By Meryl Federl
Accessing articles from publishers
Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation | Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
EL | Employment law | LexisNexis | (2017) 33.1 |
LitNet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys | (2017) March |
PER | Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad | North West University, Faculty of Law | (2017) March |
PLD | Property Law Digest | LexisNexis | (2017) 21.1 |
SACJ | South African Journal of Criminal Justice | Juta | (2016) 29.3 |
SALJ | South African Law Journal | Juta | (2017) 134.1 |
THRHR | Tydskrif vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg | LexisNexis | (2017) 80.1 |
Administrative action
Freund, D and Price, A ‘On the legal effects of unlawful administrative action’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 184.
Banking law
Tuba, MD ‘Lodhi 5 Properties Investments CC v FirstRand Bank Limited 2015 (3) All SA 32 (SCA) and the enforcement of Islamic Banking Law in South Africa’ (2017) March PER.
Black economic empowerment
Warikandwa, TV and Osode, PC ‘Regulating against business “fronting” to advance black economic empowerment in Zimbabwe: Lessons from South Africa’ (2017) March PER.
Child law
Clark, B ‘The shackled parent? Disputes over relocation by separating parents – is there a need for statutory guidelines?’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 80.
Van Loggerenberg, A ‘The tenability of the Constitutional Court’s arguments in support of the possible recognition of wrongful-life claims in South Africa’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 162.
Constitutional law
Wolf, L ‘The removal from office of a President: Reflections on s 89 of the Constitution’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 1.
Criminal law
Erasmus, D and Ndzengu, NC ‘A note on the introduction of the nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege or principle of legality in the South African asset forfeiture jurisprudence’ (2016) 29.3 SACJ 247.
Ongeso, JP ‘Corporate accountability in South Africa sharpening the role of criminal law’ (2016) 29.3 SACJ 225.
Spies, A ‘Substantive equality restorative justice and the sentencing of rape offenders’ (2016) 29.3 SACJ 273.
Company law
Botha, MM ‘Evaluating the social and ethics committee: Is labour the missing link?’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 1.
Selemale, ML ‘Signatures on company cheques in terms of the Companies Act of 2008’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 83.
Construction law
Maritz, MJ and Gerber, SC ‘Construction works: Defects liability: Before and after the issuing of the final completion certificate’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 27.
Contract law
Bhana, D ‘The implications of the right to equality in terms of the Constitution for the common law of contract’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 141.
Du Plessis, JE ‘Rethinking notification in the law of contract’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 113.
Credit law
Coetzee, H ‘Does the proposed pre-liquidation composition proffer a solution to the “No Income No Asset” debtor’s quandary and if not, what would?’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 18.
Otto, JM ‘The impact of the National Credit Act on consent to jurisdiction in terms of the Magistrates’ Courts Act University of Stellenbosch Legal Aid Clinic (Law Clinic) v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services; MBD Securitisation (Pty) Ltd v Booi’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 140.
Criminal law
De Villiers, W ‘Constitutional validity of s 11(1)(a) and (g) of the Drugs and Drug Trafficking Act’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 164.
Monyatakane, MMM and Monye, SM ‘The legal implications of S v Ndhlovu and Litako v S on the SA law of hearsay evidence: A critical overview’ (2016) 29.3 SACJ 308.
Health law
Slabbert, M ‘Pregnancy law: A burial or medical waste?’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 102.
International trade
Kelly-Louw, M ‘Must all the required documents for a demand guarantee be presented at the same time? Kristabel Developments (Pty) Ltd v Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Limited’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 148.
Insolvency law
Stander, AL and Kloppers, HJ ‘Die effek van sekwestratsie op huiswerkers en die bepaling van voordeel vir skuldeisers weer onder die loep’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 126.
Judicial processes
Gravett, WH ‘The myth of rationality: Cognitive biases and heuristics in judicial decision-making’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 53.
Labour law
Grogan, J ‘Demographic equity – Turning workers into cypher’ (2017) 33.1 EL 3.
Grogan, J ‘The nine lives of a COO – The SABC saga continues’ (2017) 33.1 EL 13.
Law of persons
Pickles, C ‘Feticide: Continuing the search for a unified approach to the unborn’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 44.
Legal philosophy
Raath, AWG ‘Regsfilosofiese kommentaar op politokratiese kommunitarisme en staatsowereriniteit’ (2017) 80.1 THRHR 62.
Procurement law
Sewpersadh, P and Mmubangizi, JC ‘Tender irregularity and corruption in South Africa the need to revisit issues of evidence’ (2016) 29.3 SACJ 292.
Property law
Botha, M ‘Revisiting the concepts of occupation and possession in a property transaction’ (2017) 21.1 PLD 7.
Ferreira, H ‘The imminent demise of historical debts – a note on the Jordaan case’ (2017) 21.1 PLD 5.
Maree, T ‘Which rules govern “old” schemes?’ (2017) 21.1 PLD 2.
Van der Walt, AJ and Dhliwayo, P ‘The notion of absolute and exclusive ownership: A doctrinal analysis’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 34.
Kloppers, D and Kloppers, H ‘Herstellende geregtigheid in gevalle van seksuele oortredings en die uitsprake van die hoogste Hof van Appèl in DPP v Thabethe en Seedat v S’ (2017) March LitNet.
Women’s rights
Couzens, M ‘The prosecution of female genital mutilation: A discussion of its implications for South Africa in the light of a recent Australian case’ (2017) 134.1 SALJ 116.
Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates library. E-mail:
This article was first published in De Rebus in 2017 (May) DR 56.
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