’ (2017) December Advocate 57.

Constitutional law

Chitimira, H ‘Selected challenges and prospects of the Zimbabwe Constitution of 2013 in the protection of human rights and constitutional democracy in Zimbabwe’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 354.

Kibet, E and Fombad, CTransformative constitutionalism and the adjudication of constitutional rights in Africa (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 340.

Ntlama, NThe “Treadmill Approach” in South Africa’s constitutional adjudication process’ (2016) 30.1 SJ 32.

Credit law

Brits, RThe National Credit Act’s remedies for reckless credit in the mortgage context’ (2018) January PER.

Vessio, MSection 127 of the National Credit Act: A form of statutory repudiation – how it modifies the common law’ (2016) 30.1 SJ 67.

Criminal law

Bellengère, A ‘“We’ll teach you a lesson”: The role of the SCA as educator and disciplinarian – a note on S v Mashinini 2012 (1) SACR 604 (SCA) and S v MM 2012 (2) SACR 18 (SCA) with reference to S v Kolea 2013 (1) SACR 409 (SCA)’ (2016) 30.2 SJ 1.

Customary international law

Ozubide, A ‘How the use of force against non-state actors transformed the law of self-defence after 9/11’ (2016) SAYIL 1.


Okpaluba, C ‘Does “prosecution” in the law of malicious prosecution extend to malicious civil proceedings? A Commonwealth update (part 1)” (2017) 28.2 SLJ 402.

Education law

De Freitas, SA ‘The protection of public schools with a religious ethos in South Africa against the background of Zylberberg v Sudbury Board of Education’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 424.

Environmental rights

Bilchitz, D ‘Exploring the relationship between the environmental right in the South African Constitution and protection for the interests of animals’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 740.

Family law

Bonthuys, E ‘Has the time come to abolish or adapt the husband’s common-law right to his wife’s domestic services?’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 336.

Carnelley, MThe impact of the abolition of the third party delictual claim for adultery by the Constitutional Court in De v RH (CCT 182/14) [2015] ZACC 18’ (2016) 30.1 SJ 1.

Epstein, CA and Zaal, NEnd of the road for breach of promise claims? Cloete v Maritz 2013 (5) SA 448 (WCC) and Cloete v Maritz SAFLII [2014] ZAWCHC 10’ (2016) 30.1 SJ 80.

Housing law

Tshehla, BEviction in the rental housing sector in South Africa’ (2016) 30.2 SJ 39.

Human rights

Anifalaje, KImplementation of the right to social security in Nigeria’ (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 413.

Agbor, AAPursuing the right to an effective remedy for human rights violation(s) in Cameroon: The need for legislative reform’ (2017) December PER.

Botha, J ‘Towards a South African free-speech model’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 778.

Botha, J and Govindjee, A ‘Prohibition through confusion: Section 12 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 245.

De Villiers, I ‘Spatial justice, relationality and the right to family life: A discussion of Hattingh v Juta 2013 (3) SA 275 (CC)’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 487.

Gumboh, ECorrect but wrong: A critical analysis of recent jurisprudence on the proper test for release pending appeal applications in Malawi’ (2017)17.2 AHRLJ 436.

Khalil, AAThe direct application of the Constitution by ordinary courts and the concept of Shari’a as a source of legislation: A review of the Sudanese Supreme Court’s decision in Sudan Government v ASK (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 460.

Rukundo, S ‘Criminals or activists? Finding the space for hacktivism in Uganda’s legal framework’   (2017) 28.2 SLJ 508.

Humanitarian law

Fowkes, J ‘Armed conflicts and the Lex Specialis debate in Africa: Implications of the emerging women’s and children’s-rights regimes’ (2016) SAYIL 73.

Insurance law

Stander, AL and Kloppers, HJ ‘Verandering en verhoging van die risiko tydens die termyn van die versekeringskontrak’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 466.

Intellectual property

Alberts, W ‘The promotional use of a trade mark: Its potential to have significance’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 1.

Amechi, EP ‘Whose knowledge is it anyway? Traditional healers, benefit-sharing agreements and the communalism of traditional knowledge of the medicinal uses of plants in South Africa’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 847.

Du Bois, M ‘The appropriate scope of property rights in registered designs’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 34.

Hobololo, VA critical analysis on the right of university technology transfer offices to develop intellectual property policies: Reflections on the IPR Act’ (2016) 30.2 SJ 13.

Job, C ‘The value judgment conundrum: A critical review of recent trade mark appeal decisions’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 143.

Mujuzi, JD ‘Private prosecution of copyright infringements in Kenya: A comment on Albert Gacheru Kiarie t/a Wamaitu Productions v James Maina Munene & 7 others [2016] EKLR 1’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 172.

Mupangavanhu, Y ‘The protection of scent, taste and sound marks in South Africa: Threats and possibilities’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 33.

Nzomo, V and Rutenberg, I ‘Patenting the un-patentable: Lessons for African patent systems from a review of patent subject matter exclusions in Kenya’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 58.

Okojie, AE and Umoru, GL ‘Counterfeiting and piracy: Challenges to effective protection of intellectual property rights in Nigeria’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 115.

Olubiyi IA and Adam, KI ‘An examination of the adequacy of the regulation of collecting societies in Nigeria’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 89.

