By Meryl Federl
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Please note that the below abbreviations are to be found in italics at the end of the title of articles and are there to give reference to the title of the journal the article is published in. To access the article, please contact the publisher directly. Where articles are available on an open access platform, articles will be hyperlinked on the De Rebus website at |
Abbreviation |
Title | Publisher | Volume/issue |
AHRLJ | African Human Rights Law Journal | Pretoria University Law Press | (2017) 17.1 |
DJ | De Jure | Pretoria University Law Press | (2017) 50.1 |
CCR | Constitutional Court Review | Juta | (2017) Vol VI |
Litnet | LitNet Akademies (Regte) | Trust vir Afrikaanse Onderwys |
(2017) July
Faculty of Law, Nelson Mandela University | (2017) 38.1 |
Potchefstroom Electronic Journal |
Faculty of Law, University of North West | (2017) July |
SACJ | South African Journal of Criminal Justice | Juta | (2017) 30.1 |
Administrative law
Mathenjwa, MJ ‘Judicial review of decisions of disciplinary tribunals of voluntary association: The post-1994 interpretation’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 1.
Business and human rights
Adeola, R ‘The responsibility of businesses to prevent development-induced displacement in Africa’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 245.
Child law
Karels, M ‘Financial liability and child offenders in South Africa’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 74.
Civil practice
Bekker, T ‘The late amendment of pleadings – time for a new approach? Randa v Radopile Projects CC 2012 (6) SA 128 (GSJ)’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 181.
Class actions
Hurter, E ‘Opting in or opting out in class action proceedings: From principles to pragmatism?’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 60.
Jephson, G ‘A false start in the development of class action law: Mukaddam and Others v Pioneer Food (Pty) Ltd and Others’ (2017) VI CCR 286.
Constitutional law
Borgström, D and Naidoo, UK ‘Playing with power: The competing competencies of provincial and local government’ (2017) VI CCR 57.
Botha, J ‘The state of parliamentary free speech: Democratic Alliance v Speaker of the National Assembly 2016 (3) SA 487 (CC)’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 193.
Finn, M ‘AllPay Remedy: Dissecting the Constitutional Court’s approach to Organs of State’ (2017) VI CCR 258.
De Visser, J and Steytler, N ‘Confronting the state of local government: The 2013 Constitutional Court decisions’ (2017) VI CCR 1.
Klaasen, A ‘Constitutional interpretation in the so-called “hard cases”: Revisiting S v Makwanyane’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 1.
Kummeling, H ‘Britannia Beach and Lagoonbay: The Constitutional Court in muddy waters? Some comparative reflections on the benefits of an active judiciary’ (2017) VI CCR 24.
Ntliziywana, P ‘Adding injury to insult: Intrusive laws on top of a weak system’ (2017) VI CCR 32.
Okpaluba, C and Mhango, M ‘Between separation of powers and justiciability: Rationalising the Constitutional Court’s judgment in the Gauteng E-tolling litigation in South Africa’ (2017) 21 LDD 1.
Price, A ‘Search and seizure without warrant’ (2017) VI CCR 245.
Wolf, L ‘The remedial action of the “State of Capture” Report in perspective’ (2017) PER July.
Company law
Esser, IM and Delport, P ‘The protection of stakeholders: The South African social and ethics committee and the United Kingdom’s enlightened shareholder value approach: Part 1’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 97.
Subramanien, D ‘Ground-breaking judgment as court clarifies the procedural requirements in section 129 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Panamo Properties v Nel NNO 2015 (5) SA 63 (SCA)’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 210.
Competition law
Munyai, PS ‘Claims for damages arising from conduct prohibited under the Competition Act, 1998’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 18.
Consumer law
Sibanda, O ‘The ramifications of the Appellate Body Ruling in United States – measures affecting the production and sale of clove cigarettes on consumer protection measures at international trade level’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 156.
Criminal law
Botha, R ‘Putatiewe noodweer as verweer in die Suid-Afrikaanse strafreg: ’n Kritiese oorsig van die onseker pad tot by Pistorius en daarná’ (2017) July LitNet.
Du Toit, A ‘Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another v Masingili and Others’ (2017) VI CCR 273.
Kavuro, C ‘Gacaca courts, reconciliation and the politics of apology in post-genocide Rwanda’ (2017) 30.1 SACJ 38.
Khumalo, K ‘Towards resuscitating the ailing public violence jurisprudence – lessons from history’ (2017) 30.1 SACJ 23.
Okpaluba, C ‘The end of the search for a fifth jurisdictional fact on arrest on reasonable suspicion: A review of contemporary developments’ (2017) 30.1 SACJ 1.
Pete, SA ‘The end of the honeymoon: Penal discourse and the human rights of prisoners in the aftermath of South Africa’s second democratic election – part 2’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 49.
Customary law
Bekker, JC and Buchner-Eveleigh, M ‘The legal character of ancillary customary marriages’ (2017) 50 1 DJ 80.
Claassens, A and Budlender, G ‘Transformative constitutionalism and customary law’ (2017) VI CCR 75.
