Register to draft free wills during National Wills Week: 15 to 19 September 2014

June 1st, 2014

By Barbara Whittle

The deadline for attorneys wishing to participate in this year’s National Wills Week is 20 June 2014. Online registration can be done on the LSSA website at Alternatively, practitioners can contact their provincial law society for a registration form.

This year’s National Wills Week will be held from 15 to 19 September.  Participating attorneys will be provided with free posters and flyers to publicise the firm’s participation. Provision is made on the posters and flyers for the firm’s contact details. PDF versions of posters and flyers can be provided so that the firm can use these electronically (e-mail

Firms will be listed as participating firms at the provincial law society as well as on the database of participating firms on the LSSA website.

A national media campaign will be launched early in August. All media and publicity material will invite members of the public to consult the LSSA/provincial law societies’ websites or call the relevant provincial law society for the contact details of participating firms. In addition, parastatals, companies, municipalities or public libraries wishing to arrange special will-drafting services for their members or staff will be given the list of participating firms in their areas.

What is expected from participating attorneys?

  • Basic wills will be drawn up free of charge.
  • Attorneys should provide an explanation of the importance of having a properly and professionally drafted will to the client.
  • Attorneys may not insist that they are appointed as the executor of the estate.
  • Attorneys must give the client a copy of his or her will.
  • Interviews with clients can be conducted at the attorney’s offices.
  • Attorneys will not be expected to redraft or amend existing wills for free, nor will they be expected to draft complex wills involving trusts, etcetera.
  • A ‘Drafting a basic will: Step-by-step checklist’ is available from the LSSA. E-mail:

Barbara Whittle, Communication Manager, Law Society of South Africa, e-mail:

This article was first published in De Rebus in 2014 (June) DR 13.


De Rebus