Shay, RMMoneyweb (Pty) Ltd v Media 24 Ltd & Another [2016] 3 All SA 193 (GJ); 2016 (4) SA 591 (GJ)’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 159.

Wrensch, JJ and Koornhof PGF ‘Video game modification in South Africa’ (2017) 5.1 IPLJ 75.

International criminal law

Barrie, G ‘A synopsis of the International Law Commission’s final report on the obligation to extradite or prosecute’ (2016) SAYIL 203.

International law

Lubaale, EC ‘The first cultural-property conviction at the ICC: An analysis of the Al Mahdi judgment’ (2016) SAYIL 126.

Lubbe, HJDemocratic Alliance v Minister of International Relations and Cooperation 2017 (3) SA 212 (GP)’ (2016) SAYIL 242.

Swanepoel, CFIs a permanent African Criminal Court likely soon considering the continent’s post-colonial response to international criminal justice?’ (2016) 30.1 SJ 15.

Swart, M and Ramsden, C ‘A shrewd awakening: The mobilisation of South African civil society in the Al Bashir matter’ (2016) SAYIL 215.

Tladi, D ‘Progressively developing and codifying international law: The work of the International Law Commission in its 68th session’ (2016) SAYIL 165.

International trade law

Oluyeju, O and Mafu, M ‘The African Growth and Opportunity Act: A poisoned chalice handed to South Africa?’ (2016) SAYIL 30.

Judicial officers

Diedericks, LThe employment status of magistrates in South Africa and the concept of judicial independence’ (2017) December PER.

Labour law

Calitz, K ‘The precarious employment position of ministers of religion: Servants of god but not of the church’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 287.

Ebrahim, SA critical analysis of the new equal pay provisions relating to atypical employees in sections 198A – 198D of the LRA: Important lessons from the United Kingdom’ (2017) December PER.

Ebrahim, SReviewing the suitability of affirmative action and the inherent requirements of the job as grounds of justification to equal pay claims in terms of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998’ (2018) January PER.

Gounden, S and Iyer, DProtecting Employees with HIV/Aids at the Workplace: A vicarious liability approach’ (2016) 30.2 SJ 57.

Pretorius, JL ‘The limitations of definitional reasoning regarding “quotas” and “absolute barriers” in affirmative action jurisprudence as illustrated by Solidarity v Department of Correctional Services’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 269.

Law of contract

McKerrow, RD ‘Agreements to negotiate: A contemporary analysis’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 308.

Law of trusts

Wood-Bodley, MC ‘Variation of the terms of a testamentary trust: Hanekom v Voight NO’ (2017) 134. 4 SALJ 728.

Legal education

Colgan, D; Domingo, W and Papacostantis, HChange to a skills-based LLB Curriculum: A qualitative study of participants in a family law course’ (2017) December PER.

Duminy SC, W ‘Learnings and writing observations on written advocacy. From Aristotle and Horace to Robert Louis Stevenson up to “Quack this way: David Foster Wallace & Bryan A. Garner talk language and writing”’ (2017) December Advocate 43.

Glasgow QC, E ‘South African advocacy training: An example to the rest of the world’ (2017) December Advocate 34.

Meiring, J ‘Advocacy training: There’s method in the madness’ (2017) December Advocate 30.

Legal profession

Williams, M ‘Lawyers to take up the vanguard against fake news?’ (2017) December Advocate 52.

Legal research

MacKenzie, P ‘If only geese still laid golden eggs (article on Saflii)’ (2017) December Advocate 53.

MacKenzie, P ‘Treasure trove many take for granted Saflii, the friendly local law library has been around for fifteen years’ (2017) December Advocate 55.

Maritime law

Vrancken, P ‘Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy and the law of the sea’ (2016) SAYIL 97.

Marriage law

Smith, BS ‘Perspectives on the juridical basis for taking (the value of) trust assets of alter-ego trusts into account for the purposes of accrual claims at divorce: REM v VM’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 715.

Personal injury law

Broodryk, T ‘Individual issues and the class-action mechanism: Determining damages in single-accident mass personal injury class actions’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 821.

Matlala, DMProblems of Serious Injury Assessment’ (2016) 30.1 SJ 44.

Prisons law

Peté, SAA disgrace to the master race: Colonial discourse surrounding the incarceration of “European” prisoners within the Colony of Natal towards the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries’ (2017) December PER.

Property law

Cramer, R ‘The abandonment of landownership in South African and Swiss law’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 870.

Ntsoane, LSThe registration of special notarial bonds under the Security by Means of Movable Property Act and the publicity principle: Lessons from developments in Belgium’ (2018) 21 January PER.

Viljoen, SM ‘Substantive adjudication of the decision to expropriate property’ (2017) 28.2 SLJ 444.

Reproductive rights

Savage-Oyekunle, OA and Nienaber, AAdolescents’ access to emergency contraception in Africa: An empty promise?’ (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 475.

Kangaude, GDAdolescent sex and “defilement” in Malawi law and society’ (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 527.

Ofuani, AI Protecting adolescent girls with intellectual disabilities from involuntary sterilisation in Nigeria: Lessons from the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (2017) 17.2 AHRLJ 550.

Tax law

Du Plessis, I ‘Can a trust be regarded as a person for purposes of a double-taxation agreement to which South Africa is a party?’ (2017) 134.4 SALJ 907.

Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:


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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2018 (March) DR 44.

De Rebus