By Kgomotso Ramotsho
SCA successfully holds court proceeding via online video platformSCA successfully holds court proceeding via online video platform In the matter of Roux NO and Others v Botha (Jnr) NO and Others (WCC) (unreported case no 427/2019), five SCA judges heard the case while they were all at home, practicing social distancing.
Aligned with the regulations of the national state of disaster due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Judge President of the SCA, Mandisa Maya, ordered that no appeal cases will be filed in the SCA during May 2020 and no cases will be heard in the ‘traditional way’, however, matters will be heard through an online video platform. The Bench held the proceedings using Microsoft Teams, with the advocates and attorneys on the matter and the clients following the proceedings on Microsoft Teams as well. All advocates and judges were dressed in their court attire.
The case was argued from 10:00am and later the proceedings were adjourned so that the various advocates and attorneys could discuss the matter and make further decisions. Proceedings ended with the matter being postponed indefinitely to allow parties to pick out one technical aspect for agreement. The judges on the Bench for the matter were –
Kgomotso Ramotsho Cert Journ (Boston) Cert Photography (Vega) is the news reporter at De Rebus.