Ndima, DD ‘The shape and content of post-Apartheid African law: Academic scholars in conversation’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 15.
Nhlapo, T ‘Homicide in traditional African societies: Customary law and the question of accountability’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 1.
Mwambene, L ‘The essence vindicated? Courts and customary marriages in South Africa’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 35.
O’Regan, K ‘Tradition and modernity: Adjudicating a constitutional paradox’ (2017) VI CCR 105.
Ozoemena, R ‘Living customary law: A truly transformative tool?’ (2017) VI CCR 147.
Wicomb, W ‘The exceptionalism and identity of customary law under the Constitution’ (2017) VI CCR 127.
Education law
Fredman, S ‘Procedure or principle: The role of adjudication in achieving the right to education’ (2017) VI CCR 165.
Mugume, T ‘Higher education access in South Africa for students with criminal records’ (2017) 21 LDD 25.
Van Leeve, Y ‘Executive heavy handedness and the right to basic education – A reply to Sandra Fredman’ (2017) VI CCR 199.
Family law
Marumoagae, C ‘“Protecting” assets through a discretionary trust in anticipation of divorce’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 34.
Van Niekerk, C ‘When a relationship has reached its expiration date, does the same apply to the embryos under South African law?’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 165.
Human rights
Basson, Y ‘State obligations in international law related to the right to an adequate standard of living for persons with disabilities’ (2017) 21 LDD 68.
Gyurácz, V ‘Domestic servitude and ritual slavery in West Africa from a human rights perspective’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 89.
Jones, A ‘Form over substance: The African Court’s restrictive approach to NGO standing in the SERAP Advisory Opinion’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 321.
Kondo, T ‘Socio-economic rights in Zimbabwe: Trends and emerging jurisprudence’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 163.
Mswela, M ‘Violent attacks against persons with albinism in South Africa: A human rights perspective’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 114.
Ntlama, N ‘The foundations of “peace” as a value for the promotion of human rights in Africa’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 55.
Nyarko, MG and Jegede, AO ‘Human rights developments in the African Union during 2016’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 295.
Oduwole, J and Akintayo, A ‘The rights to life, health and development: The Ebola virus and Nigeria’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 194.
Okpaluba, C ‘Establishing state liability for personal liberty violations arising from arrest, detention and malicious prosecution in Lesotho’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 134.
Small, A ‘An unintended legacy: Kwame Nkrumah and the domestication of national self-determination in Africa’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 68.
Insolvency law
Meheret, T ‘An appraisal of the Ethiopian bankruptcy regime’ (2017) 50 1 DJ 111.
Insurance law
Huneberg, S ‘Preventative measures of insurers against insurance fraud with particular regard to motor insurance’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 148.
International criminal law
Asaala, EO ‘Rule of law or realpolitik? The role of the United Nations Security Council in the International Criminal Court processes in Africa’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 266.
Labour law
Devenish, G ‘A great triumph par excellence for non-racism in our jurisprudence: Solidarity v Department of Correctional Services 2016 (5) SA 594 (CC)’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 222.
Law of evidence
Bekink, M ‘Minister of Police v M 2017 38 IJL 402 (LC)’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 186.
Law of succession
Schoeman-Malan, L ‘Comparative analysis of commorientes – a South African perspective: Part 1’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 36.
Legal education
Snyman-Van Deventer, E and Swanepoel, CF (Neels) ‘Teaching the theory and skills of legal ethics to South African LLB students’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 127.
Pension law
Marumoagae, C ‘Recognition of the concept of Contempt of “Determination” of the Pension Fund Adjudicator’s Determination: A missed opportunity – with particular reference to Mantsho v Managing Director of the Municipal Employee Pension Fund and Others (37226/14) [2015] ZAGPPHC 408 (26 June 2015)’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 175.
Property law
Njotini, M ‘Examining the “objects of property rights” – lessons from the Roman, Germanic and Dutch legal history’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 136.
Public international law
Woolaver, H ‘Domestic enforcement of international judicial decisions against foreign states in South Africa: Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe v Fick’ (2017) VI CCR 217.
Refugee law
Addaney, M ‘A step forward in the protection of urban refugees: The legal protection of the rights of urban refugees in Uganda’ (2017) 17.1 AHRLJ 219.
Nanima, RD ‘An evaluation of Kenya’s parallel legal regime on refugees, and the courts’ guarantee of their rights’ (2017) 21 LDD 42.
Social security
Seema, R ‘Social security survivors’ benefits in South Africa: Towards legislative reform concerning posthumously conceived children’ (2017) 38.1 Obiter 89.
Suretyship law
Kawadza, H ‘Reconsidering “emotionally transmitted debt” in Zimbabwe and proposals for the reform of surety law based on English and South African experiences’ (2017) 50.1 DJ 194.
Meryl Federl BA HDip Lib (Wits) is an archivist at the Johannesburg Society of Advocates Library. E-mail:
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This article was first published in De Rebus in 2017 (Oct) DR 41.
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